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Civil Unrest


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is it just me or is this world of ours heading down a black hole, every time I watch the news there just seems to widespread anarchy everywhere, I must say it's all very depressing, are we heading for something unspeakable ?????

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The current "global system" is not working (unless you are in the top 1% of income earners) and has not worked for the past 50 years or so.

It takes time for people who are brainwashed to come out of their "coma."

The masses are finally seeing a bit of reality and responding to it.

I suppose a lot of this has to do with the internet.

It is interesting that Europe and now the Middle East seem far ahead of the USA on this......most Americans still seem to be in a coma.

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The current "global system" is not working (unless you are in the top 1% of income earners) and has not worked for the past 50 years or so.

It takes time for people who are brainwashed to come out of their "coma."

The masses are finally seeing a bit of reality and responding to it.

I suppose a lot of this has to do with the internet.

It is interesting that Europe and now the Middle East seem far ahead of the USA on this......most Americans still seem to be in a coma.

What are they going to do when they come out of their "coma"?

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.....are we heading for something unspeakable ?????

Yes, so that's why I never talk about it!

It's also why I don't have TV..... er...... television.

Ask yourself what benefit watching the news provides you in your life? Honestly, zip.

Life's too short. Find a beach and have fun.

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What are they going to do when they come out of their "coma"?

That is a hard question to answer. But we can see what some are doing now--revolution in the streets coupled with anger.

It would be great if wise and compassionate political leaders would rise to the surface who care about the majority and not the 1% at the top.

But the only way that will happen is if the majority use the democratic process to help themselves.

If that does not happen, it will be a false revolution no matter where it takes place.

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Given that economic inequality is greater in the US than in Thailand and the economic pain (massive long term unemployment) is arguably even greater than Thailand for more American people, it is surprising that people haven't taken to the streets, not to mention voting in a party recently happy to give even more giveaways specifically to the super rich.

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That's bull. People like the Thai's & the Chins & the rest of the Asians can afford to buy a NEW tiny car & park it in their driveway & eat lots of meat.

For them they are livin the dream.

The masses of 3 billion have never been happier.

Now Africa Russia & South America is a different story.

But most of South America went Marxist of their own choice. That will end ugly.

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Learn about where some of you are going. No need for a visa, because your reservations are made. No need for luggage either. It's an all inclusive place. :ph34r:

Is there a pool?

:lol: :lol: :lol: Cowabunga Dude, I like your thinking. Pool Party!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

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Forget the pool is there a bar with all day happy hour?

Learn about where some of you are going. No need for a visa, because your reservations are made. No need for luggage either. It's an all inclusive place. :ph34r:

Is there a pool?

:lol: :lol: :lol: Cowabunga Dude, I like your thinking. Pool Party!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

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Forget the pool is there a bar with all day happy hour?

Learn about where some of you are going. No need for a visa, because your reservations are made. No need for luggage either. It's an all inclusive place. :ph34r:

Is there a pool?

:lol: :lol: :lol: Cowabunga Dude, I like your thinking. Pool Party!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

The bar dispenses the drinks , but then you are given the inflated bill.

The pool is filthy and it seems everyone has peed in it.

You drop your wallet in that pool and have to dive in to get it.

And then a bird poops on you.

Bangkok hotel pool, same same.

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It is interesting that Europe and now the Middle East seem far ahead of the USA on this......most Americans still seem to be in a coma.

I tend to think the coma is a bit of an illusion. Yes perhaps the Americans carry more personal debt per household than other countries.

So those that have jobs are busy with their nose firmly planted to the grindstone. This does give the appearance of a coma.

Yet when this whole *crisis* started in early 2008 Law abiding US citizens bought on average 3,177,256 guns every 3 months. This has continued & they also bought 1,529,635,000 rounds of ammunition in just the month of December 2008. Yes that is Billion with a “B”. This number takes no accounting of reloading or reloaded ammunition.

This small sampling in time was enough weaponry to outfit the entire Chinese & Indian armies combined. It has continued

So while it appears they are in a coma these facts suggest they are aware of possible civil unrest..Or? in the future.

But........as others have said they are not really uncomfortable at the moment & as long as the USD remains the world reserve currency & oil is priced in USD they probably will not be. As others will still run to the USD as the safe haven mirage....As foolish as that may be.

While 15 million US citizens are unemployed & 40 million on State funded food support ...They are not at that point of civil unrest. What the future holds is anyone's guess.

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[about US] not to mention voting in a party recently happy to give even more giveaways specifically to the super rich.

Well, most people realize that this just isn't true. Lowering tax towards a more equal level (flat tax, if you so wish) is not the same way as 'giveaways' - since you then fail to count for the fact that the taxation-level is already higher, both monetarily and proportionally.

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As foolish as that may be. ... You forgot to add your usual sadly ... like: 'Sadly, as foolish as that safe haven mirage may be ....' It must be such a burden to be so perspicacious as to consider about 98.325% of the world's population to be foolish (BTW -- I just made that number up) ... that leaves you and John Paulson I guess.

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Learn about where some of you are going. No need for a visa, because your reservations are made. No need for luggage either. It's an all inclusive place. :ph34r:

Is there a pool?

There's whatever you imagine there to be :)

It is, after all, an entirely fictitious place!

Oh we'll all be judged in the rapture/alien invasion/ dawn of the speckled unicorn/re-birth of the mayans, or whatever superstitious nonsense you care to mention.


yes, there's a pool, in fact, there's a bar in the pool too :)

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It might be because most "poor people" in America have homes, cars, computers and color TV. :D

Erm well many are no longer paying their mortgages and cars, computers and color TV are on credit

courtesy of the Chinese so yes they are poor :blink:

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It might be because most "poor people" in America have homes, cars, computers and color TV. :D

Erm well many are no longer paying their mortgages and cars, computers and color TV are on credit

courtesy of the Chinese so yes they are poor :blink:

If you want poor I suggest you travel to the upper reaches of Isaan and spend the hot season in a corrugated iron hut with the occasional frog as a major treat.

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It might be because most "poor people" in America have homes, cars, computers and color TV. :D

Erm well many are no longer paying their mortgages and cars, computers and color TV are on credit

courtesy of the Chinese so yes they are poor :blink:

You beat me to it. Americans have these things because they're up to their ears in debt.

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Given that economic inequality is greater in the US than in Thailand and the economic pain (massive long term unemployment) is arguably even greater than Thailand for more American people, it is surprising that people haven't taken to the streets, not to mention voting in a party recently happy to give even more giveaways specifically to the super rich.

This is one of the great myths in America--that everyone has an equal chance to make it big. Most Americans have no idea that the deck is so stacked against them that they don't have a chance. But if the govt tries to level the playing field even a little bit, the far right, i.e., Palin, Limbaugh, Fox news et al, will yell and scream "socialists!" And the sheeps will believe them. I hope I'm wrong, but it seems like the current generation may be the first to have less than their parents did.

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