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The Meaning Of "Full" Passport


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My passport is almost full, with the last page half full, and with other pages having a 2 or 3 spaces enough for 1 stamp (if you force it).

I applied for a new passport, but it will take 6 to 7 weeks.

I plan to travel to HK maybe before the new passport comes out, needing 4 stamps (2 for BKK, 2 for HKG).

There's definitely enough space if the immigration officer "looks" for the space.

Would I have any problem?

Based on experience pls, not a useless response like "of course it's a problem, those immigration officers a natural arsholes!" and stuff like that. :rolleyes:

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When entering Thailand, I believe that the requirement is for at least six empty pages, and 6 months validity.

Most immigration people do not enforce this rule. (Too much work to reject you.) I do know some people who have been warned that they may not be allowed in again as their passport did not have the required number of blank pages.

In my own case, I removed all visa's that were not stamped onto the pages ie "self adhered" into the passport. This gave me enough empty pages.

As Yermanee says - I would not risk it. :(

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When entering Thailand, I believe that the requirement is for at least six empty pages, and 6 months validity.

Most immigration people do not enforce this rule. (Too much work to reject you.) I do know some people who have been warned that they may not be allowed in again as their passport did not have the required number of blank pages.

In my own case, I removed all visa's that were not stamped onto the pages ie "self adhered" into the passport. This gave me enough empty pages.

As Yermanee says - I would not risk it. :(

Never heard of a requirement to have a minimum of empty pages left in your passport.

But removing visas from your passport can put you in a lot of trouble. Not sure if it is illegal, but most immigration officers will consider it suspecious at the least and a mutulation/latercation of your passport, which makes it invalid.

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When entering Thailand, I believe that the requirement is for at least six empty pages, and 6 months validity.

Most immigration people do not enforce this rule. (Too much work to reject you.) I do know some people who have been warned that they may not be allowed in again as their passport did not have the required number of blank pages.

In my own case, I removed all visa's that were not stamped onto the pages ie "self adhered" into the passport. This gave me enough empty pages.

As Yermanee says - I would not risk it. :(

Never heard of a requirement to have a minimum of empty pages left in your passport.

But removing visas from your passport can put you in a lot of trouble. Not sure if it is illegal, but most immigration officers will consider it suspecious at the least and a mutulation/latercation of your passport, which makes it invalid.

There is no requirement for a minimum number of "blank" pages in a passport to enter Thailand, and removing visas can get you into serious trouble in some countries. Immigration will harrass you (they kept me waiting for 30 minutes because my passport was "full" and said that they would not stamp it again if I came back without more pages - it really was full). But they will always find a space to put a stamp -- they are not going to send you back for that.

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i am so glad u put this post up i have half a page left on my uk passport ....10 days left on my visa and for a passport renewal 4 to 6 weeks dunno what to do actually.....get e visa foor cambodia and stay there and apply there for uk passport any suggestions .. by the way the cambodians hate you having a evisa cos they cant get ya for the 1000 bhat....but anyway where would they put the sticker ???? any help

Edited by MichaelAlanKreisz
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About 10 yrs ago I was sitting in my condo (rented) in BKK and got an urge to go to PP. Taxi to Don Muang, bought ticket and went to check in. They took one look at my passport and told me I could not fly - passport full - Cambodia would not let me in. I said just let me go - if they send me back, so what - nice night for a flight. They let me board.

At the airport in PP immigratrion pointed out the obvious - and I produced a couple of US fives (there were two officials staring at me) The fives quickly disappeared - they stuck their big sticker over an existing stamp -(big stamp but smaller than their sticker and the only stamp on the page) ... end of story.

P.S. I drive in my own car all over Cambodia these days - but always with a ready supply of small US bills - haven't had to use any yet!

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Tip: HK actually gives three stamps for some bloody reason, one normal date stamp, one disclaimer and then one on leaving, the disclaimer actually takes up enough spots for two stamps (I know this because I probably have about 50+ stamps from HK in my passport as I live in Macau and make frequent trips). They have on occasion harassed some of my co-workers who were travelling with less than 3 pages available, however it was only a stern interrogation, there was no denial of entry.

Immigration in Thailand does seem rather strict, but they also seem rather clueless, if you act like you know what you are doing then certainly there will be no problems.

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4 - 6 weeks for a new passport is a long time.

I applied for a new Aussie passport in Seoul on Monday, full 64 page job. They told me 1 - 2 weeks including postage, but it did cost me 350,000 Won.

I only had 2 blank pages in my old passport and was starting to get worried about the same thing as the OP. it pays to be prepared so a new passport should be applied for when your down to the last 4 or 5 pages I reckon.

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