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Soi Dogs Take Over


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Many moons ago I used to live in an estate by which the best pedestrian access after a good drink was through a golf course and through a small security lodge there ( as I never drink and drive.)

The only snag was that after dark a pack of 10 or so dogs would roam the golf course. Now to me they were no bother at all. They would come barking and snarling but more often than not a few swishes with my umbrella would send them scampering even before they got within 30 yards of me.

Now the estate managers also ran the golf course and one day at the monthly resident's meeting I raised the issue that the dogs were getting nastier and wilder and needed removing before they hurt someone.

As I said, I have many years experience of living here and dealing with the cringey, cowardly curs one finds in Thailand, however what if someone who was scared of dogs suddenly found themselves surrounded by this pack?

My concerns were 'noted' by the committee and I could see one or two of the residents agreeing with me but most having a chuckle at the dumb Westerner who walks everywhere despite having a car and driver.

However nothing was done about it and the pack steadily grew in size and also in cockiness. My umbrella became substituted with a heavy walking stick which I'd leave at the entrance to the golf course every evening and pick up every night.

Then one day I was having breakfast in the garden when I could hear a commotion in the golf course followed by what could only be gunshots.

I went to have a look and there were the full contingent of security guards all over the course shooting every dog they could find, spurred on by the estate manager.

Sadly it had taken the savaging of two young girls walking back home the previous evening to get them to do anything about the problem in spite of growing concerns about them.

Luckily for him, the manager was from a good family and was 'sent away' from his duties before the girls father got hold of him.

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Roaming dogs seem to cause more trouble than humans. On the road, going for a walk, what ever. My wife has two dogs, l hate them, when they get out they chase people on bikes or walking and l have told her they will bring trouble home one day, but it falls on typical Thai deaf ears.

The world has kull's of animal species that are causing a problem, or over breeding and in LOS the dog's are a problem. And before the animal lovers have a go, to me, slaughtering dogs is no different to the slaughter of cow's, chickens, deer, what ever, yep, most kull's we eat, so recirculate the dog meat. .

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Several years ago (in the mid to late 1990s) a Swiss Vet who had moved to BKK along with a few animal rights groups tried to convince the BKK Met authority to finance a neutering program which involved an injection which left every male dog sterile. While not a short term solution, this Vet reckoned it wold humanely halve BKK's dog problem in 5 years and almost eradicate it in a decade.

Sadly the BKK authorities though that at a cost of 10B per injection the cost was prohibitive.

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Several years ago (in the mid to late 1990s) a Swiss Vet who had moved to BKK along with a few animal rights groups tried to convince the BKK Met authority to finance a neutering program which involved an injection which left every male dog sterile. While not a short term solution, this Vet reckoned it wold humanely halve BKK's dog problem in 5 years and almost eradicate it in a decade.

Sadly the BKK authorities though that at a cost of 10B per injection the cost was prohibitive.

Sounds about right, their decision that is. :rolleyes:

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I dont like dogs. Dirty, stupid, noisy, dangerous, disease-ridden ceatures that crap everywhere and stand in the middle of the road. I see no point to them at all. Dog owners are rarely any better. Both should be humanely destroyed, or castrated to prevent them breeding.

There's a solution - just kill every creature you don't like. Be careful though, the dog lovers will be after you to.

Although the owner is falsely designating a pet as a soi dog he may be surprised to learn that many Thais feed soi dogs. In the Pratumnak Hill park area the dogs hang out at certain "feeding stations" waiting for their food at certain times everday. I've seen Thais get out of their cars with bags of dog food to feed them. They even have water containers spread out throughout the park for them.

The way I look at it, this is Thailand and this is how Thais feel about their soi dogs, so it is not up to us to interfere. Most of us are smart enough to take sutiable precautions.

If you need a dog-free vacation try the Philppines where they eat dogs.

Edited by tropo
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I dont like dogs. Dirty, stupid, noisy, dangerous, disease-ridden ceatures that crap everywhere and stand in the middle of the road. I see no point to them at all. Dog owners are rarely any better. Both should be humanely destroyed, or castrated to prevent them breeding.

There's a solution - just kill every creature you don't like. Be careful though, the dog lovers will be after you to.

Although the owner is falsely designating a pet as a soi dog he may be surprised to learn that many Thais feed soi dogs. In the Pratumnak Hill park area the dogs hang out at certain "feeding stations" waiting for their food at certain times everday. I've seen Thais get out of their cars with bags of dog food to feed them. They even have water containers spread out throughout the park for them.

The way I look at it, this is Thailand and this is how Thais feel about their soi dogs, so it is not up to us to interfere. Most of us are smart enough to take sutiable precautions.

If you need a dog-free vacation try the Philppines where they eat dogs.

They eat them in Thailand too. My sister inlaw sold her chubby dog for that purpose :huh:, 400 bht, l think.:)

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Several years ago (in the mid to late 1990s) a Swiss Vet who had moved to BKK along with a few animal rights groups tried to convince the BKK Met authority to finance a neutering program which involved an injection which left every male dog sterile. While not a short term solution, this Vet reckoned it wold humanely halve BKK's dog problem in 5 years and almost eradicate it in a decade.

Sadly the BKK authorities though that at a cost of 10B per injection the cost was prohibitive.

Neutering the male of a species is ineffective, unless you neuter just about all the males. The reason is simple. One male can run around and impregnate an awful lot of females. Wild animal control officers that manage large herds, limit populations by killing the females. Killing one bull does not accomplish much.

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The problem is that most Thais are irresponsbile dog owners. I've got a rottie, take him for walks on the leach and teach him basic obedience, will be enrolling in classes soon, in my garden he roams around free, if someone gets in without announcing himself first and gets bitten then that's not my problem.

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The problem is that most Thais are irresponsbile dog owners. I've got a rottie, take him for walks on the leach and teach him basic obedience, will be enrolling in classes soon, in my garden he roams around free, if someone gets in without announcing himself first and gets bitten then that's not my problem.

i had Rotts for 20 years in UK, great family dogs.

incredibly loyal and reliable

unlike humans......

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The problem is that most Thais are irresponsbile dog owners. I've got a rottie, take him for walks on the leach and teach him basic obedience, will be enrolling in classes soon, in my garden he roams around free, if someone gets in without announcing himself first and gets bitten then that's not my problem.

i had Rotts for 20 years in UK, great family dogs.

incredibly loyal and reliable

unlike humans......

Indeed, more reliable then human kind will ever be. While the soi dogs or neighbour's little poodles are barking my rottie is mostly just watching the show :) and at times gives 1 or 2 loud barks and that's it. Not annoying at all, little poodles and whatever are more annoying with their high pitched noises :rolleyes: .

Edited by likewise
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The problem is that most Thais are irresponsbile dog owners. I've got a rottie, take him for walks on the leach and teach him basic obedience, will be enrolling in classes soon, in my garden he roams around free, if someone gets in without announcing himself first and gets bitten then that's not my problem.

i had Rotts for 20 years in UK, great family dogs.

incredibly loyal and reliable

unlike humans......

Indeed, more reliable then human kind will ever be. While the soi dogs or neighbour's little poodles are barking my rottie is mostly just watching the show :) and at times gives 1 or 2 loud barks and that's it. Not annoying at all, little poodles and whatever are more annoying with their high pitched noises :rolleyes: .

my last Rottie in UK used to sit at the gate all day and watch the world go by

lesser dogs would stop and bark at him but he would just look at them in a contemptuous kind of way and not respond at all

at least not until they came within biting distance onto our land........

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Had a dog like that in my moobaan awhile back...would chase me and try to bite me every time I rode in on my bike...one time even knocked the bike over trying to avoid him. Well, one nite I made him up a nice meal of some canned food mixed with a wafarin chaser...never saw that f#cking mutt again :whistling:

i doubt your 1 dose of wafarin would have killed the dog, its a repeat dose killer, maybe the odd can of food now and again would have made the dog your friend, they dont ask to be here, the lack of care buy the local authorites are to blame, every wher else i have been to in Thailand has a free neutering center (run by farangs) but not here. thye live miserable lives often kicked by passing motor cyclysts no wonder they turn angry, eaten away all day buy fleas and mites then kickings.

thay have no choice but to be here humans have a choice and can move on

poisoning is slow and painfull taking over a month to shut the lungs and kidneys down, in that time they become infected covered in mites and probably end up eaten alive by ants. sleep well as i am sure you do, if there is a hell it awaits people who do that :D .

Edited by NALAK
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Had a dog like that in my moobaan awhile back...would chase me and try to bite me every time I rode in on my bike...one time even knocked the bike over trying to avoid him. Well, one nite I made him up a nice meal of some canned food mixed with a wafarin chaser...never saw that f#cking mutt again :whistling:

i doubt your 1 dose of wafarin would have killed the dog, its a repeat dose killer, maybe the odd can of food now and again would have made the dog your friend, they dont ask to be here, the lack of care buy the local authorites are to blame, every wher else i have been to in Thailand has a free neutering center (run by farangs) but not here. thye live miserable lives often kicked by passing motor cyclysts no wonder they turn angry, eaten away all day buy fleas and mites then kickings.

thay have no choice but to be here humans have a choice and can move on

poisoning is slow and painfull taking over a month to shut the lungs and kidneys down, in that time they become infected covered in mites and probably end up eaten alive by ants. sleep well as i am sure you do, if there is a hell it awaits people who do that :D .

agreed Nalak, in my opinion, dog poisoners are amongst the lowest form of human life

hell is far to good for them...........

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the housing estate that i live in has about 15 little yelping mutts that bark constantly. I am moving out of the estate soon thankfully....between they noisy wee fckers and the god-awful state of Thappraya road, i have to say that i do not have one good word to say about living there. I think poisoning dogs is not the way forward...however my friend has one powerful mother of a crossbow.:whistling:

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  • 4 months later...

I am more amazed at the many dog owners who look on their dogs as 'human'.

How many of you would think it okay if your neighbours shit outside your house daily and left food ,attracting cockroaches and pigeons, [that queue on your roof also shitting]and even more dogs?

There are people on my estate that 'walk' their dogs.I see none with pooper scoopers.

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i carry always when i take my motorbike some candy from bigc

20bht crash one piece in tree and in that soi where i use to pass whit soi dogs

trow the candy towards them

after a few times they dint run and bark at me

they hear my bike and sit down and wait for the candy

then they fight between them (because there five of them)

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i once came home a bit drunk to my condo and sat down next to some lost looking puppies. that wasn't smart as the parents were around and growled at me. it was funny, but i could have gotten nipped by them. the dogs here are not the kind cudly ones we have back home..

another time i was taking a bike outside of town past midnight and got surrounded by a group of about 10 wild dogs who cased after my bike. i dont know what would have happened if i ran into a dead end. yikes! :o

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