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PAD Gives 3-Day Ultimatum To Govt To Bring Back 2 Thais

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mkawish .... you got your wish. They are fighting and losing lives for a patch of dirt and some stones.

The last thing I want to see.... much sadden indeed....

but it also is the first thing.... envisioned....

the weak does not know her own limitation in war or peace....

the strong does not know how to shore up confidence of the weak for her to feel more secured....

so she won't start swinging, knowing full well that within 10 minutes, Thai aircrafts could be airborne....

and withing 30 minutes.... every bit of Cambodian army would be reduced to zip....

No.... the circus must go on....

woe to all warring parties.... :angry:

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So... it's Feb 5th.

Let's see PAD march to the border, replace the Thai soldiers with themselves and go actually do the fighting they have been urging on others.

That would be justice. If you want to be a violence-advocating nationalist activist, then walk the walk yourself, don't expect others to do it for you.

This also would allow the government to say, it's not us and never was.


So... it's Feb 5th.

Let's see PAD march to the border, replace the Thai soldiers with themselves and go actually do the fighting they have been urging on others.

That would be justice. If you want to be a violence-advocating nationalist activist, then walk the walk yourself, don't expect others to do it for you.

This also would allow the government to say, it's not us and never was.



So... it's Feb 5th.

Let's see PAD march to the border, replace the Thai soldiers with themselves and go actually do the fighting they have been urging on others.

That would be justice. If you want to be a violence-advocating nationalist activist, then walk the walk yourself, don't expect others to do it for you.

This also would allow the government to say, it's not us and never was.

hi animatic....

Just in case, you failed to follow last Thursday evening news in Thai....

The yellows together with former Air Force general and former soldiers have formed a pack announcing to Apisit and his govt that:

Over a thousand of the retired Air Force airmen has signed up as volunteers and without pay or compensation to defend Thai territorial.

They are standing by awaiting, if the current Thai govt is not up to the job, these retirees would be glad to take over that task immediately....

The ex army generals also signed up over a thousand volunteers for the same purpose....

So the Thai govt questions as to.... will the yellows go to war to defend Thai territorial, if and when there is a war....?, has already been promptly answered since last Thursday....

The former Air Force generals also guarantees that within 30 minutes after airborne, there will be no standing Cambodian army buildings, no outdated tanks nor aged airplanes left standing within Cambodian territory.... The scout and advanced team have already mapped and targeted their objectives within Cambodian last weeks.... including the new positions where tanks and heavy equipments have been relocated to within the last 48 hours....

The question remains.... what will the current Apisit govt do..... the govt second division chief stationed on northeastern border has not been able to convince the Cambodian soldiers to remove their national flag standing on Thai soil.... his report to the Apisit govt was simple--that was a small Cambodian flag old and ragged.... and it was not planted on Thai soil really.... it was attached to a wooden pole rather.... and we ought to forget about this small matter....

The yellows are now asking the govt to immediately sack and replace him with someone more patriotic to Thailand....

Ode.... to the Apisit govt.... facing the Camb and HuSan from the outskirt.... and at the same time.... facing the yellows and other groups from within.....

Every group wanting Apisit govt to show and demonstrate his ability to lead and to govern.... other than his already demonstrated ability to setup another committee to investigate Cambodian aggression which amounts to act of war....

Just how will this Oxford graduate respond to the impending escalating tension and warlike atmosphere at the border.... is anyone's guess....

We the Farang in Thailand only know.... he has run out of time, this time around, to setup another investigative committee to investigate....

Whatever you do.... pls be prompt and swift in your response.... there is no time like the present time,

to once and for all.... silence all your doubting Thomas forever....

The ordinary Thai will not stand still forever awaiting for your indecision....

If you are truly indecisive.... just call up you know who.... at you know where.... in Bkk....

'The person' will gladly point you to the right options.... :jap:

Chamlong also commented on a remark made by 2nd Army Commander Lieutenant General Tawatchai Samutsakorn that he could not make the Cambodian government remove its national flag from the disputed area near the Preah Vihear Temple, saying the regional army commander has lost his honor by surrendering the country's sovereignty to a foreign nation.

Chamlong noted that the military could retaliate immediately without having been ordered by the government, if the country is invaded.

I'm afraid k. Chamlong has lost touch with reality. Sad :huh:

Losing touch assumed that at some point he was grounded in reality. This guy has been a nut job for decades...


So... it's Feb 5th.

Let's see PAD march to the border, replace the Thai soldiers with themselves and go actually do the fighting they have been urging on others.

That would be justice. If you want to be a violence-advocating nationalist activist, then walk the walk yourself, don't expect others to do it for you.

This also would allow the government to say, it's not us and never was.

hi animatic....

Just in case, you failed to follow last Thursday evening news in Thai....

The yellows together with former Air Force general and former soldiers have formed a pack announcing to Apisit and his govt that:

Over a thousand of the retired Air Force airmen has signed up as volunteers and without pay or compensation to defend Thai territorial.

They are standing by awaiting, if the current Thai govt is not up to the job, these retirees would be glad to take over that task immediately....

The ex army generals also signed up over a thousand volunteers for the same purpose....

So the Thai govt questions as to.... will the yellows go to war to defend Thai territorial, if and when there is a war....?, has already been promptly answered since last Thursday....

The former Air Force generals also guarantees that within 30 minutes after airborne, there will be no standing Cambodian army buildings, no outdated tanks nor aged airplanes left standing within Cambodian territory.... The scout and advanced team have already mapped and targeted their objectives within Cambodian last weeks.... including the new positions where tanks and heavy equipments have been relocated to within the last 48 hours....

The question remains.... what will the current Apisit govt do..... the govt second division chief stationed on northeastern border has not been able to convince the Cambodian soldiers to remove their national flag standing on Thai soil.... his report to the Apisit govt was simple--that was a small Cambodian flag old and ragged.... and it was not planted on Thai soil really.... it was attached to a wooden pole rather.... and we ought to forget about this small matter....

The yellows are now asking the govt to immediately sack and replace him with someone more patriotic to Thailand....

Ode.... to the Apisit govt.... facing the Camb and HuSan from the outskirt.... and at the same time.... facing the yellows and other groups from within.....

Every group wanting Apisit govt to show and demonstrate his ability to lead and to govern.... other than his already demonstrated ability to setup another committee to investigate Cambodian aggression which amounts to act of war....

Just how will this Oxford graduate respond to the impending escalating tension and warlike atmosphere at the border.... is anyone's guess....

We the Farang in Thailand only know.... he has run out of time, this time around, to setup another investigative committee to investigate....

Whatever you do.... pls be prompt and swift in your response.... there is no time like the present time,

to once and for all.... silence all your doubting Thomas forever....

The ordinary Thai will not stand still forever awaiting for your indecision....

If you are truly indecisive.... just call up you know who.... at you know where.... in Bkk....

'The person' will gladly point you to the right options.... :jap:

You called out the wrong forum member, this should be good.


So... it's Feb 5th.

Let's see PAD march to the border, replace the Thai soldiers with themselves and go actually do the fighting they have been urging on others.

That would be justice. If you want to be a violence-advocating nationalist activist, then walk the walk yourself, don't expect others to do it for you.

This also would allow the government to say, it's not us and never was.

hi animatic....

Just in case, you failed to follow last Thursday evening news in Thai....

The yellows together with former Air Force general and former soldiers have formed a pack announcing to Apisit and his govt that:

Over a thousand of the retired Air Force airmen has signed up as volunteers and without pay or compensation to defend Thai territorial.

They are standing by awaiting, if the current Thai govt is not up to the job, these retirees would be glad to take over that task immediately....

The ex army generals also signed up over a thousand volunteers for the same purpose....

So the Thai govt questions as to.... will the yellows go to war to defend Thai territorial, if and when there is a war....?, has already been promptly answered since last Thursday....

The former Air Force generals also guarantees that within 30 minutes after airborne, there will be no standing Cambodian army buildings, no outdated tanks nor aged airplanes left standing within Cambodian territory.... The scout and advanced team have already mapped and targeted their objectives within Cambodian last weeks.... including the new positions where tanks and heavy equipments have been relocated to within the last 48 hours....

The question remains.... what will the current Apisit govt do..... the govt second division chief stationed on northeastern border has not been able to convince the Cambodian soldiers to remove their national flag standing on Thai soil.... his report to the Apisit govt was simple--that was a small Cambodian flag old and ragged.... and it was not planted on Thai soil really.... it was attached to a wooden pole rather.... and we ought to forget about this small matter....

The yellows are now asking the govt to immediately sack and replace him with someone more patriotic to Thailand....

Ode.... to the Apisit govt.... facing the Camb and HuSan from the outskirt.... and at the same time.... facing the yellows and other groups from within.....

Every group wanting Apisit govt to show and demonstrate his ability to lead and to govern.... other than his already demonstrated ability to setup another committee to investigate Cambodian aggression which amounts to act of war....

Just how will this Oxford graduate respond to the impending escalating tension and warlike atmosphere at the border.... is anyone's guess....

We the Farang in Thailand only know.... he has run out of time, this time around, to setup another investigative committee to investigate....

Whatever you do.... pls be prompt and swift in your response.... there is no time like the present time,

to once and for all.... silence all your doubting Thomas forever....

The ordinary Thai will not stand still forever awaiting for your indecision....

If you are truly indecisive.... just call up you know who.... at you know where.... in Bkk....

'The person' will gladly point you to the right options.... :jap:

You called out the wrong forum member, this should be good.

Simple answer is:

It's easy to line up a bunch of retirees with no access to airplanes, and a bunch of zealot volunteers, when there is no real expectation that they CAN actually go and fight.

This is posturing from old men and younger zealots, and will never bear the rotten fruit that they say, so loudly, is ready for market. Old men with old memories, and imagining there is one more hurrah left in them... great until the reality check kicks in.

"...Just how will this Oxford graduate respond to the impending escalating tension and warlike atmosphere at the border..."

Leading is not giving into every sub-groups whims and prejudices, but acting in a considered manner, with the benefit of ALL constituents welfare foremost. If he acted as a hot-head, the war would have been on long ago. We know he is even tempered and thoughtful, if not fast as some would wish. There is little, none, or more likely negative benefit to causing a war with Cambodia, he knows this.

'Indecision' is not about waiting, assessing and making an informed decision, but not being able to make any decision at all. Abhisit makes many decisions daily.

Just because someone else is demanding a specific decision, doesn't mean agreeing with them is the only decision, and that not making a decision on THEIR time frame is suddenly being indecisive. It just means there is no reason to do so yet in the deciders calculation. Or that there is no reason to ANNOUNCE a made decision, or reason to NOT announce it.

The ordinary Thai is perfectly happy to sit back and enjoy life and not worry about the governments decisions on Cambodia, if it doesn't affect them personally. Which is the majority of Thai people.

Love this one:

"The scout and advanced team have already mapped and targeted their objectives within Cambodian last weeks.... including the new positions where tanks and heavy equipments have been relocated to within the last 48 hours...."

Are they specifically admitting that PAD nationalists have entered Cambodian territory with spying on their minds...

Where have we heard this from lately.. Oh yeah the 2 fools in Jail in Cambo for Spying.

Facing PAD/TPN at home, is more of an annoying fly buzzing at a hornets nest. Regardless of their moves they are still more annoyance than real danger. But can easily get stung or eaten by a number of hornets who have had enough...

Starting a full scale shooting war with Cambo of any length is much more a worry than any moves PAD can make. Of course a war certainly puts the kybosh on elections and rallies MOST all the country around it's leader, to the point they tend to ignore critics more than before.



Why do you waste time with him. He clearly has no idea of what is going on. He thinks Cambodia is trying to steal land from Thailand. He obviously has no idea of what is Thailand and What is Cambodia.

The land in dispute was being worked out in a civilized way. Along came some nit wit with more money than brains and started to ratchet up the Civilian's with his Nationalist card.

The very fact that Cambodia was willing to talk shows that they are interested in Peace.

After all the land has been declares Cambodia's twice the second time by the UN.

I have no idea why mkawish posts the way he does. It is obvious he is not interested in peace.

Do you suppose all these war mongers have money invested in military armament :D



Why do you waste time with him. He clearly has no idea of what is going on. He thinks Cambodia is trying to steal land from Thailand. He obviously has no idea of what is Thailand and What is Cambodia.

The land in dispute was being worked out in a civilized way. Along came some nit wit with more money than brains and started to ratchet up the Civilian's with his Nationalist card.

The very fact that Cambodia was willing to talk shows that they are interested in Peace.

After all the land has been declares Cambodia's twice the second time by the UN.

I have no idea why mkawish posts the way he does. It is obvious he is not interested in peace.

Do you suppose all these war mongers have money invested in military armament :D

My suspicion is, in deep background, this is all over oil rights at sea, and 'manufacturing excuses' to rewrite the sea boundary 'post war' to gain a billion or so $US in oil rights by changing the angle of the southern border to the north of some islands. No matter if Preah Vihear is a long way off, if things go so pear shaped that a real territory grabbing shooting war happens, the victors determine the boundaries by fiat. and I don't mean the car. Only face and money make people act this stupid. Money seems to do it more often.



Why do you waste time with him. He clearly has no idea of what is going on. He thinks Cambodia is trying to steal land from Thailand. He obviously has no idea of what is Thailand and What is Cambodia.

The land in dispute was being worked out in a civilized way. Along came some nit wit with more money than brains and started to ratchet up the Civilian's with his Nationalist card.

The very fact that Cambodia was willing to talk shows that they are interested in Peace.

After all the land has been declares Cambodia's twice the second time by the UN.

I have no idea why mkawish posts the way he does. It is obvious he is not interested in peace.

Do you suppose all these war mongers have money invested in military armament :D


I really want to laugh about your referenced post to animatic....

At least I was honest enough to divulge to Thaivisa readers some of my personal involvement in relation to the UN and the Red Cross humanitarian efforts in 1980, concerning the Cambodian refugees and their encampment inside Thailand territorial....

We who were working as volunteers for the benefits of the Camb refugees then.... never thought that in 2010.... so many events could have been so very twisted from the facts that we then knew were facts and indisputable facts....

that the fleeing Cambodian refugees were crossing over to encamp in Thailand territorial for safety and survival.... under the protection of the UN et al....

The UN documents and photos would substantiate my statement to this day.... if you care to spend a little time googling on the subject.... or talk to a few of the surviving Cambodian refugees....

Now.... would you care to reveal a little bit of yourself and your involvement, if any, with the UN and/or International Red Cross humanitarian efforts or projects.... particularly concerning Thailand and Cambodian refugees around 1980.... pls?

It is perfectly alright too, if you had had no participation then.... or that you are only an interested observer.... or that you are only a Monday night quarterback.... it is perfectly alright by me too.... ok?

I never wish to belittle any one on any subject.... therefore it is not my intention to question what you really know.... only you would know for sure what you do or do not know.... correct?

Concerning the specificity that you slated.... and I quote....

....After all the land has been declares Cambodia's twice the second time by the UN.

Could you provide some specific reference to enlighten your interesting quote.... pls

It could also be that I am now too advanced in my years and really could not recall your quote as factual.... shame on me.... :)

Much obliged



Why do you waste time with him. He clearly has no idea of what is going on. He thinks Cambodia is trying to steal land from Thailand. He obviously has no idea of what is Thailand and What is Cambodia.

The land in dispute was being worked out in a civilized way. Along came some nit wit with more money than brains and started to ratchet up the Civilian's with his Nationalist card.

The very fact that Cambodia was willing to talk shows that they are interested in Peace.

After all the land has been declares Cambodia's twice the second time by the UN.

I have no idea why mkawish posts the way he does. It is obvious he is not interested in peace.

Do you suppose all these war mongers have money invested in military armament :D

My suspicion is, in deep background, this is all over oil rights at sea, and 'manufacturing excuses' to rewrite the sea boundary 'post war' to gain a billion or so $US in oil rights by changing the angle of the southern border to the north of some islands. No matter if Preah Vihear is a long way off, if things go so pear shaped that a real territory grabbing shooting war happens, the victors determine the boundaries by fiat. and I don't mean the car. Only face and money make people act this stupid. Money seems to do it more often.

I believe you have a good point there.

How ever I don't believe it will ever happen. In my opinion if that was Thailand intention they have done nothing but hurt themselves with this latest bit of nonsense by the yellow shirts.

They do not have the world backing them on this. Despite what others would like us to believe the 1962 decision was in the favor of Cambodia the same as the 1906 (not sure of the date) decision was.

To top it all of Thailand excepted that decision from the 1962 court for over 30 years before they decided not to.

the only way Thailand can get out of this and save face is to pull the military out of the area and go back to the conference table and try to strike a deal to share the area for the benefit of both sides.

I see are friend is still claiming it is Thai land because Thailand with the financial backing of the UN and other charities helped the Cambodians. He forgets they also protected Pol Pot.

Not that either one has any thing to do with what is going on today.

He just dosen't get it.


So... it's Feb 5th.

Let's see PAD march to the border, replace the Thai soldiers with themselves and go actually do the fighting they have been urging on others.

That would be justice. If you want to be a violence-advocating nationalist activist, then walk the walk yourself, don't expect others to do it for you.

This also would allow the government to say, it's not us and never was.

Animatic well said!

The casualties will be frightened boys, there because their parents didn't have the money or influence to buy them out of the draft. They will have little training, even less idea about how to use the kit they have which is probably either obsolete or broken,and will be led by senior officers who will have no idea about commanding troops in battle, but have been promoted on the basis of who they know or how much they will pay.It is foul that young men are going to die and be maimed to satisfy the nationalistic posturing of mkawish and his yellow clad friends. The only thing we can be sure of is that their sons will not be in harms way!



What relevance does 1980 have to 1962 or now? Cambodians may have (probably did) camp inside Thai territory in 1980. That doesn't change the current (and long standing) territorial dispute around the temple.


I still haven't seen any direct connection between the temple (and area) border dispute and the gulf demarcation. I understand the theory of "give little bit here - take a little bit there" but don't really see how it can apply to some wasteland around some temple ruins and potential billions of dollars of oil and gas in the gulf.


mkawish, whatever are you rambling on about? No-one really cares for your apparent extensive involvement or for scrawling rehashed drivel of Wiki articles and the like, you're not impressing anyone. If you want to talk about Cambodians camping on Thai land at some point in history, how's about we also remark on the great swaths of the Thai south that happened into your lap? Ultimately, entertain us with some well put rhetoric (in an erudite, non-rambling manner) on why you think Muang Thai and its trespassers are right, rather than talk-up the might of Thai (jets crushing Cambodia indeed), dissing 'farang' (as you put it) and anyone else with differing thoughts?



What relevance does 1980 have to 1962 or now? Cambodians may have (probably did) camp inside Thai territory in 1980. That doesn't change the current (and long standing) territorial dispute around the temple.


I still haven't seen any direct connection between the temple (and area) border dispute and the gulf demarcation. I understand the theory of "give little bit here - take a little bit there" but don't really see how it can apply to some wasteland around some temple ruins and potential billions of dollars of oil and gas in the gulf.

Direct connection no, not an obvious one at this point. But in a larger war scenario certainly, it would be a major goal come peace negotiations. And don't for a moment there aren't some eying this demarcation with lust in their eyes, and willing to put money at changing it at some point. Family dynastic business have very long term viewpoints. Not 5 year plans, but 50 year plans.



Why do you waste time with him. He clearly has no idea of what is going on. He thinks Cambodia is trying to steal land from Thailand. He obviously has no idea of what is Thailand and What is Cambodia.

The land in dispute was being worked out in a civilized way. Along came some nit wit with more money than brains and started to ratchet up the Civilian's with his Nationalist card.

The very fact that Cambodia was willing to talk shows that they are interested in Peace.

After all the land has been declares Cambodia's twice the second time by the UN.

I have no idea why mkawish posts the way he does. It is obvious he is not interested in peace.

Do you suppose all these war mongers have money invested in military armament :D

My suspicion is, in deep background, this is all over oil rights at sea, and 'manufacturing excuses' to rewrite the sea boundary 'post war' to gain a billion or so $US in oil rights by changing the angle of the southern border to the north of some islands. No matter if Preah Vihear is a long way off, if things go so pear shaped that a real territory grabbing shooting war happens, the victors determine the boundaries by fiat. and I don't mean the car. Only face and money make people act this stupid. Money seems to do it more often.

I believe you have a good point there.

How ever I don't believe it will ever happen. In my opinion if that was Thailand intention they have done nothing but hurt themselves with this latest bit of nonsense by the yellow shirts.

They do not have the world backing them on this. Despite what others would like us to believe the 1962 decision was in the favor of Cambodia the same as the 1906 (not sure of the date) decision was.

To top it all of Thailand excepted that decision from the 1962 court for over 30 years before they decided not to.

the only way Thailand can get out of this and save face is to pull the military out of the area and go back to the conference table and try to strike a deal to share the area for the benefit of both sides.

I see are friend is still claiming it is Thai land because Thailand with the financial backing of the UN and other charities helped the Cambodians. He forgets they also protected Pol Pot.

Not that either one has any thing to do with what is going on today.

He just dosen't get it.

I wasn't implying that Thailands government was directly involved in this.

No, I mean the long term vested business interests, with little or no scruples and deep pockets,

looking to see if some pieces can be moved in their future favor. We know that businesses have

caused wars in the past. Why would that change today? Halliburton? Big Oil doesn't act to change conditions?

Bernstein: "Girls delightful in Cuba. Stop.

Could send you prose poems about scenery, but don't feel right spending your money. Stop.

There is no war in Cuba, signed Wheeler."

Any answer?

Charles Foster Kane: Yes. "Dear Wheeler: you provide the prose poems. I'll provide the war."



Why do you waste time with him. He clearly has no idea of what is going on. He thinks Cambodia is trying to steal land from Thailand. He obviously has no idea of what is Thailand and What is Cambodia.

The land in dispute was being worked out in a civilized way. Along came some nit wit with more money than brains and started to ratchet up the Civilian's with his Nationalist card.

The very fact that Cambodia was willing to talk shows that they are interested in Peace.

After all the land has been declares Cambodia's twice the second time by the UN.

I have no idea why mkawish posts the way he does. It is obvious he is not interested in peace.

Do you suppose all these war mongers have money invested in military armament :D

My suspicion is, in deep background, this is all over oil rights at sea, and 'manufacturing excuses' to rewrite the sea boundary 'post war' to gain a billion or so $US in oil rights by changing the angle of the southern border to the north of some islands. No matter if Preah Vihear is a long way off, if things go so pear shaped that a real territory grabbing shooting war happens, the victors determine the boundaries by fiat. and I don't mean the car. Only face and money make people act this stupid. Money seems to do it more often.

I believe you have a good point there.

How ever I don't believe it will ever happen. In my opinion if that was Thailand intention they have done nothing but hurt themselves with this latest bit of nonsense by the yellow shirts.

They do not have the world backing them on this. Despite what others would like us to believe the 1962 decision was in the favor of Cambodia the same as the 1906 (not sure of the date) decision was.

To top it all of Thailand excepted that decision from the 1962 court for over 30 years before they decided not to.

the only way Thailand can get out of this and save face is to pull the military out of the area and go back to the conference table and try to strike a deal to share the area for the benefit of both sides.

I see are friend is still claiming it is Thai land because Thailand with the financial backing of the UN and other charities helped the Cambodians. He forgets they also protected Pol Pot.

Not that either one has any thing to do with what is going on today.

He just dosen't get it.

I wasn't implying that Thailands government was directly involved in this.

No, I mean the long term vested business interests, with little or no scruples and deep pockets,

looking to see if some pieces can be moved in their future favor. We know that businesses have

caused wars in the past. Why would that change today? Halliburton? Big Oil doesn't act to change conditions?

Bernstein: "Girls delightful in Cuba. Stop.

Could send you prose poems about scenery, but don't feel right spending your money. Stop.

There is no war in Cuba, signed Wheeler."

Any answer?

Charles Foster Kane: Yes. "Dear Wheeler: you provide the prose poems. I'll provide the war."

It just occurred to me if they changed the border would it not affect the main border crossing from Bangkok. Would the Cambodian city become a part of Thailand?


Abhisit and the Dems days are numbered - not by PAD,not in 3 days,but next election. He's through, he's cooked, its over.

You can stick a fork in him.

So who's next?


Abhisit and the Dems days are numbered - not by PAD,not in 3 days,but next election. He's through, he's cooked, its over.

You can stick a fork in him.

So who's next?

Not at all. Most of this will blow over by the time he calls an election. He'll romp it in.

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