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Brit Pensioners Take On Thai 'Killer Bride'


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A clear over reaction to what remains a few isolated incidents. There are several hundred thousand married farangs not living in fear of their lives. Statistically, it is a minute percentage that mirrors incidents of murder across any demographic.

What has to be acknowledged is the possible failure to grasp the social chasm across which such unions are made. In variably the farangs' grasp of the language is minimal making any assessment of culture, attitude, tone of voice, manner, bearing or personality almost impossible. At best the surface only is scraped.

When communication is truncated and confined to learner level basic English or Thai [ eg. where is the railway station's southern platform / I would like two second class return tickets and is there room for a bicycle? / Is there consomme for lunch or are we too late?] how can you ever expect to get to know anyone let alone share a life with them? And if I am being sarcastic then try speaking that lot in Thai.

Then there are clearly the bad apples in a clearly questionable barrell. Despite bucking the trend shown on here, I did not meet my wife whilst visiting a university research department, International merchant bank, Bangkok Convention Centre Ballet performance or while she was presenting TAN TV. I know many of you did. Good luck to you.

Mine was a member of a very old profession indeed. It was either that or the army and the army lost out. Well temporarily at least until she serviced half of the US Cobra boys. I paid my fine and took her home. One go-go bar had lost one top dancer.

Whore then most definately. She had to hit the tricks or they'd cut her pay. But evil or old she is not. Neither is she a gold digger as I might manage a bit of silver and a lot of brass on my best days but the real yellow Yukon motherlode is beyond me. So why did she marry me then?

An escape from screwing the likes of you was almost certainly a major factor. Covered in baby oil or pouring carnation cream down between her honied thighs certainly turned my head and I do take cream, so it was bound to work its magic on most drunken fools on holiday to have a good time. That paid top dollar unlike what I was used to spending. But it was my pittance of an income that would guarantee her exit from a life fawning affection and sitting in some mirror and chrome stainless spiralled ago-go till the early hours, then providing the obligatory sex act before you passed out. Not much regret at leaving that life behind. Her hearing had suffered, she'd made enough to see the exit on the horizon and that money banked would get her by, bought and paid for.

The I turned up. Sober. Able to speak Thai. Able to teach English. Able to be monogomous. Those are the plusses. Incomed. That is the green light.

I don't think you'd say I'm delusional about, how is it you describe your partner? Oh yes, she's not like that. I've found a good one. She's different. Hence you met her working in Foodland [her not you], or in Big C, working in a laundry, always surprises me by its popularity and then the old chestnut of ' she had her own business'. Mine did. And the stock was lining the gussett of her knickers. Actually, that's a tad unfair. To gloss her as an exoctic dancer would only be to acknowledge that in another life she could have been an athlete. But, as she constantly reminds me even to thsi day, she was consecutively top in her clases at school, although she did finish school aged 16. At best a bright girl with a fit athletic body.

I'm no spring chicken but she'd spent ten years turning her tricks and clearly wanted out. Her judgement of farangs was based on hours of lying awake at night after their inebriated impotence had finally sent them into a dream land 90 decibel snoring, drooling on the pillow and occasionally defacating into the sheets. Sorry if I keep hitting chords. The fact she turned heads accounted for her turning bed sheets in up market condos for fat germans on some George Michael sex fantasy.

What then was my character assessment based on other than much the same; her rejection of bull shit, ignorant groaping fools, the delivery in English at volume as if turning it up aided comprehension along with lots of pointing. So provided I attempted Thai, didn't patronise her, avoided giving her the impression I thought she was 7 years old and actually allowed her to speak, decide and express a preference, along with refusing to accept 'up to you' as an answer, we hit it off.

We also fall out. We row. I get annoyed. I get angry. As I would and have all my life. But equally, as I have finally learned to do, we make it up. We don't let it simmer. We remember that this person is the one I profess to love and care for and not make the subject of my disappointment, dismay, frustration or fact that the car won't start.

You see we enjoy pretty much a normal relationship similar to all those others that a full life sees. There happens to be a culture and language difference but the basic human relationship remains the same. I do think it is acceptable that we do know each other. For example, when she tells me to eat, or insists I eat, or brings me unasked for food to eat when I don't want it, she will alos tell me it's because I get moody when I'm hungry.

That's exactly as my mother would have said. It shows just how well she knows me. Like when in the car I hear her snatch her breath, I know to keep silent. She is about to say something. There has to be silence as any interuption, the merest clearing of a throat will bannish her statement to another day if ever at all. But silence will see her commence 'There's something I want to tell you.' I know not to speak and she will continue on.

It's no surprise then that my thirst is recognised and quenched; that coffee invariably is served at eleven, breakfast awaits me upon rising every day; she'll suggest som tam and serve fruit as if I'd left her a note; my phone will be connected and charged, switched on and off; she can pack a case and forget nothing; and, plan our day in sequential order that is faultless.

And what do I provide in this seemless relationship other than my foibles, peculiarities and stubborness? Well I thought I provided the money until, and I say 'we', until we were cut in on half the sugar cane crop. Slowly, Ii'd been introduced to the subject, showing little interest. Later I crunched the numbers and didn't believe them. Now I'm being offered wads of money.

How big is the wad depends on where you're coming from. Here, for Thais it is big. For me, first world retired European it's a stash that would see me at races. But the fact that they don't have to do it, yet choose to, shows at least that I'm living on a two way street. The balance shifts when some one is putting money your way. Most of us only knew that when working, and then we knew to show gratitude and we were in debt to that person.

Now I'm in a situation where I don't bestow but am bestowed. Exception to th rule then? Well may be but if it is then it's something I'm comfortable with. I don't see myself as figuring in the cross hairs any time now. Neither would anyone see me as some mega rich sugar daddy, as one victim was described 'sitting in his mansion'.

I don't have a mansion, neither do I have an ex-university lecturer as a partner. I married a whore. And I retired her. I do have a happy contented life manufacturing furniture from the timber we cut, farming the sugar cane we grow and hiring out the farm machinery. I blend in is the point.

I don't, as I see so many neighbouring farangs do, sit and while away my hours on the verandah, in the bar, over a beer or, and this is important, in the company of other farangs. For let's be clear, many farangs bring with them their zenophobias and reject all things Thai, make no attempt at the language, have shunned any form of culture all their lives, can't wai, won't wai, leave the verbs out of their own language and make two rai of Thailand the corner of their foreign field.

Good luck to them, which they'll need in spades. But therein I fear I identify those who have been murdered. Even this OP shows the ex-pat friends, no doubt men whose own relationships mirror those of the dead man, hypocriticaly acting after the fact. Whereas, in their best interests would be self examination of what they exactly have despite the infintissimal chances of their having married an axe murderer.

It's always some one else then. You see I'm the only one who married the Phuket whore. I'm the only one who learned his Thai on the streets, mixed with the ordinary working girls who sold their best asset and then married her. You know in all my double figur years here I've never met a guy who married a whore; lived with a whore; other than when I'v met the couple in the bar where she's selling it and he hasn't paid the bar fine yet.

Strange anomaly; you can take her out of the bar and take the bar out of her, if you're going to stay together. I must be odd then each time when we clamber into bed and I remind her it's time to work.

The point is better the devil you know than a devil you don't know. Or in my case no devil, part way to angel, but definately away from the chrome and the lights, a pretty much ordinary lass whom I get on well with. 24-7. The problem for some is they either don't know what they are taking on or they simple choose to ignore it. Hence, she's not like that. Wherea s the 'best friends' always knew she was no good. When the deed is done that is.

Mine is a known commodity. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

But how about yours?

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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.

Now you can take that to the bank, one of the main reasons I left the Farang world is because most, were inconsiderate, caring mostly for their own pleasures and the hell with everything and everyone else, I say most, not all, Thais are more in touch with their heart, family and will do whatever it takes to help and protect it, to many farangs think because they have some coin that they can run and rule a family and also be a drinking, uncaring slob, just wanting to get laid and be taken care of, I'm not saying a thing about this sad case, as I know nothing about it and will not ass-u me.

There are many beautiful relationships here, but the farang knew who and what he was and also met a person, that not only wanted to be taken care of, but also was in love, If one does not know themselves, how in the hell are they going to know somebody else.

Many of the farangs here, had nothing going for them where they came from, and know nothing about women, they are just looking for some love before they die and are so hungry for it, that they let the little head out-rule whats left of the big head, and their will be bad situations because of it.

I'm not saying that I have the answers, I've been married 5 times and have had 30 plus live-ins and I will rehearse till I die.

A very bad, sad thing that happened, but let's get all the answers (if we can) and not be so quick to judge and start un-smart shit like getting back.

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I think I read every post and every related article.

Apart from several rather noisy posts, where does it actually say that the victims wife was either a bar girl or a whore?

Good Point Nanlaew,

But does it really matter?

A typical female (of all nationalities) does'nt have to be a BG or a W**** to be seduced by BIG MONEY and overcome with greed..

Someone of dubious education can fall to it...and in Thailand the dubious ideas, attitudes and opinions are widely shared and believed by many as fact.

Believe me it can happen to the "normalist" of thai girls, which is why i laugh when people talk about bargirls perpetuating these sorts of crimes.

And where did these types of women get their ideas from? Certainly NOT the local talad nat.

I suspect its been passed down through the generations..

*farangs are white devil and are no good drunkard, but they all rich,so is ok.

*hook up with a farang and you set up for life, will build house, take care family ect ect

*Older the better, him die quicker and you get all the money.

* "Love"?...what is LOVE? love baloney..love not feed family"

Yeah, I know what your getting at in your post, but it isnt farangs who keep telling (otherwise) untainted and mild mannered young girls from Isaan that all they have to do is go to Pattaya to work and therin will be the solution to all their (and their families) problems.

I have heard (from older thais) that a certain former leader now in exile, used to publicly talk about how morally corrupt and bad farangs are, but then seriously go on to state how it is the thai peoples job to get as much out of the farang as possible while they are here..beyond belief really

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In encouragement for those here who support these pensioners and their campaign for justice, search this forum for the threads about Dale Henry, the Canadian murdered at the request of his Thai wife in Ranong in 2008.

There was so much despair in the early stages of that story especially when it looked like all 3 perpetrators, the wife, her Thai boyfriend and the hit-man would walk. However, huge emotions; namely intense anger, unconditional love and the patience of a thousand saints on behalf of the victim's siblings, the growing public pressure and importantly getting the Canadian authorities and media to sit up and take notice all prevailed in the end and the principals all got life.

Justice isn't impossible in Thailand just exasperatingly hard to get.

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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

Your 1 in a thousand, "do you live in a temple"---It is far far cheaper to choose a different lovely lass twice a week, and not have any family -visa-gold-heartache.your not buying drink and food-for her and her family -day in day out-she will be happy for having a customer-you will go back to your room alone. Most farrangs are opting for the massage-with extras--or short time room provided--you auto stop theft from you place-and also break ins-cause she has relatives who will want what she has seen in your place. the 4 Fs--find them F.F.and forget.........and the 3 Ws..whipitinwhipitoutwipeit

Sorry I'm reading your post as if in a Dalek's voice. Those antibiotics the doc gave me for my tonsillitis are well strong! I'll decipher your post later.

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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.

Now you can take that to the bank, one of the main reasons I left the Farang world is because most, were inconsiderate, caring mostly for their own pleasures and the hell with everything and everyone else, I say most, not all, Thais are more in touch with their heart, family and will do whatever it takes to help and protect it, to many farangs think because they have some coin that they can run and rule a family and also be a drinking, uncaring slob, just wanting to get laid and be taken care of, I'm not saying a thing about this sad case, as I know nothing about it and will not ass-u me.

There are many beautiful relationships here, but the farang knew who and what he was and also met a person, that not only wanted to be taken care of, but also was in love, If one does not know themselves, how in the hell are they going to know somebody else.

Many of the farangs here, had nothing going for them where they came from, and know nothing about women, they are just looking for some love before they die and are so hungry for it, that they let the little head out-rule whats left of the big head, and their will be bad situations because of it.

I'm not saying that I have the answers, I've been married 5 times and have had 30 plus live-ins and I will rehearse till I die.

A very bad, sad thing that happened, but let's get all the answers (if we can) and not be so quick to judge and start un-smart shit like getting back.

If you've been married five times you obviously are in no position to offer 'relationship' advice and clearly have no idea about women!

Fortunately you'll be far better off here, as long as you keep providing money to the wife and her family.

The victim in this case made the fatal mistake of letting his wife know how much money he had, and she told her Thai b/f...

Yes, there are v rare cases in the West of a wife having her husband murdered because she's so greedy that she wants EVERYTHING NOW. The point a previous poster is missing is that it really is v rare in the West, but far more common here.

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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Boo hoo.

Gross generalization that's simply BS.

Yes the case is sad, sure, but Karma will get back to the murderers - be it in the form of the legal fund, or by freezing his assets etc. The Thai courts work sometimes too.

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Rees and Williams are to be commended, it;s high time someone STOOD UP and put their money where their mouths are, I congratulate both gentlemen, regardless of the legal outcome you 2 gentlemen are at least attempting to right a terrible wrong, you have my heart felt best wishes for success..

I totaly agree, The sad thing is that there are that many now its just the norm. The Murders dont seem to shock anybody anymore, its just Oh another murder of a falang,

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This is good news even it does no matter what will be the result. Maybe some Thai wifes will change their minds about killing husbands...

You're very correct. I just hope the case will get the publicity it deserves, which will go a long way in scaring our Thai wives to s**t.

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^^ Yes, and what a sad state of affairs that is :(

I guess if a single guy ever feels a tad lonely in BK he need only read these articles and all the threads on sin-sod and poor treatment of farangs who SHOULD be appreciated as being good providers, who have come to an horrific end at the hands of some very nasty,less than human people.

Yes, its sick ugly and disgusting, but what can you do?

Still, im sure the ratio of good people here vastly outnumbers the bad, so you might as well enjoy thailand while you can and remain positive. ;)

edit: was referring to thongkorns post

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.

Stick around for a while mate, it gets better B)

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Now THAT should also be essential reading for those on the 'other' forums that get all excited about Stephen Leather's vapid writings.

I think even the venerable jingthing would consider giving you a green... if he was able to.

Edited by NanLaew
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Old men marry young wives in a country with a long tradition of marriage for money and without an effective legal system.

When all that is ultimately wanted by the woman is his money, what surprise that some wives decide that the challenges of being married to a man with his odd foreign customs isn't worth the hassle, particularly when she percieves the chance to have his money without him?

any man who exposes himself to this risk is sitting on a ticking bomb. if you must have her, then make very sure that you are worth more to her alive than dead, and that she fully understands this. the simplest way to accomplish this is to never legally marry, and there are other ways as well.

it is the duty of all in the know to forewarn starry eyed newbies to thailand of the truth of what goes down here.

It’s impossible to be neutral about Thailand.

Some foreigners hate it from the moment they set foot in it. Others love it so much they put down roots and never go home. You wonder if other countries divide people so intensely in their emotions. Working all my life as an Expat, I have always retained my own unity of opposites, attempting to keep love and hate in balance. I’m just supposed to observe. But how can I not care when millions of humanity is being convulsed before my eyes and thousands are making millions, and other millions are being crushed. And if I seem a little confused about Thailand it’s because I am. And if you’re not confused, then you simply haven’t been paying attention.

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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

Your 1 in a thousand, "do you live in a temple"---It is far far cheaper to choose a different lovely lass twice a week, and not have any family -visa-gold-heartache.your not buying drink and food-for her and her family -day in day out-she will be happy for having a customer-you will go back to your room alone. Most farrangs are opting for the massage-with extras--or short time room provided--you auto stop theft from you place-and also break ins-cause she has relatives who will want what she has seen in your place. the 4 Fs--find them F.F.and forget.........and the 3 Ws..whipitinwhipitoutwipeit

Sorry I'm reading your post as if in a Dalek's voice. Those antibiotics the doc gave me for my tonsillitis are well strong! I'll decipher your post later.

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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

Your 1 in a thousand, "do you live in a temple"---It is far far cheaper to choose a different lovely lass twice a week, and not have any family -visa-gold-heartache.your not buying drink and food-for her and her family -day in day out-she will be happy for having a customer-you will go back to your room alone. Most farrangs are opting for the massage-with extras--or short time room provided--you auto stop theft from you place-and also break ins-cause she has relatives who will want what she has seen in your place. the 4 Fs--find them F.F.and forget.........and the 3 Ws..whipitinwhipitoutwipeit

Sorry I'm reading your post as if in a Dalek's voice. Those antibiotics the doc gave me for my tonsillitis are well strong! I'll decipher your post later.

O.k. Mr. smart Rs, You remember the daleks you oldster, Should have had your tonsils out years ago, Don;t bother yourself to decipher my post. Your post was stupid to say the least, you stated in a round about way,everyone you have met, have been so friendly-courteous. This is far from the majority of ex pats experience here, There are some lovely people here, but are few and far between. My post -I will admit was very choppy, but I am consious of not hogging the posts as some do. If you were trying to be clever, will not wash with me. It is badly written but look at the bits of advice to people, for a safer and less problematic experience. Simple I maybe to your mind. I often have the same problem understanding some posts, but try not to be ignorant and arrogant, when its not called for.

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There are other ways to get justice.

And the money these guys put up, for legal proceedings, would see that kind of justice done, no questions asked. Sometimes maybe people do have the right to take justice into their own hands. I will catch hell for this statement!

well then I'm there with you! Fon's stolen money can even cover it all up. maybe they can gather enough to make fon sorry in some shape or form.

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I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

Your 1 in a thousand, "do you live in a temple"---It is far far cheaper to choose a different lovely lass twice a week, and not have any family -visa-gold-heartache.your not buying drink and food-for her and her family -day in day out-she will be happy for having a customer-you will go back to your room alone. Most farrangs are opting for the massage-with extras--or short time room provided--you auto stop theft from you place-and also break ins-cause she has relatives who will want what she has seen in your place. the 4 Fs--find them F.F.and forget.........and the 3 Ws..whipitinwhipitoutwipeit

Sorry I'm reading your post as if in a Dalek's voice. Those antibiotics the doc gave me for my tonsillitis are well strong! I'll decipher your post later.

O.k. Mr. smart Rs, You remember the daleks you oldster, Should have had your tonsils out years ago, Don;t bother yourself to decipher my post. Your post was stupid to say the least, you stated in a round about way,everyone you have met, have been so friendly-courteous. This is far from the majority of ex pats experience here, There are some lovely people here, but are few and far between. My post -I will admit was very choppy, but I am consious of not hogging the posts as some do. If you were trying to be clever, will not wash with me. It is badly written but look at the bits of advice to people, for a safer and less problematic experience. Simple I maybe to your mind. I often have the same problem understanding some posts, but try not to be ignorant and arrogant, when its not called for.

I suggest you find a new strain of expat to find experiences from then. Preferably ones who aren't knuckle scraping gobshite prole bottom feeders. The ones who proclaim loudest and mouthiest that we are not liked, welcomed, or wanted here seem to be truly ignorant of the fact that Robinson Crusoe wouldn't like, welcome or want them on his desert island even though he'd been bereft of expat company for a number of years due to the fact that it would be extremely obvious to all apart from themselves that they were born a **** and started working their way down from that point on. Present company excluded of course.

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Thai police failed to establish a legal case.

Disgusting beyond belief.

I wish the two friends all the very best of luck and hope you get justice for Raymond.

same same. Mega shame on the local authorities for not doing their jobs. They've lost so much face, their skulls are showing.

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This is good news even it does no matter what will be the result. Maybe some Thai wifes will change their minds about killing husbands...

They won't change their minds just be more careful or cleverer. My friend was helped on his way by his lovely Thai wife.

Some one forgot the rule here:

Never be worth more dead than alive

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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.

Now you can take that to the bank, one of the main reasons I left the Farang world is because most, were inconsiderate, caring mostly for their own pleasures and the hell with everything and everyone else, I say most, not all, Thais are more in touch with their heart, family and will do whatever it takes to help and protect it, to many farangs think because they have some coin that they can run and rule a family and also be a drinking, uncaring slob, just wanting to get laid and be taken care of, I'm not saying a thing about this sad case, as I know nothing about it and will not ass-u me.

There are many beautiful relationships here, but the farang knew who and what he was and also met a person, that not only wanted to be taken care of, but also was in love, If one does not know themselves, how in the hell are they going to know somebody else.

Many of the farangs here, had nothing going for them where they came from, and know nothing about women, they are just looking for some love before they die and are so hungry for it, that they let the little head out-rule whats left of the big head, and their will be bad situations because of it.

I'm not saying that I have the answers, I've been married 5 times and have had 30 plus live-ins and I will rehearse till I die.

A very bad, sad thing that happened, but let's get all the answers (if we can) and not be so quick to judge and start un-smart shit like getting back.

If you've been married five times you obviously are in no position to offer 'relationship' advice and clearly have no idea about women!

Fortunately you'll be far better off here, as long as you keep providing money to the wife and her family.

The victim in this case made the fatal mistake of letting his wife know how much money he had, and she told her Thai b/f...

Yes, there are v rare cases in the West of a wife having her husband murdered because she's so greedy that she wants EVERYTHING NOW. The point a previous poster is missing is that it really is v rare in the West, but far more common here.

"I'm not saying that I have the answers, I've been married 5 times and have had 30 plus live-ins and I will rehearse till I die"

I just love being in love and lust, also knowing when to hold-em and when to fold-em helps, I would say that's knowing

a tad about relationships, I continue to have them, my present and past only have wonderful things to say about them.

I'll just continue to know nothing and enjoy my life, with or without money is not the issue, love and chemistry is, I have had

more true love being broke, then I ever did with mega bucks or bahts for that matter, it's not how much coin one has, it's how

well you, both handle each other, both learn and grow, sometimes move on, wiser and finished, with the need, of each other,

nothing is forever, in most cases, one or the other, if not both, lose interest and that's the time to part as priceless friends, to

many people stay together because of the home, money, children and just makes it bad for all involved and ends up being a

very bad divorce or break-up.374.bmp

One can be better off any where, if they are in touch with themselves and are alive with Aloha, it attracts lovely people, one does

not need to buy one, one wins them with charm and a good heart, I'm probably in a better position to offer advice then most, but I

do appreciate your thoughts on the subject.

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Whatever we think about the profile of their couple, this is just a bestial murder.

I totally support these 2 friends, whatever the result they can achieve.

They take risks, they spend money... at least they do something. And one way or another it will contribute to more justice than what is to be seen so far in this (closed) case.

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Surely most guys now know, in the Thai dictionary "Love" is spelt M O N E Y

I think you're being a bit unfair here. "Love" is spelt "money" in most languages, and the more so the bigger the age difference of married couples.

Edited by tropo
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And if I seem a little confused about Thailand it's because I am. And if you're not confused, then you simply haven't been paying attention.

It seems like you're the one who hasn't been paying attention. What's so confusing about - young poor Thai woman marries wealthy sick old foreign guy and helps him to die prematurely?? This doesn't only happen in Thailand you know.

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This is good news even it does no matter what will be the result. Maybe some Thai wifes will change their minds about killing husbands...

I can't grasp your logic here,

surely if the wife walks free,assuming she was involved, to commit Murder,

then the effect would be to signal,that Murdering your Husband would be profitable,

or have I missed something?

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Old men marry young wives in a country with a long tradition of marriage for money and without an effective legal system.

When all that is ultimately wanted by the woman is his money, what surprise that some wives decide that the challenges of being married to a man with his odd foreign customs isn't worth the hassle, particularly when she percieves the chance to have his money without him?

any man who exposes himself to this risk is sitting on a ticking bomb. if you must have her, then make very sure that you are worth more to her alive than dead, and that she fully understands this. the simplest way to accomplish this is to never legally marry, and there are other ways as well.

it is the duty of all in the know to forewarn starry eyed newbies to thailand of the truth of what goes down here.

i know many who have honest Thai wife's who hate these gold diggers married for 15 years 2 lovely children and never regretted a minute and my Thai wife holds nearly all our assets in her name and has for lat 13 years or so They are not all the same but I will admit ive met many lost all to their gold digger wives as ive known friends in west lost all to their wives. Im still waiting for my friends who told me 15 years ago I was stupid to trust a thai wife and hopefully will still be waiting until I depart but then maybe the exception proves the rule

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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.

Now you can take that to the bank, one of the main reasons I left the Farang world is because most, were inconsiderate, caring mostly for their own pleasures and the hell with everything and everyone else, I say most, not all, Thais are more in touch with their heart, family and will do whatever it takes to help and protect it, to many farangs think because they have some coin that they can run and rule a family and also be a drinking, uncaring slob, just wanting to get laid and be taken care of, I'm not saying a thing about this sad case, as I know nothing about it and will not ass-u me.

There are many beautiful relationships here, but the farang knew who and what he was and also met a person, that not only wanted to be taken care of, but also was in love, If one does not know themselves, how in the hell are they going to know somebody else.

Many of the farangs here, had nothing going for them where they came from, and know nothing about women, they are just looking for some love before they die and are so hungry for it, that they let the little head out-rule whats left of the big head, and their will be bad situations because of it.

I'm not saying that I have the answers, I've been married 5 times and have had 30 plus live-ins and I will rehearse till I die.

A very bad, sad thing that happened, but let's get all the answers (if we can) and not be so quick to judge and start un-smart shit like getting back.

If you've been married five times you obviously are in no position to offer 'relationship' advice and clearly have no idea about women!

Fortunately you'll be far better off here, as long as you keep providing money to the wife and her family.

The victim in this case made the fatal mistake of letting his wife know how much money he had, and she told her Thai b/f...

Yes, there are v rare cases in the West of a wife having her husband murdered because she's so greedy that she wants EVERYTHING NOW. The point a previous poster is missing is that it really is v rare in the West, but far more common here.

Yes it is very rare to get your Husband Murdered in the West,

More times than not ,They just Kill them Financially,with the Divorce Courts Blessing,

using misguided,outdated, Draconian Laws.

Edited by MAJIC
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Let this be a reminder to all and sundry, we are not like, welcomed, or wanted here. It doesn't get any clearer.

Just so so sad.

Are there any words to describe something as this?

I am the only westerner living in this strange alternate Thailand where I'm either treated with basic courtesy, mild friendliness, slight interest or complete indifference by 99.99% of Thais I encounter?

You forgot insolence and openly confrontational.

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