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Retirees Compulsory Health Insurance


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You can read this article..Search..Google.compulsory retirement insurance+phuket

Although I find it hard to believe that Thailand paid for care for these Farang,AND that there are many Farang who 'Borrow@ their retirement visa money it gave me a bad feeling about what our future could be here.I'm not an insurance expert but i know for sure that if you have pre -existing conditions,or reach a certain age then an insurance company would never consider you..So what that would mean is in your later years,you own a house here,perhaps have family,maybe 70 or older then you must go back to your own country because no one will touch you for health insurance.

Before anyone says we should be able to pay I totally agree but this would make it a catch 22 situatuion IE the money to pay but unable to get insurance.>I would be grateful to hear any forum readers views..thanks..Thomas

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This has already been discussed here --

Thank you for pointing it out..I don't use the forum too often.I looked at all the discussion and it mainly focused on the Retirement visa and 800kin the bank or combination.After reading this my interpretation would be that if this comes about we are all on borrowed time.I don't know when insurance cos will say NO but there must be a cut off point..Thanks again..Thomas

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