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Medical Advice Sought

wilson steer

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Any medical advice gratefully received.....I am not paying some Thai doctor 2000 baht for a medical chat and a random antibiotic........

Symptoms of illness;

1. Explosive Watery Diarrhea

2. Stomach Ache/Cramps

3. No loss of appetite

4. No fever

Now in it's fifth day I'm getting desperate!

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i am not a doctor, but make sure you are drinking plenty of water,at least 2.5 litres a day. take some electrolyte balanced fluids,buy some sachets at a pharmacy (sodium chloride,potassium chloride,sodium bicarbonate and glucose).

its called dioralyte. eat plenty of boiled rice and get yourself to a hospital. you may need some antibiotics. 2000 baht is nothing to pay for your health.

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Guest IT Manager

I agree. Amoebic Dyssentry has the same symptoms but don't know where you are. If you are in Northern Thailand and are broke, go to RAM 2 on the Superhighway. If you are in Bangkok, pray.

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it sounds like a major gastro-entheritis, an Amoebic Dyssentry does "normally" your appetite go down ... and sometime fever, even a low one.

anyway, the answer should be : from a Doctor;

exams of your stools, and urines, and a blood check to trace some infection reactions of your body.

don't wait too long, if it's an Amoebic Dyssentry this could turn bad quite fast, as some amoebias don't stay in the intestins ... but rather go to the liver ... :o

and there is not only amobias as parasitis ... some others bad too.

get a tough complete check of your disgesting system ... ASAP !

do it ... B)


hoping that you get better soon :D

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sounds kinda like a mild colera to me,maybe some bad water you drank,anyway I ###### sure would go to a Dr. as I have had the same thing in Nam way back when and not even Paragoric will stop it. Might try some "IMMODIUM- AD might slow it down some as that is what we used when we got a load of bad water over in Manama Bahrain and even the filipinos were shittin like geese.

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Take Dialorite for rehydration and some "Disento" pills. Available in packs of four from any reasonable pharmacy. Take two and follow with two more after three hours if the first had little effect. Continue drinking Dialorite. If they do not clear up the problem in 6 to 8 hours, take stool samples and go visit a hospital.

Good luck.

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Any medical advice gratefully received.....I am not paying some Thai doctor 2000 baht for a medical chat and a random antibiotic........

Symptoms of illness;

1. Explosive Watery Diarrhea

2. Stomach Ache/Cramps

3. No loss of appetite

4. No fever

Now in it's fifth day I'm getting desperate!

what were you doing prior to this happening ? swimming anyplace unusual ?

what meals had you taken ? very spicy ?

excessive beer /alchohol intake ?

oral sex ?

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I am a physician in San Diego. All of the previous advice you got was pretty good.

Bottom line get into a clinic for a stool sample ASAP. Las year I was treated at St John's in BKK for a sinus/upper respiratory infection. My doctor was very nice, spoke good english and spent some time training here in the USA.

Don't play with this man. Get to a hospital STAT! :o

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O.K. Everyone. Thanks for the help and advice, I have just received the results from Bangkok for my stool sample:

Cryptospirosis, an untreatable bowel infection caused by a living organism.

Still producing around 10-15 litres of diarrhea a day, drinking STRONG-K and hanging on to life.

Funny really I feel O.K. and am eating lots of food, but I am suffering here!

I reckon I got it from water/ice, could be anywhere.

Wilson Steer.

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If you really don't want to go to the doctor, then try this:

Drink at least 3 Sponsor drinks (like gatorade) a day, lots and lots of water, eat rice (anyway you want it) with some hard-boiled eggs and soy sauce to give your stomach a rest from all the crazy stuff you've probably been eating and drinking, and eat lots and lots of fresh fruit (preferably papaya, cantaloupe, and pineapple). You're probably low on electrolytes (salts-magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc.). You lose them through your sweat and usually excessive drinking of alcohol. Your intestines need electrolytes to absorb the food that your digestion system breaks down. Without them the digested food just passes right through.

However, it is always best to consult a physician and B2000 is a small price to pay to cure malaria, dengue fever, cholera, or any number of parasitic invasions your body may have undergone. Amoebic dysentery is a foe to reckon. Check your stool for worms, too.

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Now that you've got that diagnosis, I strongly reccomend ruling out HIV. Unless you are absolutely, 100% sure that there is no way you may have been infected.

Your presentation sounds very dramatic. This parasite can kill you. You may also want to consider i.v. electrolyte transfusion cosidering the volume of liquid you are passing...

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Dr Ned here. All of the above is good advice. Your crypto problem will go away on its own unless your general health is down. If you are tired and run down it will stay around longer. So here some tips:

- get lots of rest

- drink plenty of water and electrolyte beverage powders (up to 4 a day)

- close your mouth when travelling along Klong Saen Saeb

- avoid oral-anal contact :o ....sorry about that....could'nt help myself.

Good luck......and remember Forest Gump........'shit happens'


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Had to post something here since it is a health issue. All the advice is excellent, but from what I read on the link given here, over 55% died as its mortality based on 40 infected as given in this link. This is very serious indeed. If you can remember where you where at before this took place , it had to be somewhere involving water. You need to report this to the Thailand health department first chance you get, because this disease does spread.

In Milwaukee over 400K people got hit which was a lot and most survived by going to the hospital and their length of stay was average of 20 days!!!!!!!!!!! It is also known that this disease can last up to 6 months. What is even worse from what I read even in Milwaukee there is no cure for this disease and it is highly resistant to antibiotics. Also those who had it for at least a few weeks of this disease lost average of over 10 pounds of body weight.

Trying to treat yourself of this disease on your own without direct medical intervention and being in the hospital is almost certain suicide.

Please go to a hospital and get the proper medical help needed for your condition. I urge you to go ASAP, please don't play with this disease or treat it yourself.

Your life is more important and more valuable than playing russian roulette with your life.

Good luck and God be with you at this time of your life.


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Thanks for your concern DaveYo. I am doing fine drinking lots of water and STRONG-K. The medical advice from my own Doctor back home in England is that it will pass itself and unless I am either a baby/geriatric/HIV positive/ I will be O.K.

Since I am none of those three I'll be fine. As regards where I got it, I think almost certainly from drinking bad water since I have not been bathing in pools recently.

This water or ice could be from any of a number of restaurants I have visited. Personally my hunch is that I got it from my own water supply.

I drink only bottled water, so it wasn't that.

BUT I get a large white plastic 10 baht bottle from the local store. This water I use for hot drinks so it is boiled.

HOWEVER I also use this cheap 10 Baht water for washing my salad before eating, so this is my theory. These 10 baht water bottles are often cloudy water but as I boil it I don't mind. It seems that in future I should wash salad items in bottled (mineral) water.

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