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Lightscribe Cds And Dvds In Chiang Mai?

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Not sure which forum to post this question in.

I've found Lightscribe DVDs in Computer Plaza in Chiang Mai ( at a price!!) but i cannot find CDs. Does anyone know if they are available in Chiang Mai?

I'm willing to pay postage from BKK but not from the UK!!

Any advice welcome

( For info - Lightscribe discs allow you to burn a title on the upper side of the disc if you have a Lightscribe enabled DVD writer)


To be honest msg36, I would say that your chances of finding any lightscribe CDs for sale in Chiang Mai are zilch.

These days DVDs, memory sticks and so on have overtaken the CD technology. I doubt if it`s really worth the effort searching for them as most CDs whatever types are becoming obsolete.

But of course I maybe be wrong, perhaps someone else knows better.


CD's are still being sold and used here but light-scribe has never been popular and most people seem to print full color factory type labels rather than pay for special CD's and take the time to print them. Carrefour used to have them for sale here in Bangkok but have not checked for a long while. As both CD and DVD are old technology I would just pen on information these days. Using bulk storage hard drives/USB devices seems to be a much better choice for archive material these days.


CD's are still being sold and used here but light-scribe has never been popular and most people seem to print full color factory type labels rather than pay for special CD's and take the time to print them. Carrefour used to have them for sale here in Bangkok but have not checked for a long while. As both CD and DVD are old technology I would just pen on information these days. Using bulk storage hard drives/USB devices seems to be a much better choice for archive material these days.


I found more lightscribe DVDs in ITCity in Kad Suan Kaew. It's not for storing data -it's for producing videos on DVD to play on TVs etc. I tried to put music onto a lightscribe DVD and found that it won't work. I was just thinking of making up some DVDs for the car using my lightscribe writer. I've used Pantip Plaza to make full colour DVDs for me, but I'm not inclined to do that at home, I'd have to buy another printer and I've got 3 already!

think I'll just stick to DVDs



Video is data when recorded so that was really my meaning. With HD's having storage in the terabyte rage for under 3,000 baht they seem to make sense for home use.

As for music there is a set format for old CD recordings which most software will call music and perhaps that will not record on a DVD? Most people now record music as MP3 files and they can be recorded as any other data files. Most newer players will also play them as music.


Video is data when recorded so that was really my meaning. With HD's having storage in the terabyte rage for under 3,000 baht they seem to make sense for home use.

As for music there is a set format for old CD recordings which most software will call music and perhaps that will not record on a DVD? Most people now record music as MP3 files and they can be recorded as any other data files. Most newer players will also play them as music.

Thanks, I've got a lot as MP3 but trying to transfer an uploaded CD via iTunes and back went pear shaped.

I'll try to copy directly



I'd have to buy another printer and I've got 3 already!

I had a lightscribe burner once, took about 20minutes to print a CD, soon tired of that. Why not buy CD labels to print on, can use any of your 3 printers for that?


I'd have to buy another printer and I've got 3 already!

I had a lightscribe burner once, took about 20minutes to print a CD, soon tired of that. Why not buy CD labels to print on, can use any of your 3 printers for that?

YES!!! I did that in the UK but have not seen the system here. Forgotten what it was called. Do you know if it's available in LOS ( preferably CM)??? If you do please let me know/ PM me. Thanks

( the lightscribe bit is accidental, I bought a LaCie 16X DVD burner and found i could print lightscribe. Useful for the occasional disc to send as draft video/ to a few people, but I agree, for proper presentations colour printing is the way. Just a bit worried about permanance)


Or just stick to an external hard drive. burn once media is dead, cd and dvd, and certainly hd-dvd and blueray (Toshiba didnt pull out the race because of competition). It should be cheaper to buy your gf family a 640 baht dvd player with a usb stick support than bother with lightscribe (it looks a bit naff anyway).


quote name='devdrinker' timestamp='1294944354' post='4149516']

Or just stick to an external hard drive. burn once media is dead, cd and dvd, and certainly hd-dvd and blueray (Toshiba didnt pull out the race because of competition). It should be cheaper to buy your gf family a 640 baht dvd player with a usb stick support than bother with lightscribe (it looks a bit naff anyway).

It's difficult and expensive to post a DVD player to the UK! smile.gifMy wife is linked in to my network. . I agree, lightscribe is not as good as printing but much better than a felt tip! i just need something to produce adequate looking discs without having either a) to buy another printer or travel into Pantip Plaza to get them printed. I also use the 'cloud' to store and send videos, but it seems to me that lightscribe has a niche in the range of transfer systems available

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and advice


YES!!! I did that in the UK but have not seen the system here. Forgotten what it was called. Do you know if it's available in LOS ( preferably CM)???

I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing! What I meant was simply buying CD labels, they've been around since the dawn of computer civilization. You can stick them in any printer to print, then stick the label on your CD. Any office store in Thailand sells them... looks better than a hand written pen usually. http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/915670/Office-Depot-Brand-CD-Labels-Jewel/


Have you tried the IT section of seaqon square, its mainly larger vendors, BannanaIT / Hardware store etc.. but probably more likely to stock them I think - most of small stalls seems to be accessories and mobile phones. I'll have a look for you next time I pop over their usually one or twice a week.

Failing that if you know someone coming over from the UK it shouldnt be too much of a burden to bring back a 100 cd spindle (you order from ebuyer etc.. and post it to them)


Have you tried the IT section of seaqon square, its mainly larger vendors, BannanaIT / Hardware store etc.. but probably more likely to stock them I think - most of small stalls seems to be accessories and mobile phones. I'll have a look for you next time I pop over their usually one or twice a week.

Failing that if you know someone coming over from the UK it shouldnt be too much of a burden to bring back a 100 cd spindle (you order from ebuyer etc.. and post it to them)

thanks, I know what you mean- I used them in the UK, sticky labels, print on any printer if aligned properly and a stem thingy to locate them accurately on the CD/DVD. I looked for them in ? the big stationery store in Pantip and elsewhere, but could not find them. My Thai is not good enough to ask for such an unusual thing

If you se them I'd be very grateful to know where. If i see them I'll let you know!



Some time ago I had bought a printer that just happened to have Lightscribe capability and thought I'd have a go.

The printing is only in monochrome so not very attractive but the main disappointment was that after some months the picture faded even though the Cd's were stored in proper disk wallets. :blink:

As for full color stick on labels be sure to get labels that come with software to line up the printing just right or you'll go crazy trying it yourself. You also need a stick tingy to center the label on the CD as just a fraction of an inch off center can be problematic. I use an old round marker pen that's just the right size for the CD hole with tape wound round it for the size of the label hole.

A bit tricky but most times it works OK :whistling:

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