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Condo Law Enforcement.

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My condominium has not held an AGM for nearly two years, and no financial statements, either yearly or monthly, have been posted during this time.

This is in clear contravention of the Condominium Act B.E. 2522(1979) and it's 2008 amendment.

Where do I go, and whom do I see to complain about this situation? It seems as though the mainly Thai/Chinese committee members are running this place as their own personal thiefdom, and I need to bring them to account.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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OP. I understand. Been there, done this. Let me share with you and others my experience in this field.

I also live in and own a condo apartment. In a 22 storey residential building there was no fire protection of any kind. Each and every Govt regulation was not implemented. I filed a law suit against the Juristic Person Management Company, demanding a compensation. The charges were many: endangering life, endangering property, voiding insurance policy by knowingly and blatantly contravening existing laws, doing so for extended period of over 3 years, etc. Mind it,- the case was iron clad documented with proofs. The Court accepted the case, but in preliminary hearing the Judge asked me to approach the bench and said: 'You understand, that this is Thailand?' I replied,- 'yes your Honor, and if it were not, I would have asked for the same amount in $$'.

As a result of such a comment, I withdrew the case about 5 months later, one day before the scheduled hearing.

My advice: Give it up. One way, or the other,- you will lose. Live your life, or sell and go elsewhere. TIT :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Backsoon - Wow!

Our condo committee/management pushed through a small increase in maintenance funds. Because Condo Law regarding voting percentages had been disregarded, someone contacted the Land Office. Their reaction was swift and firm. The increase was promptly withdrawn. TIT and all of that (your story is amazing, your reply to the judge hilarious!) - but maybe you would have got more joy from contacting relevant agencies rather than bringing the matter to court?

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Backsoon - Wow!

Our condo committee/management pushed through a small increase in maintenance funds. Because Condo Law regarding voting percentages had been disregarded, someone contacted the Land Office. Their reaction was swift and firm. The increase was promptly withdrawn. TIT and all of that (your story is amazing, your reply to the judge hilarious!) - but maybe you would have got more joy from contacting relevant agencies rather than bringing the matter to court?

Yes, filing a formal written complaint in Thai to the local Land Office will get a result.

Don't go in for a wishy-washy chat.

Document the breaches in the Act; call the Land Office to make an appointment with the Competent Officer of your local Land Office, then go in person with someone who speaks good Thai, and be firm on wanting a firm response. This is the first route to take before filing with the court.

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OP. I understand. Been there, done this. Let me share with you and others my experience in this field.

I also live in and own a condo apartment. In a 22 storey residential building there was no fire protection of any kind. Each and every Govt regulation was not implemented. I filed a law suit against the Juristic Person Management Company, demanding a compensation. The charges were many: endangering life, endangering property, voiding insurance policy by knowingly and blatantly contravening existing laws, doing so for extended period of over 3 years, etc. Mind it,- the case was iron clad documented with proofs. The Court accepted the case, but in preliminary hearing the Judge asked me to approach the bench and said: 'You understand, that this is Thailand?' I replied,- 'yes your Honor, and if it were not, I would have asked for the same amount in $'.

As a result of such a comment, I withdrew the case about 5 months later, one day before the scheduled hearing.

My advice: Give it up. One way, or the other,- you will lose. Live your life, or sell and go elsewhere. TIT :D

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OP. I understand. Been there, done this. Let me share with you and others my experience in this field.

I also live in and own a condo apartment. In a 22 storey residential building there was no fire protection of any kind. Each and every Govt regulation was not implemented. I filed a law suit against the Juristic Person Management Company, demanding a compensation. The charges were many: endangering life, endangering property, voiding insurance policy by knowingly and blatantly contravening existing laws, doing so for extended period of over 3 years, etc. Mind it,- the case was iron clad documented with proofs. The Court accepted the case, but in preliminary hearing the Judge asked me to approach the bench and said: 'You understand, that this is Thailand?' I replied,- 'yes your Honor, and if it were not, I would have asked for the same amount in .

As a result of such a comment, I withdrew the case about 5 months later, one day before the scheduled hearing.

My advice: Give it up. One way, or the other,- you will lose. Live your life, or sell and go elsewhere. TIT :D

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I will do what you suggest - not lie down and take it in the butt as backsoon did!

Backsoon - Wow!

Our condo committee/management pushed through a small increase in maintenance funds. Because Condo Law regarding voting percentages had been disregarded, someone contacted the Land Office. Their reaction was swift and firm. The increase was promptly withdrawn. TIT and all of that (your story is amazing, your reply to the judge hilarious!) - but maybe you would have got more joy from contacting relevant agencies rather than bringing the matter to court?

Yes, filing a formal written complaint in Thai to the local Land Office will get a result.

Don't go in for a wishy-washy chat.

Document the breaches in the Act; call the Land Office to make an appointment with the Competent Officer of your local Land Office, then go in person with someone who speaks good Thai, and be firm on wanting a firm response. This is the first route to take before filing with the court.

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