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Bangkok Van Crash Girl Released Without Bail

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You guys are forgetting... we haven't even gotten to the trial yet...

I'm predicting...a verdict finding the girl innocent and the dead passengers in the van guilty of causing the crash... :whistling:

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hold on

An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????


I won't be surprised to see her on the cover of Thailand Tatler or Hiso Party Magazines next! The Hiso's must be laughing at the common people.........its time for a real drastic change in this country and only the common thai people can bring it about.

It is happening as you can see in the red shirt demos.


hold on

An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????

Erm... you can be charged and convicted of a crime without ever being arrested... Taksin, for example... :whistling:


Why wasn't this criminal arrested at the scene, when it was established that she was driving illegally because she was under-age and had no licence?

Of course she will do no jail time, because of her families influence.

Justice for all? Not a chance in this corrupt Country. Money is God here. bah.gif

You're being a bit hasty with the use of the word "criminal"

"corrupt Country. Money is God here" no argument from me there.



For those of you who can read Thai, this Facebook page will shed a lot of light on the story.

For those of you who can't, go QQ or something.

From the picture being painted on the FB Page, she showed no regret and even laughed that she might have killed people after the crash as she chatted on her Blackberry with friends.



For those of you who can read Thai, this Facebook page will shed a lot of light on the story.

For those of you who can't, go QQ or something.

From the picture being painted on the FB Page, she showed no regret and even laughed that she might have killed people after the crash as she chatted on her Blackberry with friends.

One wonders if it is just childishness or lack of regard for life on her part. Ithink 20 years jail should be minimum for her. In the US 16 year old are sent to jial if they do crimes.


Why wasn't this criminal arrested at the scene, when it was established that she was driving illegally because she was under-age and had no licence?

Of course she will do no jail time, because of her families influence.

Justice for all? Not a chance in this corrupt Country. Money is God here. bah.gif

Money talks and bullshit walks..


Nice to see the Caste System is still alive and well in Thailand. So Sad, if I was this girls father she would have to work to help all the families she hurt.


Another trai lof rubbish smeared across Thaivisa.No-one is 100% to blame in a road "incident" - and it is VERY easy to make up your own moral codes for a situation when you have no idea what's going on.


Take heart everyone,

Maybe one day soon this apparently remorseless spoilt little rich kid will once again get herself in a motorway tangle with white van man, except next time maybe she will be the one who comes off worse. Not a very nice thing to say I know but if there is truth in all of the negative comments about the things she has said and done then I dam_n well mean every word of it. The alleged FB comments she made I find particularly sickening!


hold on

An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????

The reason why she wasn't arrested on the spot is probably because if she had been then the authorities knew she could go to jail. By 'turning herself in' (by the way, I recall hearing that the police told her to report to them on Jan 5th - slightly different from turning oneself in) then show a bit of remorse, turn up at the funerals, hand over a wad of cash and be released without bail and probably avoid jail time. I'd be watching the airport, as she could easily flee. Thailand - third world country and always will be.


hold on

An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????

Erm... you can be charged and convicted of a crime without ever being arrested... Taksin, for example... :whistling:

in a case where you dont turn up to the police station, or leave the country, but she WENT to the police station


Of course she was gonna get off.. her father owns the largest ind. estate in Thailand (Amata nakorn).. oh.. and he's one of the top police in metropolitan Bkk.

Isn't it odd that the top echelons of Thailand police force seem to be manned by very successful businessmen yet the management and effectiveness of the police is a joke? :rolleyes:

Why do you people post these completely unfounded rumors?

Amata Corp is a publicly traded corporation. The list of major stockholders is public information.


Do you see the girl’s family listed anywhere?

Her father is a retired Army colonel and has nothing to do with the Police.


The family name pops up in the board of directors of a different industrial zone corp and quite a few other very serious companies. Whether they are direct relatives who knows, but still......

lol, "but still..."

The name is not uncommon in Thailand and as a few posters have mentioned on the board they have had girlfriends and friends with the same last name that were anything but rich or elite. With that said, this family appears well off (not super rich) and it is the Uncle who is with the police.

What is interesting is some poster's views who appear to want to condemn the girl because her family has money and has a respected last name. The sad truth is that the court & juvi dept. would have acted the same if this was a much poorer family given the same set of circumstances and the same responsibility taken by this family after the accident. Obviously a poor family could not provide the compensation this family has given and pledged but that is life anywhere you go. Money in fact buys a lot of people out of trouble. A simple speeding ticket in a western country could end up with jail time for somebody who can't afford the ticket while a rich person won't blink an eye at a few hundred dollars. The same is true for hiring the best attorneys and paying large fines to avoid jail.

Right or wrong the real issue here is that she is a minor and people's lack of understanding that minors are handled different here and in most countries. The idea is to help (rehabilitate) and not punish. If somebody has already learned from their mistake there is not much reason to incarcerate the person be it here or most countries. This was not an act where she intended to put people lives at risk. This was by all logic a 16-year old who never thought anything like this would happen to her. Her status may have given her access to a nice car but she is by no means the only unlicensed driver (or speeder) on the road and I see kids in BKK constantly driving motorcycles that clearly are underage and certainly not from well off families. As the police have mentioned previously this is a 400 baht fine ... they don't treat it too seriously. And the speeding was not a wanton act of disregard for other people's lives because as a 16-year old (and most adult speeders, you don't think these things happen to you).

The point here is not in anyway to condone or excuse her actions but simply to point out that she is not some violent criminal (at least as we know) and as a minor she is being treated according to the law. There is no reason to lock her up at this point as she has a healthy family to care and be responsible for her and this is a MAJOR determination in deciding if a minor will be held before trial (along with their likely hood to be a danger to themselves or others and mental health issues they may have). The law is clear here as it is in most western countries that there would be little reason to hold her without bail (no bail for minors -- either freed or not) before trial.

Again the point here is that NOTHING has been done that would indicate her family connections had anything to do with her being released. If you want to criticize the laws regarding minors I have no problem with that but pretending there has been shown any favoritism or that Thailand is somehow out of step with the rest of the world is biased and goes against reality.


How about the lynching brigade take a deep breath?

Yes, she made a serious error and is most likely responsible for the deaths and injury of several people. However, there may be several mitigating factors to consider. Some of them are the van driver's conduct, the absence of seatbelts in the van etc. This doesn't excuse the girl, but it is a long way from a premediated violent offense where the intent is to cause serious bodily injury and to rob someone. The girl may be guilty of stupidity, selfishness and a lack of common sense, but that is the world of adolescents.

Why are people sent to jail? Is it deterrence? Punishment? Protection of society from a violent offender? Study after study shows that jail time for youthful non violent offenders achieves little except causes more damage. If the goal is to rehabilitate this person and to make her understand the errors and the wrong that she did, then a lengthy jail sentence serves no purpose if she is guilty of the charges,

Yes, the jail sentence may act as a deterrent, but the length of time will be up to the judge and the child services department to decide. An ideal sentence would be for this girl to perform community service, which is what she may undertake on her own long before sentencing.

There is a reason why juveniles in cases like this are treated differently than adults. Although it is easy to say she should have known right from wrong, many juvenile offenders just can't process that abstract concept when it comes to driving. I'm just as outraged and disgusted as everyone else, but sometimes one has to take a step back and consider the event.

Although there is a great deal of finger pointing at the family, don't lose sight of the fact that the family has been publicly humiliated and its name dragged into the mud. Don't think for a moment that the parents didn't tear a strip off the girl once they had some time with her and don't think that the mother isn't furious and ashamed. The girl has caused the family great harm and she will pay a tremendous price for it. She will be ostracized at school and socially for a long time. She will be known as he madwoman driver for years to come. That type of label can literally destroy a young girl. Is that really what some of you want? Do you want justice or do you want revenge? When a dog is left alone all day and pees on the floor, does beating the poor animal achieve anything except allow the beater some cathartic release? Was it the dog's fault that it was locked up all day? The same line of logic applies to this girl. Why was she driving that car? That's where the focus of anger should be. Ask the parents why they allowed it, or were aware of it. The ghosts of the dead are going to haunt that family for a long long time.


hold on

An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????

My guess is the wrong use of the word "arrest' in the report. I am not familiar with all the laws regarding how criminal charges and arrests are handled but you can be arrested without going to a cell or having handcuffs put on ... the police in the US do it all the time for misdemeanors where they just issue you a citation to appear in court such as for marijuana possession. Technically you have been arrested and released but there was never a physical arrest process that takes place. But that is for ADULTS. It is common for a minor to be charged and have to appear in court without ever being in a cell or handcuffed even in felony cases. However, now a days they do want everyone possible going through the fingerprint and photo process because of the use of technology in the US. Again referring to adults you often read reports of people being formally charged for a crime but no mention of being jailed. But what is most important to consider here is that this is a minor and the laws and processes are not the same.


Why wasn't this criminal arrested at the scene, when it was established that she was driving illegally because she was under-age and had no licence?

Of course she will do no jail time, because of her families influence.

Justice for all? Not a chance in this corrupt Country. Money is God here. bah.gif

They're not in the U.S.

That's the only corrupt country that supposedly guarantees justice for all, that I know of anyway.

You should go down to the courthouse and tell them all how stupid and corrupt they are.

Oh, yeah, and how great your own country is that you would rather be here.


This doesn't excuse the girl, but it is a long way from a premediated violent offense where the intent is to cause serious bodily injury and to rob someone. The girl may be guilty of stupidity, selfishness and a lack of common sense, but that is the world of adolescents.

jap.gif and this is both why minors are treated differently and why everything we have seen in this case would be typical of another another minor given the same circumstances and responsibility shown after the accident.


I honestly don't like the Red Shirts, but hell, they've got a point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disgraceful behavior by police and all authorities in this, and many many other cases!


I think most people here had that gut feeling that she would skate away into the sunset without any real punishment.

Seems like one of the worse things in Thailand is to be injured or killed by someone with higher status or better connections than you.

What a country.



Geriatickid, I agree with much of your post, however, when there has been a serious and deadly action it is not uncommon for young offenders to be placed in a remand home for juveniles.  A remand home allows trained staff to observe and report on the youth and to determine if there is a need for medical, psychological of legal intervention.  In the case of this young lady, she was receiving death threats.  For her own protection, a secure environment might have been warranted.  Just because a family is wealthy and influential doesn't mean they are warm and supportive.

You are right in pointing out that this is the world of adolescents.  Kids drive fast and recklessly--they probably did so with a horse and buggy before the car.  Girls are generally more careful than boys.  

I for one am not out for any blood.  As a parent, this could have been me.  For many this might be you in the future.  Equal treatment is what I think most people want to see; not the usual excuses of why the laws, rules and regulations don't apply in this 'special' case.  

About a year ago, there was an article (I have completely lost track of where), but it was about a young boy (12-ish, I think), who spent considerable time in custody for stealing candy from 7/11.  A few years back there was the boy who was sent to a remand home for a lengthy stretch for not having a bell on his bicycle.  


Just outside Surin a gang of 12 hacked to pieces a youg man of 24, the hospital would not allow his parents to see his mutilated body, they wrapped the bits up like a mummy. His parents were asked by the police if they had money, when they said no the police said "then we cannot find the gang", THE GANG LIVED IN THE NEXT VILLAGE , STILL WALKING FREE.

A farang was beated to death in his own kitchen by a gang of 4, he asked a Thai guy to move his car so he could put his motor bike inside. They beat him to death in front of his wife and child, they are still walking FREE

What law in Thailand.


I think most people here had that gut feeling that she would skate away into the sunset without any real punishment.

Seems like one of the worse things in Thailand is to be injured or killed by someone with higher status or better connections than you.

What a country.

LOL - yes, most people thought the laws regarding traffic fatalities and minors would be observed but then we have those that want to 'pretend" this in any way shape or forms relates to some kind of class division in Thailand when it simply is about how cases involving minors are handled. It is just plain ignorant to pretend her name, money or status had anything to do with the handling of this (beyond their ability to help the victims financially .. a good thing) and you lose all credibility in doing this regardless if you have a generally good point of their needing to be less divisions of wealth & privilege in Thailand (or pretty much most all countries).


hold on

An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????

lol, "but still..."

The name is not uncommon in Thailand and as a few posters have mentioned on the board they have had girlfriends and friends with the same last name that were anything but rich or elite. With that said, this family appears well off (not super rich) and it is the Uncle who is with the police.

What is interesting is some poster's views who appear to want to condemn the girl because her family has money and has a respected last name. The sad truth is that the court & juvi dept. would have acted the same if this was a much poorer family given the same set of circumstances and the same responsibility taken by this family after the accident. Obviously a poor family could not provide the compensation this family has given and pledged but that is life anywhere you go. Money in fact buys a lot of people out of trouble. A simple speeding ticket in a western country could end up with jail time for somebody who can't afford the ticket while a rich person won't blink an eye at a few hundred dollars. The same is true for hiring the best attorneys and paying large fines to avoid jail.

Right or wrong the real issue here is that she is a minor and people's lack of understanding that minors are handled different here and in most countries. The idea is to help (rehabilitate) and not punish. If somebody has already learned from their mistake there is not much reason to incarcerate the person be it here or most countries. This was not an act where she intended to put people lives at risk. This was by all logic a 16-year old who never thought anything like this would happen to her. Her status may have given her access to a nice car but she is by no means the only unlicensed driver (or speeder) on the road and I see kids in BKK constantly driving motorcycles that clearly are underage and certainly not from well off families. As the police have mentioned previously this is a 400 baht fine ... they don't treat it too seriously. And the speeding was not a wanton act of disregard for other people's lives because as a 16-year old (and most adult speeders, you don't think these things happen to you).

The point here is not in anyway to condone or excuse her actions but simply to point out that she is not some violent criminal (at least as we know) and as a minor she is being treated according to the law. There is no reason to lock her up at this point as she has a healthy family to care and be responsible for her and this is a MAJOR determination in deciding if a minor will be held before trial (along with their likely hood to be a danger to themselves or others and mental health issues they may have). The law is clear here as it is in most western countries that there would be little reason to hold her without bail (no bail for minors -- either freed or not) before trial.

Again the point here is that NOTHING has been done that would indicate her family connections had anything to do with her being released. If you want to criticize the laws regarding minors I have no problem with that but pretending there has been shown any favoritism or that Thailand is somehow out of step with the rest of the world is biased and goes against reality.

You jump to way too many conclusions based off of speculation. If you are directly involved in this case then disclose it to us so that we can then value your posts. From what I have observed from day one of this incident, you have been quick to point out other poster's speculation and inconsistancies, yet turn a blind eye to your own.


hold on

An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????

lol, "but still..."

The name is not uncommon in Thailand and as a few posters have mentioned on the board they have had girlfriends and friends with the same last name that were anything but rich or elite. With that said, this family appears well off (not super rich) and it is the Uncle who is with the police.

What is interesting is some poster's views who appear to want to condemn the girl because her family has money and has a respected last name. The sad truth is that the court & juvi dept. would have acted the same if this was a much poorer family given the same set of circumstances and the same responsibility taken by this family after the accident. Obviously a poor family could not provide the compensation this family has given and pledged but that is life anywhere you go. Money in fact buys a lot of people out of trouble. A simple speeding ticket in a western country could end up with jail time for somebody who can't afford the ticket while a rich person won't blink an eye at a few hundred dollars. The same is true for hiring the best attorneys and paying large fines to avoid jail.

Right or wrong the real issue here is that she is a minor and people's lack of understanding that minors are handled different here and in most countries. The idea is to help (rehabilitate) and not punish. If somebody has already learned from their mistake there is not much reason to incarcerate the person be it here or most countries. This was not an act where she intended to put people lives at risk. This was by all logic a 16-year old who never thought anything like this would happen to her. Her status may have given her access to a nice car but she is by no means the only unlicensed driver (or speeder) on the road and I see kids in BKK constantly driving motorcycles that clearly are underage and certainly not from well off families. As the police have mentioned previously this is a 400 baht fine ... they don't treat it too seriously. And the speeding was not a wanton act of disregard for other people's lives because as a 16-year old (and most adult speeders, you don't think these things happen to you).

The point here is not in anyway to condone or excuse her actions but simply to point out that she is not some violent criminal (at least as we know) and as a minor she is being treated according to the law. There is no reason to lock her up at this point as she has a healthy family to care and be responsible for her and this is a MAJOR determination in deciding if a minor will be held before trial (along with their likely hood to be a danger to themselves or others and mental health issues they may have). The law is clear here as it is in most western countries that there would be little reason to hold her without bail (no bail for minors -- either freed or not) before trial.

Again the point here is that NOTHING has been done that would indicate her family connections had anything to do with her being released. If you want to criticize the laws regarding minors I have no problem with that but pretending there has been shown any favoritism or that Thailand is somehow out of step with the rest of the world is biased and goes against reality.

You jump to way too many conclusions based off of speculation. If you are directly involved in this case then disclose it to us so that we can then value your posts. From what I have observed from day one of this incident, you have been quick to point out other poster's speculation and inconsistancies, yet turn a blind eye to your own.

What do you feel is speculation?


hold on

An underage driver involved in a tollway crash last month which killed nine van passengers has been released without bail, because she turned herself in to police and had not been arrested


The girl has been charged with causing deaths and injuries through carelessness and driving without a licence

how can you be charged with a crime without being arrested first????????

lol, "but still..."

The name is not uncommon in Thailand and as a few posters have mentioned on the board they have had girlfriends and friends with the same last name that were anything but rich or elite. With that said, this family appears well off (not super rich) and it is the Uncle who is with the police.

What is interesting is some poster's views who appear to want to condemn the girl because her family has money and has a respected last name. The sad truth is that the court & juvi dept. would have acted the same if this was a much poorer family given the same set of circumstances and the same responsibility taken by this family after the accident. Obviously a poor family could not provide the compensation this family has given and pledged but that is life anywhere you go. Money in fact buys a lot of people out of trouble. A simple speeding ticket in a western country could end up with jail time for somebody who can't afford the ticket while a rich person won't blink an eye at a few hundred dollars. The same is true for hiring the best attorneys and paying large fines to avoid jail.

Right or wrong the real issue here is that she is a minor and people's lack of understanding that minors are handled different here and in most countries. The idea is to help (rehabilitate) and not punish. If somebody has already learned from their mistake there is not much reason to incarcerate the person be it here or most countries. This was not an act where she intended to put people lives at risk. This was by all logic a 16-year old who never thought anything like this would happen to her. Her status may have given her access to a nice car but she is by no means the only unlicensed driver (or speeder) on the road and I see kids in BKK constantly driving motorcycles that clearly are underage and certainly not from well off families. As the police have mentioned previously this is a 400 baht fine ... they don't treat it too seriously. And the speeding was not a wanton act of disregard for other people's lives because as a 16-year old (and most adult speeders, you don't think these things happen to you).

The point here is not in anyway to condone or excuse her actions but simply to point out that she is not some violent criminal (at least as we know) and as a minor she is being treated according to the law. There is no reason to lock her up at this point as she has a healthy family to care and be responsible for her and this is a MAJOR determination in deciding if a minor will be held before trial (along with their likely hood to be a danger to themselves or others and mental health issues they may have). The law is clear here as it is in most western countries that there would be little reason to hold her without bail (no bail for minors -- either freed or not) before trial.

Again the point here is that NOTHING has been done that would indicate her family connections had anything to do with her being released. If you want to criticize the laws regarding minors I have no problem with that but pretending there has been shown any favoritism or that Thailand is somehow out of step with the rest of the world is biased and goes against reality.

You jump to way too many conclusions based off of speculation. If you are directly involved in this case then disclose it to us so that we can then value your posts. From what I have observed from day one of this incident, you have been quick to point out other poster's speculation and inconsistencies, yet turn a blind eye to your own.

Agree, and nisa's last para is very ny-eve. Those who have been here a while know exactly what can be done BEHIND the scenes that nobody will ever know about. :huh:


"the Supreme Court, said the girl was likely to get a suspended sentence, not because of social privilege, but due to her confession, her remorse, her family's payment of compensation to victims, or mandatory rehabilitation."--> <deleted> happened to the law she violated. Does the supreme court not uphold the law? I guess this is a way to do the crime, show sympathy and then escape jail term..

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