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Farang Meeting With Imm Official

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A thread on the UdonMap Forum has indicated the there will be a high ranking Immigration Official in Nong Khai tomorrow to meet with farang.

Has anyone attended one of these meetings?

What is the agenda?

edit: Sorry about the spelling error on the header.


I’m kinda glad I didn’t drive the 200km round trip. Would have been pretty pissed if this is all it was.

Reports posted on the Udon Map Forum.

Valentine wrote:-

Well, went to "meeting. Met Mike and his good lady, so not a complete waste of time, but as for the official "meeting, it turned out we were just a farange representative welcoming commitee for the big boss from Bangkok. No business matters were discussed at all , just a tour of the new ly refurbished rooms, a few salad sandwiches and a lot of wai-ing. The man didn't turn up until nearly midday so we all sat around drinking coffee and spent time getting to know each other.
Fdimike wrote:-
However, I wouldn't go as far as to say the time was wasted. A fair number of farangs came out and met the Cheif of Immigration who appeared pleased to see so many of us. He reached out to many of us there to personally shake hands and joke with us. Hopefully he will take back nice memories of the farang community up this way which may in turn pay off in the future.

Maybe I'm just an optimist who still looks at the glass as being half full vs half empty.

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