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Costings For A Mia Noi ?


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I was chatting with a thai gent i know and he suggests a fee of 10,000 baht per month for running a mianoi ! That seems like a good deal when you compare the costs of paying for Bgs and FLs per month. Thats just 138 pounds a month !

Any farangs here running a mianoi have any comments ? should a mianoi have no BG connections in the past and be totally 'clean' ie no professional work in the past?

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I was chatting with a thai gent i know and he suggests a fee of 10,000 baht per month for running a mianoi ! That seems like a good deal when you compare the costs of paying for Bgs and FLs per month. Thats just 138 pounds a month !

Any farangs here running a mianoi have any comments ? should a mianoi have no BG connections in the past and be totally 'clean' ie no professional work in the past?

I think he was pulling your leg, or she is staying in the sticks...... :D

The cost of keeping her in a centraly located appartment, to cover her expenses, to cover her pocket money and give her the abilety to give out familly "allowance"....would probably run you atleast 2 to 3 times as much........

That is unless you subscribe to the "time share" variant... :o:D:D

Edited by toyicebear
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he is a well qualified dentist with plenty connections so i would think his guestimate for a mianoi was accurate but maybe there are differing levels of quality of a mianoi.

top end of market very glamorous down to low level (good looking)slapper who wuold be happy to give up work for 10,000 a month which aint bad considering no need to work.

but how do you know they wont fool around with other guys?

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Keep in mind, if they do any cooking, or cleaning you can use some of your household budget towards her. The best way to save money is if she works for you, then you could do a "2 for 1" deal, paying her 1.5 times the normal worker's salary, yet with the "fringe benefits" being dealt in the opposite direction. :D

PS... Honey, if you're reading this, I'm just repeating what Tukyleith told me. :o


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I was chatting with a thai gent i know and he suggests a fee of 10,000 baht per month for running a mianoi ! That seems like a good deal when you compare the costs of paying for Bgs and FLs per month. Thats just 138 pounds a month !

Any farangs here running a mianoi have any comments ? should a mianoi have no BG connections in the past and be totally 'clean' ie no professional work in the past?

if you are looking for a mianoi, it will probably be fair to say, that you don't care too much what your wife is doing?!

Then why not find a similar deal for her, and her income could cover your expenses? :o

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I was chatting with a thai gent i know and he suggests a fee of 10,000 baht per month for running a mianoi ! That seems like a good deal when you compare the costs of paying for Bgs and FLs per month. Thats just 138 pounds a month !

Any farangs here running a mianoi have any comments ? should a mianoi have no BG connections in the past and be totally 'clean' ie no professional work in the past?

I think he was pulling your leg, or she is staying in the sticks...... :D

The cost of keeping her in a centraly located appartment, to cover her expenses, to cover her pocket money and give her the abilety to give out familly "allowance"....would probably run you atleast 2 to 3 times as much........

That is unless you subscribe to the "time share" variant... :D:D:D

Out in the "sticks" it would be much cheaper than that. Most of the "mia noi's" here thend to be divorced or have kid's, the bloke just helps out a few thousand with expences, so i've heard :o . I have heard that there are a few students in the bigger town's that are not adverce to having someone pay their accomadation for them.

I know one couple where he has a mia noi and she has a pua noi, they seem quite happy :D

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the bloke just helps out a few thousand with expences, so i've heard :o .  I have heard that there are a few students in the bigger town's that are not adverce to having someone pay their accomadation for them

love the "hearsay" stories!! :D:D:D

Ps.: :D nothing personal, just couldn't resist!

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I was chatting with a thai gent i know and he suggests a fee of 10,000 baht per month for running a mianoi ! That seems like a good deal when you compare the costs of paying for Bgs and FLs per month. Thats just 138 pounds a month !

Any farangs here running a mianoi have any comments ? should a mianoi have no BG connections in the past and be totally 'clean' ie no professional work in the past?

Time share students from BKK usually run for 10k

Exclusive deals are more like 30k or even 50k depending on her needs

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I think that traditionally a mia noi is a second WIFE. It seems that here the attitude is different...more like a loooong time sex worker. I'm wondering if most Thai's who have mia noi's consider them second wives or sex workers....any Thai people care to comment on this?

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I think that traditionally a mia noi is a second WIFE.  It seems that here the attitude is different...more like a loooong time sex worker.  I'm wondering if most Thai's who have mia noi's consider them second wives or sex workers....any Thai people care to comment on this?

The Thai's consider second wives second wives, not sex workers, that is why they are called second wives "Mia Nois" - lauthing out loud.

((If they were considered sex workers they would be called words that has to do with sex workers.))

Often Thai's will have children with second wives. They will have homes and status. Sometimes second wives become first wives. They are second wives... not sex workers.

BTW: Sex workers are often called (lovingly) "Mia Chow" .... (Rental Wives)...... which is very different than a second wife.

The concepts are difficult for most westerners to grasp, based on my experience(s) - observation(s) watching how Farangs relate (and treat) their "Mia Chows" in Thailand.

Edited by Mr. Farang
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that is why they are called second wives "Mia Nois" -   

And i thought that Mia Noi translated to "little wife"    :o

Sorry it's off topic and all.

The concepts are difficult for most westerners to grasp, based on my experience(s) - observation(s) watching how Farangs relate (and treat) their "Mia Chows"  in Thailand.


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And i thought that Mia Noi translated to "little wife"    :o

Yes, which describes the relationship status as "secondary" to that of the first wife. From my view (only), the term "second wife" is more polite than "little wife".... perhaps that is why most people tend to say "second wife"....

Edited by Mr. Farang
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one of our guys here has a mia noi living up by nong khai... he sends her 300-500$ a month; she will not see him for the next two years until he goes home to thailand... while she was here (where he met her) he paid her way to visit him (she worked as a old man's caretaker), bought her gifts, and sent some money thru her to her mother... they were a husband/wife couple, not sex worker type (we have those too, but the the thai women here that have 'boyfriends' prefer one person to provide full support)... , he wanted a baby from her, she refuses... he set up her noodles shop when she went back home and is living with her mother ... oh, she is forty+, never been married, wasnt a virgin when they met, and is very nice but definately not beautiful by thai or falang standards...his wife doesnt know about her, and when he goes back home, he plans on doing 'business' in the nong khai area about once a month for over night.... its definately not about sex!!! i suspect that he was married off at an early age by momma and dad, and he cares for his wife but loves his mia noi.... and she in turn has not done any 'time sharing'...

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BTW: I was speaking to a female Thai attorney who told me that the concept of "Mia Noi" is losing favor, even with Thais, because the Thai government is cracking down on how the government treats children of unmarried parents. I forgot exactly what has changed with regard to how children are "registered", and don't want to misinform on TV. She did caution, however, that having children with a "Mia Noi" is not like it used to be.

The way she described the change in the law, however, had a chilling effect on any interest I might have had in having a child (as a Farang) in Thailand without being properly married. If you are serious about having a child with a second wife (unmarried, without marriage papers) in Thailand, please spend 1000 Baht and consult with a good Thai attorney first.

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What an uneccesary topic this is!

Why do men find it so necessary to have women around them all the time?

I mean in this country I find it so much easier to pay the 2 hour rate and be done with her! No families to mooch off u or old boyfirends sneeking around. Jeez....

Why do some of you guys want to tie yourself down to some woman who you treat as though she is on an allowance?

I just don't understand the concept of a mia noi, particularly for foreign men. Seriously, if you are a man and cant get laid in Thailand you might as well get out of the gene pool. You are a disgrace!

But setting up a girl in an apartment so u can give her a shtooping once in awhile is just as disgraceful. Is this the Pretty Woman syndrome again?

All I got to say is the freedom of having no attachments to any Thai woman is so much better then scheduling sex appointments with a harem of women. I think some of these men need some hobbies.


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I have no experience with this myself but the whole concept of how a man would go about finding a mia noi just baffles me. What would you do:

Man: Hi there, I am already married but think I need another woman to fulfill all my needs. What do think, would you like to live as my minor wife, sort of stay in the shadows, keep it quiet and be unable to be proud of a loving, normal marriage? Doesnt that sound great?

Woman: Oh sure, I think that would be wondeful!

I just don't see how this could work without someone being disappointed in it all. Surely not the man but someone.

By the way, my wife said as advice to any guys thinking about this, if you do it, make sure to hide all the scissors and knives away from your mia luang! :o

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All I got to say is the freedom of having no attachments to any Thai woman is so much better then scheduling sex appointments with a harem of women. I think some of these men need some hobbies.


Collecting and caring for beautiful women is not as gay as collecting orchids.

Edited by aughie
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