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Never having drank it before I bought a bottle at Rimping. Looked OK in the bottle but on opening it was cloudy. Taste was so-so.

Is this cloudyness normal?. I know some beers are meant to be cloudy but 'sparkling Ale ' and cloudy.dont seem to go together to my mind. Perhaps some beer guzzling Aussie can enlighten me !!rolleyes.gif

Looking at the other bottle I notice a sediment at the bottom,so maybe its a copy of 'White Shield Worthington" that used to be available back in UK. in which case its a matter of careful pouring into the glass.

Would'nt have thought that sounds like an Australian habit though.

Edited by gennisis
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Coopers is great beer. Love it. It is naturally fermented in the bottle, so is always cloudy. If you don't like the sediment, which I do, just stand the bottle upright and let it settle. Then pour with respect. And enjoy one of the worlds great beers.

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Coopers is great beer. Love it. It is naturally fermented in the bottle, so is always cloudy. If you don't like the sediment, which I do, just stand the bottle upright and let it settle. Then pour with respect. And enjoy one of the worlds great beers.

Question answered then...thanks. It is the same as the 'White Shield Worthington then. My mother was a drinker of the stuff. I can picture her...holding the glass and bottle at eye level and pouring and keeping an eye on when the sediment came to the neck of the bottle and then stopping.

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Barry McKenzie has a lot to answer for.

I went to LOP ( land of Poms) to watch the Wallabies beat everybody back in '84 and in the first pub I walked into the barman picked my accent and said "Oh, an Aussie eh? You'll be wanting a Fosters."

Needless to say I 'politely' refused.:bah:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Aussie we don't drink fosters haha that exported junk.

Beers to try if your English and want to know:

James Squire Amber ale << Beautiful beer!

Crown larger << nice medium kind of larger

Little Creatures Pale Ale <<< Nice!

Hahns Super Dry << dry and smooth bitter flavour beautiful on a warm arvo

Carlton Draught

Tooheys Extra dry << watery but okay

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Coopers produce the best beer in Australia (James Squire, Little Creatures produce fine beer too). The Sparkling Ale (or Muddy Waters as I affectionally know it) is the cream of the crop. The bottles are gently tipped or rolled to mix the yeast sediment through the beer - However, as a home brewer, I often prefer to let the sediment settle in the bottle then pour off the beer in to a glass leaving the the last mouthful and the sediment). I then harvest up the yeast from the bottle to make my own sparkling ale for a fraction of the price.

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Coopers Sparkling Ale isn't even in the list of Australia's top 50 beers at ratebeer. I've had the Sparkling Ale here in Canada, and I think it's ok, but nothing special. I'm pretty sure I noticed their Best Extra Stout in a major supermarket on my last visit to Thailand in November. It's ranked number 13, but unfortunately I didn't get a chance to try it.

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But, back to the OP, my grandfather used to say that drinking any beer other than Coopers was like making love in a punt. (a small boat)

&lt;deleted&gt; near water.

I hope that up don't think that's an original yarn. That cliche's been applied by almost everyone in the world who thinks that they drink they only true beer (which in some cases would just be whatever mass market beer happens to be from their home country). Only diffeerence in your grandfather's spin on it is that usually the joke is meant as a put-down to American beers. Coopers though is difference in that it's a sort of a me too beer in the traditional of the American microbrews, rather similar both in character and marketing success to Sierra Nevada's ales in the States.

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I'm Aussie we don't drink fosters haha that exported junk.

Beers to try if your English and want to know:

James Squire Amber ale << Beautiful beer!

Crown larger << nice medium kind of larger

Little Creatures Pale Ale <<< Nice!

Hahns Super Dry << dry and smooth bitter flavour beautiful on a warm arvo

Carlton Draught

Tooheys Extra dry << watery but okay

Little Creatures Pale Ale is my favorite out of that list. The others (with the exception of James Squire) just taste like mass market swill to me.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Coopers Sparkling Ale isn't even in the list of Australia's top 50 beers at ratebeer. I've had the Sparkling Ale here in Canada, and I think it's ok, but nothing special. I'm pretty sure I noticed their Best Extra Stout in a major supermarket on my last visit to Thailand in November. It's ranked number 13, but unfortunately I didn't get a chance to try it.

You're right that the Coopers Stout is widely availble in Thailand (and in other places in Asia). It's pretty decent too. Can't imaging how Coopers Sparkling Ale would not be even in the top 50 Aussie beers though, at least if the criteria is quality rather than the amount sold. Australian's can drink beer as well as anyone, but unfortunately they are not nearly as talented at brewing as at drinking.

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