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Mr Sangermano Amazes Doctors By Sneezing Out Bullet


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Mr Sangermano amazes doctors by sneezing out bullet

Turin, Jan 11 (THAINDIAN NEWS) A man miraculously survived a gunshot to the head with no major injury.

What makes the incident very interesting is the fact that the man managed to sneeze out the bullet out of his head while he was waiting for the doctors to attend to him. He just took a sneeze and the bullet came hanging out of his nostril.

Though the shot was not intentional, it had the prospect of at least destroying his sight. The bullet came through behind his right eye and just missed destroying his sight by inches.

The .22 caliber bullet was fired from firearms on the New Year’s Eve in Naples where the man, Darco Sangermano and his girlfriend were spending the occasion. He was hit by the stray bullet and his skull slowed the bullet and prevented it from causing a major damaged to him.

Doctors are now concentrating on performing a laser surgery on him to be able to repair his retina which was damaged in the incident. He is expected to make full recovery and start living normally again in just a matter of short time.

-- thaindian.com 2011-01-12

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