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Anyone Having Trouble Finding A Relationship Here?


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I was asked by the friendly cashier at a top class bar/restaurant where, if you propositioned the ladies you would get the bums rush at least, why I never had a lady by my side. I replied that I had not met anybody suitable and certainly wasn't interested in bar ladies. Two days later the senior waitress told me that she knew of a nice lady that might well suit. I agreed to take the pair of them out to dinner the following evening. After a very pleasant two hours or so the chaperone said that the nice lady wanted to go home with me. She is still here 9 blissful years later.

Seeing a guy without a partner seems to be a challenge to many Thai ladies since lots of them have asked me if I had a lady. When I tell them that I have one every night they smilingly tell me that I am a bad man. Then I tell them it is always the same one and they bestow sainthood upon me. As others might confirm that setback to their plans might not deter them, but just add to the thrill of their chase. If you are a regular customer in a shop or restaurant and are pleasant towards the ladies they get to know you and it is odds on that they will eventually ask why are you alone. It is that easy.

If anybody is on the qui vivre they may pick up little nuances that show interest. "You good man. do shopping for wife" might be heard and responding that unfortunately you don't have a lady may well mean that now you have. In my first week here as an ex-pat I bought a shirt from a lady on a stall. I noticed that she had been reading a 'teach yourself English' book and I stayed a little while to help her with some pronunciation. The following day as I was passing she asked to further help. I told her that I had dreamed about her the previous night. She wanted to know what the dream was about and I refused to tell her. I told her that all I would say was that when she was bad she was very very good. When the laughter subsided she claimed that she was a 'good girl'. I helped her out further two days later and as I was taking my leave she told me that she finished up at 2200. No prizes for guessing where she eventually slept that night. Just like shelling peas I thought. If I can pull birds out of thin air at my age, then so can you.

Does anybody who has got to know Thailand really believe that it is only the bar ladies that are available to them? A survey conducted by 'the other newspaper' some years ago showed that about 65% of those responding said that they had conferred sexual benefits on men for financial or career benefits. How many ladies are mia nois or giks? And don't think that the girls are overly shy about setting out and getting their share. Having a pa nois comes with benefits.Thais are renowned for seeking out sanook and if 'the other' isn't fun then I suggest that you are doing it wrong.

One can only guess at what the results would be presently in BKK but in a UK newspaper some 50 years ago it was stated that if a reasonably looking guy stood on a corner of Oxford Street and asked ladies for a shag for 50 UKP one in ten would accept the proposition. 50 UKP would equate to about a months salary then. It must have been fun doing the research on that. Given that morality norms have slipped in the meantime one could easily believe that the figure quoted has risen. Are the ladies of London freer with their favours that BKK ladies? I doubt it, but I am sure that standing on a corner asking ladies bia duoy may lead to an unfortunate accident..

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Let those who pick fun of other people in photos, post a photo of themselves (and their partners)!

Then we can have some real laughs.

I'm pretty sure YA#15 would beat the looks of them/theirs.

How much exaccery would you prepare to wager on this outcome ??

But hey, if Miss15 floats ya boat, then you obviously have a much bigger pond to fish from than I.

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Seeing a guy without a partner seems to be a challenge to many Thai ladies since lots of them have asked me if I had a lady. When I tell them that I have one every night they smilingly tell me that I am a bad man. Then I tell them it is always the same one and they bestow sainthood upon me. As others might confirm that setback to their plans might not deter them, but just add to the thrill of their chase. If you are a regular customer in a shop or restaurant and are pleasant towards the ladies they get to know you and it is odds on that they will eventually ask why are you alone. It is that easy.

Good post, Bagwan, but this one paragraph is worth repeating. It is the same in other countries as well. A suitable bachelor is noted by many married women and if they know you are "looking" then they are more than willing to line you up with someone.

Of course, if you are in Thailand, it STILL comes down to being able to speak Thai in a semi-fluent manner. I wouldn't consider trying to have a serious relationship with a Thai woman without being able to speak a littel Thai. It opens so many more doors.

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Let those who pick fun of other people in photos, post a photo of themselves (and their partners)!

Then we can have some real laughs.

Yeah, I am sure that their won't be any negative ramifications to posting your personal information on Thai Visa. It's not like there are any jealous, disturbed, delusion, psychotic farang among us. :lol:

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Depends on your definition of "normal women?"

Do you speak Thai? Makes all the difference in the world. Or at least in Thailand.

normal women are the 98 percent who are not prositutes, who work in offices, department stores, nurses etc...

Depending how you will define the word "prostitute"?

To my knowledge and what I have been told by (a lot of) Thai girls, the (only) interest for a farang is, to get a better (finacial) life: "To move up".

A farang dating a mid- or upper class Thai lady is quite outstanding - not completely impossible, but requires a lot of patience - whilst the lower class ladies (and their families) benefits from moving up with farang-money. That be the farmer girls from Isaan, many university students, ladies working in office etc. or even selfemployed with some fairly good business. They all dream about "moving up" the easy and fast way, like winning in the Lottery: Finding a farang. I know (friendly) quite a few nice and respectable ladies with that dream - some of them even manage to find and marry a farang.

Take a look at the profiles at dating sites. Not all, but many young girls (18-25 yo) looks for a man (farang), any age. Only few looks for a man, around their own age.

In other words - "Money number one" - they do it for the financial benefits and for a better life, often including a better life for their family back home in the village.

The traditional Thai culture is quite the same. The man pays "sin sot" (dowry) - he is buying his wife. The girls are tought, that a man, who can take good care, is number one - then love will come later. Often young girls are married to quite older men (not really old) - which is possible at a (unregistered) village marriage - fx. I have experienced 13-15 yo girls getting married to men around 30, because they (or their family) could pay a good "sin sot" - arranged by the families, so kind of "arranged marriage" (however, some times, because a young girl get pregnant, and the families do not want to "lose face"). I know Thai men in their sixties, getting married to girls around 20.

In Western terms and culture, we normally connect prostitution with money - a paid for service. However, in South East Asian culture, the financial status is very (the most) important. In the book "Thailand Fever", it is told, that the paid for service continues during a marriage (page 182): "...what is the difference between courting a Thai woman and puchasing a Thai prostitute/bar girl? After all, in both cases, you pay money and then she reciprocates with company and sex."

Many women, looking for a farang, have been married (once or twice) to a Thai man - or younger girls have had a Thai boyfriend - and found out, that it did not work. The commen story is money (not enough), drinking, butterflying (the man having a mistress or several), the man being rude, the man leaving when a baby comes (especially a baby girl). Not because the Thai ladies suddently loves farangs - even they say so - but they find the farang being a better option with more financial support and the impression of, that the farang normally takes good care of his family. Some farmer families up in Isaan, even send their dougters off to find a farang, as soon as the girl is old enough. Often I've been told by many (all) ladies I know: "If some girls says, they don't do it for the money, they lie!"

So - in Western terms - that makes all Thai women (propably apart from the elite class and the upper mid class) prositutes.

And I must add, that I know of many girls - who have had a past period in the nightlife - being honest, nice, good and respectable girlfrinds and wifes.

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Well there are many ways,

1 you go out and meet people ie supermarket shops etc nightclubs

2, why waste all that time, use the internet.............5 years married now.

Engage brain when chatting with anyone checkout the stories make sure you meet them all only deal with ones who have full time employmet in a real job not a bar job, Logic dictates theyw will only be able to speak with you at certain times due to having a job, checkout there stories as much as you can.

Keep brain in head dont shag them unless you want to make a commitment, understand going out with one has certain liabilities especially if you get married later. If you go out with them no matter what salary they get dont take them out of their job or if you do find them a new job. I e gave my wife a small business whihc she has grown and now eploys her full time and a few others and does pretty well giving her about 80-100k baht a month.

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"Take a look at the profiles at dating sites. Not all, but many young girls (18-25 yo) looks for a man (farang), any age. Only few looks for a man, around their own age."

Well, I doubt there are a lot of 18-25 yo farang browsing the bargirl/mail order bride Thai-Farang dating sites.

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Depends on your definition of "normal women?"

Do you speak Thai? Makes all the difference in the world. Or at least in Thailand.

normal women are the 98 percent who are not prositutes, who work in offices, department stores, nurses etc...

I don't agree with you. Do you think it's only the girls in the bars that are prostitutes? If that's what you think, then you better think again.

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If you are over 30, forget about the young ones... you are stuck with a divorcee, a bar fly with tattoos or some woman with a few kids as

the Thai men will never go near them. If you are under 30 and decent looking, the Thai girl world is yours.

Even if you manage to land your dream girl, be prepared to dish out some serious money for her family or she will

move on to the next victim in which case, she becomes your nightmare and you scram back to which ever country you came from

broken heart and broken bank account.

Stay single and only have 30 minute relationships.

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Depends on your definition of "normal women?"

Do you speak Thai? Makes all the difference in the world. Or at least in Thailand.

normal women are the 98 percent who are not prositutes, who work in offices, department stores, nurses etc...

Depending how you will define the word "prostitute"?

To my knowledge and what I have been told by (a lot of) Thai girls, the (only) interest for a farang is, to get a better (finacial) life: "To move up".

A farang dating a mid- or upper class Thai lady is quite outstanding - not completely impossible, but requires a lot of patience - whilst the lower class ladies (and their families) benefits from moving up with farang-money. That be the farmer girls from Isaan, many university students, ladies working in office etc. or even selfemployed with some fairly good business. They all dream about "moving up" the easy and fast way, like winning in the Lottery: Finding a farang. I know (friendly) quite a few nice and respectable ladies with that dream - some of them even manage to find and marry a farang.

Take a look at the profiles at dating sites. Not all, but many young girls (18-25 yo) looks for a man (farang), any age. Only few looks for a man, around their own age.

In other words - "Money number one" - they do it for the financial benefits and for a better life, often including a better life for their family back home in the village.

The traditional Thai culture is quite the same. The man pays "sin sot" (dowry) - he is buying his wife. The girls are tought, that a man, who can take good care, is number one - then love will come later. Often young girls are married to quite older men (not really old) - which is possible at a (unregistered) village marriage - fx. I have experienced 13-15 yo girls getting married to men around 30, because they (or their family) could pay a good "sin sot" - arranged by the families, so kind of "arranged marriage" (however, some times, because a young girl get pregnant, and the families do not want to "lose face"). I know Thai men in their sixties, getting married to girls around 20.

In Western terms and culture, we normally connect prostitution with money - a paid for service. However, in South East Asian culture, the financial status is very (the most) important. In the book "Thailand Fever", it is told, that the paid for service continues during a marriage (page 182): "...what is the difference between courting a Thai woman and puchasing a Thai prostitute/bar girl? After all, in both cases, you pay money and then she reciprocates with company and sex."

Many women, looking for a farang, have been married (once or twice) to a Thai man - or younger girls have had a Thai boyfriend - and found out, that it did not work. The commen story is money (not enough), drinking, butterflying (the man having a mistress or several), the man being rude, the man leaving when a baby comes (especially a baby girl). Not because the Thai ladies suddently loves farangs - even they say so - but they find the farang being a better option with more financial support and the impression of, that the farang normally takes good care of his family. Some farmer families up in Isaan, even send their dougters off to find a farang, as soon as the girl is old enough. Often I've been told by many (all) ladies I know: "If some girls says, they don't do it for the money, they lie!"

So - iin Western terms - that makes all Thai women (propably apart from the elite class and the upper mid class) prositutes.

And I must add, that I know of many girls - who have had a past period in the nightlife - being honest, nice, good and respectable girlfrinds and wifes.

I'm sorry, but this is utter tosh. A prostitue is a person who sells sexual favours for cash. A women who sleeps with her boss for a promotion is not a prostitute however analogous it may seem (an I am sure thre are plenty of terms that can be applied).

I also believe you have either talked to some very bitter women (that are perhaps jelous of one's that did snag a good farang) or such gitls as you describe that think because it is their modus operendi that it MUST be everyone else's too.

Expats that work here have no more (and most likely fewer in fact) problems meeting "normal" women at work than they would at home. Men that can speak Thai and therefore can converse with Thais will stand a much better chance of meeting a "normal" woman - lets face it, if they are young and pretty then boys' interests will not be too much of a problem acquiring, why struggle with language issues too. Funny, confident, mildly flattering coversation wins the game.

I also know quite a few exats here married to middle or even uipper class Thai women - its not as rare as many here seem to think. Many mixed familes here are supported by the Thai earnings rather than the farang's income/pension - that kills off so much of this common arguement.

As I have said often here, one catches the fish indiginous to the pond in which (s)he fishes. The same is true of polls too of course, maybe you should widen your poll group somewhat.

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"In the West it is always rumored that it is easy to pickup women in Thailand. This may be the case in the bar and prostitution scene which makes up about 2 % of the countries women. However the normal women are quite hard to get a relationship with as I have experienced in the last 7 years I have been living in LOS. However many Farangs are quite sucessful and happy with their Thai girlfriends / wives. I wonder how they do that?"

Many Thai women will be (very) interested in a farang, but...

1) First of all smile - you are in LOS - that is amazing how easy you can make a contact with a smile.

2) Be polite - follow the good custom of LOS - Thai's don't like rude people.

3) Dress acceptable - Thailand do have a dress code - you don't need to wear a suit, but dress after where you are. Bangkok and a tourist beach area are not the same.

4) Try to look handsome - even older men may look very handsome in the eyes of a Thai woman - be clean (both you and your clothing), shaved etc. and do not appear like a "Cheap Charlie" (man with no money).

5) Be funny and joke - Thai's loves to joke (sanuuk).

6) Read the book "Thailand Fever...", where you will learn more about the local culture and Thai courting.

7) Be patient, because a women smiles back does not mean you have a date or she will follow you to your hotel or appartment. Dating a respectable lady in Thailand may be a long process. You may invite her for a coffe or dinner, but don't be surprised, if she brings a friend (woman) - a respectable lady will never come alone.

8) Language may be a problem, if you don't speak some Thai. However, many younger women understand quite some English, but are not used to- or to shy to speak it. Thai women are in general shy. However, you may have a lot of fun time - and you learning some Thai words and she some English - by using dictionaries and phrase books.

9) Be a (n oldfashioned) gentleman - always discreet pay the bill(s) - women loves that. In Thai culture, "Mr. Rich" always pays - being farang, you are "Mr. Rich".

10) Be prepared, that your financial situation/support is important - even the woman may wish to share the bill at first date ("khran jai" or not to be obliged) - questions about your income (and your wealth) are both polite, so you can make face, and gives the lady information about your status, so she is not wasting her time dating you. Thailand Fever, page 182: "...what is the difference between courting a Thai woman and puchasing a Thai prostitute/bar girl? After all, in both cases, you pay money and then she reciprocates with company and sex."

You may find (mainly younger) women, who just looks for fun ("sanuuk"), but in general a Thai women will search for a relationship with a good provider.

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It is quite a simple process that has been mastered here by many of this forums members.

You find yourself a BG then pay for her to leave the bar for good and take her home and clean her up. You then take her out and by her ridiculously looking clothes that look odd, out of place and uncomfortable but in your mind make her look hiso. You then clue her up what to say to your friends and family where you met.

I meet you in restaurant OK?

You went to university OK?

Your family rich and half Chinese OK?

Once you have brain washed her and deluded yourself come back and join in the threads where "countless others" will claim their misses is not a BG but a gift from god that only us less mortals could dream about. ;)

Nail Hammer Head

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"In the West it is always rumored that it is easy to pickup women in Thailand. This may be the case in the bar and prostitution scene which makes up about 2 % of the countries women. However the normal women are quite hard to get a relationship with as I have experienced in the last 7 years I have been living in LOS. However many Farangs are quite sucessful and happy with their Thai girlfriends / wives. I wonder how they do that?"

Many Thai women will be (very) interested in a farang, but...

1) First of all smile - you are in LOS - that is amazing how easy you can make a contact with a smile.

2) Be polite - follow the good custom of LOS - Thai's don't like rude people.

3) Dress acceptable - Thailand do have a dress code - you don't need to wear a suit, but dress after where you are. Bangkok and a tourist beach area are not the same.

4) Try to look handsome - even older men may look very handsome in the eyes of a Thai woman - be clean (both you and your clothing), shaved etc. and do not appear like a "Cheap Charlie" (man with no money).

5) Be funny and joke - Thai's loves to joke (sanuuk).

6) Read the book "Thailand Fever...", where you will learn more about the local culture and Thai courting.

7) Be patient, because a women smiles back does not mean you have a date or she will follow you to your hotel or appartment. Dating a respectable lady in Thailand may be a long process. You may invite her for a coffe or dinner, but don't be surprised, if she brings a friend (woman) - a respectable lady will never come alone.

8) Language may be a problem, if you don't speak some Thai. However, many younger women understand quite some English, but are not used to- or to shy to speak it. Thai women are in general shy. However, you may have a lot of fun time - and you learning some Thai words and she some English - by using dictionaries and phrase books.

9) Be a (n oldfashioned) gentleman - always discreet pay the bill(s) - women loves that. In Thai culture, "Mr. Rich" always pays - being farang, you are "Mr. Rich".

10) Be prepared, that your financial situation/support is important - even the woman may wish to share the bill at first date ("khran jai" or not to be obliged) - questions about your income (and your wealth) are both polite, so you can make face, and gives the lady information about your status, so she is not wasting her time dating you. Thailand Fever, page 182: "...what is the difference between courting a Thai woman and puchasing a Thai prostitute/bar girl? After all, in both cases, you pay money and then she reciprocates with company and sex."

You may find (mainly younger) women, who just looks for fun ("sanuuk"), but in general a Thai women will search for a relationship with a good provider.

This is just rubbish

Just because 1 Thai lady in 1000 supports her foreign guy (while thinking, 'god, how did I get stuck with this deadbeat') doesn't prove anything.

Pretty much the same statistic as the western world or anywhere else I would imagine.

1-5 just gives you first pick of the BGs (and unless you live in Pattaya they don't go with just anyone)

6 is racist rubbish, totally out of date

7 total tosh, Thai ladies jump into bed at the drop of a hat, for the right person, they just keep it quiet, bringing extra mouths to feed beyond date 1 is just scrounging plain and simple

8 This does widen your field, but more because it gives you the confidence to approach a wider audience.

9 You will always end up paying, sending them to school, setting them up in a business, as well as cash

10 Money does count

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9) Be a (n oldfashioned) gentleman - always discreet pay the bill(s) - women loves that. In Thai culture, "Mr. Rich" always pays - being farang, you are "Mr. Rich".

Not quite true. Poo Yai always pay - the big person, person of highest status - that is not always the richest as wealth is just one of many attributes used for social ordering in Thailand - along with age, job, family position, contacs, and a myriad of other things. It is usually the Poo Yai that does the inviting too. If you invite a young lady out, you are assuming the role of Poo Yai, and thus you should pay the bill.

I have a women wjho invites me out for dinner about 3 ot 4 times a year. She also invites my wife and kids too. SHe is the mamager of a big insurance firm and we are customers. We always do out insurance buniness through her directly. She therefore gets the commision. She takes us out (and I expect charges it to her expense account) - she has also help sort out other issues too (she even offered to go as guarantor fopr a car loan if I wanted it!). In that arrangement we are the customers, so in theory thePoo Yais - however, she is a manager and she did the inviting - she pays. She is Thai of course.

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If you are over 30, forget about the young ones... you are stuck with a divorcee, a bar fly with tattoos or some woman with a few kids as

the Thai men will never go near them. If you are under 30 and decent looking, the Thai girl world is yours.

Even if you manage to land your dream girl, be prepared to dish out some serious money for her family or she will

move on to the next victim in which case, she becomes your nightmare and you scram back to which ever country you came from

broken heart and broken bank account.

Stay single and only have 30 minute relationships.

If I come and live in Thailand, will I look at the world like this? The potential for this to happen filles me with genuine fear and makes me think that I may be better of staying in Europe. I don't want to be messed up in the head and bitter.

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To the OP...

Just wondering, could it have anything to do with "Misha-The-Bear"??? Generally speaking, Thai women aren't big fans of heavy body hair... :D

As for weight, I'm not a chubby nor do I aspire to be... But I have found that some parts of Thai society consider a certain weight to be a sign of wealth and affluence.

As for Thai women, I do think it has a lot to do with the environment the farang guy is in... Those who hang around bars are likely to get... Those who work in offices are likely to get.... The more challenging issue is for guys who are retired here, even if not that old, and don't have a set terrain that automatically brings them into social contact with women.

My wife, who works a regular job, has two close single female friends, both in their 30s, both fully employed in regular jobs... And thru socializing together, I've learned that both of them would be interested in finding a farang boyfriend, though neither of them seem to have done much toward achieving that end, and both seem to have had little or no past social connection with any farangs (excluding myself).

Neither speak more than a few words of rudimentary English. One already has a Thai BF and a gik who's a married Thai guy, but apparently she isn't happy with that current arrangement, even though one of them is fully paying the tab for the apartment she owns. The other, who's quite attractive, seems very busy with her day office job and a side business with her sister, and doesn't have any BF at all (Thai or farang), as best as I can tell.

In both cases, from what I've gathered, they both have the general idea that finding a farang BF would be beneficial toward supporting themselves and their parents/families... Yet they're both absolutely regular Thai women living in Bangkok, and have absolutely no history or connection with anything to do with the bar scene.

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If I come and live in Thailand, will I look at the world like this?

It depends on what you were like when you came here. Many residents have been unhappy rejects all of their lives and they continue the same pattern in Thailand. However, if you have anything going for you at all, this has got to be one of the easiest places to find acceptance and contentment on the planet. :wai:

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9) Be a (n oldfashioned) gentleman - always discreet pay the bill(s) - women loves that. In Thai culture, "Mr. Rich" always pays - being farang, you are "Mr. Rich".

Not quite true. Poo Yai always pay - the big person, person of highest status - that is not always the richest as wealth is just one of many attributes used for social ordering in Thailand - along with age, job, family position, contacs, and a myriad of other things. It is usually the Poo Yai that does the inviting too. If you invite a young lady out, you are assuming the role of Poo Yai, and thus you should pay the bill.

You are absolute right, but it is difficult to explain - as you say: "...and a myriad of other things." I just tried to keep it simple for the matter of a farang dating a woman:o)

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I think the situation you're fearing is the pessimist's view of living in Thailand, though it's certainly a scenario that happens in the real world, and perhaps happens a lot.

That said, for a decent guy, I think there's a "sweet spot" for farang guys and Thai women in their late 20s and particularly all thru their 30s... That's kind of past the prime age for Thai guys, and there certainly are plenty of single attractive Thai women without children who lead regular working lives and have no part of the bar scene, including those who've had the time to date Thai guys and decide (for whatever reason) they don't want that kind of future.

All Thai women are not the same, so you really have to look at the individual... Some will be hitting you up for money for their families every month for the rest of your life... Some will want you to take care of them, and then they'll help take care of their family from their own salary earnings and never bother you about it. Some will want to save money for their own lives and not expect anything for their families (except in cases of emergency and such). It's up to the guy to learn what style of woman he's engaged with and then decide if that style fits with his own sense of what's acceptable.

If I come and live in Thailand, will I look at the world like this? The potential for this to happen filles me with genuine fear and makes me think that I may be better of staying in Europe. I don't want to be messed up in the head and bitter.

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Why oh why do that (the bit I put in bold). My cherub is dark skinned, just the way I want her. When she dresses up she puts on her best polo shirt, shorts and thongs (flip flop, jandals or whatever everyone else calls them) just the way I want her. I don't like girls that dress sluty or try to be too sexy or dress to impress. Give me the down to earth girl with no smoke and mirrors anytime.

But then again, not everyone likes the same. Up to you. :D

interesting typo. probably closer to what you actually meant.

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If you are over 30, forget about the young ones... you are stuck with a divorcee, a bar fly with tattoos or some woman with a few kids as

the Thai men will never go near them. If you are under 30 and decent looking, the Thai girl world is yours.

Even if you manage to land your dream girl, be prepared to dish out some serious money for her family or she will

move on to the next victim in which case, she becomes your nightmare and you scram back to which ever country you came from

broken heart and broken bank account.

Stay single and only have 30 minute relationships.

If I come and live in Thailand, will I look at the world like this? The potential for this to happen filles me with genuine fear and makes me think that I may be better of staying in Europe. I don't want to be messed up in the head and bitter.

Being messed up in the head and bitter is not that bad. If one is going to be messed up and bitter Thailand is not a bad place to be messed up and bitter in. Lots of company here.

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If you are over 30, forget about the young ones... you are stuck with a divorcee, a bar fly with tattoos or some woman with a few kids as

the Thai men will never go near them. If you are under 30 and decent looking, the Thai girl world is yours.

Even if you manage to land your dream girl, be prepared to dish out some serious money for her family or she will

move on to the next victim in which case, she becomes your nightmare and you scram back to which ever country you came from

broken heart and broken bank account.

Stay single and only have 30 minute relationships.

If I come and live in Thailand, will I look at the world like this? The potential for this to happen filles me with genuine fear and makes me think that I may be better of staying in Europe. I don't want to be messed up in the head and bitter.

Being messed up in the head and bitter is not that bad. If one is going to be messed up and bitter Thailand is not a bad place to be messed up and bitter in. Lots of company here.

Yes, its great to know that anyone who's been here for a few years will have their own horror stories.

Give it a few years, and we can all laugh about it.

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If you are over 30, forget about the young ones... you are stuck with a divorcee, a bar fly with tattoos or some woman with a few kids as

the Thai men will never go near them. If you are under 30 and decent looking, the Thai girl world is yours.

Even if you manage to land your dream girl, be prepared to dish out some serious money for her family or she will

move on to the next victim in which case, she becomes your nightmare and you scram back to which ever country you came from

broken heart and broken bank account.

Stay single and only have 30 minute relationships.

right on the money, young thai girls from good families are not interested in older falangs

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If you are over 30, forget about the young ones... you are stuck with a divorcee, a bar fly with tattoos or some woman with a few kids as

the Thai men will never go near them. If you are under 30 and decent looking, the Thai girl world is yours.

Even if you manage to land your dream girl, be prepared to dish out some serious money for her family or she will

move on to the next victim in which case, she becomes your nightmare and you scram back to which ever country you came from

broken heart and broken bank account.

Stay single and only have 30 minute relationships.

right on the money, young thai girls from good families are not interested in older falangs

For sure...but the young girls from poor families certainly are! :)

Like UG posted, Thailand is one of the best places in the world to start a relationship. Old, young, fat, skinny, rich, poor. Doesn't matter. Enjoy! And like everywhere else in the world, keep your wits about you and you will be fine. Enjoy!!!!

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