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Public Slam New Energy Proposals


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Callers slam new energy proposals

BANGKOK: -- Thousands of disgruntled listeners jammed a popular Bangkok traffic radio station’s telephone lines yesterday to voice their disgust at the latest energy-saving proposals.

The reaction followed reports that the Energy Ministry was considering a move to force gas stations to close before 10pm and ban vehicles carrying only one person from certain parts of inner Bangkok.

FM 91 Traffic Pro – the Royal Thai Police’s traffic station – received 4,913 calls from listeners mainly opposed to the proposals, including government officials, gas-station owners, taxi drivers and students.

About 98 per cent of callers opposed the proposals, saying the new measures would not tackle the energy problem at its origin.

They pointed out that fuel was mostly wasted in Bangkok’s traffic jams and if the government could solve that problem oil consumption would fall.

Callers said closing gas stations before 10pm would worsen the country’s economic plight by leading to layoffs and higher consumer-goods prices.

It would also affect people who needed to be on the roads after the closing time.

They also disagreed with the idea of only allowing vehicles with at least two passengers to enter certain areas of the inner city, saying it would violate people’s rights.

--The Nation 2005-09-07

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