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Reporting Molest Crime In Thai


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Hi all,

Looking for help for reporting crime in thai. What happen was that my daughter got "molested" by a local bike Taxis rider. I was

away from thai(I am not Thai citizen) and neither am i familiar with local police system. Currently my wife had bought my daughter

to hospital for check up and later will make a police report. Might engage a laywer if necessary.

Hopefully somebody would give advise on how to bring this "brutal" to justice!! dam_n sick brutal .

Any other authority can i approach?? Thanks

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i m currently oversea ... can't do much. Worse is my daughter merely 6 year old.

I m worry tat the police report end up no action taken. " tats what i heard" inefficient !

is your Mrs here I assume? Get her on the case immediately. Better a Thai take it up with the authorities anyways.

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Child and or Youth Protection Bureau in your nearest city. if you are not located near one, then contact the overseeing ministry for a referral (The Bureau comes under this ministry)

Ministry of Social Development and Human Security

1034 Krungkasem Rd., Klongmahanak, Pomprabsattrupai, Bangkok 10100 Thailand.


the ministry's website in english (or click the Thai flag for the Thai section)


Edited by Lite Beer
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Like the others have said, don't delay in taking action, and don't wait for advice from others. Have the Mother of your daughter take it up with the highest authority possible as quick as possible, not just the local village chief (not sure if they are in a village but using that as an example). Quick contact with a good lawyer also.

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No intent to be condescending, but this might do better in the women's or family section since it is the woman of the household that usually has to deal with these things and I'm sure some of TVF's ladies know what to do.

As an aside, don't get excited or make a big thing out of it when speaking to the child (unknown age) but stay calm. If everyone is freaking out, the kid will pick up on the anxiety. The key is to remain calm and stress that if inappropriate actions occurred, the child is not to blame and that the adult was in the wrong. Whatever, happens will ensure no one else is harmed by the pervert.. You probably know that already, but just a reminder.

I wish you all the best, and for what it's worth, sorry to learn of this.

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Thanks all,

Had advise my wife to contact police first. But she got worry no evidence... therefore she insist for check up before police.

thanks geriatrickid for the "Child and or Youth Protection Bureau" info. Will advise my wife on this. I waiting for her call oso.

Very worry...

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Thanks all,

Had advise my wife to contact police first. But she got worry no evidence... therefore she insist for check up before police.

thanks geriatrickid for the "Child and or Youth Protection Bureau" info. Will advise my wife on this. I waiting for her call oso.

Very worry...

The wife should really go to the BiB now and tell them what happened and that she is getting a medical report.

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No intent to be condescending, but this might do better in the women's or family section since it is the woman of the household that usually has to deal with these things and I'm sure some of TVF's ladies know what to do.

As an aside, don't get excited or make a big thing out of it when speaking to the child (unknown age) but stay calm. If everyone is freaking out, the kid will pick up on the anxiety. The key is to remain calm and stress that if inappropriate actions occurred, the child is not to blame and that the adult was in the wrong. Whatever, happens will ensure no one else is harmed by the pervert.. You probably know that already, but just a reminder.

I wish you all the best, and for what it's worth, sorry to learn of this.

Thanks geriatrickid .... a good point.

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Latest update from my wife.

My daughter had finish her checkup & was told that a department under childcare is there to takeover the case.

I assume its the "Child and or Youth Protection Bureau". Had remind my wife for the police report & laywer if necessary.

transam what the " BiB"? . My wife & child are both in Trang (southern part).

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how did this taxi guy get access to your daughter ?? alone I would assume ??

And if you do not mind, but without the graphics...what level of molestation are we talking here ??

Being overseas must be hard when something like this happens....i would be going crazy. I have a 5yo daughter.

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how did this taxi guy get access to your daughter ?? alone I would assume ??

And if you do not mind, but without the graphics...what level of molestation are we talking here ??

Being overseas must be hard when something like this happens....i would be going crazy. I have a 5yo daughter.

My daughter is 6 yr old. The pervert(Bike taxis) is not a stranger. My wife was busy at that time and ask this "bike taxis"

to fetch my daughter back from school. From what my wife told me, the pervert did not immediately return but bought my child

to meet up his friends. When my child return, she cry & describe the whole incident. What happen was that the pervert put his

finger into her vagina. The pervert only halt when she was in pain & cried out. He even warn my daughter not to say anything

about it. My wife did a check and found that her vagina had blood.

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Latest update from my wife.

My daughter had finish her checkup & was told that a department under childcare is there to takeover the case.

I assume its the "Child and or Youth Protection Bureau". Had remind my wife for the police report & laywer if necessary.

transam what the " BiB"? . My wife & child are both in Trang (southern part).

BiB, boys in brown, police. Sorry to read the latest details and l am sitting here fuming.

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how did this taxi guy get access to your daughter ?? alone I would assume ??

And if you do not mind, but without the graphics...what level of molestation are we talking here ??

Being overseas must be hard when something like this happens....i would be going crazy. I have a 5yo daughter.

My daughter is 6 yr old. The pervert(Bike taxis) is not a stranger. My wife was busy at that time and ask this "bike taxis"

to fetch my daughter back from school. From what my wife told me, the pervert did not immediately return but bought my child

to meet up his friends. When my child return, she cry & describe the whole incident. What happen was that the pervert put his

finger into her vagina. The pervert only halt when she was in pain & cried out. He even warn my daughter not to say anything

about it. My wife did a check and found that her vagina had blood.

Some legal systems will class that as rape, not sure about thailand though whether it has to be the penis inserted or other object/penis. maybe someone else can clear that up in relation to Thai law.

Hopefully them lazy bastards will deal with this matter properly, and if not hopefully the locals will deal with it.

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Keep us updated on the progress - hopefully they get the lot of them.

Yeah...i hope the BiB nail this pervert behind bar for a long period.

Will wait for my wife update when she is free.

Feel terrible for not able to attend nor comfort my daughter now.

Hope she will forget this incident years later.

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wow, i normally would say that no matter what you cant have vigilante justice, but fukc I would be tempted to donate 50,000bht to the local hit man and deal with this scum in the fastest way possible.

Sidjameson if law cannot resolve this matter , then likely a "donation" is unavoidable. :angry:

I hope. :thumbsup:

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yeah....certainly not a nice incident and hope he gets what he deserves in more way than one.

Only positive is that hopefully she is at an age that she will forget about it later in life and have no real recollection of it, although 6yo is kind of borderline i guess.

Best wishes to you and wife for dealing with it.

having a girl one year under that age, it does worry me endlessly this sort of thing.

I know what I would be doing if the same thing had happened to us without hesitation.

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Being a father of a girl myself, I feel deeply about this matter. I would seek professional advice on how to support your daughter in the best way possible. This is a case where I wouldn't trust the Thai machinery - not said they dont have the resources and skills required to deal with this.

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