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British teenagers sentenced to jail for homophobic killing


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British teenagers sentenced to jail for homophobic killing

2011-01-27 11:17:05 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- Two teenagers were sentenced to jail on Wednesday for a deadly homophobic attack in London's Trafalgar Square, according to Scotland Yard.

Joel Alexander, 20, and Ruby Thomas, 19, received six years and seven years in prison, respectively. They were previously convicted on December 16 of Ian Baynham's manslaughter after a three-week long trial. A third defendant, Rachael Burke, 18, received a sentence of two years after being found guilty at a previous trial of affray.

On September 25, 2009, 62-year-old Baynham was punched to the ground by Alexander, and then kicked and stamped on by the two girls in what prosecutors said was a homophobic attack.

Baynham, an openly gay man, and his friend Phillip, had enjoyed an evening out in Soho to celebrate Baynham's new job with the UK Border Agency. The attack began after Thomas shouted homophobic slurs at them.

The two teenage girls were then seen to stamp and kick Baynham's head and chest as he lay on the pavement severely bleeding from a serious head injury. The attack was captured on CCTV cameras.

The victim was eventually taken to an area hospital in a coma from which he never recovered. His life support machine was switched off on October 13.

"First and foremost, Ian's death was totally unnecessary. The police investigation clearly showed a background of aggressive, drunken behaviour that led to hostile confrontations with others - decency and respect were non-existent," Detective Inspector Paul Barran, who led the investigation, said after the conviction.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-01-27

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Seven years, six years and two years for kicking a 62 year old man to death?

It would seem justice has gone unserved in this case.

Very light sentence when you consider the gravity of the offence.

They will be out in three or four years. Incredible!

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The current British judicial system absolutely stinks,far to many do gooders,whats the use of locking up killers and rapists (usually for far to short a period anyway) and giving them privalidges such as Wide Screen tvs,Playstation games consoles and Gym facilities,not forgetting rehabilitating them back into the comunity with jobs and the like,hows about tossing this lot onto the heap and helping those who really need it,one of the many reasons for my fleeing the UK.

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2 minoritiy group members attack another minority group member.

The assailants were also minors at the time.


Ruby Thomas the trainee beauty therapist is pictured left, Rachel Burke, right. Joel Alexander is shown inset in the center.

During the sentencing at the Old Bailey, Thomas' lawyer Christopher Sallon QC read out a letter to the court from her mother which described an abusive father who had wreaked havoc on their lives. When Thomas was aged 11 her father was arrested for murder and then convicted of manslaughter. In 2006, after being released from prison, her father was arrested again for threatening to kill someone, and was then locked up in a mental hospital.

Nice homelife. Even better genes. When I see Rachel I can't help of the fat guy from Little Britain that played the Chav.

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You can see the homophobia every where still. Whenever traditional gender roles are questioned. Even here in Thailand in a more liberal gender climate people post on Thai Visa confirming traditional stereotypes and voicing their revulsion at anything but the centuries old norm. Is it any wonder that children of these kinds of people would acquire the same bigotry. Gay Western people even insist on segmenting particular sections of the gay population as good gay and bad gay making an idea of a rainbow of people or lifestyles only a thing of fairy tales. Although I applaud the existence of a gay forum on TV its existence gives truth the sad state of affairs that it is needed. After all why would anyone need minority forums if there were not accepted bigotry.

Well you all can come over to my house anytime dressed or talking anyway you like. People is people and their sexual orientation or gender or color don't make much different to me as long as you give me the same consideration.

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