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On way to airport. More work on the language doc. Off to Bangkok and onward to Chiang Rai in the north. We'll be filming with the Akha ppl.

Totster :D

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I wonder if he will be a series similar to the excellent ,but too brief is some sections, of his Stephen Fry in America series. Perhaps he will swap his black London cab for a tuk tuk !


He will be in Lamyai bar to speak to some guys who play Dominoes in there on Thursday afternoon.

Cannot confirm this as its only rumour in Jetyod. Apparently the producer of a TV company wants to interview them and Mr Fry is the presenter . Maybe I will go there and take a look , I quite like the guys sense of humour and his disregard for bad politics. He is quite a smart cookie that man.


He's my hero

Very clever and funny man.

Have recently finished his latest book "The Fry Chronicles"

and it's very good.

Keep an eye out for it at the next potluck :)




I used to be a fan of Mr. Fry until he drifted off into nonsensical political statements and accusations. The man is a phoney. His latest episode was last October when he went off on a loopy tangent about women;

"If women liked sex as much as men, there would be straight cruising areas in the way there are gay cruising areas. Women would go and hang around in churchyards thinking: 'God, I've got to get my fuc_king rocks off', or they'd go to Hampstead Heath and meet strangers to shag behind a bush. It doesn't happen. Why? Because the only women you can have sex with like that wish to be paid for it."

He was serious when he pronounced on women and sex, even though he confessed to celibacy prior to meeting his boyfriend.

The man is inconsistent, can be nasty and at times delusional. He just dumped the man who stood by his side for 15 years and nursed him back to sanity as he battled depression. They met when Fry was 38 and the former boyfriend was 26. The ex has been a real gentleman despite being so cruelly tossed aside. Interesting enough, the wealthy Mr. Fry doesn't appear to be opening the purse on this one. Civil rights, equitable treatment and all that stuff is for others it seems. Pish posh as they say at Cambridge, from whose loins England's most notable treasonous double agents have come.

The new boyfriend is 26 and Mr. Fry is 53. (That should allow some of TVF members to love him even more.) Perhaps if his fans are lucky they can meet the new toyboy. Here's a picture of the lovely couple and I think the young fellow is carrying his Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train DVDs.


-Yes, I have high hopes of joining the ranks of distingushed journalists at The Daily Mail. I intend to call my column, The Scoop with Ai Sam Greem.

(Pretty cool title, isn't it? B) )


Whatever he gets up to in his personal life is just that, personal.

If you were to publish details of anyone's private matters in newspapers or online, they are open to inspection, judgement and criticism.

I admire the man's wit and intelligence and his contribution to our culture.

When I say he's my hero I don't mean in an adolescent way, I haven't got his picture on my wall or anything, nor am I looking to him as any kind of role model on which to base my lifestyle.

His relationships are his own business, his published works are what I regard as being for my consumption.

I too am inconsistent, can be nasty and am often delusional. I know of, nor have ever heard tell of, anyone who is any different.




I used to be a fan of Mr. Fry until he drifted off into nonsensical political statements and accusations. The man is a phoney. His latest episode was last October when he went off on a loopy tangent about women;

"If women liked sex as much as men, there would be straight cruising areas in the way there are gay cruising areas. Women would go and hang around in churchyards thinking: 'God, I've got to get my fuc_king rocks off', or they'd go to Hampstead Heath and meet strangers to shag behind a bush. It doesn't happen. Why? Because the only women you can have sex with like that wish to be paid for it."

He was serious when he pronounced on women and sex, even though he confessed to celibacy prior to meeting his boyfriend.

The man is inconsistent, can be nasty and at times delusional. He just dumped the man who stood by his side for 15 years and nursed him back to sanity as he battled depression. They met when Fry was 38 and the former boyfriend was 26. The ex has been a real gentleman despite being so cruelly tossed aside. Interesting enough, the wealthy Mr. Fry doesn't appear to be opening the purse on this one. Civil rights, equitable treatment and all that stuff is for others it seems. Pish posh as they say at Cambridge, from whose loins England's most notable treasonous double agents have come.

The new boyfriend is 26 and Mr. Fry is 53. (That should allow some of TVF members to love him even more.) Perhaps if his fans are lucky they can meet the new toyboy. Here's a picture of the lovely couple and I think the young fellow is carrying his Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train DVDs.


-Yes, I have high hopes of joining the ranks of distingushed journalists at The Daily Mail. I intend to call my column, The Scoop with Ai Sam Greem.

(Pretty cool title, isn't it? B) )

This is unfair. Firstly his comments about women & sex were actually seen by many as fairly correct- gays hook up with each other far more quickly, consistently and with no strings than men and women - how many women hang out in bathrooms/woods/bathhouses etc just to meet other men for anonymous sex in many cases without actually exchanging words? Exactly- zilch, zero. Wheres as gay men do this fairly regularly with other gay men.

And your rant against Cambridge uni sounds like education envy i.e. those people who never went to university and who look down, try to diss uni education to self justify their unwillingness/inability to attend university when they were younger.......


I used to be a fan of Mr. Fry until he drifted off into nonsensical political statements and accusations. The man is a phoney. His latest episode was last October when he went off on a loopy tangent about women;

"If women liked sex as much as men, there would be straight cruising areas in the way there are gay cruising areas. Women would go and hang around in churchyards thinking: 'God, I've got to get my fuc_king rocks off', or they'd go to Hampstead Heath and meet strangers to shag behind a bush. It doesn't happen. Why? Because the only women you can have sex with like that wish to be paid for it."

He was serious when he pronounced on women and sex, even though he confessed to celibacy prior to meeting his boyfriend.

The man is inconsistent, can be nasty and at times delusional. He just dumped the man who stood by his side for 15 years and nursed him back to sanity as he battled depression. They met when Fry was 38 and the former boyfriend was 26. The ex has been a real gentleman despite being so cruelly tossed aside. Interesting enough, the wealthy Mr. Fry doesn't appear to be opening the purse on this one. Civil rights, equitable treatment and all that stuff is for others it seems. Pish posh as they say at Cambridge, from whose loins England's most notable treasonous double agents have come.

The new boyfriend is 26 and Mr. Fry is 53. (That should allow some of TVF members to love him even more.) Perhaps if his fans are lucky they can meet the new toyboy. Here's a picture of the lovely couple and I think the young fellow is carrying his Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train DVDs.

-Yes, I have high hopes of joining the ranks of distingushed journalists at The Daily Mail. I intend to call my column, The Scoop with Ai Sam Greem.

(Pretty cool title, isn't it? B) )

Don't hold back.

Tell us what you really think :)




This is unfair. Firstly his comments about women & sex were actually seen by many as fairly correct- gays hook up with each other far more quickly, consistently and with no strings than men and women - how many women hang out in bathrooms/woods/bathhouses etc just to meet other men for anonymous sex in many cases without actually exchanging words? Exactly- zilch, zero. Wheres as gay men do this fairly regularly with other gay men.

And your rant against Cambridge uni sounds like education envy i.e. those people who never went to university and who look down, try to diss uni education to self justify their unwillingness/inability to attend university when they were younger.......

No it is not unfair. Mr Fry has thrust himself into the limelight with his heaping portions of condescension. He has made himself the center of attention intentionally. Julie Burchill sums him up best; Stephen Fry is a stupid person's idea of a clever person. Isn't this the man that pronounced the MPs and Peers misuse of expense accounts as ok? As an entertainer, he is indeed amusing and talented, but as a political commentator he often is clueless. In the last decade he blurred the lines between his career as an entertainer and his self annoited role as a social commentator. Somehow he felt it appropriate to comment in hateful terms upon on women and yet he is usually at the head of the parade when a newspaper columnist pens an article he considers as homophobic. This is why I consider him to be a hypocrite. As the chubby Jeeves he was wonderful. As a minor player in the Black Adder series he was delightful. However, in his current role as political activist he is an annoying arrogant prat.

This is the man that heaped scorn upon adults that are fans of Dr. Who. He considers the show as one for children. He was arrogant when he made that proclamation. What he failed to grasp is that many adults grew up watching the show and watching it again brings back fond memories. (FYI, I can't stand Dr. Who.) Who made Fry the arbitror of good taste? Dr. Who was an important influence for some children and their interest in the sciences.

I went to university and spent enough time to have come across conniving schemers like Mr. Fry. Besides, the man went to Queens College. Really, that says it all. It is not a question of being envious or jealous, but of being offended by a man that enjoyed a life of advantage that pushes a contrived image of caring for the common folk. I believe the fellow would have conniptions if forced to sit next to a common labourer at the airport.

I like what this science blog writer had to say;

Stephen Fry, you know him, the pompous dope who thinks he's a modern day Oscar Wilde. In reality he's a deluded nutter with connections, and rich relatives, who have helped him out from day one. Now he's having a go at ignorant Brits who are anti-American. He reckons that such folk base their views on films and TV and haven't been further than Orlando. Well he completely misses the point. And this is because he is a pompous and ignorant prig.

I wouldn't have worded it like that, but those math & physics people tend to be a bit harsh. Whereas, I am more of the loving sort. B)

The final straw for me was the way he treated his ex. He projects this warm, kind funny fellow in public and his treatment of the ex suggests otherwise. He's fortunate that his ex is a gentleman and is not spilling the beans on the 15 years of emotional care and support. Now that would make a fine topic of one of my planned submissions to my proposed column in the Daily Mail. Fashion has Bruno. The Daily Mail readers shall have me. .All I need to do now is to convince the ex to pose for a photo holding up Mr. Fry's XXL bloomers and proclaiming Stevie soiled himself when I told him he couldn't have more biscuits and custard.


"Somehow he felt it appropriate to comment in hateful terms upon on women"

Why is it hateful if its the truth? Do women actually cruise in public bathrooms, woods, bathhouses, parks for anonymous sex with men? his answer was no, would you disagree?

" by a man that enjoyed a life of advantage "

Yes, he is smart enough and had the initiative to make himself alot of money by writing books, acting, writing screen plays- his wealth was generated by his abilities.

Look, i don't agree with everything he says- but he is a commentator - he writes opinion pieces for newspapers and magazines- thats one of his jobs.


He reminds me of that Jeremy what'shisname ass with the car show. Tries to substitute being clever for being intelligent. Christopher hitchens he isn't.

Didn't think he did Jeeves justice either, but who could? The guy that played Bertie Wooster was brilliant however. Anyway, hope he enjoys his stay.


Ah, some Oscar Wilde quotes re: this topic, and personage....

"Everything popular is wrong.

He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.

It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.

The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating - people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.

There is always something infinitely mean about other people's tragedies."











Maybe Fry will Debate the Norwegian Body builder who recently became infamous on Jed Yhad Road. B)

Now that I would like to see.

The BIB would stay away falong on falong :jap:


Maybe Fry will Debate the Norwegian Body builder who recently became infamous on Jed Yhad Road. B)

Now that I would like to see.

The BIB would stay away falong on falong :jap:

Tell us more about this norwegian body bulder. We have a 'flaky farang' thread somewhere. please use it . could do with some entertainment :D


I'm sure that it is hard to judge Mr. Fry's previous relationship without being one of the participating members or their close friends. I'm also sure that it is much harder for him to be a public gay persona in the limelight without pretending as a closeted 'straight' person, and to be sure we are all human and make mistakes- but his mistakes will attract more attention because of the dearth of good public examples (or any examples at all). It is brave of him to have any private life at all considering the criticism his behaviour might attract from those who are out and those who are closeted alike. And make no mistake, if someone adult put up with bad behaviour from Mr. Fry as a partner, that person was responsible for his decision to remain involved- whether it was bad or good.


Maybe Fry will Debate the Norwegian Body builder who recently became infamous on Jed Yhad Road. B)

Now that I would like to see.

The BIB would stay away falong on falong :jap:

Tell us more about this norwegian body bulder. We have a 'flaky farang' thread somewhere. please use it . could do with some entertainment :D

I'd like to hear this story too, might be the same Norwegian body-builder who, after about 20 cans of Chang, terrorised the staff at my local 7/11 last year when he bought the wrong top-up card for his fone and they wouldn't give him his $ back.


I'm sure that it is hard to judge Mr. Fry's previous relationship without being one of the participating members or their close friends. I'm also sure that it is much harder for him to be a public gay persona in the limelight without pretending as a closeted 'straight' person, and to be sure we are all human and make mistakes- but his mistakes will attract more attention because of the dearth of good public examples (or any examples at all). It is brave of him to have any private life at all considering the criticism his behaviour might attract from those who are out and those who are closeted alike. And make no mistake, if someone adult put up with bad behaviour from Mr. Fry as a partner, that person was responsible for his decision to remain involved- whether it was bad or good.

I think Mr Fry's sense of humour or his relationships have little to do with his sexuality.

Straight celebrities regularly discard partners for a younger version, as do many none celebs.

Offensive and non-PC jokes are certainly not the sole preserve of gay comedians either.

Personally I deal with anything I don't like on TV with the remote.

(Unless the Mrs is hogging it as usual.) :rolleyes:


Mr Fry is coming to Chiang Rai , does that warrant the negative comments about him and his personal life. What he does is his business , who he is with is his business and regardless of what his sexual preferences are it has nothing to do with us.

I hope he has an enjoyable stay in the Rai , as I would hope everyone else does when they come here.


Maybe Fry will Debate the Norwegian Body builder who recently became infamous on Jed Yhad Road. B)

Now that I would like to see.

The BIB would stay away falong on falong :jap:

Tell us more about this norwegian body bulder. We have a 'flaky farang' thread somewhere. please use it . could do with some entertainment :D

I'd like to hear this story too, might be the same Norwegian body-builder who, after about 20 cans of Chang, terrorised the staff at my local 7/11 last year when he bought the wrong top-up card for his fone and they wouldn't give him his $ back.

I believe its a right of passage thing in scandinavian Countrys. going Beserk 'Beserker'. We have one in our Village who has been known to trash the odd establishment :D ....

Trying to Keeping it on Topic, he's not the Only Gay in the Village. If anyone wants a laugh checkout the youtube clip of Little Britain , Dafydd meets Elton John.

Anyway, I hope Stephen can find something better to do than watch people play domino's this Chinese New Year :)


There has never been anyone since Winston Churchill with a better command of the English language than Stephen Fry.

For that alone he earns my utmost respect.

Sexuality doesn't come into it.

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