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Hi There,

We carry a product from Nature Made which contains alpha lipoic acid. Below is an exerpt:

Nature Made® Diabetes Health Pack provides essential nutrients that may be lacking due to the strain diabetes can often put on the body’s health. Each pack provides a complete, full potency formulation of vitamins, minerals and alpha lipoic acid.† Now get Diabetes Health Pack from Nature Made, a brand you already know and trust.

You can see the full details of the product here:


Free Shipping in Thailand


check pharmacies as I have seen them carry it here in Chiang Mai. The little Pharmacy opposite of Tops at Kad Suan Kaew has it now. I didn't check the price. Has to be OTC in Thailand.

Much cheaper if you order from the states and have it mailed. It's very cheap supplement but if you buy in Thailand then expect the normal to 300%+ markup.

I buy it from Puritans Pride in the US and even after shipping and customs tax it works out to be under 200 baht for a bottle of 100 mg x 60 caps. You have to buy 3 to 5 bottles and I would buy other supps at the same time to defray the shipping cost.

For price of one bottle in Thailand you can get nearly a years supply.


All GNC Oulets in Bangkok and even Hadyai carry them. priced at about Bt 550 per bottle but if u are a member, you get discounst of up to 20% and even more on member and special promotion days. Do not buy some any of those that are available at MBK or even at Central Lardphrao carrying American Brand Labels.....they are fakes from China! If u are using AHA to boosts your gluta levels, take them alone on an empty stomach and give it about 3 hrs before you take other antioxidants, etc. Good to also take Q10, VIt E, Vit C(bufferred) and Milk Thistle, when you are trying to boost your gluta levels. Do not take NAC Supplements as they irritate your GI tract and also do not ever try any intravenous Gluta injections in Bangkok. (I have tried them all.......all fake and dangerous! including the ones prescribed by a very upmarket Skin and Laser Clinic that has branches all over including Emporium..........I repeat......do not take them.....all fake)


I found some in Had Yai by Fematrim it also contains L-Carniyine Tartrate (600bt for 60 tabs 25mg lipoic acid) It doesn't say Alpha lipoic acid it only says lipoic acid. Is this fake? What is GNC? I am only taking it as a dietary supplement for general health and wellbeing.


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