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Moving To Thailand


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Hi People ...

I am really thinking on moving to Thailand as i am Pi$$ed off with living in the UK being Ripped off High prices 20% VAT Diesel £6.55 per gallon....

What kind of business do you think would be good for setting up out there ???, I was thinking on a Bar out there but there is loads so i think it could be hard to make a good living..

I have seen a coffee shop / bar for 600.000 baht which i think might be good to be able to live on it but i think i would need at least 70,000 - 100,000 to be able to save some cash up to but i could be wrong, Also i saw a pizza business for 20,000 that seem's a little low or could be a mistake on the list ??,

What do i need to do to be able to stay out there without crazy visa runs ??

Please give me you views ,,, Thanks

Edited by Lite Beer
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Hi there.

OK please don't take this the wrong way and I am not trying to be negative, just trying to stop you becoming one of the thousands of fellow Englishmen who have lost big time over here.

Have you ever run a business before? If not you need to make sure you have the skills to do so BEFORE investing any capital. Do you think running a bar is as simple as filling the fridges with beer and letting a couple of young Thai girls sell it for you?

You have come up with a few ideas, but you don't seem to have any firm figures, have you performed a due diligence study on any of these? NEVER buy a business blind, cost everything out, simulate things in a spreadsheet and if the bottom line says you will make a gross profit of AT LEAST 30% then the business can work. This goes for every business, from selling fish & chips to building luxury yachts. 30% is the MINIMUM gross profit a business needs to see to ensure it can survive.

Apply the 1/3rd rule. This rule is easy to understand. Never invest any more that 1/3rd of your working capital into any single business. This means that if one business fails, you still have the cash to try something new.

Best of luck but be careful.

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Make a written contract with yourself to live here, out of a suitcase for a minimum of two years without buying or investing in anything. That includes a motorcycle - rent it. Learn Thai language, associate with Thais. Then decide. Anything less is open to disaster and disappointment. Do you believe a Thai could come to England and buy/start a business right away?

If you can not financially afford to do the above, you can not financially afford to buy/invest here.

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Do you believe a Thai could come to England and buy/start a business right away?

NO Most Thais would not have air fare ...... lol so one coming here to start a business i don't think so ...

Living from a suitcase for 2 years would be crazy and too long not doing anything ....

Running a busniess like a bar or coffee shop is not Alan sugar stuff lol.......

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Do you believe a Thai could come to England and buy/start a business right away?

NO Most Thais would not have air fare ...... lol so one coming here to start a business i don't think so ...

Living from a suitcase for 2 years would be crazy and too long not doing anything ....

Running a busniess like a bar or coffee shop is not Alan sugar stuff lol.......

So very solid advice in "happyroberts" post......suspect you have been watching the " the beach" again over the last few days ?......:lol:

jokes aside, lets look at your cunning plan Baldrick...

"I have seen a coffee shop / bar for 600.000 baht"......one assumes for the price, this is a business which does not have captialisation of THB 2.0m as an on-going concern, therefore possibly no WP for you....so would suspect that one is out.....also on a THB 600,000 business, do you think you would be paying yourself THB 50,000/m to get an extension of stay, assuming a WP was availible ?....most likely not....so there goes your other one of your criteria..."What do i need to do to be able to stay out there without crazy visa runs"

Per above rational on a THB 20,000 pizza business.....not going to happen.

Bar business...done to death in Thailand....Strike 3

Lets look at a completely new start up business....Can you Capitalise a ltd company for THB 2.0 million and employ 4 Thai's....If not....no WP for you

Think you should take 2 asprin and go back to bed...:lol:

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I 100% agree with the post above but I just want to discuss the matter with a new angle.

How many business did you successfully started back home ? My opinion is if you say, since I'm 16 I've already started and run successfully a couple businesses back home, I'ld say ok, you can try your luck in Thailand. But if you never ran a business in your life, have zero knowledge of Thailand ... don't quit your day job, that's my best advise.

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I 100% agree with the post above but I just want to discuss the matter with a new angle.

How many business did you successfully started back home ? My opinion is if you say, since I'm 16 I've already started and run successfully a couple businesses back home, I'ld say ok, you can try your luck in Thailand. But if you never ran a business in your life, have zero knowledge of Thailand ... don't quit your day job, that's my best advise.

Or ask the question this way...OP have you run a sucessful, Pub, coffee shop or pizza shop in the UK ?.....if answer is no, then what chance do you think you have of making a sucess of these types of business in Thailand ?

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I 100% agree with the post above but I just want to discuss the matter with a new angle.

How many business did you successfully started back home ? My opinion is if you say, since I'm 16 I've already started and run successfully a couple businesses back home, I'ld say ok, you can try your luck in Thailand. But if you never ran a business in your life, have zero knowledge of Thailand ... don't quit your day job, that's my best advise.

Or ask the question this way...OP have you run a sucessful, Pub, coffee shop or pizza shop in the UK ?.....if answer is no, then what chance do you think you have of making a sucess of these types of business in Thailand ?

Stop why don't you. You are trying to mess up the stats. The reason restaurants have a 90% failure rate the first year and 95% after five years world wide is because people think it is a no brainer and don't have any experience in the business. The Falang rate in Thailand has to be close to 99% failure. If you keep writing this guy might not try and the statistics will get skewed.

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Do you believe a Thai could come to England and buy/start a business right away?

NO Most Thais would not have air fare ...... lol so one coming here to start a business i don't think so ...

Living from a suitcase for 2 years would be crazy and too long not doing anything ....

Running a busniess like a bar or coffee shop is not Alan sugar stuff lol.......

Fella, don't think you know it all cos that would be mistake number 1..

Thailand isn't just another Country, it's another Planet & you shouldn't have stuck lol at the end of your last sentence cos it's not funny, the Bloke that was giving you advice has experience of Thailand i'd assume judging by what he wrote..

Judging by your first 2 Posts of which the first was looking for advice, you won't last 5 mins here without being fleeced completely & thats' not having a pop at you, thats' just the truth with regards ot the tone of your 2 Posts ..

If you don't like the advice you get, tough, but if you think you know better than it, you'll come well unstuck here..

Eyes & ears open fully for the first Year, buy nothing, rent everything, try to keep the Females under control, don't get wrapped up with one that you've known for 5 mins, take everything everyone says with a pinch of Salt both when given advice & what is said to you when here, make your own mind up on things but don't dare spend any $$ on anything until you've had at leats a Year here..

& look on the brightside, i've chopped a Year off the other Bloke's advice for you..;)

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If I had a few million burning a hole in my pocket full of dreams, then I'd open up a guest-house for cheap charlie sexpats & tourists in an up & coming area of Pattaya; Jomtien would be my (un)educated best guess. One of the 4 up / 0 down places you see on Soi Chayapoon, with a niche business (not a bar) on the ground floor would be the best bet. However, the LK Metro area is swamped with such guest-houses now & only the strongest survive.

When you say that you have seen a coffee shop / bar for sale at 600k, I assume that you know that this is not for the freehold, only fixtures & fittings / remaining lease / goodwill etc. Falangs cannot own land in LOS (unless through a Thai Ltd). You could always marry an uneducated girl from the village, buy it in her name, but for Buddhas sake don't teach her how to run it! This would also take care of those pesky visa run problems.:ermm:

Market it through LOS forums such as Thaivisa, Pattaya Addicts, Secrets etc. A professional website is a must & employ the services of a good SEO agent to make sure that the site ranks high on Google.

Be prepared to work like a digger & take constant shit from pissed up <deleted> like a bitch.

I suggest living as a 'customer' for a few years, get the general lie (lay?) of the land & talk to plenty of ex-pat businessman about the trials & tribulations of owning a business in LOS.

End of chapter 1.:rolleyes:

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Yeah OP, go for it!

:ph34r:discovery, I wish you good luck, but mabey you read a little bit about all the others advise, Thailand, the bussiness here is so much different then in europe, it is a beautifull country to live, but sometime a very difficult country to understand

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I know what you mean about wanting to leave the UK, I'm in the same position.

But really, you need to take your time and do your research on the ground.

The visa runs, multiple tourist visas or whatever method you choose, are a fact of life for many people here and, at least for a while, you'll be better off just dealing with it.

I suggest you plan for an extended visit and have enough money to support yourself while you do it. You can live cheaply without sacrificing too many comforts, certainly a lot cheaper than you do in the UK!

If you really do want to settle in Thailand you will need to learn the language, certainly if you want to have a successful business. That may be the first way to get your feet under the table to some extent. You can study at a Thai language school and get an ED visa, you won't have to do the visa runs at first if you make sure you attend the classes, it's not too much work, it's not like going to college full time or anything, just a few classes per week but it would get you started on the language and give you time to explore and really think about how it would be to live there.

It would also mean you'd be there long enough for those 'holiday goggles' to come off!

Living in Thailand is not anything like being there on holiday, at all.

There's no real way to describe that, you just have to do it.

Have a look on the other forums on Thai Visa and try to learn as much as you can. I know I've found this forum very useful and helpful, despite some of the negative views, they're not always negative really, just sometimes it's not what you want to hear! :)

Good luck


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some serious negativity here - not saying without reason.

exercise caution sure, but don't crush a man's dreams.

You don't invest in Thailand, you make a donation. :whistling:

Okay I know, hmmm, two Brits that made it work here . . . just. But one is always on the brink, regularly bailed out by Thai family and the other hates it, works silly hours and is always worried about visa issues. Isn't that keen on the clientèle either, especially the British thugs on sextour holiday in Pattaya, I mean he's been close to a nervous breakdown because of them in the past, they were vile. Trapped in paradise. Both have been here for over 20 years.

I understand where the OP is coming from, but as others have eluded to, without some real experience of this country it's almost a dead cert this will end in tears. There is so much against you, not least the language barrier and cultural differences that take most decades to figure out.

One of my best friends here is Japanese, has a nice big bar, prime location on the eastern seaboard. He had a big export firm in Bangers before that, employed a few hundred people until one day the government of the day changed the law and shut the whole shabang down. It had been very successful. When I ask him how's it going, the answer is always 'Well, so-so, up and down'. He means down. Chinese landlords always after more rent, trade has been well below expectation for years. He speaks fluent English, Japanese and Thai, this guy is right up there with the best of them, a thoroughly good chap.

If the OP has really good web skills, I still say the best growth business in this country is likely internet sales within Thailand, bit like amazon.com etc. But again you'll need the right permits and Boi 2 million Baht and visa and work permit and wotnot. Then you need to navigate import tariffs and a whole host of nightmares unless you can find good wholesalers selling at very low margin (this in itself would be an Everest of a task).

No one wants to crush anyones dreams, but quite a few of us have been here a while and personally I hate to see these guys chewed up and spat out, some not even having the airfare home.

As you say . . .



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Well first it's not some dream i have after an hoilday ,,, I know that any move would not be an easy thing to do it will take time to set up right ,,,, I am only thinking on what kind of thing could make me a living & what would make a good small Business out there,,,

I am the kind of person that can turn my hand to anything, And i am not looking for women out there they kind of pi$$ me off as it goes hanging around like sheep dogs as you have cash in your pocket a few of my mates have fell for that crap ...

I am just pi$$ed off being screwed in the UK and i have been to thailand a few times and think i could live out there as it's cheap as chips and not far from okinawa so i could get out there for the karate....

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Well first it's not some dream i have after an hoilday ,,, I know that any move would not be an easy thing to do it will take time to set up right ,,,, I am only thinking on what kind of thing could make me a living & what would make a good small Business out there,,,

I am the kind of person that can turn my hand to anything, And i am not looking for women out there they kind of pi$ me off as it goes hanging around like sheep dogs as you have cash in your pocket a few of my mates have fell for that crap ...

I am just pi$ed off being screwed in the UK and i have been to thailand a few times and think i could live out there as it's cheap as chips and not far from okinawa so i could get out there for the karate....

It's best to do what you know, what you already do for a living, what you're experienced and skilled at. I do know a few other expats that run pub/restaurants that are successful, but it's what they did in the West for pretty much a whole lifetime before.

You're already going into this with your head screwed on, evidenced by your post above. If you understand the economics of living here and don't try to be flash, I'd go the teaching route first, do the TEFL or CELTA course. That means you can earn a sufficient living whilst you get to grips with how it all works here. I believe you'll probably need a university degree as well for this.

Thailand's not the only place. Malaysia might be worth a look too.

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You mentioned Visa runs..well there is not much someone like you can do to dodge them..Once every three months is smallfry compared to all the other scenario of starting a business.

MSingh has had the best post for mine. Spend as little as possible. Rent, dont commit to anything or anyone. Keep your head down and check it out

You will definately need some savings or passive income flow (which you havent mentioned as yet). Millions of businesses gone to the wall here, and they are Thais that KNOW the ropes

If hell froze over and you somehow struck up a living then the hardest thing will be to keep the wolves away. And believe me they are hungry

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When was the last time you visited Thailand, the cost of living here now has risen a lot in the past few years. Plus the exchange rate has hurt many expats who relocated here. I read a very good article on this site a while back and the author had done the maths well, he calculated that for British expats it is now around 85% more expensive to live in Thailand than it was 5 years ago.

Well first it's not some dream i have after an hoilday ,,, I know that any move would not be an easy thing to do it will take time to set up right ,,,, I am only thinking on what kind of thing could make me a living & what would make a good small Business out there,,,

I am the kind of person that can turn my hand to anything, And i am not looking for women out there they kind of pi$$ me off as it goes hanging around like sheep dogs as you have cash in your pocket a few of my mates have fell for that crap ...

I am just pi$$ed off being screwed in the UK and i have been to thailand a few times and think i could live out there as it's cheap as chips and not far from okinawa so i could get out there for the karate....

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Do you believe a Thai could come to England and buy/start a business right away?

NO Most Thais would not have air fare ...... lol so one coming here to start a business i don't think so ...

Living from a suitcase for 2 years would be crazy and too long not doing anything ....

Running a busniess like a bar or coffee shop is not Alan sugar stuff lol.......

YOU'R FIRED. Next Please. :cheesy:


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Do you believe a Thai could come to England and buy/start a business right away?

NO Most Thais would not have air fare ...... lol so one coming here to start a business i don't think so ...

Living from a suitcase for 2 years would be crazy and too long not doing anything ....

Running a busniess like a bar or coffee shop is not Alan sugar stuff lol.......

Fella, don't think you know it all cos that would be mistake number 1..

Thailand isn't just another Country, it's another Planet & you shouldn't have stuck lol at the end of your last sentence cos it's not funny, the Bloke that was giving you advice has experience of Thailand i'd assume judging by what he wrote..

Judging by your first 2 Posts of which the first was looking for advice, you won't last 5 mins here without being fleeced completely & thats' not having a pop at you, thats' just the truth with regards ot the tone of your 2 Posts ..

If you don't like the advice you get, tough, but if you think you know better than it, you'll come well unstuck here..

Eyes & ears open fully for the first Year, buy nothing, rent everything, try to keep the Females under control, don't get wrapped up with one that you've known for 5 mins, take everything everyone says with a pinch of Salt both when given advice & what is said to you when here, make your own mind up on things but don't dare spend any $$ on anything until you've had at leats a Year here..

& look on the brightside, i've chopped a Year off the other Bloke's advice for you..;)

They never listen, MSingh. They ask for advice and when you give it, no matter how politely, they mock it and say it's different for them. They are unique.

You say you are tired of being "fleeced" in England. Wait until you try Thailand. That's why there are no sheep here. They were fleeced to death years ago. So now the bad Thai, and yes, there are a few, fleece foreign sheeple.

Your second comment clearly demonstrates a predisposition to failure when dealing even with the decent Thai. There are many wealthy Thai. Far more wealthy than you if you're looking to open a small business.

As for your third comment, the first two years are required to understand the requirements/options for living here long term, starting and operating a business and learning the language. A year of reading Thai Visa everyday is a must, too. You again show ignorance of reality with comment number three as you are staying busy everyday preparing to start a business and new life - or learning that, golly, you don't like it here afterall, and with no ties, per my "poor" advice, you can return home asap.

No one was dashing your dreams. Dreams are fine. Hallucinations are counter-productive.

Edited by happyrobert
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Do you believe a Thai could come to England and buy/start a business right away?

NO Most Thais would not have air fare ...... lol so one coming here to start a business i don't think so ...

Living from a suitcase for 2 years would be crazy and too long not doing anything ....

Running a busniess like a bar or coffee shop is not Alan sugar stuff lol.......

Fella, don't think you know it all cos that would be mistake number 1..

Thailand isn't just another Country, it's another Planet & you shouldn't have stuck lol at the end of your last sentence cos it's not funny, the Bloke that was giving you advice has experience of Thailand i'd assume judging by what he wrote..

Judging by your first 2 Posts of which the first was looking for advice, you won't last 5 mins here without being fleeced completely & thats' not having a pop at you, thats' just the truth with regards ot the tone of your 2 Posts ..

If you don't like the advice you get, tough, but if you think you know better than it, you'll come well unstuck here..

Eyes & ears open fully for the first Year, buy nothing, rent everything, try to keep the Females under control, don't get wrapped up with one that you've known for 5 mins, take everything everyone says with a pinch of Salt both when given advice & what is said to you when here, make your own mind up on things but don't dare spend any $$ on anything until you've had at leats a Year here..

& look on the brightside, i've chopped a Year off the other Bloke's advice for you..;)

They never listen, MSingh. They ask for advice and when you give it, no matter how politely, they mock it and say it's different for them. They are unique.

You say you are tired of being "fleeced" in England. Wait until you try Thailand. That's why there are no sheep here. They were fleeced to death years ago. So now the bad Thai, and yes, there are a few, fleece foreign sheeple.

Your second comment clearly demonstrates a predisposition to failure when dealing even with the decent Thai. There are many wealthy Thai. Far more wealthy than you if you're looking to open a small business.

As for your third comment, the first two years are required to understand the requirements/options for living here long term, starting and operating a business and learning the language. A year of reading Thai Visa everyday is a must, too. You again show ignorance of reality with comment number three as you are staying busy everyday preparing to start a business and new life - or learning that, golly, you don't like it here afterall, and with no ties, per my "poor" advice, you can return home asap.

No one was dashing your dreams. Dreams are fine. Hallucinations are counter-productive.

The guy is doing pretty well considering his handicap.

If you look at his performance so far he must not really operating with a full deck.

He comes to Thai Visa, the premier Thai Visa site in the world and does not read the Visa forum. That is not the mark of a real bright person. Or maybe it is not lack of intelligence maybe he is lazy. All of his Visa questions are answered in the Visa forum and all of his business questions in the business forum and his teaching questions in the teaching forum.

By his writing one can tell he has little formal education.

By his disparaging remarks about the restaurant business one can tell he has little business experience.

Couple this with his lack of willingness to accept advice from people who have lived in Thailand for years and this chap does not come across well.

If one looks at the qualities he has displayed so far they are ignorance, laziness and a lack of education. So to try and help him out I was thinking of jobs in Thailand that fit that profile. Seems to me he would make a natural bar girl.

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To the OP, If you wanted to open a business in the UK what would you do? Then think about doing that in Thailand, think about the many rules and regulations that you have to follow, think about some money under the table, think about work permit, which visa can you get, where are you gonna have your business, social insurance payments.

Listen to the guys who know, they have the necessary experience when it comes to businesses in Thailand, you unfortunately don't yet.

If you really want to go ahead with your plans get a decent lawyer to help you, even some of them will pull the wool over your eyes!!!!!!

I have been here for over 5 years, the first year I looked, watched, saved, then I started to pamper myself with things I wanted, the suitcase grew until it became a huge wardrobe in one of my two condos.

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