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Death And Illness As Cold Weather Embraces Thailand

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Yes , Thailand can be cold , even very cold . Remember that people , and even you if you live there , are adapted to 25 to 35 degrees celcius . If the temp drops below 15 you will feel very cold . If it even drops further ( here and there it might freeze !!! ) there is a very severe risk of undercooling .

Clothes are readily available , but it still get's cold . Most people do not have warm water and have nowhere to heat up . Undercooling your body makes your body vulnerable . Then we come to the diseases . Yes , they are transmitted by virusses and bacteria . However , if you get undercooled , your body immune system is not 100% . You have more chance of having all kinds of diseases .



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Yes the illnesses are caused by viruses but when the body/constitution is weakened by diverting energy to resist the cold then the viruses/bacteria gain a foothold easier.

If the reistance is low disease spreads. If you cannot understand that look at other analogies including prison/refugee camp disease spread due to less than ideal sanitary

conditions - YES -plus lower resistance.

As per the other ill informed and what have you posters, earing a T shirt under a fan or short term military exercises designed to test your resolve have very little to do

with a tropical people living in what is to them sub tropical conditions for a few months.

what so you're saying thailand is the same as a prison/refugee camp?

UK is far from being an arctic type country but for 1 or 2 months a year it can become very close to arctic conditions. extreme cold by british usual standards which brits have to endure. But Brits don't have these problems. unless they are already vulnerable such as being old etc.

Read the post and look up the word analogy then place it in the context as mentioned. I would say more but one of the "moderators" does not like members

to let their (moderators) friends and countrymen know they might be afew sandwiches short.

no need for you to say more. it's clear to see where your head is


Its funny how everyone here is an expert on weather. But exactly how many of you were living back in your home countries in poverty, without a nice heated home, heated car, and heated office????? 0 degrees may not seem cold for someone living in an environment designed to deal with it, but in 'the tropics', the infrastructure is quite different, especially when you are poor. We are not talking about spending a couple hours in cold temperatures, we are talking about being out in the weather 24 hours a day, including at night, trying to sleep in a house that lacks proper heating or insulation. Middle class people do not die in cold weather, but the poor do. And if not for the millions of poor people in Thailand, you would probably not be here, because the cost of living would be too high for you, and they would not have an open door to you in the first place, just because you have money. Just simply buying a few coats is not the answer. Would you want to live in London or New York, with nothing but a few coats and blankets to keep you warm? I think not.


Northern Europeans are acclimatised to wide swings in temperature, sometimes even in one day. Our bodies are efficient at thermoregulation, an acquired state, babies do not have this ability and the very old often lose it. Thais do not need this ability where a temperature swing of 10 degrees is regarded as abnormal, their thermoregulatory system is atrophied.

Another factor is the main heat source in the body is the liver, as many Thais have their livers well picked in alcohol they have problems "turning up the heat".

Finally, there is a psychological factor, any regular cold water swimmer is aware of how one can switch off the shiver reflex and tolerate the cold, all that is important is the "core temperature".


Northern Europeans are acclimatised to wide swings in temperature, sometimes even in one day. Our bodies are efficient at thermoregulation, an acquired state, babies do not have this ability and the very old often lose it. Thais do not need this ability where a temperature swing of 10 degrees is regarded as abnormal, their thermoregulatory system is atrophied.

Another factor is the main heat source in the body is the liver, as many Thais have their livers well picked in alcohol they have problems "turning up the heat".

Finally, there is a psychological factor, any regular cold water swimmer is aware of how one can switch off the shiver reflex and tolerate the cold, all that is important is the "core temperature".

The alcohol theory you've given is ridiculous, as if Europeans don't drink alcohol. My wife doesn't drink alcohol, yet she's cold below 25C.

You've left out the most important reason why Europeans don't suffer much from big fluctuations in temperatures. They have the clothes availabe for wide temperature variations and have very well controlled inside temperatures (in cars, homes, buildings).


Cold? In Thailand? In January?

I do believe we do not speak about the same thing, the same country and the same season.

If temperature drop of 1 Celsius, that is not cold by any standart, and no one can die of that if in normal health (read without under heavy alcohol; body burn by alcohol or drugs ...). I did witness temperature dropping of 25 celsius in 48 hours .... in Europe, in a very specific place famous for it (6 jully 1980 + 26 celsius; 8 jully 1980 -1 celsius ... the place is named Pontarlier)

Thailand is a tropical country (sorry if I am wrong); so temperature are NEVER EVER cold. Cold is temperture below -20 celsius (I played Rugby by -18 celsius); Cold is - 40 celsius during the night (Stage commando with sleeping out side in february 1986 , place named Les Rousses).

That is B.S.; bad journalism, or maybe another way to justify this or that ....

Cold in thailand, is it another hub (winter sport hub for saoudi????????????????)

temperatur can drop more +20 to -5 can be seen in 12 hours sometimes in Austria. Most probably more.

-10 cold to sleep drunk outside can make you very sick.

-20 real cold italien cars don't start anymore

-30 f... cold staying (not moving outside waiting for the train can be very unpleasent.

-40 extreme cold....with wind you need really the full set of heavy clothes.....


it's a terrible thing to die of exposure from the elements, but there is something about this I still find disturbing. I've been all over thailand and have seen racks upon racks of jackets for sale for 50 baht, or even less, quite affordable i would think. but what bothers me the most is, is this the first time it's ever been cold? Have these people never in their lives had to deal with being cold? I'm wondering is everything considered disposable, even a jacket you don't need when the weather is hot. Somethings missing other than warm clothes here. :huh:

The government has given blankets and warm clothing in some areas many years when it was cold. I have also seen that, when the temperature has gone up again, the same blankets and jackets have been for sale on the local markets. :jap:


Cold? In Thailand? In January?

I do believe we do not speak about the same thing, the same country and the same season.

If temperature drop of 1 Celsius, that is not cold by any standart, and no one can die of that if in normal health (read without under heavy alcohol; body burn by alcohol or drugs ...). I did witness temperature dropping of 25 celsius in 48 hours .... in Europe, in a very specific place famous for it (6 jully 1980 + 26 celsius; 8 jully 1980 -1 celsius ... the place is named Pontarlier)

Thailand is a tropical country (sorry if I am wrong); so temperature are NEVER EVER cold. Cold is temperture below -20 celsius (I played Rugby by -18 celsius); Cold is - 40 celsius during the night (Stage commando with sleeping out side in february 1986 , place named Les Rousses).

That is B.S.; bad journalism, or maybe another way to justify this or that ....

Cold in thailand, is it another hub (winter sport hub for saoudi????????????????)

To Sting123

I don't know where you live, but here in the North East is is cold.

Thai houses do not have insulation and have no heating. So I suggest you turn off your heating and leave your windows open for a couple of days, and then when you awake at 6am with an inside house temperature of about 14C, you will understand.

My, my, my... People here are so short sighted and selfish!

Yes, 20 is cold if you lived all your life around 30. Your body is simply not adapted to fight the cold.

And people die. But that must be funny.

From reading through the above comments it becomes obvious there are some who live rurally (like me) and many who either don't live here that much or assuredly don't mix much with the average Thai people.

Before I left California for here, I did one winter without heat. Mind you the home was insulated unlike here... and I'd sleep only after bundling well... in a room at 12-14 Celsius. Californians are the weather wimps of the USA, but not as warm as Thailand. (I grew up in snow country, ran X-Country and other sports in such and have camped on mountains in snow - and I've experienced -25 Celsius too.)

Live a few years at local temps in a country that is generally 30-40 Celsius (no I don't use AC thank you) and find how much colder these currently lower temps feel. Add in the fact that many Thai are significantly lower body fat, especially among the elderly... and the ones here commenting about cold they've withstood might share some human kindness by physically visiting the rural areas and sharing the hot air they are so full of.

Don't worry too much as these comments are coming from the same regions as those that complain of a Heat Wave when tempuratures in their country remain in the low to mid 30s for a few days. THeir news is then full of the numbers of people collapsing or dying from the heat. Strange that we do not find it amusing when that occurs even though it is a low tempurature range to qualify for a "Heat Wave".

Australian cities consider high 30 range to be hot but a "Heat Wave" normally requires temps above 40 or almost 10 degrees higher than that required in most of Europe.


what about the good old fashioned bond fire? open fires are everywhere anyway so if they are really that cold just build a little bit bigger fire and huddle close until the sun warms the temps up for the day. this is not rocket science nor is it really an insurmountable problem. perhaps some extra blankets from "above" also??

*sigh* you don't get viruses from being cold.

Anyways, I always see parkas on sale for pretty cheap, however, most of the time when I see people wearing them and still shivering, it's because they've still got flip flops on.

Everyone up north, especially small children and the elderly, should have some:

-wool socks. (not polyester, has to be wool)

- multiple long sleeve shirts to layer

- long underwear + jeans.

The reason why this happens every year, is people here don't layer their clothes enough, and houses don't have any insulation.

drink hot tea and eat more than usual, when you're cold you burn more energy faster.

one last emergency idea: in the event of freakishly low temperature, people in the north should have some small spot heaters/electric blankets.


Influenza, pneumonia, measles, German measles, chickenpox and diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures.

All of the above are caused by bacteria or viruses both of which you can catch no matter how warmly you are or are not dressed.


Sounds like another journalist suffering from oral dysentery - perhaps due to the cold weather. Vaccines available for measles (MMR) and for chickenpox (varicella). No reason for people to die. Both these vaccines should IMHO be given free of charge to all Thai children. No need for people to die from these diseases in 2011.

I am just guessing here !!! But at an experienced and 2 year guess of living and travelling in the North East provinces and meeting many of these people , I am guessing most Western people just dont understand that many of these people really dont have the 150 baht or more required to buy a luxury such as a warm jacket that will only be used for a short time . Free vaccines and medicine are only handed out where there is publicity or an underlying financial benefit such as minerals , energy or gold to be had by providing this aid so Foreign Governments can win contracts or make deals to get at these resources for their own benefit , rarely do these countries get any true and real returns on any of our so called assistance . People dont get much in poor areas in Thailand except when the poliically inspired greedy contestants pay you for your vote in the provinces , most rural dont understand why they get this money .

Farang supported families are envied by others in these areas and are considered very lucky and very rich . Maybe a Farang could sponsor every family in Thailand that does not have a good paying job ? There are no jobs in the country and when there is work its just for short harvest and planting periods . The rest of the time if they are lucky to get work in construction , they travel to Bangkok or similar , live on site in the most atrocious tin sheds and earn about 150 to 200 Baht a day . Again I personally know these people who do this . It is real and they are desperate to have at least something . So if you have some spare cash use that to help instead of talking bullshit .

On the other hand they can always come up with some money for beer, khao lao, smokes or gambling ... money is not the biggest problem there ...

Priorities are certainly messed up here. When I see a thatch roofed stick and cardboard shack with a $30000 (900,000 baht) SUV in the yard I lose a little bit of my sympathy. Sorry.


Cold? In Thailand? In January?

I do believe we do not speak about the same thing, the same country and the same season.

If temperature drop of 1 Celsius, that is not cold by any standart, and no one can die of that if in normal health (read without under heavy alcohol; body burn by alcohol or drugs ...). I did witness temperature dropping of 25 celsius in 48 hours .... in Europe, in a very specific place famous for it (6 jully 1980 + 26 celsius; 8 jully 1980 -1 celsius ... the place is named Pontarlier)

Thailand is a tropical country (sorry if I am wrong); so temperature are NEVER EVER cold. Cold is temperture below -20 celsius (I played Rugby by -18 celsius); Cold is - 40 celsius during the night (Stage commando with sleeping out side in february 1986 , place named Les Rousses).

That is B.S.; bad journalism, or maybe another way to justify this or that ....

Cold in thailand, is it another hub (winter sport hub for saoudi????????????????)

have you been outside... it is cold for Thailand... and cold for Bangkok... cold but nice for we Farangs... fuc**g cold for Thais...!! -- is not cold , that is freezing..!!!!


Influenza, pneumonia, measles, German measles, chickenpox and diarrhoea are usually common in the wake of lower temperatures.

All of the above are caused by bacteria or viruses both of which you can catch no matter how warmly you are or are not dressed.


Sounds like another journalist suffering from oral dysentery - perhaps due to the cold weather. Vaccines available for measles (MMR) and for chickenpox (varicella). No reason for people to die. Both these vaccines should IMHO be given free of charge to all Thai children. No need for people to die from these diseases in 2011.

Nice post, sir.

Where I went to school, we employed the terms: "logorrhea" and "oral-diarrhea."

Let's hope such folks catch-up to the unmitigated truth.

Kind regards.


There are some real ''A*se hole'' comments here. Nothing more so than ''in my country **c is not cold . . . . . !!'' Wake up this is not your country this is Thailand and the temperatures reported are incredibly cold for this region of the world.

Please wise up . . .



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