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Very unusual for him u know he used to eat a lot he is 12 year old rottweiler around 50 kg, I was wondering yesterday he was very quiet but he ate his food, today i gave him dog food but he refused to eat...later on i bought him ham sandwich he ate it all and in the evening i fed him chicken liver+rice+dog food of course he enjoyed eating so much eventho he looked a bit weak...walked slowly, somebody told me to check his nose if its wet then he should be ok nothing serious...sigh any idea guy? it never happened before u know he was a healthy dog.


I have a Rotty same age. A few days of this and it goes away, no problem. But more than two or three days, take him to the doc.12 is old for a 50 kilo dog and, if age related, the doc might be able to help. If not age related, he definitely needs to see a doc and be examined.


checking nose has no realtion to anything for a dog;

12 is fairly old for a rottie, so u have two choices. one is to wait and see. if he is eating, drinking peeing and shitting but just quieter, wait to see if its just a day or so of not feeling good.

if there is progressive worsening then u have to decide what u will do. do u want to spend lots of money on blood tests, ecg, urine possible xrays etc, or do u want to let things go on their own, and see what happens.

if u will continue depends on what the problem is. it could be anything from suffereing from pain, arthiritis in the joints,gum infections, intestinal problems, spinal,infections, cancers, or just a general age related slow down. if u do all the blood work and stuff, once u know the answer u have to be prepared to decide on continuation , how much money u have, time, and inclination. gruesome to say, but i made decisions based on my financial capacity to take care of my boxers as best i could w/o going to super great lengths (cancer treatments, heart surgery) when htey became too ill, and could no longer be made comfortable with medication , they, each one at his/her time, was euthenized (much to thai husband's intense disapproval).

simple information will make it easier to vet to help u: urination more, less, defecating, more/less, difficulty in rising from bed, breathng faster, heavier, vomiting, coat condition, teeth condition, fever (u can take temp yourself wtih thermometer to see), not eating hard foods but only soft foods (would indicate mouth problem), older dogs have a long list. also, heat/cold affects them more.

take a look, keep track of him, and then go to a decent vet.



Thanks a lot Bina for your suggestion, it was very nice by the way i got up today the dog walked to me as usual moved his tail a bit but still...he refused to eat dog food so I fed him chicken (without bone) he ate it hey or he just gets bored of dog food hehehe he could walk to upstairs where I am aswell...and i noticed he drank water often or its usual when they cant eat well so they drink water often? but I am now pretty sure nobody poisoned him cause no puking!

Really 12 year old is old for rottie? do u have one? how is he? :)


12 year old rottie that normally ate well and now becomes finicky, drinks more than usual, looked a bit weaker than usual?

My alarms bells are ringing straight away and I would take him to the vet for a check up: Red and white blood cells, platelets, liver, kidney and snap test. And bring his pee and poo for a urine and feces check.

The dog is indicating that something is wrong. It may still be in its initial stage where it is treatable or manageable. He's an old dog that won't bounce back that easily any more from disease. Better to be too quick or false alarm than too late.


Maybe him have a high IQ!!! All the time him don't eat his normal dogfood you give him a better tasting food. If I am him I don't want eat the normal dogfood. laugh.gif

No, look how him feel tomorrow. If not better take him to the vet.


Maybe him have a high IQ!!! All the time him don't eat his normal dogfood you give him a better tasting food. If I am him I don't want eat the normal dogfood. laugh.gif

No, look how him feel tomorrow. If not better take him to the vet.

OMG my bro said the same! and it sounds right cause today I went to tesco to buy another dog food brand!!! guess wot he enjoyed eating! -_- and I am willing to feed him again, its better than he doesnt eat at all! I was so worried :( I am glad today he barked hehe voice from heaven! its mean he is alright :) isnt he? and aye he has high IQ he understands english aswell apart from thai language :)



Rotties have loose jowels. Check his throat (from underneath) from ear to ear under his throat. Feel for lumps. My Dogue De Bordeaux died recently - it was cancer - he stopped eating and became very lethargic etc - followed by massive weight loss - I don't want to scare you, but he is getting on a bit at 12 years. Take him to the vet - it could be something simple or something more serious that you will want to catch asearly as you can. Good luck!


I had five Rotts, two twin sisters recently died two months apart; just over 10 years old, which is about optimum for Rottweilers. Trying not to be alarmist, but...They too stopped eating, loss control of their hind legs then their front - all within a two week period. I had to use a wide carrying strap to support them while I positioned each on a down-cline to urinate without their having to sit in it. I have three more, their son and daughter and the sire: I am trying not to think about their similar demise, but it's best to be prepared. Regards. :wai:

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