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Brit Pensioners Take On Thai 'Killer Bride'


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Water heaters for the police? Poor guy was being nice with the wife taking all the glory! She already had the police eating out of her ha nds. Ahhh... Such a story heard so many times, again, and again and again....

She looks familiar, origin Si SA KET was married to anothe Brit.....

She'll get away with it, she did already.... and the Tahi husband (hahah claiming boyfriend) was always around I'll bet .....

Wake up FARANGS!......

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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.

Ummm, did you read the article? If so I suggest you read it again before getting on your very high Thaier than Thai horse.

The bf confessed to the deed accompanied by the brother, at the request of the wife.

Wow - i wish £11,000 did convert to 11,000,000 Baht !!! Happy days... but it doesn't, so the fund is approx. 5 Million Baht, give or take.

I know we are not supposed to mock the afflicted on this site, but you started it. If you want to correct someones maths I suggest you check yours first. £11,000 at todays rates equates to about 535,000 THB.

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Tragic as the story is please allow me this one small immature indulgence and let me say that the title of the thread reads to me as some sort of weird WWE Summer Smackdown Main Event on payperview wrestling.

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I wish the 2 guys luck, but really putting their own lives in danger.

The most likely outcome from these two guys actions will be 2 more unsolvable Farang murders.

The only way to enjoy life in Thailand is to keep your head down and out of the limelight.

I cannot fathom why any guy with enough clues to accumulate a reasonable nest egg, would not have the brains to keep it separate to any Thai union/marriage. There are so many cases similar to this, why dont the guys think with their brains.

I tend to agree with the post above...best step is not get married to start with. Play them at their own game.

Surely most guys now know, in the Thai dictionary "Love" is spelt M O N E Y

Well I will get red lined again but ok. It sounds like you guys say all Thai women are like that. Well I have to disagree with you - Not all are like my stuoid friends. I have been with my wife for 40 YEARS now. And it has been great having her at my side. So :bah: to you all

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Tragic as the story is please allow me this one small immature indulgence and let me say that the title of the thread reads to me as some sort of weird WWE Summer Smackdown Main Event on payperview wrestling.

Strange that is the same first thought I had. :lol:. Oh well - remember folks you don't have to be married and if its is that impotent to them them - set them free to find their happiness. I have been married once and far beyond half my life. I would never trade this but I would also never do it again. WHY - if I find myself alone at some point I am going to have fun. :whistling:

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There are other ways to get justice.

are you sugesting meeting violence with violence normanly thats works in a thired world country where the law is taken on by the person who strongest whay do theses old guys with female coompany half there age think they are after

shame as he was dieing anyway shorten his days i met enuff off theses women who sell there souls for 100 bhat

and life is cheap save your £10000 and matbe give it to some people who need it more plenty of orphanges where children need your help would be better in his name just a thought

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Pi sek,

You do offer some valid points here, and yes, we all know there are good and bad eggs in every country, however Thailands reputation for expertise in penis re-attachment doesnt give me much confidence.

Also one would have to wonder if the chances of getting brutally murdered by your farang wife in the west,just over MONEY, is as great as the risk here...hmm?

Anyway, in your earlier post regarding the rights and conditions for farangs married here, i would think each case is different and in reality, IMO there's a lot more complexities than possibilities.

in my own case:

A foreigner married to a Thai CAN work.....

Agreed, anyone can work, but the need to find work that a thai person cannot do is limiting, no?

OK, good for you if you are backed by a international company but how many of us have that luxury?

So its pretty much be an english teacher or bust for the rest of us, and in my case i do not hold a degree, so i have no hope!

I've had mates with a degree who work here but often find it hard to convince their employers to arrange a work permit for them, out of pure laziness, so they are more or less forced to work illegally.

CAN buy and own land (in the case of BOI-sponsored 100% foreign companies)

Realistically, how many would have access to this possibility, let alone have the huge funds needed?..again, good for you if you have!

CAN own a permanent structure on said land.

True again, but with many complexities and i'd suggest you are in for a very costly uphill battle to secure these rights and hold onto them, especially if up against a savvy and angry ex-wife. A farang should'nt have to be in for the battle of his life when he approaches his twilight years, especially after supporting these cretins for the last however-many years with his hard earned, only to be discarded like trash because he is not dying fast enough.

CAN get citizenship.

YES, but dont you need to have lived in Thailand for something like 10 years??

And how is that possible for someone like me, under the current visa/immigration rules?

I think (from memory) there are about 2 or 3 individuals that have written on these forums over many years who have got citizenship...as not to many are keen on the rule of having to forfeit your own nationality to become a thai citizen...are you willing to do that?

Yes, you can do all of the above, even when NOT married to a Thai...

Maybe,but how do you stay here long enough to achieve all this?

I'm under retirement age and already have enough disposable cash to live on, but am struggling with the visa. I have been told by many to marry a Thai and have no problems, but reading about this poor guy he has/had one very big problem.


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Thai wife, good for nothing brother, boyfriend on the scene etc. just how many times is this played out ?

Money nearly always the root of the problem. If there was £1.5m available, then no amount of signatures from judges, colonels or other top brass would keep her in jail. Murderer probably being shielded by those very same people anyway.

Poor guy, just too rich to live when a grubby Thai family see $ signs in their eyes.

C'mon. If you were a policeman here, given the many many stories of this kind, would you not think 'Thought the guy would've been smarter than to take up with a hooker of dubious past/history'?

Stop passing the buck and grow the fck up.

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My advice to ferang staying here is - keep a safe distance from the locals.

If you want a partner look for a non-Thai national. A Shan would be a much better choice.

I realise this is only your personal advice and not a blanket statement, but may I ask on what basis your advice is founded upon?

Beer Chang pumped in via IV drip. :D

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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

"Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer".

Talk for your yourself.

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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

Jeezuz H I'm sick of these stupid posts. A farang here is currently in the ICU of a local hospital and the only one who has/continues to visit him is his erstwhile THAI employer/friend. Not even his sister, nor his 'boyfriend' could be bothered.

"Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer".

Talk for your yourself.

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After reading all the posts here, i found that the girl have already been found guilty, whether or not she did it..:ermm:

What if the case is reverve, the deceased is the thai wife of a farang who was "said" or "rumored" to have murdered by the farang husband..but case dropped... :blink:

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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

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There are other ways to get justice.

And the money these guys put up, for legal proceedings, would see that kind of justice done, no questions asked. Sometimes maybe people do have the right to take justice into their own hands. I will catch hell for this statement!

Well....you know what they say....when in Rome!!!!!!!

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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.

Ummm, did you read the article? If so I suggest you read it again before getting on your very high Thaier than Thai horse.

The bf confessed to the deed accompanied by the brother, at the request of the wife.

Wow - i wish £11,000 did convert to 11,000,000 Baht !!! Happy days... but it doesn't, so the fund is approx. 5 Million Baht, give or take.

I know we are not supposed to mock the afflicted on this site, but you started it. If you want to correct someones maths I suggest you check yours first. £11,000 at todays rates equates to about 535,000 THB.

Haha - ok, what's a nought between friends ? I'm a pensioner you know.... wish someone else had noticed the 11 Mill Baht mistake before me !

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Wow - i wish £11,000 did convert to 11,000,000 Baht !!! Happy days... but it doesn't, so the fund is approx. 5 Million Baht, give or take.

I know we are not supposed to mock the afflicted on this site, but you started it. If you want to correct someones maths I suggest you check yours first. £11,000 at todays rates equates to about 535,000 THB.

Yes, that was a slight mistake, as was mine!

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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

no im with you on that,ten years here now and all i can say,im still loving it.i find the thai people quite friendly.

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I think I read every post and every related article.

Apart from several rather noisy posts, where does it actually say that the victims wife was either a bar girl or a whore?

Good Point Nanlaew,

But does it really matter?

A typical female (of all nationalities) does'nt have to be a BG or a W**** to be seduced by BIG MONEY and overcome with greed..

Someone of dubious education can fall to it...and in Thailand the dubious ideas, attitudes and opinions are widely shared and believed by many as fact.

Believe me it can happen to the "normalist" of thai girls, which is why i laugh when people talk about bargirls perpetuating these sorts of crimes.

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My advice to ferang staying here is - keep a safe distance from the locals.

If you want a partner look for a non-Thai national. A Shan would be a much better choice.

I realise this is only your personal advice and not a blanket statement, but may I ask on what basis your advice is founded upon?

My personal advice would be to be just as (if not more) careful than chasing girls back home. There are good ones and there are bad ones - and the bad ones are on the lookout for easily-taken guys. Just like back home.

Nah nah nah, i don't know where your 'back home' is, but in my 'back home', cases of young wives conspiring with secret boyfriends

to bump off the husband and inherit the estate are as rare as rocking-horse shit - whereas in LOS such cases always provoke a

'Oh no, not another one' type of reaction on TV and elsewhere. You have seriously overstated the similarities between LOS and

'back home' for readers whose 'back home' is a generally safer place for innocent, loyal husbands.

I think a part of the problem here is the age and culture difference. You just don't tend to see it so commonplace 'back home' but if you did...? I'd say that young wives are FAR less common; over here it's pretty normal I think, especially in foreign-Thai relationships. And then 'back home' how many interracial marriages involve brides half the age of the groom?

I'm not married but, if I was, I wouldn't marry anyone whom I didn't know extremely well... easier said than done, granted. As it happens, I think I am entering a relationship with someone who I've known for years, good family, good education, good manners, good job... but my mother was shocked to hear I might be starting a relationship with someone 8 years younger than me. Back home (UK) is that such a big deal? I honestly can't remember, but I don't think so. 25 or 30 years might be another story though, I think - but who am I to judge? And then, how does age difference in years compare to age difference proportionally?

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Raymon Hind with his wife Fon blink.gif


Some thing is terrible wrong with this picture .. tongue.gif.. and what does the V in the back of his neck stand for .. Victory or kWay ? cheesy.gif

You think you're a comedian? I think your sense of humour is out of line. What if the dead mans daughter or friends are reading this???? Don't give up your day job!!!!

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When I came here, marriage visa was all I could get to live here. Thai wife took me for millions. I didn't know farang couldn't own houses.... Having my last name, I thought it was mine- wrong!

Don't be so quick to criticize us shmucks, needing a marriage visa to live here.

Don't waste your time in court, just like another said, "farangs always lose in court"....

Erm, farangs CAN own houses - they can't own land. Also, divoece court here is often pretty fair (more so than the UK I can tell you that!) - a lot of people never see a court because they think it will go against them, they believe the hype and stories like you did and give it all away anyway!

And who needs a marriage visa to live here? There are many ways to live here legally, marriage is only one (and often not the easiest eaither). When did you come here? A few years ago a few million baht investment (i.e. in a bank account in Thailand) could have got you a long term visa - getting a joib - studying - even visiting friends coukld have got you a 1 year non-imm O multi - so you took bad advice all around it seems - a visa is the dumbest reason I have heard yet for marriage.

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There are other ways to get justice.

And the money these guys put up, for legal proceedings, would see that kind of justice done, no questions asked. Sometimes maybe people do have the right to take justice into their own hands. I will catch hell for this statement!

I could be wrong, but how many wrongs does it take, to make it right!

Sometimes as hard as it is, one allows "KARMA" to take it's course!

Or eye for eye and lose both, a very touchy sad subject, but anger

can open the door, to more hell, then one would ever want.

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Pi sek,

You do offer some valid points here, and yes, we all know there are good and bad eggs in every country, however Thailands reputation for expertise in penis re-attachment doesnt give me much confidence.

Also one would have to wonder if the chances of getting brutally murdered by your farang wife in the west,just over MONEY, is as great as the risk here...hmm?

Anyway, in your earlier post regarding the rights and conditions for farangs married here, i would think each case is different and in reality, IMO there's a lot more complexities than possibilities.

in my own case:

A foreigner married to a Thai CAN work.....

Agreed, anyone can work, but the need to find work that a thai person cannot do is limiting, no?

OK, good for you if you are backed by a international company but how many of us have that luxury?

So its pretty much be an english teacher or bust for the rest of us, and in my case i do not hold a degree, so i have no hope!

I've had mates with a degree who work here but often find it hard to convince their employers to arrange a work permit for them, out of pure laziness, so they are more or less forced to work illegally.

CAN buy and own land (in the case of BOI-sponsored 100% foreign companies)

Realistically, how many would have access to this possibility, let alone have the huge funds needed?..again, good for you if you have!

CAN own a permanent structure on said land.

True again, but with many complexities and i'd suggest you are in for a very costly uphill battle to secure these rights and hold onto them, especially if up against a savvy and angry ex-wife. A farang should'nt have to be in for the battle of his life when he approaches his twilight years, especially after supporting these cretins for the last however-many years with his hard earned, only to be discarded like trash because he is not dying fast enough.

CAN get citizenship.

YES, but dont you need to have lived in Thailand for something like 10 years??

And how is that possible for someone like me, under the current visa/immigration rules?

I think (from memory) there are about 2 or 3 individuals that have written on these forums over many years who have got citizenship...as not to many are keen on the rule of having to forfeit your own nationality to become a thai citizen...are you willing to do that?

Yes, you can do all of the above, even when NOT married to a Thai...

Maybe,but how do you stay here long enough to achieve all this?

I'm under retirement age and already have enough disposable cash to live on, but am struggling with the visa. I have been told by many to marry a Thai and have no problems, but reading about this poor guy he has/had one very big problem.


Well, ozzieovaseas, that was a very thought-out and polite post, specifically highlighting the problems as they affect you and you are to be commended on this... although I won't get you a work permit, residency or a Thai wife.

Unfortunately, Thai bureaucracy requires a degree for most jobs - that's just how it is, unfortunately. My Bachelor's degree is a fairly useless one to be quite honest, although it is held in high esteem by others who have degrees! A lot of foreign companies realise that there are a lot of jobs that Thais just aren't able to do on a consistently 100% basis (e.g. electrical wiring) so they bring in a qualified supervisor from operational staff abroad to run that team of Thai workers. There's also the option of starting up your own business, although you need an idea (a good one is best) and some start-up cash. Talk to people. Find out what there isn't where you are, and exploit it. There's my free business advice ;)

Buying and owning land as a foreigner is something limited at the moment to BOI-sponsored companies. Again, a shame and hopefully it will change because, as you rightly say, this option isn't open to everyone. You should also note that successive governments have been tacitly approving of foreign-controlled limited companies owning land whilst publicly opposing them. But, in over 50 years, not one piece of land has been repossessed. The last call to do so was by the coup-installed government, which quickly shut itself up after the Foreign Chamber of Commerce referred the plan to the World Trade Organisation (Feb 2007 I think). I think it is safe to buy property in Thailand through a limited company - and, contrary to popular belief, you don't even have to use nominees. Have a chat with a competent lawyer... they're hard to find though.

As for owning permanent structures, again talk to a good lawyer. There is nothing at all legally stopping anyone from owning a permanent structure, in their name, whether married or not.

And there's always the freehold condo option.

Citizenship in Thailand is very difficult - again, whether you're married or not. But it is easier with a Thai family. However, regardless of how long they've been here, I think 150 applications submitted by Thai-speaking foreign nationals are accepted every year (not gospel) and a number of others are accepted on grounds of service to the country.

My boss wants me to apply to become a Thai citizen. But I don't want to get married (yet?), and I don't want to lose my right to travel back to the UK so my kid (if I ever have one) can take advantage of the social benefits the UK offers. So, in answer to your question - no I wouldn't trade nationalities even though it would make my life much easier at the moment. If I ever had a vasectomy, that might change.

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Raymon Hind with his wife Fon blink.gif


Some thing is terrible wrong with this picture .. tongue.gif.. and what does the V in the back of his neck stand for .. Victory or kWay ? cheesy.gif

You think you're a comedian? I think your sense of humour is out of line. What if the dead mans daughter or friends are reading this???? Don't give up your day job!!!!

Yes, I agree with InTransit and I won't comment further as I don't want a ban.

Still, what a complete _________ing ________________.

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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

Your 1 in a thousand, "do you live in a temple"---It is far far cheaper to choose a different lovely lass twice a week, and not have any family -visa-gold-heartache.your not buying drink and food-for her and her family -day in day out-she will be happy for having a customer-you will go back to your room alone. Most farrangs are opting for the massage-with extras--or short time room provided--you auto stop theft from you place-and also break ins-cause she has relatives who will want what she has seen in your place. the 4 Fs--find them F.F.and forget.........and the 3 Ws..whipitinwhipitoutwipeit

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I think I read every post and every related article.

Apart from several rather noisy posts, where does it actually say that the victims wife was either a bar girl or a whore?

Good Point Nanlaew,

But does it really matter?

A typical female (of all nationalities) does'nt have to be a BG or a W**** to be seduced by BIG MONEY and overcome with greed..

Someone of dubious education can fall to it...and in Thailand the dubious ideas, attitudes and opinions are widely shared and believed by many as fact.

Believe me it can happen to the "normalist" of thai girls, which is why i laugh when people talk about bargirls perpetuating these sorts of crimes.

And where did these types of women get their ideas from? Certainly NOT the local talad nat.

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