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What'S The Deal Mr Forbes


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re ... yeah, I've seen a big one on an electrical box outside Black Canyon Coffee at Thapae gate...do i win a prize

you mean this one ? ... . nahhhh

i wish there was going to be a prize but i think the practical joker or stalker : (

is going to be the only winner on this puzzler

regards ... dave2

ps ... to all .....there are three or four different sizes of these pictures all exactly the same

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I'm guessing that if this isn't self promotion by Ian, it's a Thaivisa crony, as the picture of him in the gent's toilet at The Olde Bell appeared around the time of the Thai Visa party. I haven't had the heart to remove it as he has such a benign face, although it is vaguely disconcerting having him watch me have a dump!!!!

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I remember a blogger called Morally Diminished puting up a small sticker all over C.mai a few years ago. Was Mr Forbes Mr Diminished in a past life?

Bloody strange place....

Millwall fan, just pin a cloth over the pic while your dumpin'. You can't take it down.:D

Edited by greasemonkey
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I'm guessing that if this isn't self promotion by Ian, it's a Thaivisa crony, as the picture of him in the gent's toilet at The Olde Bell appeared around the time of the Thai Visa party. I haven't had the heart to remove it as he has such a benign face, although it is vaguely disconcerting having him watch me have a dump!!!!

Was Ian at the Thai Visa party?

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Who is your marketing agent Mr. Forbes? The Pillion gang could have done with them for the publicity for the club! What a chance missed!

Or was it?

I heard you were back in town Mr Pillion. I hope you're not up to your old tricks again. 'Stick and Scatter'

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re ... Hope the electric poles are not next.

too late ... too late . ... already done in sunday walking street : (

enjoy ... dave2

Dave2 seems suspiciously capable to locate these... ... .... . ............ ;)

"Oh, before we know it I will see one on the back of an elephant..!" and guess what, hours later Dave2 posts exactly that.

Good one Dave! :)

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As I have nothing to sell in Thailand it would hardly be self promotion. I just can't imagine anyone going to this much effort to post that many pictures. Paper isn't free and neither are photocopies. It's obviously someone who has access to both from an office. And, although there nothing defamatory about the picture, it IS pretty weird. From my point of view it would be interesting to know the secret behind it. If anybody finds out please let me know and I'll buy you a drink or two. I'm easy enough to find. Most every night I'm either at the Zoom bar or the bar across from it in the boxing complex on Loi Kroh road. I'll be playing pool with one of the ladies. Stop and chat and we can have a laugh together.

I was at the thaivisa party at the Old Belle, but I seldom drink at other bars in Chiang Mai.

Oh, and thanks to Dave2 for posting some of the pictures. I'll buy you a beer when we see each other again. I owe you one.

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So last night I am at the boxing bars and as I leave I walk past Ian Forbes deep in seated and earnest conversation with two farang males. Honest I looked twice because there were neither ladies nor pool cues in easy reach.....but it was him.

I walk out to my moto, start her up and start to navigate around the tuk tuk in front whenllow and behold I see the advert on the tuk tuk.I am pretty sure the phone number needs updating though.


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re .. Dave2 seems suspiciously capable to locate these

after having a mild stroke four years ago i couldnt walk more than a 100 yards before i had to sit down .

now after four years of excersise i can slowly walk six miles easily in four hours almost every day and thats why im all over chiang mai

suspicious ? .... nahh .. excersise : ) ... dave2

ps ... ian ... re .. ill buy you a beer .... wey hey ... i won ... i won ... lucky me : )

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

A likeness purporting to be the poster of TV CM named 'IanForbes' is appearing everywhere is no more remarkable than bakeries appearing in Rimping stores.

He is Everyman, just as you and we are (well, okay, we have been augmented by transubstantion with genus Pongo).

His picture is your picture, our picture, with the exception of certain petty details of external physiognomy.

We celebrate the ubiquity of his likeness which may be a manifestation of supernatural origins perhaps related to the Nagas (Thai: phyanaak) in the Ping River. If so, the Nagas may well have chosen him because of his great love and rapport with nature, and fishing, as well as his artistic gifts as nature writer, naturalist, and visual artist, and the fact that over his lifetime he has probably eaten as many fish as the Nagas have.

Iconic IanForbes is a semiotic pointer to, an omen of, a portent for: the environmental degradation of Chiang Mai and the Ping River Basin ?

best, ~o:37;

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Ian is the new Max Headroom. Viral Media Icon.

Just a matter of time before a major corporation uses his image and then Ian and step up and demand his price.

What will Ian do with all that money? Buy a new motorcycle? A fishing Trawler? Full body tattoo? fund a private dog extermination militia?

I am onboard with thinning the dog herd... It's about time.

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re ... yeah, I've seen a big one on an electrical box outside Black Canyon Coffee at Thapae gate...do i win a prize

you mean this one ? ... . nahhhh

i wish there was going to be a prize but i think the practical joker or stalker : (

is going to be the only winner on this puzzler

regards ... dave2

ps ... to all .....there are three or four different sizes of these pictures all exactly the same

that's the one, i walk past it everyday but it's taking on a more sinister form. it appears to have been altered after Ian stuck it up.post-29291-0-29495100-1295327372_thumb.j

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re ... it's taking on a more sinister form

im not sure about sinister but its certainly getting odd

the only red coloured small one ive seen was by the school next to the amora hotel ... today its gone

but the big low one on the lighting pole outside the caff has gone but its been replaced by a red one about 8 feet off the ground

very strange ... dave2

ps ... i saw two new ones in loi kroh road today

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I saw a cpl of him posted in the men's bathroom behind the reggae rasta bar area about 2 wks ago. I aksed last week and he knew nothing about it. I think it's actually kind of cool. I'm a fan of Ian, a man who's lived a full life of career, loves, family, children, and now freedom, who always tells it like it is. I think this is fun. It reminds me of the skater meme "Andre the Giant Has a Posse" that later got co-opted by "Obey." I'm sure event he older folks have seen both without knowing what it was. Google it n I'm sure you'll recognize it.

I'd chalk it up to TV pranksters way before I tried to pin it on any bar girls. Many of them are big fans of his and wouldn't have anything but good things to say about him. It's some of the more judgmental TV'ers that find he leaves an unpleasant taste in their mouths. But even still I think it's more a friendly prank than even a slur campaign.

All that being said, Ian's got a very face-y face, and it's a right good icon. I like that it's going viral. Hope he can handle the fame !

Take it in stride, my friend !

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Just a matter of time before a major corporation uses his image and then Ian and step up and demand his price.

What will Ian do with all that money? Buy a new motorcycle? A fishing Trawler? Full body tattoo?


I'm not a wimp who hides behind a pseudonym so give it your best shot.

I bet you wished you had now though, eh, Mr no netiquette.

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I'm not a wimp who hides behind a pseudonym so give it your best shot.

I bet you wished you had now though, eh, Mr no netiquette.

No, it doesn't bother me in the least.. If a few people get a good laugh at my expense then that is all that counts. I'm too old to care what people think. Those that want to believe evil crap are too demented to even bother with. There is always people who want to believe the worst in everyone. That is their own personal problem. Those that know me, like me. Those that don't can assume anything they want, including lies. I just pity folks like that. There are so many good people to enjoy the company of that I don't worry about the sad souls in this world. They can deal with their own twisted thoughts anyway they see fit. Pick any or all of the many evil people throughout history; would you actually care what they thought of you? It's the same thing.

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