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Immigration Officer Puts Wife On Terror List

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Immigration officer puts wife on terror list

February 1, 2011 9:47:11 PM GMT+07:00 by Aishwarya Bhatt

London, Feb 1 (THAINDIAN NEWS): -- An immigration officer figured out a ‘perfect’ plan to get his wife out of his life – by putting her on the terrorist list.

When the man’s wife went to Pakistan to visit her family, the man added the name of his wife – whom he dislikes so much- to that of Osama Bin-Laden and others on the UK terrorist list.

After the visit, the woman decided to get back to the United Kingdom but was prevented from doing so at the Pakistani airport. The officials there failed to tell her the reason why she was being prevented from traveling back to UK.

She then called the husband who promised that he will help her out. As it later turned out, he failed to do anything about it and the woman was left stranded in Pakistan for three years.

Senior immigration officers got to know about the incident when the man went for an interview to be promoted in rank. When he was confronted with his “terrorist” wife, he confessed to the officers. He was immediately fired from the service.

The Immigration Service later released a statement. The statement said, “We expect the highest levels of integrity. Allegations of misconduct are thoroughly investigated and we always take action swiftly where we find members of staff who have abused their position. On the extremely rare occasions where this occurs, the strongest action is taken.”

Source: http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/odd-news/immigration-officer-puts-wife-on-terror-list_100496869.html

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But the Wife is still screwed... No word on what happens to her.

"Catch 22"...

She can't go back to the UK because she's on The Terrorist list.

She can't get off the Terrorist list, because she can't go back to the UK to fight the charges.

Sounds like something that would happen today in the Land of the Fearful and the Shamed...

Freedom lost in the Good Ole USA and the Rest of the Paranoid world.


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Typic case of "who will watch the watchers?" - too much unassured power to individuals - new names added to the list should go through stages of vetting and cross checking - no one person should be able to just add a name willy-nilly!

So, they ahould also fire his boss at the time for allowing it happen and not having safeguards applied.

Edited by wolf5370
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The man concerned was not, according to The Mirror, an ordinary immigration officer.

The officer worked with a unit that puts terror and criminal suspects on the watch list of people "not conducive to the public good". He simply had to log on to a computer database to add his wife as a potential suspect.

Even so, it is incredible that he was able to add someone to the list on his own without it being checked and approved by a superior.

Just sacking him is not enough; surely there must be some sort of criminal charge that can be brought against him?

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Senior immigration officers got to know about the incident when the man went for an interview to be promoted in rank. When he was confronted with his “terrorist” wife, he confessed to the officers. He was immediately fired from the service.

Poetic justice :D

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I think the guy was close to genius with this idea. Only close, because he got caught at it. :D

This the fantasy of so many divorced men. Admit it. In your heart, you know it's true.

Besides, she was with her family, right?

I know that it gives me no small satisfaction to think of my ex-wife, who reverted to her original surname that she unfortunately shares with several known terrorists. This just before 9/11. And after traveling with an anglo-saxon surname for more than 17 years.

Traveling must be a nightmare..:)

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I think the guy was close to genius with this idea. Only close, because he got caught at it. :D

This the fantasy of so many divorced men. Admit it. In your heart, you know it's true.

Besides, she was with her family, right?

I know that it gives me no small satisfaction to think of my ex-wife, who reverted to her original surname that she unfortunately shares with several known terrorists. This just before 9/11. And after traveling with an anglo-saxon surname for more than 17 years.

Traveling must be a nightmare..:)

I would imagine, for your ex-wife, traveling on her original surname is the lesser of 2 nightmares for her. :whistling:

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