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Windows 7, And Problems With Itunes Installing For Use Of Ipad

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Recently I just recieved a Ipad, I found out I need to install the newer version of Itunes 10.1 upon downloading itunes and installing it I came across a error cannot access network %appdata% I've already tried google searches in which I have

1. tried to uninstall old itunes + quicktime again will not let me uninstall due to cannot acess network %appdata%

2. for some reason my cmd command has no disappeared and not sure why

3. it seems in windows you are denied access to C:\Documents and Settings if when you are administrator

4. I tried deleted all folders in appdata roaming, local, etc plus program files nothing works

seems my only options since this version of windows 7 was installed on my netbook is either

A. go out and buy a new windows 7 copy just to using a freaking Ipad

b. Just sell this ipad for less than 20,000

sorry seem frustrated a bit but I've just spend 3 hours for trying to activate a ipad all because of stupid requirements for itunes. If i am unsuccessful just because of itunes and can't sell the ipad I will simply toss it in the trash or use it as a giant paper clip


First of all the 'C:\Documents and Settings' folder does not actually exist on Vista or Windows 7. That's why you can't access it. It is now the 'C:\Users' folder. It only serves as a redirection for older software compatibility.

To access the %appdata% folder, type in "%appdata%" (without the quotes) into the search box on the start menu. I'm not sure what you are talking about when you say "network %appdata%" As a general rule, %appdata% is protected from being accessed from the network (it's used for local and roaming settings and storage).

To access cmd use the search box on the start menu. Type cmd and it should appear at the top of the found list. Be aware that just clicking on it does not run it with administrator privileges. You must right click and then "Run as Administrator".

Please be aware in Windows 7, just having Administrator privileges does not necessarily give you access to folders. You must have rights to access files and folders, to change the rights, you must possess ownership. Then there are areas only the 'Super Administrator' (Windows 7 System) only has rights. Those rights cannot be changed.


Use PsExec to run apps using the Local System Account.

PsExec.exe -i -s cmd.exe

Alternatively, you could also use SC.exe to create an interactive service that just runs CMD.EXE.

sc create testsvc binpath="cmd /K start" type=own type=interact

To start the newly created service, type:

sc start testsvc

Note: SC START will create a new CMD window. Error 1053 is expected since CMD.EXE doesn’t contain any service related code. Just ignore it.

[sC] StartService FAILED 1053:

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

To delete the service, execute the following:

sc delete testsvc

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