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Student Of Visitor Visa To Canada? Which One To Get To Go Study.

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My Thai GF and me are thinking sending her to Canada for 6 months to study English, I believe she will get more out of it comparing to the cources she was taking here in BKK.

A little bit of a background.

I am working in Thailand on a 28 days ON and 28 days OFF schedule. On my days off I used to go back to Canada but now that I have a GF, I stay here most of the time. It's up to me if I want to go back or stay. If she goes and stays there 6 months, I will be going back to Canada every time I am OFF.

She is currently working but quitting her job soon because i want her to stay with me when i am OFF. She has been in Canada with me once before, we got a VISA through the agency and everything went smooth with no hickups.

We live together in BKK, I pay for rent and make her car payments, but I have no papers to prove as it's all cash between us.

The plan is, to go back to Canada (Alberta, Edmonton) together, then in one month I leave to Thailand to return to work and she stays there and goes to school. Every time after work I am coming back to Canada for a month and at the end of 6 months, we are going back to Thailand together.

The school that she will be going to, does not require the student VISA BUT they can supply the letter of acceptance for the embassy to apply for a student visa. She is afraid that she may not get the VISA if we apply ourselves so she called the agency again. What they told her is that it's easier to get a tourist visa (that's fine with me as the school does not require the student visa to study there), but they said she won't get a 6 months visa, they said she could get a 3 months and then when in Canada, she could apply for an extension (which is not acceptable at all, I heard it may decrease her chanses of getting a visa next time she apply in Thailand and I was shooting for at least 6 months multiple entry visa, not 3 months).

So my questions are: How much more difficult is it to get a student visa comparing to a multiple entry 6 months or one year visa?

It will be her second time getting a visa and the things that are different from the first time are - she would be unemployed most likely before we send the application, and she will be staying in Canada for a whole 6 months, not 2 weeks, and half of that time she will be by herself (she would be getting help from my family if needed), without me.

What I better do? Be honest and try to get a student visa having a letter of acceptance on hands, or not tell them anything and try to get a multiple entry One year or at least 6 months tourist visa and then just go there and stay for 6 months?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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I know nothing about the Canadian visa system or immigration rules, but:-

What I better do? Be honest...........

The answer has to be "Be honest."

If an applicant uses deception in a UK visa application and is discovered, either at the time of the application or later, then they could face a ban of up to 10 years from entering the UK; possibly for life in extreme cases. I imagine that Canada has something similar.

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Well, it's not like we will be lying in the application, just not telling the whole thing and even then we will not be braking any rules. If we get 6 months tourist visa and stay in Canada for 6 months, we are not braking any rules.

More comments will be appreciated.


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Well, the application form does ask for the purpose(s) of the applicant's visit and for a list of persons and institutions the applicant will visit. The applicant signs a declaration to say that they have answered all questions fully and truthfully.

To be blunt, not declaring her intention to study sounds like deception to me!

But as I said, I have no knowledge of the Canadian immigration rules; hopefully someone who does can advise you better.

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Well, the application form does ask for the purpose(s) of the applicant's visit and for a list of persons and institutions the applicant will visit. The applicant signs a declaration to say that they have answered all questions fully and truthfully.

To be blunt, not declaring her intention to study sounds like deception to me!

But as I said, I have no knowledge of the Canadian immigration rules; hopefully someone who does can advise you better.

Ooookay... I didn't even see the application when we apply first time, to be honest. Did it through the agency as I was at work and didn't have time to do it myself.

If that's the case and there are questions like that, I will be applying for a student visa.

That pretty much answered my questions.


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You can study for a maximum of 6 months with a Visitor's Visa (TRV-Temporary Resident Visa). You do not need a Study Permit (student visa) if you are planning to take a course or programme in Canada with a duration of six months or less.

The documentation and process to obtain the TRV is very similar to applying for a Study Permit. In this case, you must satisfy the Immigration Officers that you can support all the expenses of your trip and that you will return to your country after your visit.

In general, Immigration Officers will understand better and believe you more that you are coming to Canada to study an English course if you register in a Full Time Programme (minimum 30 lessons per week).

If you do not have a valid Study Permit and wish to continue your studies, you will have to leave Canada to apply for one, so bear this in mind if your plans are at risk of change.

Study Permits are issued only when the study time is longer than 6 months.

Hope this covers everything for you.

Edited by bangkockney
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