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Thaksin Sets Off Weekly Meet With Press


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PM sets off weekly meet with press

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra today kicked off a weekly 'Meet the Press' attended by almost 100 members of the media, domestic and foreign. Most questions touched on southern border province problems and the emergency decree designed to solve them.

During his 45-minute press conference--broadcast live by TV Channel 11 of the Public Relations Department--the prime minister raised signals to react to reporters' questions. A circle was raised if the question was considered constructive and a cross was shown if the question was viewed as non-constructive.

Mr. Thaksin said his 'Meet the Press' will be held every Thursday and that there will be no more daily conferences, except to make statements on urgent issues. He suggested that reporters turn to deputy prime ministers or other members of his cabinet for answers to their questions.

Touching on the southern provinces and the emergency decree, the prime minister said that the media should study the contents of the decree in a more scrupulous fashion and advised that they themselves spend a night in the troubled area to see how the authorities are performing under the controversial decree.

Mr. Thaksin reconfirmed that the outcome of the emergency rule is to be evaluated at three-month intervals and suggested those who may have been mistreated by the authorities file lawsuits for damage compensation with the Civil Court, though they are not legally allowed to do so with the Administrative Court.

--TNA 2005-08-25

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Sitting on the 7-45 am chu chu from Sparrow fart to Moorgate junction I am always interested as to what our so call quality newspapers might come up with on a rather downcast morning in the middle of August that would keep us all up to speed with the latest critical news and world shattering developments from LOS and wot do we get....... :o

Thailand's prime minister is searching for the cabinet colleague who has had a silicone injection to enlarge his penis. :D

"Who did it? Tell me," Mr Thaksin was quoted

This news went round the world. ......BIG NEWS ..innit...and round the world...whoaa

I don't want people to think cabinet members are obsessed with this kind of thing..............course NOT.. :D

Mr Thaksin then suggested that his public health minister make inquiries.

"The next room is empty," he told him. "Can you use it to check all the ministers ........wotsits........right now :D

know that you have probabally had this all week but we have a bank hol coming up.. :D Luv it... doncha


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Today I saw his press conference on TV and there were two foreign press with questions in English about the south. The only answer I could decipher from Thaksin's English was, "Stay in the south for more than one month and you will have a better idea." That had me clapping. I am a Thaksin supporter. I've been contemplating donating 5,000 baht.

Tyree raak Thai!

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Thaksin surprises reporters with X sign

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra today (Thursday) surprised reporters by raising a sign to show that a question asked by one of them was "unconstructive".

The prime minister was taking a stand to answer reporters' questions during his first "Meet the Press" session at Government held by the new government spokesman, Surapong Suebwonglee.

A reporter asked Thaksin whether there were foreign terrorists taking part in the terror campaigns in the deep South.

Thaksin pressed the buzzer and raised the X mark sign and said the question was unconstructive and refused to answer.

Several reporters laughed but the reporter, who asked the question, gave Thaksin an applause.

At one moment, Thaksin also pressed the buzzer and raised an O sign when a reporter asked about short-term measures for dealing with rising oil prices.

"It's constructive question," the prime minister said.

After the press session, Thaksin told reporters that his son, Panthongtae Shinawatra, bought the signs and buzzer from Japan so he borrowed the equipment "to play with media so that they would not be too serious".

"I don't want reporters to be too serious," Thaksin said.

About 100 reporters from various agencies, including senior journalists and some editors, showed up for the session.

Thaksin opened the session by saying he would meet the media once a week on Thursdays.

He said that from now on he would refrain from making comment on other days so that reporters would have questions to ask him on Thursdays.

"For non-urgent issues, please ask ministers in charge so that I could speak only once a week," Thaksin said.

--The Nation 2005-08-26

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"I don't want reporters to be too serious," Thaksin said.

:o suggested quote of the day... :D

With the plethora of problems facing this nation, it's far better that journalists NOT ask serious questions so that the public could possibly be informed by their leader in a factual, straight-forward manner.



This results in the stories similar to the one Rinrada pointed out.

btw, it seems to me that the "X'd"-out question was entirely legitimate and worthy of a serious response.

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Let's see how well Thai reporters respond to this training. Id they are slow, Taksin might introduce bananas.

Is there any chance they bring their own signs? "Misleading answer", "Irrelevant answer" etc.

Word is out that for the next Meet The Press, he's doing away with the "X" and "O" signs, and will have only the one sign below to respond to reporter's questions:


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Is it only me or anyone else thinks that Mr. T has lost all sense of reality? His "idiosyncrasy" is becoming more and more amusing. Can anyone actually dare to tell him not to make an ass of himself on TV? What if he doesn't get it by himself???

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Is it only me or anyone else thinks that Mr. T has lost all sense of reality? His "idiosyncrasy"  is becoming more and more amusing. Can anyone actually dare to tell him not to make an ass of himself on TV? What if he doesn't get it by himself???

It is not just you Plus - I think he is a walking, living example of the saying "power corrupts - absolute power corrupts absolutely". Probably a result of being surrounded with people constantly telling him how great he is.

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Isn't that impolite to use when you're not driving? :o

No, not impolite at all... just like he got the first set of signs from his son, some alumni friends of his from America gave it to him and convinced him that it means:


as in "next question, please"

Unfortunate update:

It has been reported that after dropping off the sign with their alumni buddy, one of the Americans began laughing so hard, he fell down and began choking violently and had to be taken to the local hospital for treatment.

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Is it only me or anyone else thinks that Mr. T has lost all sense of reality? His "idiosyncrasy"  is becoming more and more amusing. Can anyone actually dare to tell him not to make an ass of himself on TV? What if he doesn't get it by himself???

reminds one very much of "The Emperor's New Clothes"


just waiting for him to parade down the street naked.. :o

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I've read somewhere that Taksin The Great who established Thai capital in Tonburi after Burmese sacked Ayutthaya became insane in later years and was "disposed off" after being caught trying to levitate.

I don't know how much truth in this, but it could make an interesting case of "history repeats itself".

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Journalists blast Thaksin’s signboard shenanigans

BANGKOK: -- Media groups yesterday condemned Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra for rating journalists on their questions by using hand-held signs during his formal weekly press conference on Thursday.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expressed concern at the news of Thaksin ridiculing journalists for their questions.

When a journalist from Krungthep Turakij asked a question that Thaksin deemed “unconstructive”, he raised a sign with a blue cross on it and ridiculed him. When a female reporter asked a question he approved of, he held up a sign with a red zero on it and deemed it “constructive”.

“The stunt pulled by the prime minister was designed to ridicule and intimidate the media into asking questions favourable to him,” said IFJ president Christopher Warren.

The IFJ represents over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries. The Press Council of Thailand, meanwhile, yesterday issued a statement criticising Thaksin’s acts as “inappropriate and in contempt to the media institution”.

Pongsak Payakvichien, the council’s president, said the PM had the right to judge any questions from reporters but he should have kept it to himself. “The international community may view our country in a bad light,” he said.

Patra Kampitak, vice president of the Thai Journalists Association, said it appeared the prime minister was trying to discredit certain media with his stunt.

Thaksin yesterday expressed surprise that reporters declined to use the “meet-the-press” session to ask about a Bt780-million plan to build two more buildings in the Government House compound.

“I anticipated questions about the Government House improvement plan. I would have mentioned that a newspaper called it the White House. It was the same paper that reported about Air Force One,” Thaksin said.

“It looks like they want to make me the president.”

Citing a shortage of space, the government plans to build two buildings on the existing premises to house a large conference room, offices for the prime minister, his seven deputies, and their advisers and aides. The plan has been slammed as a luxury during difficult economic times.

The government was also criticised for wasting money last year on the purchase of a Bt1-billion Airbus aircraft equipped with extra furniture and fittings. Dubbed “Air Force One” by the media, the plane arrived in August last year without official comment from the government.

The Nation covered the two developments, along with a number of other newspapers.

Thaksin also insisted he bore no ill will against the Krungthep Turakij journalist whose questions he deemed to be “unconstructive”.

The prime minister said he merely meant to deal with a stressful situation in a light-hearted way.

--The Nation 2005-08-27

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I like it...there have been a couple of hilarious interchanges in Thei politics this year.

Taksin's "game show" is something we've all probably waned to do at some time -- with the boss or other annoying other people. "Beeep" -- stupid question -- "you're disqualified."

A person of the highest stature in Thailand gave a speech this year in which he likened Taksin to one of those cartoon characters who has a new idea and a light bulb appears over his head. In Taksin's case, he said, it is a satelite dish. The PM does seem to have "a new idea" every 15 minute or so.

Then there was a recent cabinet meeting in which allegations were made that a cabinet member had recently undergone penis enlargement surgery, thereby "setting a bad example." No one was named, but one member suggested they all drop trousers and set who it was.

And who said Thais are always reluctant to be direct?

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ treading on very thin ice there. King Taksin is Royalty and is highly venerated and respected by the Thai people and the Nation of Thailand... insinuations and comments of this type are


I think this is a bit farfetched! King Thaksin is no member of the present dynasty to start with. Further what was mentioned are not insunuations but historical facts that can easily be found on the Internet! Depending on the source (Thai or not Thai) the portion of truth is smaller or larger, as the Thai tend to hide their less pleasant historical facts. Like it sounds much better to say "after King Taksin died" than "after King Taksin was declared insame and executed in the royal manner"

But then I do not wish on the PM Thaksin to be "disposed off" as King Taksin was: chained and tied put in a silk bag and then beaten to death with sandelwood sticks . . . as no royal blood should touch the earth. Most long reigning monarchies had often ages ago a rather unpleasant or even dirty start, Thailand is no exception! But that does not say or indicates anything after all those hundreds of years of the present representatives of such families. In my opinion no lese majeste here at all!

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ treading on very thin ice there. King Taksin is Royalty and is highly venerated and respected by the Thai people and the Nation of Thailand... insinuations and comments of this type are


No lese majeste because it is a published, historical fact. We cannot discuss recent history.

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PM urged by journalists to be more constructive

BANGKOK: -- Media organizations have said that Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra should not discredit journalists and be more constructive in his future formal press conferences.

The media organizations expressed frustration with the prime minister for rating journalists on their questions by using hand-held signs during his formal weekly press conference which began Thursday.

Speaking after a meeting with advisors and committee members of the Press Council of Thailand (PCT) yesterday, Pongsak Payakvichien, President of the council, said the meeting unanimously agreed that although the prime minister might not have intended to discredit certain journalists, he should have shown a more constructive attitude.

The prime minister should have kept to himself his reaction to questions posed by journalists regarding whether they were constructive or destructive and should not have used signs.

The international community may now view Thailand as having low standards for press conferences.

Patra Kampitak, Vice President of the Thai Journalists Association, said the attitude of the prime minister was inappropriate and should improve.

Although he may not have had an intention to discredit the dignity of journalists, that was the picture that came out as his manner interpreted it to outsiders, said Mr. Patra.

The prime minister should in the future be more positive for the benefit of the public.

In refuting charges by the media groups, Mr. Thaksin said today his reason for using hand-held signs and a buzzer on his first formal press conference was aimed at reducing tension.

"The reason of using the signs which are used in Japanese gameshows is simply meant for reducing tension between the government and the media and to create fun during the press conference," the prime minister said during his weekly radio address Saturday morning.

Some newspaper columnists or journalist associations failed to be humorous and probably were too serious in their lives and believed that it was improper to use such things during a press conference, he said.

During the press conference on Thursday, Mr. Thaksin used two small signs and a buzzer when asked questions he deemed either inappropriate or constructive.

Favorable questions received a red circle from the prime minister.

"Everybody has a right to express his or her opinion," said Mr. Thaksin, adding that he actually wanted to tell people that we lived together in a society and we should rather be constructive towards the society.

"Questions that would tarnish the country's image or those played up to make the issues more internationalized should not be asked," he said.

He said his press conference every Thursday would continue, but not on next week because he will be in Japan.

--TNA 2005-08-27

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Thanks to everyone for expressing their opinions on me mentioning King Taksin. Thanks to Sriracha John for reminding me to be careful when mentioning royalty.

The point still stays, though. King Taksin achieved greatness by reestablishing the Kingdom of Siam after Burmese invasion yet he succumbed to a medical condition later in life. Hundreds years later, the PM Taksin is striving for greatness while displaying some warning traits of a person losing the touch with reality.

There are many similarities - Siam was sacked by Burmese, Thailand was devastated by IMF, King Taksin resurrected the Kingdom, PM Taksin jumped on the chance to declare "independence from IMF", King Taksin started new era, PM Taksin changed Thai politics forever.

Will the PM keep his sanity? Any more toys during official press conferences and the doctors will have to be called in, or at least be on standby.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ treading on very thin ice there. King Taksin is Royalty and is highly venerated and respected by the Thai people and the Nation of Thailand... insinuations and comments of this type are


I think this is a bit farfetched! King Thaksin is no member of the present dynasty to start with. Further what was mentioned are not insunuations but historical facts that can easily be found on the Internet! Depending on the source (Thai or not Thai) the portion of truth is smaller or larger, as the Thai tend to hide their less pleasant historical facts. Like it sounds much better to say "after King Taksin died" than "after King Taksin was declared insame and executed in the royal manner"

But then I do not wish on the PM Thaksin to be "disposed off" as King Taksin was: chained and tied put in a silk bag and then beaten to death with sandelwood sticks . . . as no royal blood should touch the earth. Most long reigning monarchies had often ages ago a rather unpleasant or even dirty start, Thailand is no exception! But that does not say or indicates anything after all those hundreds of years of the present representatives of such families. In my opinion no lese majeste here at all!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ treading on very thin ice there. King Taksin is Royalty and is highly venerated and respected by the Thai people and the Nation of Thailand... insinuations and comments of this type are


No lese majeste because it is a published, historical fact. We cannot discuss recent history.

Sorry, but just to clarify. I wasn't suggesting this was a case of lese majeste. If I thought that, I wouldn't have posted a routine reply, but instead would have immediately PM the Admin to get it pulled down ASAP.

If you read what I wrote, it still stands. He DID bring Thailand back to the Thais and he IS highly revered by the Thai people for doing so, hence the title King Taksin the Great. One only needs to see one of several memorials dedicated to him to see the degree they do. I stand by my remarks that insinuations about the negative side of his history are ill-advised. We should respect the postive side of his history the same as Thai people do...


p.s. for Plus.... Taksin and Thaksin are different names, spelled and pronounced differently in Thai and English transliteration.. :D

one is highly respected.... the other is.... well, uhmm.... hmm... the other is Thaksin.

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What happened more than two centuries ago is hard to know with clarity. As we know, victors write history...

King Taksin the Great was indeed that, though, a great warrior and fascinating character. He not other drove the Burmese from Central Thailand, but also with the help of Gawaila, a warrior prince from Lampang, drove them out of Chiang Mai.

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I stand by my remarks that insinuations about the negative side of his history are ill-advised. We should respect the postive side of his history the same as Thai people do...  :o
What a nonsens remark to suggest "only to mention the positive sites" ... that is falsification of history a popular past time for some regimes which are or were in general not that popular or highly respected! What you suggest would make everybody a saint! Well the truth is no one is a saint, especially not the ones in power!

Comparing Thaksin the PM with Taksin the former king is anyway quite interesting. Both perform(ed) for the benefit of themselves and their allies, neither did it really for the benefit of the common people. No king ever conquered a land for others but himself! One of the reasons king Taksin fell by the way was due to his cruelty, is there a comparison too?

As we know, victors write history...

"History is written by the victors" hence inaccurate or modified? No! Real history is studied from all kind of different sources and commented by different scholars, only then a balanced picture of the events can be made. Thaksin the PM tries to shut up the media (except his own) and avoid anything that might cause a problem for him and his interests. He is more or less changing history in advance while he is living! The choice of the O and X signs shows however that he lacks the intelligence for that task!

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@ Sangsom

Thanks for your post! Spot on!!!

Feels good to read a post like that in comparison to some posters who obviously stayed in this country to long and actually lost their bearing of what is acceptable in a ,well, so called democratic country.


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