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Police Investigate Mysterious Death Of Swedish Man Found In Luxury Phuket Condo

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This article simply is an embarrassment to Law enforcement globally - rank amateurs comes to mind, cover ups and complete ignorance seems to summarise Thai Police abilities. I am sure they would like a better image but this article is laughable in proof of these summaries.

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I believe " complete ignorance" lives within some posters here in this thread. The Thai Police have declared it a possible homicide already based on the evidence at the scene. This evidence,such as multiple stab wounds on the victim, blood soaked bootprints and numerous Thai men named as possible suspects have all been well documented in all the Thai scripted newspapers as I have read it personally.

The investigation is in its infant stages and will obviously rely heavily on the coroners report. ie are they indeed stab wounds and did he do them himself or were they inflicted by another.

We could do well to get off their backs for once and give them more than a day to solve a murder case. How many cases get solved within 24 hours in western countries?:annoyed:

Enlish newspapers and those who report for them can not be taken as gospel due to numerous language and cultural barriers, plain misinterpretations as well as interviewing any old footbeat BIB they can get their hands on, who only has his information by means of Chinese whispers in the first place.


I believe " complete ignorance" lives within some posters here in this thread. The Thai Police have declared it a possible homicide already based on the evidence at the scene. This evidence,such as multiple stab wounds on the victim, blood soaked bootprints and numerous Thai men named as possible suspects have all been well documented in all the Thai scripted newspapers as I have read it personally.

The investigation is in its infant stages and will obviously rely heavily on the coroners report. ie are they indeed stab wounds and did he do them himself or were they inflicted by another.

We could do well to get off their backs for once and give them more than a day to solve a murder case. How many cases get solved within 24 hours in western countries?:annoyed:

Enlish newspapers and those who report for them can not be taken as gospel due to numerous language and cultural barriers, plain misinterpretations as well as interviewing any old footbeat BIB they can get their hands on, who only has his information by means of Chinese whispers in the first place.

problem for us is it's not presented the way in which you speak, and everyone here is mentioning all of the conflicting reports from different news sources cast doubt on the credibility of all of them-media, police, investigators....and not one of them are accountable for the claims they make in these reports. There are no misintepretations or cultural misunderstandings here (for those of us residing here a long time and reading the local news, or watching it on TV..thats only an excuse to provide for poor information). If it was presented like you said, maybe people would feel less cynical...sometimes the reports seem premature like you're saying, they give out suspicions and motives before they even know, however the reader or listener definetely feels misinformed.


I think that the estimate for the average IQ of 90 in this region is way over the mark. Perhaps they were including the houseplants??


The Evil One came to see me last week to say the television had told them the reason they were all so thick was a lack of iodine in their diets.

Iodized salt is now all the rage here and I expect to see an increased rate of heart attacks as a result.


That sounds very odd. How does one fall into a bottle of spirits? Typically a bottle might be on a table of some kind. So you fall. OK. Say you fall onto the bottle? That would break the bottle? Was he a very BIG man?

From the evidence at the scene, the Swede most likely fell onto a bottle of spirits that shattered and caused deep lacerations to his back, said Sub Lt Pattapee.

Was there a message in the bottle???

One of the best explanations I've ever heard. :jap:


I believe " complete ignorance" lives within some posters here in this thread. The Thai Police have declared it a possible homicide already based on the evidence at the scene. This evidence,such as multiple stab wounds on the victim, blood soaked bootprints and numerous Thai men named as possible suspects have all been well documented in all the Thai scripted newspapers as I have read it personally.

The investigation is in its infant stages and will obviously rely heavily on the coroners report. ie are they indeed stab wounds and did he do them himself or were they inflicted by another.

We could do well to get off their backs for once and give them more than a day to solve a murder case. How many cases get solved within 24 hours in western countries?:annoyed:

Enlish newspapers and those who report for them can not be taken as gospel due to numerous language and cultural barriers, plain misinterpretations as well as interviewing any old footbeat BIB they can get their hands on, who only has his information by means of Chinese whispers in the first place.

problem for us is it's not presented the way in which you speak, and everyone here is mentioning all of the conflicting reports from different news sources cast doubt on the credibility of all of them-media, police, investigators....and not one of them are accountable for the claims they make in these reports. There are no misintepretations or cultural misunderstandings here (for those of us residing here a long time and reading the local news, or watching it on TV..thats only an excuse to provide for poor information). If it was presented like you said, maybe people would feel less cynical...sometimes the reports seem premature like you're saying, they give out suspicions and motives before they even know, however the reader or listener definetely feels misinformed.

Sorry if I have implied that we expats misintepret the news that we are given. My point is and IMO that foriegn reporters gathering information in Thailand to report for various news agencies can misinterpret or are more proned to be misinformed by sources who have no business giving out such information. Where as Thai reporters reporting in Thailand have no such barriers and are more likely to have contacts within the BIB that may give them a clearer,more accurate account if you like.

If one reads a story in Thai language newspaper and then reads about the same incident in a Enlglish written newpaper you will quickly see the information in both is like chalk and cheese. There is way more information and detail in the Thai paper. Correct or otherwise. The information I provided in my original post came from the Thai language newspaper, The Daily News. Just another source of information. Thank you. And sorry again if I have been misinterpreted. :jap:



Phuket police slam media reports, forum gossip on Swede's death

PHUKET: Sub Lt Pattapee Srichay of Patong police station reconfirmed to the Phuket Gazette this morning that neither he nor his colleagues believe there had been any kind of party in the Patong Tower room of Jan Larsson at the time of, or during the hours leading up to, his death.

His body was found in the room on Thursday afternoon. (see report)

“The media have been very wrong in their reporting of this. There were no fights in the room, nor do we believe there were even any people [other than the deceased] in the room, at the time of Mr Larsson's death.

"We are checking CCTV footage taken from the counter in the lobby to be absolutely certain that no one went to the room with him.”

Staff at the condo building agree with Lt Pattapee, saying that Mr Larsson was a loner who drank quite heavily and often.

“Every day, he went out to buy alcohol and take it back to his room – alone,” a reception employee told the Gazette this morning.

The employee said, "I have read the story in other media and it makes me angry as it is incorrect. He didn't take anyone with him to his room before his body was found, and I am the one who found it there.”

Police have not yet reached any conclusions as to the cause of the Swede's death but emphasize that they have never suggested it was a suicide. “The suicide theory does not come from the police; maybe it's just forum gossip, but we reject it and take no responsibility for it,” he said.

"I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it's either murder or accidental death. He [Mr Larsson] did not necessarily fall on the bottle of whiskey. He might have simply dropped it or knocked it over, then fallen on the shards.

He was staying alone and it seems he was very drunk, so maybe he was unable to call for help,” Lt Pattapee said, adding that the deceased “often fell down and cut his head.”

As for the possibility of murder, the officer noted that there was “definitely no evidence of fighting or a struggle in the room,” and that “the bruises and notches at the wound entry points in his back were unlikely to have been caused by a knife.”

Although shards of glass had been found in the wounds, it was “too early to conclude that someone had thrust them in there,” the officer said.

Mr Larsson's body is at Patong Hospital awaiting collection by his relatives.


-- Phuket Gazette 2011-01-22


Maybe the guy was half passed out fell off his bed on to the bottle sitting on the floor by the bed. He was so drunk he pushed the broken bottle under the bed and laid back down to pass out.How could he see the bleeding back he didnot have eyes in the back of his head and if so drunk ready to pass out perhaps didnot feel any pain maybe a little discomfoort at worst.


Well, it's been made quite clear what the cause of death was...

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it's either murder or accidental death.

..so I don't know what you lot are going on about..

totster :rolleyes:


Well, it's been made quite clear what the cause of death was...

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it's either murder or accidental death.

..so I don't know what you lot are going on about..

totster :rolleyes:

I wouldn't mind backing the fact that the officer making this statement will be 100% correct. LOL


It's clear suicide.

Most ex-pat suicides chuck themselves from the 4th floor balcony but this guy lived on the 10th floor so that wasn't possible. Certain of instant death from that height he contemplates other sounder methods while absently watching TV.

Jumping is clearly distasteful. He'd have splattered and not bounced as they seem to do in Pattaya. Also, he'd have had to leave the apartment to go to the 4th floor. None of this was possible. He wanted a nice quiet suicide, same as the Thai Police do.

So, he's alone in the apartment, feet up, TV on, and thinks 'Nothing on TV. Why wait any longer? Where's a handy spirit's bottle rather than a sharp kitchen knife, length of rope or bottle of aspirin.'

So, he then places the bottle on the bed and starts bouncing up and down on it until it breaks. Swedes, it should be remembered, gave the world Ikea. Who knows how this man's mind worked. He continues the bouncing, probably to the Rhythm of some Abba hit. I think Dancing Queen would have a strong beat for the bouncing suicide. Four beats to the bar apart from the ' da-dah, da-dah, da-dah, da-dah' part where he could always speed up a bit to keep it in sync.

So, as Benny or was it Bjorn, hits the piano part of a falling crescendo, our Swedish gentleman matches his energetic bouncing, driving shards of glass into his back. It's almost poetic. At some point and possibly as it is taking too long he goes jogging around the bedroom in order to increase the blood flow. Clearly, mindful of pulling a muscle, he hums to himself ‘Chiquitita tell me the truth’ as slower ballad type of number until he’s warmed up. Then switches to a faster pace he recalls 'Money, money, money' and has quite a sprint on, maybe even breathlessly singing along with 'it's a rich man's game'. After all, he has a 10m baht condo. And what's life or in this case death without a tad of irony? He's in a hurry as he's probably aware that Biggest Loser is on at 9 pm and be tempted to change his mind. Though why that should cheer him up, I've no idea. So, with nothing to lose in a life of highs and lows he goes jogging putting from his mind the thought that he could die of a heart attack. The last thing he needs is a natural death at a time when he’s trying to commit suicide.

So, wanting to get it over with, he's running around the room, his lungs burning his heart nearly killing him yet still singing along to Abba’s greatest hits, and leaving the bloodied foot prints. He sees the pot plant and thinks 'Who is going to water that after I've committed suicide with a spirit's bottle on the bed by bouncing?' and pausing, places it in the middle of the floor. See photo. All things now tidied away he adds two final laps before contemplating leaving a suicide note. But disgards this idea as it will only confuse matters. And besides he doesn't want to plaguerise Abba’s ‘I believe in angels’ or to blame HBO for their poor programmes scheduling, high number of repeats and the fact that he can’t reconcile calling National Geographic ‘natgeo’. So, no note.

He returns to the bed and bounces until losing consciousness.

The only unexplained thing is why that choice of Abba?


^ clear case of suicide if he had Abba in the cd player. The bottle breaking and stabbing him was nothing to do with his attempt to kill himself, it was just collateral damage.


^ clear case of suicide if he had Abba in the cd player. The bottle breaking and stabbing him was nothing to do with his attempt to kill himself, it was just collateral damage.

Yes. Abba would do it to me. :lol:


... hope they get the toxicology before "the evidence" is cremated ... drugged? ... then, stabbed?

... another wealthy farang dies mysteriously ... is it remotely possible a woman was involved? ... who could imagine such a scenario!

... my bet ... no one is indicted on this.

... farang in Thailand against whom crimes are committed seldom find justice ... I hope murderers, thieves and such are not starting to figure that out and see us as easy marks, from whom they have nothing to fear ... it would be open season on farang!

... now, that would be a frightening future, perhaps not dissimilar to what Jamaica, one a popular tourist haven, is now reduced .... but, we all know the risks of living in Thailand.


It's clear suicide.

Most ex-pat suicides chuck themselves from the 4th floor balcony but this guy lived on the 10th floor so that wasn't possible. Certain of instant death from that height he contemplates other sounder methods while absently watching TV.

Jumping is clearly distasteful. He'd have splattered and not bounced as they seem to do in Pattaya. Also, he'd have had to leave the apartment to go to the 4th floor. None of this was possible. He wanted a nice quiet suicide, same as the Thai Police do.

So, he's alone in the apartment, feet up, TV on, and thinks 'Nothing on TV. Why wait any longer? Where's a handy spirit's bottle rather than a sharp kitchen knife, length of rope or bottle of aspirin.'

So, he then places the bottle on the bed and starts bouncing up and down on it until it breaks. Swedes, it should be remembered, gave the world Ikea. Who knows how this man's mind worked. He continues the bouncing, probably to the Rhythm of some Abba hit. I think Dancing Queen would have a strong beat for the bouncing suicide. Four beats to the bar apart from the ' da-dah, da-dah, da-dah, da-dah' part where he could always speed up a bit to keep it in sync.

So, as Benny or was it Bjorn, hits the piano part of a falling crescendo, our Swedish gentleman matches his energetic bouncing, driving shards of glass into his back. It's almost poetic. At some point and possibly as it is taking too long he goes jogging around the bedroom in order to increase the blood flow. Clearly, mindful of pulling a muscle, he hums to himself 'Chiquitita tell me the truth' as slower ballad type of number until he's warmed up. Then switches to a faster pace he recalls 'Money, money, money' and has quite a sprint on, maybe even breathlessly singing along with 'it's a rich man's game'. After all, he has a 10m baht condo. And what's life or in this case death without a tad of irony? He's in a hurry as he's probably aware that Biggest Loser is on at 9 pm and be tempted to change his mind. Though why that should cheer him up, I've no idea. So, with nothing to lose in a life of highs and lows he goes jogging putting from his mind the thought that he could die of a heart attack. The last thing he needs is a natural death at a time when he's trying to commit suicide.

So, wanting to get it over with, he's running around the room, his lungs burning his heart nearly killing him yet still singing along to Abba's greatest hits, and leaving the bloodied foot prints. He sees the pot plant and thinks 'Who is going to water that after I've committed suicide with a spirit's bottle on the bed by bouncing?' and pausing, places it in the middle of the floor. See photo. All things now tidied away he adds two final laps before contemplating leaving a suicide note. But disgards this idea as it will only confuse matters. And besides he doesn't want to plaguerise Abba's 'I believe in angels' or to blame HBO for their poor programmes scheduling, high number of repeats and the fact that he can't reconcile calling National Geographic 'natgeo'. So, no note.

He returns to the bed and bounces until losing consciousness.

The only unexplained thing is why that choice of Abba?

Most expats stabb themselves repeatably in the back before throwing thier own body out of the 4th floor window.


I believe there has been a lot of unfair speculation and "conclusions".

In my earlier post I stated;

- The surveillance of the building is ok. There is always someone on duty at the desk and he or she doesn't fall asleep, but actually pay attention. There is the parking garage guard with a barrier The old guy that has the evening shift keeps an eye on people.

- I am unaware of any other assaults or breakins.

- There are surveillance cameras

- ........folks are well behaved. No fights or loud noise.

- At least look at the surveillance video, interview the employees and ask the neighbours first. Ever notice that sometimes these stories never reference that aspect? If the deceased entered through the main lobby and went up to his room with the assailant, it will be on the video.

Well guess what? Now we have a more accurate report and the PG did just that.

-"The media have been very wrong in their reporting of this. There were no fights in the room, nor do we believe there were even any people [other than the deceased] in the room, at the time of Mr Larsson's death.

-"We are checking CCTV footage taken from the counter in the lobby to be absolutely certain that no one went to the room with him."

-The employee said, "I have read the story in other media and it makes me angry as it is incorrect. He didn't take anyone with him to his room before his body was found, and I am the one who found it there."

-"I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it's either murder or accidental death. He [Mr Larsson] did not necessarily fall on the bottle of whiskey. He might have simply dropped it or knocked it over, then fallen on the shards.

-As for the possibility of murder, the officer noted that there was "definitely no evidence of fighting or a struggle in the room," and that "the bruises and notches at the wound entry points in his back were unlikely to have been caused by a knife." Although shards of glass had been found in the wounds, it was "too early to conclude that someone had thrust them in there," the officer said.

There is no cover up. What you are reading is plausible. Now the video recordings are being checked. The desk clerk is recounting what he saw. I'm sorry to disappoint, but the desk staff are decent honest people that do their job. They have no reason to lie. The property is well managed by Jones Lang Lasalle compared to other condo properties I have seen or stayed in.

Now, I want people who are moaning and groaning to take a good look at the photos from the PG article and from the other sites. Where are the bloody footprints? Look at the room floor. Do you see bloody footprints? Maybe there are footprints, but how would any of you know if you didn't see the condo and all you can see are these images? How do you know there are bloody footprints or evidence of a fight? This is a recounting by one media source that was picked up by other media outlets. What if the original report was inaccurate? Anyone that knows the building and has been in a few units, knows the unit was not a 10million baht unit as described. (Although the ceiling and light fixtures had been modified and the demising wall between the BR and LR changed out.)

Here's something else to consider. Almost all of the unit doors are wafer thin. When a neighbour a couple unts down has his telly on blaring the Italian news you can hear it in the hall and in the next unit over. If there was a loud fight, it is probable someone would have heard something. The lobby often has 1 or 2 of the rental visitors sitting there using the wifi service at all hours of the day and night. I am not in denial here, but am asking that the police be given a fair chance to investigate. This building has some heavy hitter unit holders especially on the top floors and they are not going to be happy about a possible murder. There are only 3 elevators + the side service elevator and I don't think some of those people want to be in a building where a murder may have happened let alone ride the elevator with riff raff.


That sounds very odd. How does one fall into a bottle of spirits? Typically a bottle might be on a table of some kind. So you fall. OK. Say you fall onto the bottle? That would break the bottle? Was he a very BIG man?

Amateur detective.



That sounds very odd. How does one fall into a bottle of spirits? Typically a bottle might be on a table of some kind. So you fall. OK. Say you fall onto the bottle? That would break the bottle? Was he a very BIG man?

Amateur detective.


I slipped on some wet tiles going to return an empty bottle and get a refill from the fridge, the bottle broke I landed on the pieces. One quite deep cut and a bit of blood. I was talked into going to the hospital (did not feel any real pain so figured I was ok) The damage was assessed and I was surprisingly repaired with no less than 30 stitches. I guess I was lucky no pieces of glass were large enough to cause serious damage.

So I guess it can surely happen


And then the possibility he was the victim of a lady breaking a bottle and stabbing him in the back and leaving .... nah - never mind. Its all been said already!rolleyes.gif Wait for the CCTV tapes and the report that will most likely not be forthcoming any time soon. dry.gif


And then the possibility he was the victim of a lady breaking a bottle and stabbing him in the back and leaving .... nah - never mind. Its all been said already!rolleyes.gif Wait for the CCTV tapes and the report that will most likely not be forthcoming any time soon. dry.gif

Fortunately unfounded speculation is only useful to people who wish to promote their imaginative versions of events


If I was pissed out of my mind, my room would not be neat and tidy!

Bleed to death from the back...hahahhahahaha!

Good one. How in the #$%ck can the wound be deep enough to bleed to death even from a bottle IN the back? They could said his thigh where main Aortas run...

Bloody hell...

Hey you guys stop killing yourselves in Thailand... it doesn't look good for all us piss pot farangs!


From the OP, it sounded like he might have broken the top off a bottle, put the bottle under his bed, standing up. Then fallen down backwards on the bed from a standing position, so the bottle punctured his back. The follow-up newspaper article, is mainly police chief's defensive stance, but adds no clarity to the ridiculous scenario painted by the earlier OP. Murder appears to be most likely. Police should bring in foreign experts who know how to assess a crime scene.

^ clear case of suicide if he had Abba in the cd player. The bottle breaking and stabbing him was nothing to do with his attempt to kill himself, it was just collateral damage.

Yes. Abba would do it to me. :lol:

Which song? Dancing Queen? Take a Chance With Me?


In the west this death would be called 'suspicious', which would mean an automatic investigation by police. It would then be up to forensics to determine how the person died (using science to prove it).

Maybe his next of kin need to inform Interpol, and the Thais would then need to follow up propery on it ;)


GERI ATRIC KID ........ This is in response to you bumping your own post as every one else chose to ridicule or ignore it. How's your mate Al Zhiemer getting on? Remember him?

There is no cover up. Neither was there a Watergate, a President Nixon, weapons of mass destruction, Santa Claus or Fatty Arbuckle.

What you are reading is plausible. Unless you are dyslexic and it is platipus.

Now the video recordings are being checked. But there is an immediate concern as to the authenticity of the recording as there are no high so Thais sitting in an expensive but largely sterile house, the mother wringing her hands seated next to dad, whose hair has been painted with white streaks at each side, a young man stands looking furtive while a stunningly beautiful young aneamically white woman starts to cry, yell and then scream before attacking the young man. At the same time another young man appears [stage left] and stares for several minutes at the other young man. Then there are adverts. Only there aren't. Very suspicious.

The desk clerk is recounting what he saw. Every thrid word being whispered into his ear by a gorilla in uniform to one side.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but the desk staff are decent honest people that do their job. All Japanese then.

They have no reason to lie. Not being paid enough.

The property is well managed by Jones Lang Lasalle compared to other condo properties I have seen or stayed in. And this is from our own Hotel correspondent, ex-manager of the Ritz, London and who acted as consultant to the Qatarees when planning their World Cup bid and also was consulted by the pattaya Soi LK Metro owner's of the 'Ferk Inn' bar.

Now, I want people who are moaning and groaning to take a good look at the photos from the PG article and from the other sites. Actually, if you want to look at photos and start moaning and groaning I suggest one of those DVDs in the privacy of your own home, but even then keep the volume down and the curtains pulled tight. Talking of pulling things tight ......

Where are the bloody footprints? On the bloody floor perhaps.

Here's something else to consider. How about you considering giving up the day job of condo real estate agent? As no one is buying this one.

If there was a loud fight, it is probable someone would have heard something. Let's folow the logic then: if, there was a murder then there was a body. That checks.

The lobby often has 1 or 2 of the rental visitors sitting there using the wifi service at all hours of the day and night. Interesting. So, are you saying that the wi-fi did it? I'm applying your own logic very carefully.

I am not in denial here. Are you sure? Would you like to consider your next statement? ' am asking that the police be given a fair chance to investigate.' How many years have you ..... no let's try something else. Can you remind of a 'fair' Police investigation, you know one that managed to join up the dots? Those dots being the bloody dots all over the bloody floor along with the bloodier foot prints.

This building has some heavy hitter unit holders especially on the top floors and they are not going to be happy about a possible murder. Maybe not but like the Police most Thais somehow manage to be pretty blase about murder. That's maybe why there's so much of it.

I don't think some of those people want to ride the elevator with riff raff. Priorities then. Murder in the condo is acceptable to sharing a lift with a man in shorts.

Fine. Do share your other opinions with us, especially on a slow news day.


GERI ATRIC KID ........ This is in response to you bumping your own post as every one else chose to ridicule or ignore it. How's your mate Al Zhiemer getting on? Remember him?

There is no cover up. Neither was there a Watergate, a President Nixon, weapons of mass destruction, Santa Claus or Fatty Arbuckle.

What you are reading is plausible. Unless you are dyslexic and it is platipus.

Now the video recordings are being checked. But there is an immediate concern as to the authenticity of the recording as there are no high so Thais sitting in an expensive but largely sterile house, the mother wringing her hands seated next to dad, whose hair has been painted with white streaks at each side, a young man stands looking furtive while a stunningly beautiful young aneamically white woman starts to cry, yell and then scream before attacking the young man. At the same time another young man appears [stage left] and stares for several minutes at the other young man. Then there are adverts. Only there aren't. Very suspicious.

The desk clerk is recounting what he saw. Every thrid word being whispered into his ear by a gorilla in uniform to one side.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but the desk staff are decent honest people that do their job. All Japanese then.

They have no reason to lie. Not being paid enough.

The property is well managed by Jones Lang Lasalle compared to other condo properties I have seen or stayed in. And this is from our own Hotel correspondent, ex-manager of the Ritz, London and who acted as consultant to the Qatarees when planning their World Cup bid and also was consulted by the pattaya Soi LK Metro owner's of the 'Ferk Inn' bar.

Now, I want people who are moaning and groaning to take a good look at the photos from the PG article and from the other sites. Actually, if you want to look at photos and start moaning and groaning I suggest one of those DVDs in the privacy of your own home, but even then keep the volume down and the curtains pulled tight. Talking of pulling things tight ......

Where are the bloody footprints? On the bloody floor perhaps.

Here's something else to consider. How about you considering giving up the day job of condo real estate agent? As no one is buying this one.

If there was a loud fight, it is probable someone would have heard something. Let's folow the logic then: if, there was a murder then there was a body. That checks.

The lobby often has 1 or 2 of the rental visitors sitting there using the wifi service at all hours of the day and night. Interesting. So, are you saying that the wi-fi did it? I'm applying your own logic very carefully.

I am not in denial here. Are you sure? Would you like to consider your next statement? ' am asking that the police be given a fair chance to investigate.' How many years have you ..... no let's try something else. Can you remind of a 'fair' Police investigation, you know one that managed to join up the dots? Those dots being the bloody dots all over the bloody floor along with the bloodier foot prints.

This building has some heavy hitter unit holders especially on the top floors and they are not going to be happy about a possible murder. Maybe not but like the Police most Thais somehow manage to be pretty blase about murder. That's maybe why there's so much of it.

I don't think some of those people want to ride the elevator with riff raff. Priorities then. Murder in the condo is acceptable to sharing a lift with a man in shorts.

Fine. Do share your other opinions with us, especially on a slow news day.

Hey House painter,

That my friend, is a classic and well put together piece of literature. Thanks for doing what i don't have the patience or time to do myself. Cheers. ;)


In the west this death would be called 'suspicious', which would mean an automatic investigation by police. It would then be up to forensics to determine how the person died (using science to prove it).

Maybe his next of kin need to inform Interpol, and the Thais would then need to follow up propery on it ;)

the recent rape case of a British women in Phuket has according to the Thai news "damaged the reputation of Thailand" a murder so soon after that is not wanted as it could further damage the reputation of this beautiful, peaceful country where people do nothing but smile all day long!

Nobody really cares about the rape - or cares about another dead Farang - murder or not - whats important is that it does not make the news - and if it does -just invent what ever you need to invent to make it look like suicide or an accident!

Remember the Kirsty Jones case in Chiang Mai in 2000 - when the case surfaced again in the press in 2002 -a senior policeman was quoted saying in 2002 "he does not understand why anybody still cares about the case - it had been two years now since she had been murdered" - it is not good for the reputation of Thailand and it's tourist industry if people are murdered, robbed, raped and cheated - let me refrase that it does not matter if they are murdered, robbed, raped and cheated - but it is not supposed to make the news especially not the foreign news - and no foreign newspaper or TV channel would be interested in a suicide or accident happening far away in Thailand - so we make it look like a suicide or accident !


In the west this death would be called 'suspicious', which would mean an automatic investigation by police. It would then be up to forensics to determine how the person died (using science to prove it).

Maybe his next of kin need to inform Interpol, and the Thais would then need to follow up propery on it ;)

the recent rape case of a British women in Phuket has according to the Thai news "damaged the reputation of Thailand" a murder so soon after that is not wanted as it could further damage the reputation of this beautiful, peaceful country where people do nothing but smile all day long!

Nobody really cares about the rape - or cares about another dead Farang - murder or not - whats important is that it does not make the news - and if it does -just invent what ever you need to invent to make it look like suicide or an accident!

Remember the Kirsty Jones case in Chiang Mai in 2000 - when the case surfaced again in the press in 2002 -a senior policeman was quoted saying in 2002 "he does not understand why anybody still cares about the case - it had been two years now since she had been murdered" - it is not good for the reputation of Thailand and it's tourist industry if people are murdered, robbed, raped and cheated - let me refrase that it does not matter if they are murdered, robbed, raped and cheated - but it is not supposed to make the news especially not the foreign news - and no foreign newspaper or TV channel would be interested in a suicide or accident happening far away in Thailand - so we make it look like a suicide or accident !

. . . and again in 2010 . . .



Housepainter, your post is nonsensical. Do you know the desk clerk on duty that night? And yet you make the allegation that he would lie or fabricate a story. Why would he do that? What is up with some of you people that classify every Thai as a liar? Maybe you would lie,, but in this case the desk clerk has no reason to do so. And yes, I note that you say a gorilla to the side of the desk clerk would force him to concoct a story. Why? Did you think before you wrote that? Why would a policeman tell the desk clerk to lie? What magical conspiracy do you have to explain the reason why they would all be obliged to invent a story?

Have you ever been in this building? Do you know the layout? Do you know the type of people that go in and out? Do you have any idea of who some of the tenants are? Did you know the deceased? No you do not any of these things. Yet you make statements as if you did have this knowledge. Answer the question. How do you know there are bloody footprints from an assailant? Did you see the footprints of the assailant? Are there footprints showing in the published photos? The initial news report that you and the other junior detectives have based your convoluted conspiracy theories upon was incomplete and contained incorrect information. You are basing all of your conclusions on information that has either been retracted or clarified.

As for you coma, you demonstrate a profound paucity of integrity when you transfer your animosity for me from the world news threads to this one. You haven't the slightest of clues to the incident at hand and yet you chime in using this as an opportunity to get a dig in. Grow up.

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