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Iphone Text Home Screen

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When I get a text it shows up on my home screen [when locked] which is good. The bad part is it shows who it is coming from, is there a way to have it notify me there is a text, but not show who it is from. Gets me in trouble with more than one girlfriend. I asked the iStudio store and they said no but maybe someone here knows.

Also, I know they have an app on a jail-broken phone, called blacklist, where you can put in a number and the phone will ignore it. I cant find a similar app in itunes, anyone know of one?

iPhone 4, unlocked, not jail-broken [which I don't want to do]

thanks in advance

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there are some very handy software out there but almost al of them require the phone to be jailbroken ..

jailbreak as it is is not a dangerous thing and its based on software only.

what you can do .. dissable sms/call notification is "she" is arround then you will have the red bubble on this icon-corner .. but no blue bubble on the Lockscreen.

(my phone even submits calls and SMS to my TV .. and display them as popup .. very dangerous if something jucy come along .. haha)

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Also, I know they have an app on a jail-broken phone, called blacklist, where you can put in a number and the phone will ignore it. I cant find a similar app in itunes, anyone know of one?

It's called iBlacklist and is only on Jailbroken phones. I believe there's another one too, forgot the name.

They don't have this in the app store as the required APIs are not public - e.g. you can't mess with either the SMS or the phone app, and you can't replace them, so incoming SMS will go to the official SMS app which shows them on-screen.

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Also, I know they have an app on a jail-broken phone, called blacklist, where you can put in a number and the phone will ignore it. I cant find a similar app in itunes, anyone know of one?

It's called iBlacklist and is only on Jailbroken phones. I believe there's another one too, forgot the name.

They don't have this in the app store as the required APIs are not public - e.g. you can't mess with either the SMS or the phone app, and you can't replace them, so incoming SMS will go to the official SMS app which shows them on-screen.

Very strange it cant be done without jailbreak. I searched Google and there are countless threads complaining about for years. Hope it comes up in some near future update

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