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Think Carefully About Who You Mouth Off To


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then book yourself into the nearest hospital for castration to make you emasculation complete.

Look you, tihs thread is about; think carefully who you mouth off to.

Well, I don`t like your attitude, please give me your age and weight please? And if you`re older and smaller then me, I`ll meet you outside later.

And if I can`t make it, I`ll send my Dad round to sort you out. I bet you`re really scared now, so watch it.

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I think a good majority figures this out eventually... these are the guys you see venting their anger (at likely the latest of a string of emasculating events involving immigration, police, traffic incidents, or simply those who are more important or connected than they are, etc.) at the waitress at Sizzler or MK. Pretty safe bet you're going to 'win' those, eh?


The OP is not about government officials or Sizzler waitress, it's about Ladyboys and a very specific act.

People accept to be treated like a doormat in the bars and wonder why they are treated like doormat in the village.

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It`s all down to attitude.

If you are polite, have patience and give respect, then in most cases you will be shown the same in return.

Of all my years in Thailand, I have never had a problem.

The way forward in Thailand is to not become agitated and learn to zip the lips at the right times.

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The OP is not about government officials or Sizzler waitress, it's about Ladyboys and a very specific act.

People accept to be treated like a doormat in the bars and wonder why they are treated like doormat in the village.

From the OP --- first lines .....

Too many times have one seen foreigners talk to government employees (deservedly or not) with open discontent, in a loud voice proclaiming that the other party is wrong or that the complainer has certain 'rights' etc.

What the OP did NOT mention were bars or villages :)

Edited by jdinasia
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It`s all down to attitude.

If you are polite, have patience and give respect, then in most cases you will be shown the same in return.

Of all my years in Thailand, I have never had a problem.

The way forward in Thailand is to not become agitated and learn to zip the lips at the right times.

Indeed, and when you receive a katoey handshake, the polite thing to do is to return the gesture

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When I left the UK in 1979 to work abroad, I came across a wily old expat who told me that in order to survive working and living overseas you need to master the art of faking sincerity and you know after nearly 32 years I think back and never was a wiser thing said to me.

Good point, but how do you know he really meant it? :)

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The OP is not about government officials or Sizzler waitress, it's about Ladyboys and a very specific act.

People accept to be treated like a doormat in the bars and wonder why they are treated like doormat in the village.

From the OP --- first lines .....

Too many times have one seen foreigners talk to government employees (deservedly or not) with open discontent, in a loud voice proclaiming that the other party is wrong or that the complainer has certain 'rights' etc.

What the OP did NOT mention were bars or villages :)

The example the OP gives has no relation with his opening statement.

I'm polite with police officers and sizzler waitresses but if a ladyboy grabs my "wiener" he (she ?) is going to finish the day in the hospital and I see no contradiction in that.

The way the OP is written is an old salesman trick, package an obvious statement with something you're trying to sale and ask people to accept both as a package.

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Jurgen --- the OP clearly speaks of government officers and never mentions either bars nor villages. Granted the OP did sling in a troll about ladyboys ....

I suggest, however, that if you happen to try and put a ladyboy from a group of ladyboys in a hospital for being a bit too forward, that it is likely you that will end up in one.

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It`s all down to attitude.

If you are polite, have patience and give respect, then in most cases you will be shown the same in return.

Of all my years in Thailand, I have never had a problem.

The way forward in Thailand is to not become agitated and learn to zip the lips at the right times.

Indeed, and when you receive a katoey handshake, the polite thing to do is to return the gesture

Or do you mean a gland shake?

Even if that did happen, I would probably just give a stern disapproving look and walk away.

The easy way to enjoy life in Thailand is to have a happy go lucky attitude.

I can remember when I was back in the old country; there were some guys, even those in my own family that were ready for a punch up at the slightest provocation. Believe me it just doesn't work in Thailand. Some Thais are not used to this sort of behaviour even if they are in the wrong and gone over the top, they're reactions can be unpredictable.

Be firm and do give the semblance that you are not someone to be messed with, but play things cool, avoid confutations when possible and perhaps put up with a little more crap and BS than you would back home. This wont kill you in the long term, but getting in to a situation way over your head, might.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I think a good majority figures this out eventually... these are the guys you see venting their anger (at likely the latest of a string of emasculating events involving immigration, police, traffic incidents, or simply those who are more important or connected than they are, etc.) at the waitress at Sizzler or MK. Pretty safe bet you're going to 'win' those, eh?


The OP is not about government officials or Sizzler waitress, it's about Ladyboys and a very specific act.

People accept to be treated like a doormat in the bars and wonder why they are treated like doormat in the village.

Yeah, my posts are typically meant as stand alone beacons, not necessarily replies to the OP.


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Years ago when I was there, some gay boy in a group of his buddies ran up on me with a crotch grab followed by a "hello sexy man.." I was in a lil bit better shape back then, so I guess the tight shirt fooled him lol! anyway I gripped him up off the ground shook him up, yelled at him and tossed him like a rag too the ground. His punk friends dissapeared and he waited till I was half way down the street to pull a knife and wave it at me halfheartedly.

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People who fake Sincerity,can never be worthy of Knowing,

or listening to words of wisdom for that matter.

I might class them as very distant aquaintances,who will soon be ignored.

Edited by MAJIC
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People who fake Sincerity,can never be worthy of Knowing,

Really? You haven't spent much time in 3rd world sh!tholes, now have you? :whistling:

It's all about psychology. You act in a manner according to the situation if you want anything done, which includes biting your tongue and smiling like a Cheshire cat until you get what you want / need, then you can tell the wanke_rs to phuck off!!! :rolleyes:

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People who fake Sincerity,can never be worthy of Knowing,

or listening to words of wisdom for that matter.

I might class them as very distant aquaintances,who will soon be ignored.

Mastering the art of faking sincerity has served me well over the years and long may it continue.

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A few flames have been deleted. Please remember our forum rules:

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) To respect fellow members.

3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane .

4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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People who fake Sincerity,can never be worthy of Knowing,

Really? You haven't spent much time in 3rd world sh!tholes, now have you? :whistling:

Can't see your point there?

It's all about psychology. You act in a manner according to the situation if you want anything done, which includes biting your tongue and smiling like a Cheshire cat until you get what you want / need, then you can tell the wanke_rs to phuck off!!! :rolleyes:

Psychology is more a means of understanding,not a weapon to get ones own way.I don't think you've studied it too much!

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Years ago when I was there, some gay boy in a group of his buddies ran up on me with a crotch grab followed by a "hello sexy man.." I was in a lil bit better shape back then, so I guess the tight shirt fooled him lol! anyway I gripped him up off the ground shook him up, yelled at him and tossed him like a rag too the ground. His punk friends dissapeared and he waited till I was half way down the street to pull a knife and wave it at me halfheartedly.


Somebody had the courage to show they fancied you and flirted with you in the routine way in that neck of the woods. You admit you appeared to be just their type (a tight shirt made you the target par excellence) and you responded by extraorindary and unnecessary violence. And despite all the years that have passed you are still unable to perceive this situation as anything more than you getting the better than somebody. A boy displayed affection to you, and you return the favour by bigotted violence.

I want you to promise that next time a young boy touches you, you give him a nice french kiss, and blush red. That would make you a man.

Edited by Gaccha
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  • 2 weeks later...

Would it be amiss of me to presume that the grabbing of weiners and stealing of mobile phones also fall into the category of disrespectful actions and perhaps the OP has misaligned his sights on these matters?

I'd rather be mouthed at than have my mobile phone stolen. (on the weiner issue it really depends on who's grabbing it)

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A funny, interesting topic that is only too true.

TAWP quote

"It is not about being emasculated - it is about picking battles one can win.

One day you will understand the difference too."

It's always wise to pick the battles you can win. Unless you just don't care anymore and are willing to die for your principles.

Stander quote

"When I left the UK in 1979 to work abroad, I came across a wily old expat who told me that in order to survive working and living overseas you need to master the art of faking sincerity and you know after nearly 32 years I think back and never was a wiser thing said to me."

That is always good advice. Always give your opponent the opportunity to back down without losing face. That works with dangerous wild animals as much as it does humans"

Edited by IanForbes
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People who fake Sincerity,can never be worthy of Knowing,

Really? You haven't spent much time in 3rd world sh!tholes, now have you? :whistling:

Can't see your point there?

It's all about psychology. You act in a manner according to the situation if you want anything done, which includes biting your tongue and smiling like a Cheshire cat until you get what you want / need, then you can tell the wanke_rs to phuck off!!! :rolleyes:

Psychology is more a means of understanding,not a weapon to get ones own way.I don't think you've studied it too much!

I don;t think its really about faking sincerity. THe other party does not actually care what you think. They care what THEY think. And so they need you to treat them with the appearance of respect that supports their own self-image, so that they do not lose the respect of their peers who may be watching, or worse still, their own self respect.

I appreciate that some pedagogically inclined people might feel an obligation to disillusion such self-deceivers, but given how low I hold their opinions, I am polite enough to let them hold whaterver opinion they wish.

So I always try to keep a spare smile, and polite word, if I can.

Wandering off-topic a little, but in a similar vein:

Often, I am tempted to behave obstructively to obnoxious, inconsiderate and dangerous drivers... "I'll show him - I'll stop him zipping up the inside, or whatever..."

But just because someone else is an asshol_e is no reason to drive like one yourself - and since their driving like an asshol_e tempts you to drive like one, then quite clearly how one person drives has the potential to influence others, so perhaps if you drove politely and considerately then they might copy you, rather than vice versa...

There: Now I've done my bit for the Tufty Club...


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