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Saddam Hussein arrested



U.S.: 'We got him'

• U.S. forces have captured Saddam Hussein, U.S civil administrator L. Paul Bremer announced today

• Bremer: 'The tyrant is a prisoner'

• Saddam found hiding in basement of rural farmhouse near Tikrit

• No shots fired by U.S. 4th Infantry and special operations forces

• U.S. commander: Prisoner is 'talkative and cooperative'


Saddam Hussein has been captured. "It's true," said a U.S. intelligence official in Baghdad about the arrest of the former dictator. The official wouldn't give any more details except to confirm that the former dictator had been detained the night before. He did say the suspect had been positively identified as Saddam Hussein. Ambassador Paul Bremer is calling together the Iraqi Governing Council to tell them this afternoon, he said.

Celebratory gunfire erupted across Baghdad as the news of the fallen Iraqi president's arrest spread across the town. Iraqis showed their joy that the brutal leader had been detained by firing bursts of automatic weapons fire into the air.

Former Iraqi President Saddam arrested: IRNA

TEHRAN, Dec. 14 (Xinhuanet) -- Iran's news agency IRNA said Sunday that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been arrested in his home town of Tikrit. The news agency said Iraqi Kurd leader Jalal Talabani made the statement in Tehran about Saddam's capture.

Both the Pentegon and British Prime Minister Tony Blair confirmed the capture later in the day.

Todays's earlier news reports on this issue:

U.S. Officials: Saddam Hussein Possibly Captured

U.S. forces capture a number of wanted Iraqis in Tikrit, possibly including former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, U.S. officials say. Identities still being confirmed.

--CNN 2003-12-14

Saddam Hussein 'arrested in Iraq'

Ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been captured by US forces in Iraq, the coalition says. He was found hiding in a cellar in his ancestral hometown of Tikrit, Iraqi official Ahmed Chalabi said.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has welcomed the news saying it "removes the shadow" from over Iraq.

Saddam Hussein is the most wanted man on the list issued by US authorities but has not been seen since Baghdad fell to US forces in April.

Intensive search

A spokeswoman for US-led coalition forces in Baghdad said that a "very important" announcement would be made at a news conference at 1200 GMT but would not give further details.

Saddam Hussein has been the subject of intensive searches by US-led forces in Iraq but previous attempts to locate him have proved unsuccessful.

People have started celebrating the possible capture of their former president in the streets of Baghdad and the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk.

The former Iraqi leader was last seen in television footage shot in April at a Baghdad market just before the city fell to US forces in the recent Iraq conflict.

US authorities have offered a $25m reward for information leading to his capture.

On 22 July his sons, Uday and Qusay, were killed in a raid by US forces in the northern city of Mosul.


In October, US officials said they had intelligence indicating Saddam Hussein was hiding in Tikrit.

They said he seemed to be moving around various safe houses with the aid of family members, often in disguise.

Saddam Hussein was born in Tikrit and has a tight network of family and clan ties which permeated all of the regime's main military, security and political institutions while he was in power.

--BBC News 2003-12-14

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Good riddance! Now, insn't it time to get rid of the other two tyrants:

1. Bush, for making war not peace. Having lived in the Arab world for many years, his capture will I garantee you, fuel more hatred and terrorist attacks against innocent Brits, Americans and especially Israelis...

2. Sharon, for not making concessions and "sticking to his guns" most o the time. He could in theory stop these settlements in occupied land as a gesture of goodwill...



IRAQ - -The future is yours after a tyrant. Live well and choose your future Via vote. Welcome to the free world.

May you and your children choose the right direction for your countries future.

It's all about unity. you are now independant of propoganda and total control.

Its your turning point in life, dont resist it.


2 other countries that you can use as an example that the USA helped rebuild after war. Japan and Germany

Maybe Germany, France and Russia can continue with these contracts they signed with Sadam since we know his where abouts now. wonder why these countries would not go into the baltics when the U.S. said it was a european problem go for it, fix the problem. Guess who went and is still there.

Did I mention Sadam only Had $750,000 on him when found. Wonder if they will accept credit on these multi billion $$$ contracts they signed just a couple years ago.


At last....some good news to some Bush lovers to jump..

Well..it's not over..the war against WMD will be not over until the day you guys get rid of Bush.

He is the number one hated person in the world.

He will shift the war to another country, possibly Syriya or N. Korea by putting this as a victory.

Anyway..money will talk.. So lets be happy for this now..later can start kiling more innocent people in Iraq or somewhare else..

I propose the name "United States of Iraq" as the new name for this independent country. :o


The Amount Sadam had at the time of capture seems to be less than what Haliburton earned from overpricing oil from 1 contract.

Wonder where the rest of the commisions go now?



If you was a tax payer of the U.S it would be of your concern. Besides it was determined that the Kuwait contractor is the one that over charged. Haliburton

requested and notified the government of the cost before they went ahead as it was highly priced and the government said go ahead they had to have it as no one else would provide it. Besides Kuwait government gave $300 million worth of free fuel so 61 million that you refer to the government considers a trade off and turned it over to the Kuwaiti government to consider the over billing. And no the border hopper of Thailand is the most hated person in the world. Get a Job a real one.

Guess who was the first ones to plant fig trees in Isreal a few thousand years ago.

No one wanted the place before then.



A good man is hard to keep down. lets find this Son of a dog Osama now.

He has probably taken some of Sadams chemical weapons around the world with him and his cronies. This is a great day for freedom and man kind



I knew we would do it. And if the dog osama is still alive, we'll find him too.

But at least NOW this filthy pig saddam will be tried as a war criminal and the entire world will see his attrocities and his defiance. He will rot in prison for his war crimes.

Once again, the U.S. has lead the way. We've done the world a huge favor. Thanks to our allies and to the individual men and women who made this possible.


now that saddam has been captured, the door is open for all the other extremist muslim groups to enter iraq and make a nuisance of themselves. the saudi wahabis will probably be the first. now that saddams power and that of his followers has been severely curtailed, all the other american hating trouble makers will do whatever they can to prevent the american led coalition from having any success in iraq.they will fight the americans and they will fight amongst themselves.

i predict very hard times for the unfortunate people of iraq for a long time to come.


I reckon he's already got a job with the CIA.

"Big beard, fluent in Arabic, genocide and ethnic cleansing.......your just the man we're looking for Mr Hussein". "Now, about your friend Mr Bin Ladin! Here's an Amex card...go get him".


To all the Anti-Bush & Anti-American polocies people:

I respect your opinion in regards to peace and not creating violence within the world. I too, feel that sacrificing young men and women's lives for something I'm not quite sure of myself is pointless. But first, before I opined someone else's view on making the world better, I not only give my reasons for my opposition, but also add a solution of my own. So...

You are free to express your point of views with or without validity since freedom of speech is something we all cherish. But I would like to ask those who continues to blast Bush, Americans, and their polocies, "What is your solution to this ever growing problem called...terrorism?" And how should have the American government respond after witnessing their citizens, normal, every day life people jumping off the World Trade Center to morbidly escape their burning office? And finally, what intelligent information do you have in regards to Iraq and the Americans' suspicion on the country's possesion of WMD and the suspicion on Iraq's relationship with terrorist that would lead you to think that none of that exists? Please elaborate.

Thank you,


Once again, the U.S. has lead the way.  We've done the world a huge favor.  Thanks to our allies and to the individual men and women who made this possible.


So Now they can give the reigns to the Iraqi people and leave the country?

Oh thats right the war was over oil, I got excited there for a minute!

Halliburton for next political party!


A good man is hard to keep down. lets find this Son of a dog Osama now.

He has probably taken some of Sadams chemical weapons around the world with him and his cronies. This is a great day for freedom and man kind

I can not understand how stupid this reply is?

But in your books, you may find it very intelligent and accurate.

We are not going to fall into the tricks and all mud covers of Bush. No argument that it is good to catch Sadam and Osama.

But also no argument that Bush is the most dangerous person for the world peace.

He is surviving from the money stolen through companies like Haliburtan, Enron and many other deals.

Do you think now you guys will leave Iraq?

Where is WMD? I do not understand why you people get caught to such big lies of your own leaders...

Good luck with your next move..

kill more innocent and be happy..


Thanks for a job well done, but it should have happened at least a decade earlier... What did the CIA do during the last decade? Just spending taxpayer's money? But, don't miss the point: Saddam Hussein was a tyrant to his own people. The REAL danger is Usama Bin Laden & Associates. They can strike anytime, anywhere and they can kill you or me, or any of your loved ones. Let's go and get them and rid the planet of the worst danger!


If you was a tax payer of the U.S it would be of your concern. Besides it was determined that the Kuwait contractor is the one that over charged. Haliburton

requested and notified the government of the cost before they went ahead as it was highly priced and the government said go ahead they had to have it as no one else would provide it. Besides Kuwait government gave $300 million worth of free fuel so 61 million that you refer to the government considers a trade off and turned it over to the Kuwaiti government to consider the over billing. And no the border hopper of Thailand is the most hated person in the world. Get a Job a real one.

Guess who was the first ones to plant fig trees in Isreal a few thousand years ago.

No one wanted the place before then.


Ok..I am not a Tax payer of US..so it is not my concern..That is your logic..isn't it?

Then why Bush went on begging asking for help and money all over the world? Your answer to this will justify your own comment.

I did not get the meaning of your "Border Hopper of Thailand" part. Are you talking about you or me? I am not sure. Your replies are vague but full of American grit and American boastings covered by the innocent blood of millions of war victims over the years. The number Sadam has killed in Iraq and in Kuwait is nothing compared to the killings that your governments have done.

It is interesting to see your stories of Planting Trees in Israel to justify the killings of innocent people.


If US do this, all the support and arms sales you Government did with Sadam over the years will come into the picture.

What do you think about this?


he is down ... I see no point to be so happy.

US army got him, this is one point , they were after.

and then ..? international court? life-jailed ? ... :D

muslim extremists have their martyr, whatever would happen ...

I just fear more bombings or any kind of of attacks, as a "revenge" from these isolated groups, as we have seen many times, it's often at the end of a war that the worse takes place ...

I'm not sure the war is over yet ... B)

but, America can celebrate, the "job" is done ... a nice wave to surf on ...

I am sure mr bush likes surfin' :o


To all the Anti-Bush & Anti-American polocies people:

I respect your opinion in regards to peace and not creating violence within the world. I too, feel that sacrificing young men and women's lives for something I'm not quite sure of myself is pointless. But first, before I opined someone else's view on making the world better, I not only give my reasons for my opposition, but also add a solution of my own. So...

You are free to express your point of views with or without validity since freedom of speech is something we all cherish. But I would like to ask those who continues to blast Bush, Americans, and their polocies, "What is your solution to this ever growing problem called...terrorism?" And how should have the American government respond after witnessing their citizens, normal, every day life people jumping off the World Trade Center to morbidly escape their burning office? And finally, what intelligent information do you have in regards to Iraq and the Americans' suspicion on the country's possesion of WMD and the suspicion on Iraq's relationship with terrorist that would lead you to think that none of that exists? Please elaborate.

Thank you,



"What is your solution to this ever growing problem called...terrorism?"

Simple..just stop creating them..You hit me..I hit you..you kill me..my brother will kill you..you kill my family..another family in my hometwon will kill you..you kill my town..my country will kill you..

Never ending..

You people who support this Bush are simply covered by his "Free Speech". do not believe what you hear..beleive what you see.

Just see the way innocent people killed in Middle east..Imagine if you were borne in that country..Imagine if you were borne in Iraq.. We are fortunate enough to stay in Thailand and talk all these stuff here..

So to answer your question..the answer is "No Solution"..So what is your solution..killing all of them..

The entire world know the situation. All countries who support US and even US themselves are doing this war simply for economic gains. It is not to fight against Terror.

Only the fight in Afghanistan against Osama will fall into a real fight against Terrorism. All other big talks and all definitions are simply for US to get the Oil in Iraq and to dominate the control in Middle East.


"how should have the American government respond after witnessing their citizens, normal, every day life people jumping off the World Trade Center to morbidly escape their burning office?"

Who did this? Iraq? ..Who said not to attack Afganistan..Also remember it is your Government that Made Sadam so stronger by selling arms to him. Why don't you guys find out the "Cause" of the problem than wondering around the "Effects".

It's not only US who sold Arms to Iraq..UK, Russia all did time to time..That is why the real facts of the origin of the weapons found are not getting in to the media.


what intelligent information do you have in regards to Iraq and the Americans' suspicion on the country's possesion of WMD and the suspicion on Iraq's relationship with terrorist that would lead you to think that none of that exists?

We do not have any intelligence. So we can not say they have.

Similarly, people who support the War also do not have any information. It is very clear by now. So the same logic will be applicable to both sides..

But one thing for sure, the most brutal killing by using WMD in this planet did by Americans in Japan. On that grounds, I strongly SUSPECT that US has WMD than anyone other country. What do you think?

To all the Anti-Bush & Anti-American polocies people:

You are free to express your point of views with or without validity since freedom of speech is something we all cherish.  But I would like to ask those who continues to  blast Bush, Americans, and their polocies, "What is your solution to this ever growing problem called...terrorism?"  And how should have the American government respond after witnessing their citizens, normal, every day life people jumping off the World Trade Center to morbidly escape their burning office?  And finally, what intelligent information do you have in regards to Iraq and the Americans' suspicion on the country's possesion of WMD and the suspicion on Iraq's relationship with terrorist that would lead you to think that none of that exists?  Please elaborate.

Thank you,



You are an American Thai, educated/brainwashed in the USA are you not?

So whatever we say, you have your own thoughts - who knows what the right thing is to do re terrorism. But one thing the Yankees should do is get out of Arab areas and leave it to the Arabs - basically stay in your own country and get on with it. OK if you or your counrty is threatened by a hostile country, act with all your captain Amercia muscles. Iraq wasnt threatening you country at all, Geoges dad, George was still angry re the hit put out on him in his term - it was probably barbara weilding the wand anyway. I think Iraqis were supressed/killed and should be helped, but not for the reasons the USA went in - that was definately Oil - actually the biggest oil reserves in the world, over 500 years worth (figures from my mate, who is a mud engineer for halliburton!) If you dont agree with my reasons USA went into Iraq thats fine, but if the USA is a such a great nation and would like to help the world, where were they when needed in African countries, Burma, Eat Timor etc - The Yankees flexing there muscles is getting tiresome and the world in general are getting sick of it - there will come a day.............

The world trade centre falling was ofcourse terrible and needs a head on the platter, but it has nothing to do with Saddam!

The USA has the most weapons of mass destruction and is killing kids, woman and people with nothing to do with terrorism - should they be hunted down and killed to?!


Why is it that no matter what the U.S. does, it's never enough? Is just a simple "Thanks" just too hard to say?

We've spent our own blood and money to get rid of this guy, and there is still grumbling. No one ever says "Hey, thanks to the Americans, now this bad guy is finally gone".

Why is it that EVERY thread about the U.S.--EVERY conversation--has to be twisted back to how "bad" the U.S. is, no matter what? Some of you people are worse than my ex-wife--she could never be pleased either!

Look, no one else did anything to get rid of him, once and for all. The U.N. sat around for years and was completely ineffective. Saddam stayed in power. The U.S. tried sanctions, tried working through the U.N., tried just about everything. Saddam stayed in power. If it was an "Arab world situation that should be dealt with by the Arabs", then what did the Arab world do, to get rid of Saddam? Nothing. And still, Saddam stayed in power. What did Europe do? What did Asia do?

Who always winds up having to spend their own money and lives, to get rid of these guys--the U.S. And when we do, we're always then blamed for having to use "guns and bullets to get our way" and "killing innocent children". Please--give me a freaking break!

A simple "thanks" would be appreciated.

Why is it that no matter what the U.S. does, it's never enough? Is just a simple "Thanks" just too hard to say?

We've spent our own blood and money to get rid of this guy, and there is still grumbling. No one ever says "Hey, thanks to the Americans, now this bad guy is finally gone".

Why is it that EVERY thread about the U.S.--EVERY conversation--has to be twisted back to how "bad" the U.S. is, no matter what? Some of you people are worse than my ex-wife--she could never be pleased either!

Look, no one else did anything to get rid of him, once and for all. The U.N. sat around for years and was completely ineffective. Saddam stayed in power. The U.S. tried sanctions, tried working through the U.N., tried just about everything. Saddam stayed in power. If it was an "Arab world situation that should be dealt with by the Arabs", then what did the Arab world do, to get rid of Saddam? Nothing. And still, Saddam stayed in power. What did Europe do? What did Asia do?

Who always winds up having to spend their own money and lives, to get rid of these guys--the U.S. And when we do, we're always then blamed for having to use "guns and bullets to get our way" and "killing innocent children". Please--give me a freaking break!

A simple "thanks" would be appreciated.


After a long time..whenever War comes..you comes into the picture..interesting.. :o Anyway..this is what I think...

I understand what you say. If we isolate the capture of Sadam Husain from all the surrounding activities then US should deserve a very big "thank you" from all around. But sadly, this will not happen coz too many lying and cheating involved during this process and also too many innocent people killed around this single Man.

The Subject is definitely bad and harmful to the world. But sadly, I feel the majority of people in this planet feels that your President is more harmful than Sadam. That is the issue here.

If you give me a pistol and ask me to shoot either Sadam or Bush based on the killings and crimes they have done over the innocent people, then I will Shoot Bush, but not Sadam. Sadam is nothing compared to Bush. Even the time you went to war in Iraq, he simply ran away. It was after many years of economic sanctions and he did not have anything other than the things he stolen by Innocent Iraqi people. [Now that is not a business for US to deal with].

The real threat is not him. It is from N. Korea when it comes to a nation and from Bin Laden when it comes to a Terrorist Group.

This Iraq war is simply for Oil. Hope you will agree with this at least now.

The oil money will go to his political party and his friends.

Why is it that no matter what the U.S. does, it's never enough? Is just a simple "Thanks" just too hard to say?

We've spent our own blood and money to get rid of this guy, and there is still grumbling. No one ever says "Hey, thanks to the Americans, now this bad guy is finally gone".

Why is it that EVERY thread about the U.S.--EVERY conversation--has to be twisted back to how "bad" the U.S. is, no matter what? Some of you people are worse than my ex-wife--she could never be pleased either!

Look, no one else did anything to get rid of him, once and for all. The U.N. sat around for years and was completely ineffective. Saddam stayed in power. The U.S. tried sanctions, tried working through the U.N., tried just about everything. Saddam stayed in power. If it was an "Arab world situation that should be dealt with by the Arabs", then what did the Arab world do, to get rid of Saddam? Nothing. And still, Saddam stayed in power. What did Europe do? What did Asia do?

Who always winds up having to spend their own money and lives, to get rid of these guys--the U.S. And when we do, we're always then blamed for having to use "guns and bullets to get our way" and "killing innocent children". Please--give me a freaking break!

A simple "thanks" would be appreciated.

did you ever think, that no one wanted your help in the first place! who asked you and no one else benefitted from but you - dont make it like you were doing ALL OF US a big favour - you did it for oil. Maybe if you guys put more money into education than warfare, you guys would stop writing such <deleted>!

Why is it that EVERY thread about the U.S.--EVERY conversation--has to be twisted back to how "bad" the U.S. is, no matter what?

maybe you should listen to the majority mate and yes you freaking did kill innocent kids - didnt you watch that part on CNN?

just a foot note: I lived in the USA for time, the country has forgot its people, I saw more beggers on the street in HOLLYWOOD, that I have seen in any poor country, India, sri lanka and burma - leave the world to fight its own problems and remedy what you already have on your own soil!

"What is your solution to this ever growing problem called...terrorism?
We've had it in he Europe for about 100 years ....Growing problem??? Only for from an American perspective.
And finally, what intelligent information do you have in regards to Iraq and the Americans' suspicion on the country's possesion of WMD

Just that Hans Blik (the UN inspector that spent months looking for them...and didn't find anything) and subsequent searches have revealed nothing. Blair has admitted that the deployment of WMD's within 45 minutes was "eroneous". If they had them we would have found them by now.

and the suspicion on Iraq's relationship with terrorist that would lead you to think that none of that exists?

It is public knowledge that Sinn Fein is the politcal voice of the IRA terrorist group. Britain certainly didn't bomb Ireland and lock up it's representatives. Guilt by association is not a reason to go to war.

My view..... America got a bloody nose and someone had to pay. We all thought Bin Ladin was hiding in Iraq and Saddam "flipped the bird" to everyone. He got his just desserts. Now America and Britain are left holding the baby, and have had good support from Thailand with which I am impressed.

History will write this as avictory over terrorism. I know better.

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