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What'S With The Age Dynamic Of Dates Here?


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As per UG's #52: My theory is that most foreigners are not willing to go through all the hassles of searching for and wooing stunners ... And it is most likely futile. IMHO the only way an older guy ends up with a stunner on any legitimate basis is when THEY find you...

Thank god that she found me now as i am 75 and would hate to have to wait till i am old. :lol:

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A lot of good looking farang guys end up with really bad looking chicks. Think some guys just go with whoever latches on to them first, regardless of looks, employment, or anything else. It's very odd and I know a few chicks that are quite annoyed with this phenomena.

I've seen it happen many times myself and often wonder why. I think it's that some women have a charm they can turn off and on, and men are suckers for it. I've seen many relatively plain Thai women turn into beauties when they smile. It might be as simple as that. And, as most men enjoy being appreciated they are suckers for an aggressive woman with a lot of charm.

I've watched one particular woman in a bar I frequent seduce man after man. And yet, she is the last of the women in that bar that I would pick. I think she does twice the business of all other girls in that bar combined. And, there are 2 or 3 real cuties working there.

A thai woman may not be able to pick Thailand out on a world map but many know the ways to a mans pocket book and his heart. The women you are pointing out know they are not so attractive and have found what will work for them to support their family.

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... Only when one makes one's multitudinous observations on Thai culture and womanhood based on frequenting bah farangs ... By being a Christian Missionary however and hanging out in places where no one speaks English you can develop a perspective not available in the 'bar' environment where girls are available to be easily picked up by Farang ...

Besides, it's a different perspective when a Thai family is not wild about a farang hanging-out with their young precocious daughter but then say 'Well, I guess since you're a missionary, it's OK.'

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Thai Visa is funny because so many of the topics are senior citizens talking about dating, physical attraction, their tricks for picking up women, their sexual preferences. I have never heard old people talk about sex in the West. Maybe they are not allowed to. They seem to be more interested in fishing.

What's the funniest though is when a Thai Visa user just comes out and admits that the girls only want his money and that is the arrangement between the sex tourists and prostitutes, you have so many guys jumping in to clarify that they really are Studs and that their relationships with younger women are very different from said user. :lol:

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What's the funniest though is when a Thai Visa user just comes out and admits that the girls only want his money and that is the arrangement between the sex tourists and prostitutes, you have so many guys jumping in to clarify that they really are Studs and that their relationships with younger women are very different from said user. :lol:

What is far funnier to me is young guys posting from abroad who aren't getting any at all

(that's not counting sex where there is only one person in the room)

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... and that their relationships with younger women are very different from said user.... You're right ... whodda thunk back in the old country that one could use the 'Christian Missionary' pick-up line on comely young Thai girls ... works like a charm ... you should try it.

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I really do feel a bit sorry for the people that think it is 'always about the wallets', as this shows something about the person saying it AND about the people they know.

Strangely, if it were only worded slightly different it might be true. Perhaps something along the lines of "security, and thus income is usually a significant factor that women use when choosing a mate."

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I've seen many ... in a bar I frequent ... That says it all.

A day lasts 24 hours. There are 7 days in a week and approximately 30 days in a month. There is certainly lots of time to spend doing other things. I've met more women that I want to spend time with, in Thai cafes rather than in bars. But, you can certainly have a lot of fun people watching in a bar. I've been in Pattaya for 3 days and had a total of 3 beers. Most of the time I"m on a beach somewhere outside Pattaya. I've spent more time playing pool with friends than I have talking to one of the many thousands of bar girls. I'd go along with Ulysses assessment. Most of the women are average, some are pretty hard looking, and there are a few quite attractive ones. But, when you have that many women in any one place then there are bound to be a few stunners. There is a cross section of everything and certainly something for everyone. Stop being negative and you can have a lot of fun if you aren't too judgemental.

I've spent more than a few weeks each year with hill tribe people and if you keep your eyes and ears open it's amazing what you can learn.

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... and that their relationships with younger women are very different from said user.... You're right ... whodda thunk back in the old country that one could use the 'Christian Missionary' pick-up line on comely young Thai girls ... works like a charm ... you should try it.

Why would you need to try anything?

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No its the trousers!

without trousers

no bulges

It's always about the wallet ... It's just that some girls have the choice of multiple guys all with bulging wallets ... so one better have something going for themselves more than that.

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It's always about the wallet ... It's just that some girls have the choice of multiple guys all with bulging wallets ... so one better have something going for themselves more than that.

Good for those gals. Everyone has some God given attribute. For some it is beauty, for others it is brains, and for a select few its talent. The smart ones use their best feature while they are young enough to take advantage of it. I've known many very talented people in my life, but only a few realized any profit from their talents. And many, like my ex son in law, have tossed away a God given talent that could have made them a fortune. A lot has to do with finding the right mentor at the right time and taking advantage of it.

What business is it of anyone else if a couple have come up with a relationship that works for them... for whatever reason?

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I really do feel a bit sorry for the people that think it is 'always about the wallets' ... don't feel too sorry ... it causes pre-mature wrinkles ...

And I don't -- rather than the thousands that some feel necessary to justify their Thai sociological analyses, in 7 years I've only had close relationships with 2 Thai women and they both found me... but that's really all it takes.

Or as Han Solo put it: Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other ...

OK -- For some it is beauty, for others it is brains, and for a select few its talent... and to find 2 with beauty and brains in 7 years is 2 more than many.

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I really do feel a bit sorry for the people that think it is 'always about the wallets' ... don't feel too sorry ... it causes pre-mature wrinkles ...

And I don't -- rather than the thousands that some feel necessary to justify their Thai sociological analyses, in 7 years I've only had close relationships with 2 Thai women and they both found me... but that's really all it takes.

Or as Han Solo put it: Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other ...

OK -- For some it is beauty, for others it is brains, and for a select few its talent... and to find 2 with beauty and brains in 7 years is 2 more than many.

Exactly! You never know when it might happen. You just have to recognize it and feel grateful wen it does. Just one great relationship in a lifetime is worth it. Take it for as long as it lasts and feel yourself fortunate.

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To the OP it is called ..rent-a-wife. It's a business arrangement between two people who know the score. Or, should know the score. It's got nothing to do about love or commitment. It's got everything to do about money. No different than picking out an expensive watch or a cheap immitation. The gal gets a nice place to sleep and doesn't have to share with 3 other women. She gets all her meals and drinks paid for and a monthly allowance that usually averages more than she could make working at the 7-11 or other menial job that she's only qualified for. The guy gets someone reasonably attractive for company and sex. No harm, no foul. I won't go into other discussions about prostitution because it's frowned on by thaivisa, and actually illegal in Thailand.

Most elderly men who come to Thailand to find love would never have a chance at any young woman in his home country. Like it or not, the fact remains that most men like young attractive women. They can't fnd that elsewhere, unless they are also young and attractive themselves. It's really quite simple and nobody's business but the couple in question.

Why did the widowed Jackie Kennedy marry Aristotle Onassis? He was 62 at the time and she was about 23 years his junior. The only answer is money or power... which she was used to having.

Now that's just not true. I was not able to find a woman in the US, despite being young. So your theory is all wrong.

Fact is, you need money to have any women. Doesn't matter what you look like. Good looks and young age help, but it's not the decisive factor.

Remember that shirt? Says "No money No honey". 100% fact of life.

If you are polite, respectful and bathe often, you might find that you do not have to pay.

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One of the things I have noticed is the relationships between older long term residents is more likely to be 'real' than between the younger tourists and their girls.

One example

The other day I was sitting at my local bar, it has a big rooming house behind where many working girls live.

So this young guy comes in with his 'date' late morning, she parks him in the bar and goes to her room.

Round the corner, out of sight of her 'date', her Thai partner meets her (he shares her room), they chat, she goes up for a shower and change of clothes, then back to see her young 'date'

The young guy has no idea what is going on, he's going to spend the day with her, and has been all week, so he must imagine a 'relationship'.

A young French guy in his early 20s is playing out exactly the same game in the bar opposite, very pretty Thai girl, I often see her walking with her Thai husband and 3 yo child. The French guy thinks he has a girlfriend, she has a Thai husband and a French customer!

Thailand is a land of dreams, you can still dream, no matter what your age.

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I can understand that the subject of dating bar girls comes over and over in this forum, new people visit Thailand and join this forum everyday, but that older posters still arguing that it is completely accepted in Thailand is beyond my comprehension.

In your home country, will you pick up a girl by the side of the road and take her to a party with friends ? In your home country, would you believe that nobody can makes the difference between a east-European hooker and a "au pair" student ?

Love is blind but naivety has its limits ....

So what's your take on Heffner and his new fiance ( or did they get married already ), true love, or is he just naive?

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To the OP it is called ..rent-a-wife. It's a business arrangement between two people who know the score. Or, should know the score. It's got nothing to do about love or commitment. It's got everything to do about money. No different than picking out an expensive watch or a cheap immitation. The gal gets a nice place to sleep and doesn't have to share with 3 other women. She gets all her meals and drinks paid for and a monthly allowance that usually averages more than she could make working at the 7-11 or other menial job that she's only qualified for. The guy gets someone reasonably attractive for company and sex. No harm, no foul. I won't go into other discussions about prostitution because it's frowned on by thaivisa, and actually illegal in Thailand.

Most elderly men who come to Thailand to find love would never have a chance at any young woman in his home country. Like it or not, the fact remains that most men like young attractive women. They can't fnd that elsewhere, unless they are also young and attractive themselves. It's really quite simple and nobody's business but the couple in question.

Why did the widowed Jackie Kennedy marry Aristotle Onassis? He was 62 at the time and she was about 23 years his junior. The only answer is money or power... which she was used to having.

Now that's just not true. I was not able to find a woman in the US, despite being young. So your theory is all wrong.

Fact is, you need money to have any women. Doesn't matter what you look like. Good looks and young age help, but it's not the decisive factor.

Remember that shirt? Says "No money No honey". 100% fact of life.

If you are polite, respectful and bathe often, you might find that you do not have to pay.

I'm with chops on that.

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