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My Content Index Not Reflecting Latest Posts


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For the last several days whenever I select "My Content" from the pull down menu under my profile, it does not list in the Index the posts I've made over the last 24-48 hours. This has been happening for the last 3 to 4 days...and this morning it's happening again. I logged off and then logged back on, cleared my cache/cookies, did Ctrl-F5, etc., but the great majority of the time my latest posts are not reflected. I do average around 2 posts per day, actually more lately, but they are not usually showing up in My Content. Now when I say the great majority of the time, I will say that a few times over the last few days my latest content was reflected, but later on in the day when I go back to ThaiVisa they are no longer reflected in the My Content Index but the posts are still on the forum. The Index is set to show the latest posts first...but looking through the index the latest posts are not to be found.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the day before yesterday when I made a few posts, the post counter under my name did not change when I made a post, but the posts sure posted. Then later that night when I made a couple more posts the counter did work as normal and immediately recorded the post count.

I use IE8 and Win7.

What's the problem and fix? Thanks.

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And to add a little more info to my OP post, I do have my Index view set to "View all topics Pib has posted in or started." In the past this would cause the index to have my most recent posts at the top of the index, but now for example, like a post I made last night/20 Jan I did just find it on the second page and that was about the last post I made yesterday....before that post would have been at/near the very top of my index.

Now, my opening post above describing the problem is at the very top is my post above....I know, makes me look like maybe I had too much Chang Beer... but over the last few days even that would not occur in that my most recent post may not appear for hours in the Index or possibly be put somewhere in the other pages of my index. Before if I made say 5 posts over the last 2 days, those 5 posts would be at the top of my Index, but that is not always occurring now.

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It is not just you. I noticed it for the first time this morning. A post I made yesterday did not appear in the My Content list but when I checked the actual thread I made the post on, it was there. Strange. I rely on the My Content feature more than anything else too so a bit of a pain.

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It is not just you. I noticed it for the first time this morning. A post I made yesterday did not appear in the My Content list but when I checked the actual thread I made the post on, it was there. Strange. I rely on the My Content feature more than anything else too so a bit of a pain.

Big 10-4 on the My Content feature being extremely useful and I use it all the time...but right now it is not working right, at least for me and you...and probably others.

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Funnily enough, this thread appears in my My Content list, but the thread with the post I made yesterday is still not showing on My Content.

Same thing happened to me regarding the last few days, but the posts you refer to may be hidden on page 2, 3, or ?? of the index where before it would have been on page 1/top of the index.

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