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Visa Run Penang

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Hi Everyone,

I am going on a Visa Run to Penang in a few days and would appreciate some help from members concerning the basics.

Sorry if these seem like idiot questions, but my results from Google searches have not been as good as I had hoped. :o

I am now pretty clear on what the Consulate needs and have that covered (thanks very much to Thaivisa.com btw :D ) but I am not too sure about things like currency, hotels, taxis and so on.

As the Malaysian Ringitt (sp?) is not quoted by Thai Banks, what is the current exchange rate and can I check it on line with confidence? I do have a place I know in Thailand to buy the Malaysian currency but would like to know a benchmark rate.

I am planning to take Thai Baht and US Dollars in any event to exchange as necessary but obviously would like to have a rough guide to avoid being ripped off.

I will be arriving in Penang late at night by air. Will there be Exchange booths open at say after 11.00 pm and if so, will they offer a fair rate? Are there ATM's I can use with a European card? How acceptable are credit cards and will charges be in $US?

As things stand, I do not have a hotel booked as all I could see on line was $US 100+ per night places or bag-packer type accommodation. I really do not want to pay through the nose if I can avoid it but do not want to stay in a hostel type place.

What I am looking for is a 'reasonable' standard hotel.

By that I mean air-con, fridge, cable/satellite TV and obviously a private bathroom. A pool would be good, but not important.

If anyone has first hand experience or if someone can provide URL's to help me find up to date info, that would be great.

For the first night I do not really care that much as I will be arriving late and going to the Consulate first thing in the morning, but as I will have to stay at least a total of three nights I would prefer something reasonable for the rest of the time.

Unless I get something sorted soon, I will be turning up on spec and taking pot luck.

I do not want to be far from the Consulate, but also would like to be in a place with some night life nearby. Sanuk is nowhere near the top of my list, if even on it, but an area where I am likely to find bars frequented by farang (or whatever we are called in Malaysia) would be a bonus. I have read some reports about Chulia but the info was at least two years old. What are places such as the Swiss Hotel like and what should I expect to pay?

Any info from those in the know would be really welcome.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can hopefully clear the mist and at least point me in the right direction!

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10.41033 Thai baht to one Malaysian ringit so think 10/1 for normal use. USD is worth 3.80180 ringit. It is not legal to exchange this currency outside of Malaysia AFAIK.

I always liked the Continental Hotel (not Hotel Grand Continental) which is near Chula and nightlife area. It is a business hotel in a good three star range and should cost about 90 (900 baht) or so. New wing only about 4 years old and have seen other recommend recently. I always stayed in old wing and it was better than any other mid range hotel.

Do not know status of ATM's at airport but believe they can be used. My last attampt 4 years ago did not find any atm's that worked with international cards but people claim they do now.

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  • 9 months later...

Just returned from Penang on a visa run as well.

Stayed at the City Bay View Hotel, nice, 44US$/night for an executive room. Pool, frig. tv/cable, bath, everything.

Exchanged bhat for ringett(?) at the airport during day, believe they're closed late at night, you must have booked Thai Airways. Might exchange a bit here 1st.

I used the ATM, as long as you card is VISA approved you should have no problem. Everyone (nearly) speaks English well. Around Chula, other streets near, there is many bars and night life. Embassy is in residential area, easy to get to in a taxi.

Only bad thing was it rained all 4 days while I was there ;( Great place, good luck.

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I'm going there myself soon, Scandy, for a visa. Wouldn't recommend the Swiss Hotel (22R last time I was there). Basically, the same priced accommodation as Thailand is a lot rougher in Penang. The Swiss Hotel closes the huge front gate at 12ish as well. Stayed there myself, eons ago, and this happened to me. Had to climb over the bugger, much to the annoyance of the guard. Staff very unfriendly also, unless it's changed hands and been upgraded in the last few years.

Go for a place in the 100-Ringett range somewhere around Penang Road (Jalan), which is close to the bars around Lebuhs (Streets), Leith and Chulia.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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