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Handicapped Beggers On The Street


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im interested in those varieties of handicapped beggars on the street of bkk....

i have been to northern area of thailamd, but ive never seen as hard as in bkk....

i see victims withouts legs, arms, fingers, being some sort of acid attack victim,

ive seen some leg, armless dude crawling on the street, i think ive seen the SAME dude in different locations... as far as samrong distict... how does he get there from bkk central?

ive seen some dude head, skull been dented all the way in... the dude's still sort of living... samrong, bangna area

ive seen this woman whos face is like all stretched out.... <deleted> is that? i saw her today on world trade central area.... i have also seen this same woman at samrong district...

ive seen quite a few blind ones... not those singing ones, but i think someone made them blind by using burners or something to their eyes....

are these done by criminals or something....? im very curious how these stuff work...

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Perhaps, stop and talk to one. I met this guy with no legs in phra khanong a while back. Told me he was in a car wreck.

Stories abound, about criminal cartel using these people for money. I have no idea.

The guy I talked to said his brother dropped him off, and would pick him up later.

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The guy with no legs that crawls up the street has been seen in Phuket by a friend and i have seen him here in Pattaya ,I once saw him at the corner of soi 7 in BKK on false legs enjoying a fag and talking to some Thais ,also the bandages around his stumps are sometimes covered in "blood"

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ooh i see, so basically they were victims of accidents of some sorts... but they arent actually in the edge... seeing families r taking care of them... :ph34r:

can those daughter mommy combo beggers get the hell out of the way on the narrow pedestrian streets and on the stairs of the bridge? thanks...

how about that dude on siam district, half his face and body seems to be burned, maybe caused by sulfuric acid.

ive also seen him in other areas as well, so im guessing famileies r moving him around....

but its really scarry, appearence of ppl can really make things on and off... ive seen this dude's eye, and prolly somewhere in life, if he wasnt in mishaps, ill prolly be drinking with the similar sort of dude...

supposely u like the appearence and attitude of the opposite sex, but she becomes the victimof some sort, ill prolly keep my distance and prolly ditch....

man... lifes hard...

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The Thai Government ,Does not want you to give to these people many are controlled by the Mafia to make money.There use to be TV adverts saying do not give. As for the Burns to the facer and body, many Lady's and girls, I have seen a few that have been burnt by the Ex boyfriends, The Common thing a while back was to throw petrol on to the ex girlfriend and set her alight. Just because she had the audacity to finish the relationship , as usual the police did not real take a dim view of the actions of the boyfriend.

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Sorry to get a bit off topic.

Africa has far and away the most bizarre people begging. It is sureal.

I've heard the stories about the "mafia" running them. I don't really buy into that much.

My guess is the ad's were just government BS.

The few i've encountered tell me the same stuff.

Something bad happened, accident, landmines, boyfriends, whatever.

And now there family drops them off so they can turn a baht.

To the OP: Yes, once we white people leave "whiteville" we soon realize that life is very hard.

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The guy with no legs that crawls up the street has been seen in Phuket by a friend and i have seen him here in Pattaya ,I once saw him at the corner of soi 7 in BKK on false legs enjoying a fag and talking to some Thais ,also the bandages around his stumps are sometimes covered in "blood"

I used to see that guy everywhere here on Phuket. He's a belligerent asshol_e. He'd chase you down the street, into shops stop out in front of your car(!) DEMANDING money. Glad to see the back of him.

Fat fella for a beggar too ...

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Sounds like the problem is samrong district.

for those who dont believe in the existence of begging rings.


Ive seen the trucks dropping them off.

Ask any journalist in Pnom Penh about 'begging rings', they're all at it.

It's a shame as some are very much in need of what you can give, like the two old bedraggled toothless garbage collectors at the corner of Suan Plu.

Having said that, it's very much looked down on by the Thais. I was once sitting chatting with a Thai friend when some 'beggar', having espied a farang element, approached. My friend stopped him in his tracks, telling him if he was hungry he could go to the local wat and they'd feed him, to which the beggar replied 'I'm not religious'. My friend replied, 'Maybe you're not religious, but you are most certainly mad' LOL!

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Has anyone spotted the 'armless' beggar on the MBK/National Statium overpass walkway?

He holds a cup in his teeth, whilst wearing a 'baggy' shirt.

When I came back over the walkway half an hour later, he was sitting down counting his coins with both hands and arms in perfect working order.


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The guy with no legs that crawls up the street has been seen in Phuket by a friend and i have seen him here in Pattaya ,I once saw him at the corner of soi 7 in BKK on false legs enjoying a fag and talking to some Thais ,also the bandages around his stumps are sometimes covered in "blood"

I used to see that guy everywhere here on Phuket. He's a belligerent asshol_e. He'd chase you down the street, into shops stop out in front of your car(!) DEMANDING money. Glad to see the back of him.

Fat fella for a beggar too ...

shouldn't be too hard to out-run him, i would have thought.

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Has anyone spotted the 'armless' beggar on the MBK/National Statium overpass walkway?

He holds a cup in his teeth, whilst wearing a 'baggy' shirt.

When I came back over the walkway half an hour later, he was sitting down counting his coins with both hands and arms in perfect working order.


Not sure if it's the same guy, but I've seen a guy in Suhkumvit doing the same thing :lol:

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Has anyone spotted the 'armless' beggar on the MBK/National Statium overpass walkway?

He holds a cup in his teeth, whilst wearing a 'baggy' shirt.

When I came back over the walkway half an hour later, he was sitting down counting his coins with both hands and arms in perfect working order.


Yeah, that guy got me once. My wife scolded me, and then I looked closer. It was OBVIOUS he had tucked his arms inside his shirt.

I felt like a goon.

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Sounds like the problem is samrong district.

for those who dont believe in the existence of begging rings.


Ive seen the trucks dropping them off.

Ask any journalist in Pnom Penh about 'begging rings', they're all at it.

It's a shame as some are very much in need of what you can give, like the two old bedraggled toothless garbage collectors at the corner of Suan Plu.

Having said that, it's very much looked down on by the Thais. I was once sitting chatting with a Thai friend when some 'beggar', having espied a farang element, approached. My friend stopped him in his tracks, telling him if he was hungry he could go to the local wat and they'd feed him, to which the beggar replied 'I'm not religious'. My friend replied, 'Maybe you're not religious, but you are most certainly mad' LOL!

They became popular for "hairy-legged, do-gooders" to spot after slumdog millionaire .

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The guy with no legs that crawls up the street has been seen in Phuket by a friend and i have seen him here in Pattaya ,I once saw him at the corner of soi 7 in BKK on false legs enjoying a fag and talking to some Thais ,also the bandages around his stumps are sometimes covered in "blood"

I used to see that guy everywhere here on Phuket. He's a belligerent asshol_e. He'd chase you down the street, into shops stop out in front of your car(!) DEMANDING money. Glad to see the back of him.

Fat fella for a beggar too ...

shouldn't be too hard to out-run him, i would have thought.

First of all, I don't RUN from anyone. Secondly, he could shuffle with the speed of a bloody whippet LOL

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I saw a young man prostrate on the overpass near the Mall Bang Khae. He was crying over a dead puppy, still wet from having been drowned, most likely in the klong in back of the market.

I really wish I was fluent in Thai so I could have done more to let him know just how I felt. :angry:

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For those that don't believe there is a syndicate that runs a lot of the beggars in the Sukhumvit tourist areas all you have to do is get up early in the morning one day and see them being dropped off at their assigned spots by their handlers.

For the really naiive "want to save the world/guilt-syndrome Westerners" there is the periodic begging Buddhist monk complete with safron robe who appears in lower Sukhumvit from time-to-time.

I just hope the idiots giving him money aren't breeding.

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I've seen few beggars in Phuket.

There's one woman who hangs out around Rawai 'supermarket' that pretty much demands money from Westerners - I ignore her.

There are also a couple in the local market that keep their eyes down and look at no-one, I give small amounts to them.

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I've seen few beggars in Phuket.

There's one woman who hangs out around Rawai 'supermarket' that pretty much demands money from Westerners - I ignore her.

There are also a couple in the local market that keep their eyes down and look at no-one, I give small amounts to them.

LIke you, I give to the NON-beggers, F1fantic. Sometimes quite a lot just to make their day. Someone trying hard at a low paying job gets my help.

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This just made me sad and somewhat angry recently. A little toddler, no more than 2 or 3, kneeling beside the wheels of a vehicle in the street, with a cup out for donations. There was no adult around within sight. No, I didn't put any money in her cup, but I sure would like to have taken her to an orphanage. Unfortunately, they often get abused in orphanages as well.


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That is saddening Ian. When I think that back home ( as an almost inconceivable event ) of a child that young on the streets. The police would be picking them up within about 2 seconds flat.

Some folks I come across over here say stuff like " Oh you can't say your country is better than Thailand" but in certain aspects I can with a resounding " Too frigging right I can"

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