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Dirty Western Parents!


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Double Post (Bkk Section) but still having visions!!!!

Thanks a million, I am still in SHOCK!

Come-on parents of young kids, you wouldn't chuck your dirty nappies on the floor at home …. Why here? Nice one!

Sat in my local pub tonight (Pedestrian road with bars and seated food stalls on both sides of the road) with the two local Soi Dogs at my feet (known for several years), well happy and talking to a friend when……. <deleted>… people in the food stalls opposite are gagging, people in front are moving tables and what do I see…. My two well cared for Soi Dogs playing tug of war, rolling around and EATING a well full with smooth peanut butter Huggies Nappy!!! My mate had to leg it to the bog, I nearly threw up, but to make matters worse (once the dogs owner had put her head out of her stall and split them up) they both came trotting back to me well chuffed with each other and tried to settle down. Jesus… they still had baby s**t all over their noses, paws etc…. they then trotted across the road to the food stalls……

Anyway, back to my rant……'parents dumping their dirty nappies', <deleted>, in a tourist area… thanks again……. Please come back !!!!!

You would have loved the "Run away from the dog show (done by the whole Soi)" as we would of all have loved to give you your Nappy back!!!!

Please come back!!!!

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Did you see the parents who dropped the nappy?

Good question.

Is it possible that the dogs dragged the nappie out of a waste bin or from a room in the bar?

My dogs at home are forever bringing things into the house that they find in our garden, dead mice, dead rats, birds that they have killed and even items that my GF throws in the trashbin sometimes.

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The issue is not with the parents, the issue is with dogs, which are filthy animals. On this occastion you may have seen what they've been up to. Just think what dogs do and eat when you're not paying attention. They're pretty much large rats.

Edited by CheGuava
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The issue is not with the parents, the issue is with dogs, which are filthy animals. On this occastion you may have seen what they've been up to. Just think what dogs do and eat when you're not paying attention. They're pretty much large rats.

Tend to agree that the street dogs eat anything, crap included and then nose around humans. As for the OP's western, a little presumptuous hmmmm. :huh:

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Back in the day, another life, I was married, twin babies and two Jack Russell, Oh yes! The dogs while in the garden ripped the garbage bags open; I learnt something that day……. Used nappies are as attractive to a dog as curry is to a piss head!

It looked like it had been snowing, the nappies had been well and truly ripped up and there was cotton wool everywhere. The dog’s had it stuck to their faces; they looked like they were sporting beards, (one was a very fetching goatee) full on side boards (mutton chops) one even had a mono eye brow! I thought it was very funny…..That was until I had to go and pick up the fall out (cotton wool) as for feeling sick, why? I wasn’t eating it, and they did seem to enjoy it, apparently it’s still full of vitamin and good stuff when it drops out of a baby. However I will not be whipping out my racing spoon when I see a weighted nappy.

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our female boxer went as far as cleaning up the baby too...... dogs luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvv used nappies, used snotty tissues (lilee will do anything to get to one, when she hears someone blowing their nose, she comes running) and used feminine stuff (dogs raid the bathroom trash can)...

anyhow, could be worse. they could do a quick perfume roll in some roadkill. that really takes the cake....... :bah: there was a period of about a week when my two little slipper type dogs used to disappear to the entrance to the kibbutz and come back reeking. i followed and found they were rollling their wonderful lhasa fur in dead jackal that had been hit by a car and the county had yet to pick up the corpse. disgusting is not even the word ... makes baby poo the chanel #5 of the doggy world.



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Had some of the dogs several times break into trash-bags to eat on nappies...and during walks in the woods back home it happened several times that he found some dead animal or the likes he rolled himself in...great when you rubb him behind the ear for being an attentive listener and returning to me [as we walked unleached] and the hand slides through something..extremely sticky and smelly... :sick:

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There's a woman lives down my street with one of those Shtizu dogs that she insists on carrying everywhere. One day the dog managed to escape and was wandering down the street before coming across a fresh dog turd and having a good old nose around in it. My infantile glee peaked the next day when I saw the woman holding the dog up as it licked all around her face with "kisses for mummy"

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Well no one is blaming the baby yet. :whistling:

Using the TVF " One size fits all " indignant rant they should lock that baby up and throw away the key.

If the baby doesn't like the Thai culture, it should go home.

Hang it high.

When in Rome shit like the Romans do.

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The issue is not with the parents, the issue is with dogs, which are filthy animals. On this occastion you may have seen what they've been up to. Just think what dogs do and eat when you're not paying attention. They're pretty much large rats.

A hell of a generalisation against all dogs. Personally I see tourists with worse habits.

Dirty and smelly on public transport and in restaurants. Never heard of shwering, deodarant or laundries.

Visiting Bangkok and seeing the Khao San warriors as an example. At least a lot of them are backpackers

with a small budget except when it comes to booze.

When going to Pattaya what can you say? Westerners show Thais what we can be like.

The most illiterate and poorest farmer from rural Thailand has cleaner habits.

Seeing as the OP title is "Dirty Western Parents" it is a reflection on us all. Dont just blame the


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My two well cared for Soi Dogs playing tug of war, rolling around and EATING a well full with smooth peanut butter Huggies Nappy!!!

And then you see dog owners kissing their dogs on the mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do they really know where they've been and what they've been upto every minute of the day?


I just noticed someone covered that aspect - yea, I'd laugh too.

Edited by mikecwm
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The issue is not with the parents, the issue is with dogs, which are filthy animals. On this occastion you may have seen what they've been up to. Just think what dogs do and eat when you're not paying attention. They're pretty much large rats.

Hold on, although I wasnt there and didnt witness any of this, my bet would be that the dogs didnt soil the nappy then leave it lying around.

Humans are dirty filthy things. :bah:

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Well no one is blaming the baby yet. :whistling:

Using the TVF " One size fits all " indignant rant they should lock that baby up and throw away the key.

If the baby doesn't like the Thai culture, it should go home.

Talking about CRAP!

I reakon rakers, the next imbocile to bring that argument to the table should fekkk off home themselves :lol:;) :jap:

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