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This is an extract from an email sent by Chiangmai friends. I find it funny, what about you?clap2.gif

"There have been some murmurings of dissatisfaction from some of our Foreign Residents which have reached Khun Boong. there have been some threats to cause confusion if the Governor and Mayor and other important city officials are present at our 'celebration'. We are sure this is not to be taken seriously and was an impulsive reaction.

As a clarification: All Foreign residents are Guests of the Kingdom of Thailand and will always retain that status regardless of how rich or well connected one might claim to be. All of us living here made a voluntary choice to do so and if for whatever reason the magic seems to have disappeared, the choice to continue to live here then needs to be revisited. No one, and absolutely no one is forced to live or even stay here if they are unhappy. The airport is not unreachable and has a variety of international destinations and gateways to try and replace the lost happiness from here."

I could not agree more. If you are unhappy here then the best solution is to leave.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.

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Yes, and I did leave. Best decision I've made in a decade.

Ahhrr, you might have left in body chaoyang, but the the LOS still lives in your psyche, hence your somewhat latent presence here in the Chiang Mai, Thailand forum ;)



I got it too. The whole message is supposedly an invite but includes lots of thinly veiled threats - how odd... enough to put anyone off attending!


It's not Boong's style of writing and comes across in a very negative way. As one poster said there are veiled threats of there being police there. Someone is getting a bit above himself and not a little paranoid. No way to encourage Farang - Thai integration which was the original concept

With an attitude like that there will be at least one ogre at the feast. Who on earth does he think he is talking down to " our foreign residents" ( I assume it is a he)

I agree with other posters - odd ( particularly the non profit bit )and not funny

The invite is more like negative propaganda

Bit contradictory too; he talks of our being here voluntarily ( which is of course true ) then talks of our being guests. If someone visits a home as a guest it is because he is invited! People coming here as expats voluntarily are not in that category - though I admit being tagged an alien is faintly amusing.


Yes, and I did leave. Best decision I've made in a decade.

if you are participating in this forum you did not 'leave' Thailand. Perhaps your body but not your mind. I bet you miss a lot of things here.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Yes, and I did leave. Best decision I've made in a decade.

If this is your best decision in decades, boy you musta made some really crap ones...


...just joined in May of last year too,,, hhhmmmmmm


Yes, and I did leave. Best decision I've made in a decade.

If this is your best decision in decades, boy you musta made some really crap ones...


...just joined in May of last year too,,, hhhmmmmmm

May be the best decision for Thailand.


Yes, and I did leave. Best decision I've made in a decade.

if you are participating in this forum you did not 'leave' Thailand. Perhaps your body but not your mind. I bet you miss a lot of things here.

No just a slow day at work and tired on reading the international news online, etc. Sometimes I read what's going on in Chiang Mai too. Actually don't miss a thing there, but I do check in because some people I've known for a long time still post here. An example of why I check in is to find out something of real import -- like the recent sad passing of P1P Harris. Now there's a guy who did his da*mnest to make it Chiang Mai as a real member of the community, but the the place ate him in the end too.

Other than the occasional, very rare, item of interest, this forum is boring. Most of the interesting guys gave up long ago. Now it's just people with urgent questions like where to buy an egg spatula.

Enjoy the cool weather guys and hunker down for the soon-to-arrive burning season.



as sao jiang mai says no one seems to know what the issues referred to in the email are. the email is not signed but it is not boong's style of writing. it's a bit vindictive really; odd - yes. funny - no.

i assume rak is referring to this person's email


Yes, and I did leave. Best decision I've made in a decade.

Ahhrr, you might have left in body chaoyang, but the the LOS still lives in your psyche, hence your somewhat latent presence here in the Chiang Mai, Thailand forum ;)


You beat me to it


Another extract.

"This will be an evening of fun and no negative outbursts, sober or otherwise, will be tolerated. CMF can not put the entire mood of this celebration at risk because of a few uncontrollable personal emotions. "

I thought it was funny because there must have been some issues with some of the members in the recent past. I wonder what the punishment would be if there were "negative outbursts of sober or drunk" members?

I know, I have bad sense of humor but this email made my day.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


i had not seen that extract

what on earth is going on

"sober or otherwise"

"wont be tolerated"

is he some sort of control freak orwhat

can't see people wanting to go to a "fun " evening if that's the attitude of the organisers

the entrance fee and annual membership seems excessive for what you get. they must have a lot of "expenses"


Yes, and I did leave. Best decision I've made in a decade.

if you are participating in this forum you did not 'leave' Thailand. Perhaps your body but not your mind. I bet you miss a lot of things here.

I'm not sure why some people think Chiang Mai is a paradise for all and anyone that leaves is a little bit loopy. Chiang Mai suits some people (I like it just fine) but others think it's not so nice and they are entitled to their opinion. I come from UK and worked 9 years in Canada, I hold passports from both places. Currently I keep in touch with forums back home, in Canada and here, but just because I'm here doesn't mean I don't want to keep abreast of of things that are happening in other places. I reiterate what I've said before, Chiang Mai is not the centre of the universe, but its a nice place to live for some, including me, but not everyone's cup of tea.


I'm not considering leaving anytime soon,

But if someone can show me where an even better life is to be found I will gladly listen ...before I dismiss it!!

Chiang Mai may not be paradise, but for me its the closest thing I have found to it, having said that though I love Koh Chang, but know in my heart that after a month of living there I would be bored because the infrastructure there is nothing like here, plus my Missus would miss the department stores and I need to be reasonably close to decent medical care.

Neither of these would be available on the island, but I still love to go there a couple of weeks a year, but are still happy to return to CM


Seems to me that whoever wrote that has got some serious issues. With friends like ChiangMai Friends, who needs enemies. tongue.gif



It sounds like "Friends" are having some very human issues. Establishing friendships isn't always what we hope for and other's concept of what constitutes friendship can be very different indeed.

As to leaving Thailand, I have to admit that after ten years here I am a bit burned out and we are likely soon outa here. Not permanently as we will keep the home we own in the Wang Tan moo ban and visit often but I need a break for a few years.

Where? Either Maui or a little town in America called Moab - two more of my very favorite places to live, motorcycle and fly.

After a very rich and full life of world travel, Thailand remains high on my list but I don't think I will ever again live full-time in Chiang Mai. I have just discovered that I have a lung problem and the pollution here is one of Chaing Mai's major negatives. I will not again live in a place where such a large number of the residents wear surgical masks when they go outside..

I think Paradise is a concept, not a place. I lived for several years in a tent in the Rocky Mountains - hunting, fishing, relocating as I wished, at the peak of my health - and was totally content and as happy as I have ever been. Chiang Mai is the closest I have ever come to living in a city and it is just not my thing but in spite of the drawbacks, it has been a wonderful experience and I shall miss my/our many friends and the Thai people.

(btw TP, it is prepAration) ;)



I think they are just setting the stage to say the Mayor and Gov. will attend and give speeches but any real or difficult questions are not welcomed.

So if you plan on going then you have to listen to a bunch of whitewash.

What is is like 600 baht per person? Hope the food is good.


Sounds as if they have to change there name from CM Friends to CM Guests. You are not a friend but a guest that can be kicked out anytime,,,,or maybe CM Customers...pay and shut up.


This is an email form Chaingmai Friends to me with a request to post it on thaivisa.com. It explains more about the event and also the Thai way of thinking which we need to respect as we are beneficiaries of the system that Thai people created.


I come acrossTV and see the post about Chiang Mai Friends Group with some people interest toknow about and some people who KNOW NOTHING showing their opinion which to meis nothing wrong. Opinion is the opinion.

However,Chiang Mai Friends Group is a group of positive and good hearted foreigner andThais who willing to integrate and contribute their parts to the society. Wepromote the Crossed Cultural Education and Environment. This is why we come tothe Eco Fashion Shows produced by the young Thai who works in NGO forunfortunate kids, for Thais students and Green Environment.

Chiang MaiFriends Group is also a group that support the good hearted and creative people.You will be amazed with his creative idea of Eco Fashion. (photo on my FB)

To invitethe Thai Authorities, to have a day for foreigner residence is the idea ofmaking closer friendship as well as showing the appreciation to each others.

By sayingthis, it doesn’t suit everyone especially THOSE who are looking for using theCMF 3rd Anniversary to complain to the authorities like “I wanna sitwith the governor to tell him to realize how much important to tell Thaigovernment to stop the Baht getting strong. This shows the Thai government hateFarange” Or “ I need to tell the immigration that they makes life so difficultwith our visa staying here” And for the entrance fees for the event, THOSE whosay “ Chiang Mai Governor and Immigration should pay for Farang to join as theymake so much money from US (farangs).

To me,Boong, I don’t take it but is waste the time and energry to hear that. Howeverit is very sensitive to my business in tourism that when THOSE people don’t getwhat they want, they become defensive and

What I cando is smile? I keep my positive thinking on my Buddhist way that when I donate somethings I do the donation for happiness. I do not donate in the Western Style (donation for investment). In the same time I like the Western Style that you criticize to raise the awareness and reminding me to be careful.

For thecoming event, like I said, it suits for positive and good hearted people whoare willing to live happily and harmony here in Chiang Mai.

We havemore than 30 sponsors for prizes to be won. Like Deluxe Room worth 5,000 Baht in 5 stars hotel and luxurious spa. With the cost only 599 Baht, youget buffet dinner, 2 glasses of wine.

Every year, Chiang Mai Friends Group have got more members. It is expanding rapidly. This shows our success in some level.

There wasone saying to me the other day that he can enjoy Pad Thai for 25 Baht. 599 Bahtis too expensive for HIM.

I sincerethanks for any attention.


Presidentof Chiang Mai Friends Group.

PS> It will be greatful if you can post this on TV as I don't have the account there.

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This explains more. Khun Boong is certainly trying to promote Chiangmai and we can commend her for that as it is indeed a great place to live.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Sounds as if they have to change there name from CM Friends to CM Guests. You are not a friend but a guest that can be kicked out anytime,,,,or maybe CM Customers...pay and shut up.

Mmmm: Hitting the nail on the head

And as another poster said they seem to be a bit paranoid about the issues that have developed. They need to be a bit more responsive to farang feelings. we did not come over on banana boats. 599 baht plus annual membership. no profit. pull the other one.

Integration is about understanding both Thai and Western ways and compromising / finding an acceptable middle path or whatever. Chiangmai Friends needs to do more listening than preaching in the patronising way that the original email did


This is an email form Chaingmai Friends to me with a request to post it on thaivisa.com. It explains more about the event and also the Thai way of thinking which we need to respect as we are beneficiaries of the system that Thai people created.


I come acrossTV and see the post about Chiang Mai Friends Group with some people interest toknow about and some people who KNOW NOTHING showing their opinion which to meis nothing wrong. Opinion is the opinion.

However,Chiang Mai Friends Group is a group of positive and good hearted foreigner andThais who willing to integrate and contribute their parts to the society. Wepromote the Crossed Cultural Education and Environment. This is why we come tothe Eco Fashion Shows produced by the young Thai who works in NGO forunfortunate kids, for Thais students and Green Environment.

Chiang MaiFriends Group is also a group that support the good hearted and creative people.You will be amazed with his creative idea of Eco Fashion. (photo on my FB)

To invitethe Thai Authorities, to have a day for foreigner residence is the idea ofmaking closer friendship as well as showing the appreciation to each others.

By sayingthis, it doesn’t suit everyone especially THOSE who are looking for using theCMF 3rd Anniversary to complain to the authorities like “I wanna sitwith the governor to tell him to realize how much important to tell Thaigovernment to stop the Baht getting strong. This shows the Thai government hateFarange” Or “ I need to tell the immigration that they makes life so difficultwith our visa staying here” And for the entrance fees for the event, THOSE whosay “ Chiang Mai Governor and Immigration should pay for Farang to join as theymake so much money from US (farangs).

To me,Boong, I don’t take it but is waste the time and energry to hear that. Howeverit is very sensitive to my business in tourism that when THOSE people don’t getwhat they want, they become defensive and

What I cando is smile? I keep my positive thinking on my Buddhist way that when I donate somethings I do the donation for happiness. I do not donate in the Western Style (donation for investment). In the same time I like the Western Style that you criticize to raise the awareness and reminding me to be careful.

For thecoming event, like I said, it suits for positive and good hearted people whoare willing to live happily and harmony here in Chiang Mai.

We havemore than 30 sponsors for prizes to be won. Like Deluxe Room worth 5,000 Baht in 5 stars hotel and luxurious spa. With the cost only 599 Baht, youget buffet dinner, 2 glasses of wine.

Every year, Chiang Mai Friends Group have got more members. It is expanding rapidly. This shows our success in some level.

There wasone saying to me the other day that he can enjoy Pad Thai for 25 Baht. 599 Bahtis too expensive for HIM.

I sincerethanks for any attention.


Presidentof Chiang Mai Friends Group.

PS> It will be greatful if you can post this on TV as I don't have the account there.

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This explains more. Khun Boong is certainly trying to promote Chiangmai and we can commend her for that as it is indeed a great place to live.

CMF now doing some damage limitation it seems but a rather rushed and not well thought out response.

Criticising foreigners views is counter productive in an organisation that has "friends" in the title. Everyone is entitled to their views.

An apology for the tone of the widely circulated email woul have been a better PR ploy

Whether people want to stay or leave Thailand or Chiangmai is up to them. For CMF to make sarcastic remarks about how easy it is to get to the airport was stupid and ridiculous

The friends concept is good but talking down to expats shows they havent quite got it. And I find it insulting to farang intelligence to say it is a non profit venture given the entrance and annual membership fees and the buffet food and drink provided.

The main issues are the tone of that first email and a need to think what integration is all about. Leaving Thailand if you are unhappy was a red herring. ( Clever diversion though I suppose )


Do people really move to Thailand, to get involved with organisations like these?

according to their website they have 280 members and about 80 people attend their meetings.

I wonder how many of the "friends" are members to sell things to other "friends".

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