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Be Careful!


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OK, so you shouldn't take showers inside or in.  Do you think turning off the television and DVD player is an overreaction?

Inside or in? :o:D

Unplug the lot, including signal cable to UBC decoder and especially phone lines to computers. The shower example was life or death scenario miss hurricane :D :D

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OK, so you shouldn't take showers inside or in.  Do you think turning off the television and DVD player is an overreaction?

Unplug the lot, including signal cable to UBC decoder and especially phone lines to computers. The shower example was life or death scenario miss hurricane :D :D

A month back there was thunder and lightning directly overhead while I was surfing. The pc froze, even though I have a new UPS, so I switched off and re-booted.

Now, connecting to loxinfo using a couple of their numbers puts me through to the Bangkok Siam Cement Co. Ltd. Weird, as there's no problem when using my step-daughters settings using the same numbers. :o

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Lightning strikes in Thailand are not uncommon.

We are surrounded by hills and often get storms with strikes.

One took out the neighbour's electicity meter and the wiring in the house.

It was a good chance to try out the fire extinguisher!! :o

Even if it did cost me a refill.

I do not worry about the TV or DVD, but I do unplug the computer modem as

I have lost several through surges on the telephone cable!!

Edited by astral
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There is the story of 3 young guys in switzerland on a cycling tour...

Had a tent for overnigth stops and sleeped on a field near some buldings...they got hit 2 out of three the last was under severe chock...

People from the building nearby called police after hearing to much noise over there, police discovered 2 guys also cut in half or so, looking very hugly, they arrested the last guy and questionned him rest of the nigth... poor guy

next morning only they could make out he did not killed them but was from the storm, the last guy was after sent to hospital and as well taken care by psy...

happend in the 90's

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Right- chances are astronomical. Just like winning the lottery. But- someone will win the lottery!

Three golfers that I know in the UK were struck by lightning on one of the Woburn courses. Their clubs flew from their hands and the three of them were thrown to the ground. None of them was hurt. Was this a Rollover?


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A neighbor's house got hit while he was charging his mobile. Melted it to a crisp. A friend of mine saw the Krung Thai Bank sign get hit by ligntning two nights ago. In July the main telephone tower (Koh P uses a tower for the phone lines apparently) was hit by lightning. Island lost electricity for two days and phones for a week.

In storms here I unplug computers, expensive fridge and unplug phone line from modem. Nor do I talk on the phone. Paranoid? This time of year we have very large, very close lightning storms every night. I don't think so.

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  • 11 months later...
Not my phone but I was driving when my car got hit by lightening, one almighty bang, melted the battery, blew the fuses and burnt out the loom, just as well it was a skip any way a good reason to scrap it.


As long as the car is made of steel, you are safe if you are inside.

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What are your experiences with mobile phones during such storms.

Sometimes sensible old topics get revived :D

Anyway, I don't believe there are any issues with using your mobile during a storm, provided you're not stood in the middle of an open field that is. :D

There ARE reports of people being hit whilst using mobiles, you usually find they were carrying a brolly as well :o

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OK, so you shouldn't take showers inside or in. Do you think turning off the television and DVD player is an overreaction?

I would have said yes and always thought my upcountry relatives were stupid for being paranoid.... except that last week I was watching TV and DVD and my lights were on; building got hit with lighting, and now I am in the market for a new TV and DVD and have to rewire the lighting in the lounge that was on.

All fuse protected, but blew the fuses AND stuffed the appliances. Just as well, I have had my eye on one of those fancy flat screen jobbies anyway :-)

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My parents were with some friends of the family at their house in the Lake District (UK). One night they were there, there was a god-almighty thunderstorm. One of my parent's friends wanted to use the phone but my mother mentioned it was dangerous to do so after hearing some report on radio 4. My father laughed at her and told her she was 'talking nonsense'. Literally a few seconds later there was a loud bang and all the lights went out. The telephone 'took it worst' and was literally frazzled.

I won't be using my telephone during a storm again. I also unplug my computer and home theatre.

Someone being split in half after being hit by lightening is definitely possible. Also, a lot of the unsolved plane crashes are thought to be due to lightening strikes. Strangely there is a type of lightening that actually goes upwards into space (mega lightening). It's also much more powerful than regular lightening that goes downwards. If your plane is hit you're pretty much fuc#$ed.

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