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Pattaya A-Go-Go Staff Beat Up Foreign And Hi-So Customers

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Let's get one thing clear.

Pattaya is definitely 'Sin City and 'Deadwood' all rolled into one, and it is because of this that I love it!

The heart of the city is one gigantic brothel where normal laws and behaviour do not apply and where the economy is run and controlled by the Pattaya Mafia who masquerade as police.

It is therefore a completely pointless exercise to complain about the behaviour of people who either work there or patronise the area as paying punters.

Anything and anything can and does happen, on a daily basis; from murder, extortion, to human trafficking, to drug dealing, to overdosing, to drunken brawls to violent altercations to shootings to stabbings to suicides to scams by jet ski owners/Baht bus owners/ Mafia cops, to begging, to paedophile activities and just about any other crime you care to name - and note I haven't yet mentioned prostitution.

How anyone can complain, defend or suggest that a bar manager and his staff should have behaved in this way or in that way; or that the bar has broken some unwritten rules of behaviour is totally beyond me.

Money, corruption and the use of force are 'king' in Pattaya - just as it was in long ago 'Deadwood' - and frankly anything goes.

The punters who were beaten up should have understood this and none of the subsequent events would have occurred, had they beaten a hasty retreat when the management told them his place was closed for the night.

End of story.

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The only thing that made this news is that the Thai women were involved. In Pattaya gang beatings of farang are almost a daily occurrence. A Thai walking by holding hands with his girlfriend won't even ask what happened? They will just add a couple of kicks, and then walk on. The police take no notice, the farang is laying on the ground after multiple kicks to the head wondering, What just happened? Every time I have seen it happen, it was for the most trivial of matters, and ejaculated into a fight long before any farang would expect. Which is why they don't remove themselves. Most people will remove themselves when they sense danger. I said fight, I shouldn't have said beating, because they are always beatings. As soon as one Thai hits a farang, every Thai with in eye sight jumps in.

What is really funny is. The Mayor is pushing hard to make Pattaya a family destination. Yet gang beatings are a daily occurrence in Pattaya, and especially on walking street. All the shopping malls in the world aren't going to draw families if they see this sort of thing happening with immunity. Those men that were beaten will go home and tell everyone they know that Thailand and Pattaya is not a safe place to go. In fact dangerous. What family man is going to want to bring his family to Pattaya after hearing that?

"Every time I have seen it happen, it was for the most trivial of matters, and ejaculated into a fight long before any farang would expect. Which is why they don't remove themselves."

:lol: :lol:

haha did you mean to say escalated into a fight??? haha "ejaculated into a fight" ? sounds messy


After reading this thread I still understand why tourists go to Pattaya, either because they want the Sodom and Gomorrha thing and don't care about the risks, or because they are ignorant and just want the beach. However, I can't understand why the many farang retirees stay there or went there in the first place, apart from the foreign criminals hanging out there. Who would buy a condo there from Raimon Land for 120,000 baht a square metre for chrissakes, apart from the idiots who believe the sales girl's spiel about finding a tenant or selling for a profit?


And these 2 young Canadian models lost 8500,000 (8.5 million) in lost earnings as they could not do a show in Bangkok on 16th Feb...:angry:

8.5 million my rear end. There's no way they were getting paid that much..especially as male models.

Really?! How do you know how much models earn???? You've been one before? Sorry in my experience good models earn a bit.

Good male models make a good leaving sir. :jap: It's a bit sad that people do get abused in bars, and nobody can do anything about it!

You are right - good models earn high salaries. Models don't travel and do shows in foreign countries unless the money is good.

It is sad if the authorities cannot do anything about it. However, the public can do something - Don't patronize that bar.

Yeah and teachers don't teach in Thailand unless the money is good... not sure what they are making but I can't imagine it being any more than a couple hundred a day in Tland.... hope I am wrong for the sake of their wallets... unfortunate story all around.


Wow. I seldom visit the night venues in Thailand any more, but things have sure changed. I remember the places staying open until the customers decided to leave. If they did close, they closed the doors so that new people couldn't come in. Of course, closing times were much more relaxed then.

I wonder what these folks did that got them so ticked off. Is this a sign of the 'unwashed masses' starting to stand up to the elites?

As withy most of these stories - a lot more to it than meets the eye.


95+% of people on Walking Street get no hassle whatsoever,

the ones that get beatings seem to have caused a pretty strong loss of face in the staff. This jewelry lady comes across as naive and not well informed of how Pattaya works, or she would have not allowed her bill to be padded by being proactive about keeping her bill low and paid up, and then not making the manager lose face in front of his staff, and thus control over his staff. From his view, as a thug running an operation for the big boys, he MUST maintain firm control inside and outside his staff. He still should get jailed for this, no question, but looking at his job description it's not surprising this happens.

Simple solution to getting your bill padded, pay cash for each drink or two and no more. On my occasional periodic visits I have never had a lick of trouble there. But then I know how to behave and protect my interests in a rough neighborhood. Some others apparently can't.


After reading this thread I still understand why tourists go to Pattaya, either because they want the Sodom and Gomorrha thing and don't care about the risks, or because they are ignorant and just want the beach. However, I can't understand why the many farang retirees stay there or went there in the first place, apart from the foreign criminals hanging out there. Who would buy a condo there from Raimon Land for 120,000 baht a square metre for chrissakes, apart from the idiots who believe the sales girl's spiel about finding a tenant or selling for a profit?

One just might justify paying 120,000 baht per square meter provided 1. One could well afford it, and 2. The quality of swimming is equal to the best beaches in Thailand (I live 150 yards from Wongamat Beach and won't swim here because the water is so polluted. But I'm not that rich and the beach doesn't qualify.

One of my friends who is renting a condo in my building is strongly considering gettiing a serviced apartment at Ao Nang Beach in Krabi where there is an abundance of terrific beaches. Have to say I've been tempted as I love Krabi.....but.....what would one miss in Pattaya? For one thing there's Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. It's just 10 minutes from Wongamat Beach and it's a terrific hospital so if one is retired and not getting younger that is a huge factor for wanting to be in Pattaya. 2. There is an abundance of excellent restaurants---Indian, Thai, Japanese, German, Italian, and so on within relative close proximity, 3. There are excellent shopping malls here starting with the Central Festival Mall, 4. There's a lot of pleasant diversions aside from the night life Twelve Wonders of Pattaya 5. Good climate, 6. decent infrastructure, 7. one hour away from international airport, 8. There is a beach and even if the water is polluted one can get away from the traffic and congestion here. 9. The city is compact so it doesn't take very long to get to where you are going, and lastly, 10. the women are about half the weight of their Western counterparts so it costs a lot less to feed them.


An awful lot of attention is being made out of a bar fight where nobody was seriously injured. Are we really going to pretend this doesn't happen all the time in the west or that bouncers/employees don't rough up customers who show disrespect? Bar fights like this would never make the news back home and if they were foreigners who got the beating (or girls on girls fights) it is doubtful the police would put much work into the case. But once again let us pretend Thailand and its people are so terrible.

Pattaya is like a 7 day a week Mardi Gras with probably more bars per square kilometer than most any other place. What makes this story so strange is that it is not an an occurrence that happens multiple times a day..


An awful lot of attention is being made out of a bar fight where nobody was seriously injured. Are we really going to pretend this doesn't happen all the time in the west or that bouncers/employees don't rough up customers who show disrespect? Bar fights like this would never make the news back home and if they were foreigners who got the beating (or girls on girls fights) it is doubtful the police would put much work into the case. But once again let us pretend Thailand and its people are so terrible.

Pattaya is like a 7 day a week Mardi Gras with probably more bars per square kilometer than most any other place. What makes this story so strange is that it is not an an occurrence that happens multiple times a day..

What makes it strange is the Canadians. Everyone loves Canadians. Even on Walking street.


side help: I wanted to read the whole story so clicked the link to pattaya daily news, got their page but there was no way I could get it to load any story...... is this some joke web site?

Maybe you have a joke of a computer because it works fine on mine.

I also cannot get any story to load on this website and do NOT have a joke of a computer!

please someone enlighten us as to where our errors lie ..........


side help: I wanted to read the whole story so clicked the link to pattaya daily news, got their page but there was no way I could get it to load any story...... is this some joke web site?

Maybe you have a joke of a computer because it works fine on mine.

I also cannot get any story to load on this website and do NOT have a joke of a computer!

please someone enlighten us as to where our errors lie ..........

They have [perhaps on purpose] made people unable to see their content of people have anti-advertisement add-on's installed in their browsers.


side help: I wanted to read the whole story so clicked the link to pattaya daily news, got their page but there was no way I could get it to load any story...... is this some joke web site?

Maybe you have a joke of a computer because it works fine on mine.

I also cannot get any story to load on this website and do NOT have a joke of a computer!

please someone enlighten us as to where our errors lie ..........

They have [perhaps on purpose] made people unable to see their content of people have anti-advertisement add-on's installed in their browsers.

Much obliged for that. I do have such adblockers on my browser and will try again. Thank you so much for a helpful and prompt reply!


An awful lot of attention is being made out of a bar fight where nobody was seriously injured. Are we really going to pretend this doesn't happen all the time in the west or that bouncers/employees don't rough up customers who show disrespect? Bar fights like this would never make the news back home and if they were foreigners who got the beating (or girls on girls fights) it is doubtful the police would put much work into the case. But once again let us pretend Thailand and its people are so terrible.

Pattaya is like a 7 day a week Mardi Gras with probably more bars per square kilometer than most any other place. What makes this story so strange is that it is not an an occurrence that happens multiple times a day..

Anything can happen in any country in the world and most certainly not all Americans believe in fair play. There are pile ons where the victim is ganged but in my experience this is very unusual. Bouncers do strike their customers at times in the U.S. but it is common knowledge that they shouldn't do it. And there are both criminal and civil penalties in the U.S. and they are enforced. Been in three bar fights and seen a few more and not once have I seen the kind of pile ons that are typical in Thailand bars. In most of the U.S. this is considered cowardly behavior whereas many Thai men think this is terrific. Thai guys do not suffer from the social ostracism resulting from their cowardly actions whereas Americans usually (but not always) do. And there are zero consequences from the police.

One personal incident. I had come into an East St. Louis strip club with one of the dayshift girls. I knew the bouncer. He reprimanded the dancer for coming into the club during the night shift, then he told me, "I don't like you Jack." I replied..."I don't like you either Larry." Next thing I know he's punched me in the face and he's shoving me up against the wall. A few seconds later I've knocked him down, and I'm on top of him in the middle of the floor and working him over. Three guys pull me off the bouncer. They pull me over to the door. I'm not fighting back. And they throw me out of the place into the snow. This is pretty typical. I used to hang out in East St. Louis strip clubs two or three times a week. If a customer got too unruly several club employees would grab him, not just the bouncer and they'd toss him out the door. I called this "The bum's rush".


An awful lot of attention is being made out of a bar fight where nobody was seriously injured. Are we really going to pretend this doesn't happen all the time in the west or that bouncers/employees don't rough up customers who show disrespect? Bar fights like this would never make the news back home and if they were foreigners who got the beating (or girls on girls fights) it is doubtful the police would put much work into the case. But once again let us pretend Thailand and its people are so terrible.

Pattaya is like a 7 day a week Mardi Gras with probably more bars per square kilometer than most any other place. What makes this story so strange is that it is not an an occurrence that happens multiple times a day..

Anything can happen in any country in the world and most certainly not all Americans believe in fair play. There are pile ons where the victim is ganged but in my experience this is very unusual. Bouncers do strike their customers at times in the U.S. but it is common knowledge that they shouldn't do it. And there are both criminal and civil penalties in the U.S. and they are enforced. Been in three bar fights and seen a few more and not once have I seen the kind of pile ons that are typical in Thailand bars. In most of the U.S. this is considered cowardly behavior whereas many Thai men think this is terrific. Thai guys do not suffer from the social ostracism resulting from their cowardly actions whereas Americans usually (but not always) do. And there are zero consequences from the police.

One personal incident. I had come into an East St. Louis strip club with one of the dayshift girls. I knew the bouncer. He reprimanded the dancer for coming into the club during the night shift, then he told me, "I don't like you Jack." I replied..."I don't like you either Larry." Next thing I know he's punched me in the face and he's shoving me up against the wall. A few seconds later I've knocked him down, and I'm on top of him in the middle of the floor and working him over. Three guys pull me off the bouncer. They pull me over to the door. I'm not fighting back. And they throw me out of the place into the snow. This is pretty typical. I used to hang out in East St. Louis strip clubs two or three times a week. If a customer got too unruly several club employees would grab him, not just the bouncer and they'd toss him out the door. I called this "The bum's rush".

So Larry's a thug.


The 3 Thai women are known as hi-so business owners of a famous restaurant and jewellery business in Pattaya...

I am sorry, but you are not Hi-So in my books if:

1) you aree seen in a GOGO bar on Walking Street

2) you run a "business" in Pattaya

Also, in Pattaya mafia always trumps Hi-So, as evident in the story. Please remember even the hi-so PM's motorcar couldn't avoid being manhandled by the common folk in Pattaya a few years ago.

I think real Hi-So ladies in Thailand will just walk away calmly to avoid messing up designer dress and big hair, and ask/pay someone else to go "fix" the problem. Of course I am guessing as I am decidedly normal-so only. :whistling:

Middle class and hi society thai people do sometimes visit pattaya in fact. I would definitely say they do not become frequent fliers there, especially at walking street. There are pattaya hotels, businesses, restaurants, where upper class thai people are known to frequent. Central Mall is one of those places.

There are actually real business unrelated or not directly related to alcohol or prostitution.

I do not agree with the feudal system of class as it may do more harm to society than good, BUT;

When you have a problem and need assistance it is considerably more likely you will encounter people that are intelligent and capable of analytical/critical thinking at higher levels of society. Yes, this is usually related to family wealth as it is associated with education and significant education and/or studies abroad. Yes, there are useless hi-so people as well but the chances of logic and reason in hi-so are considerably better than other levels of society.

Much of pattaya is comprised of the bottom most end of society which creates a mini world whose roots cater to the sexual needs of non thai's. Really, what does anyone expect Pattaya to be like??


An awful lot of attention is being made out of a bar fight where nobody was seriously injured. Are we really going to pretend this doesn't happen all the time in the west or that bouncers/employees don't rough up customers who show disrespect? Bar fights like this would never make the news back home and if they were foreigners who got the beating (or girls on girls fights) it is doubtful the police would put much work into the case. But once again let us pretend Thailand and its people are so terrible.

Pattaya is like a 7 day a week Mardi Gras with probably more bars per square kilometer than most any other place. What makes this story so strange is that it is not an an occurrence that happens multiple times a day..

There are pile ons where the victim is ganged but in my experience this is very unusual. Bouncers do strike their customers at times in the U.S. but it is common knowledge that they shouldn't do it. And there are both criminal and civil penalties in the U.S. and they are enforced.

There are civil penalties here to as well as criminal that ARE enforced in Thailand. In fact if you have a police report of an incident and you believe they are not doing anything then bring it to the prosecutor office and they are bound by law to take action.

Pile on fights happen A HELL OF A LOT MORE IN THE US than in Thailand. Not just because it is a bigger country either. Outsiders are often jumped by bar staff, groups of a hiso crowd (actor, musician ...) or a particular gang. The times in makes the papers is only when somebody is killed or word gets out because a famous person was involved.

I think just this week alone Jamie Foxx and Shia LaBeouf were both in bar fights with multiple people involved and nobody went to jail or got arrested. This is just 2 incidents I have heard about because these two happen to be Hollywood stars and their were photogs at both bars who brought it to TMZ's attention.

But please let us not pretend that people don't stick up for their peers against outsiders which farangs are. Also, I am not going back to the original story but the folks who got their behind's kick numbers like 7 right? So, I guess in another fight the bar staff would all keep calm except for 7 to make sure that it was an equal and fair fight taking place in their establishment.


Can someone give me one or 2 good stories about Pattaya that will erase the millions of negatives. They will have to be bloody tho. Almost everyday Pattaya throws up another negative never anything nice to be heard of this place.


Can someone give me one or 2 good stories about Pattaya that will erase the millions of negatives. They will have to be bloody tho. Almost everyday Pattaya throws up another negative never anything nice to be heard of this place.

The fact that you don't live there, reason #1. The fact that you don't visit, #2. Would be a bloody good enough reason for a lot of people.


Can someone give me one or 2 good stories about Pattaya that will erase the millions of negatives. They will have to be bloody tho. Almost everyday Pattaya throws up another negative never anything nice to be heard of this place.

Pattaya has

-Fresh air compared to BKK

-Beach and central beach is not the only beach

-Reasonably well priced houses

-Lots of free land, trees

-No traffic jams compared to BKK

-Closest city to BKK

-English, German, Russian news channels

-Cheaper accommodation

-Largest foreign community in Thailand(of course have a huge number who no longer associate themselves with foreign culture and believe they are Thai now)

and the list can go on.

Every country in the word and every city in the world has red light district and bars/clubs area.

Pattaya is no different to any other place.

Step away from Walking street and you are in a totally different place.

People see only what they want to see and of course if someone comes over for a few days from another city and stays in the red light zone, the red light zone is all they will see.


what u mean fighting in a go go bar in pattaya ! what ever next. i would never dream that this would happen in such a place :whistling:


An awful lot of attention is being made out of a bar fight where nobody was seriously injured. Are we really going to pretend this doesn't happen all the time in the west or that bouncers/employees don't rough up customers who show disrespect? Bar fights like this would never make the news back home and if they were foreigners who got the beating (or girls on girls fights) it is doubtful the police would put much work into the case. But once again let us pretend Thailand and its people are so terrible.

Pattaya is like a 7 day a week Mardi Gras with probably more bars per square kilometer than most any other place. What makes this story so strange is that it is not an an occurrence that happens multiple times a day..

There are pile ons where the victim is ganged but in my experience this is very unusual. Bouncers do strike their customers at times in the U.S. but it is common knowledge that they shouldn't do it. And there are both criminal and civil penalties in the U.S. and they are enforced.

There are civil penalties here to as well as criminal that ARE enforced in Thailand. In fact if you have a police report of an incident and you believe they are not doing anything then bring it to the prosecutor office and they are bound by law to take action.

Pile on fights happen A HELL OF A LOT MORE IN THE US than in Thailand. Not just because it is a bigger country either. Outsiders are often jumped by bar staff, groups of a hiso crowd (actor, musician ...) or a particular gang. The times in makes the papers is only when somebody is killed or word gets out because a famous person was involved.

I think just this week alone Jamie Foxx and Shia LaBeouf were both in bar fights with multiple people involved and nobody went to jail or got arrested. This is just 2 incidents I have heard about because these two happen to be Hollywood stars and their were photogs at both bars who brought it to TMZ's attention.

But please let us not pretend that people don't stick up for their peers against outsiders which farangs are. Also, I am not going back to the original story but the folks who got their behind's kick numbers like 7 right? So, I guess in another fight the bar staff would all keep calm except for 7 to make sure that it was an equal and fair fight taking place in their establishment.

Nisa I have run more bars than I can remember. In one particularly rough one we used to rank the bartenders by fights won and lost. How's Larry the new guy doing? "3 and 2 this week."

If there were a bunch of cab drivers standing by a taxi cab stand in NY and a drunk customer ripped off a ST Christopher statue from the dash of a cab, 20 cab drivers would not jump and stomp the offending drunk.

In Chiang Mai I watched a drunk Brit rip a Buddha off a tuk tuk.

Face it most bars in the US have only one bouncer. How many Thai bars however small have only one bouncer? In the US if a bouncer is getting his butt kicked, no one is going to rush to his rescue.

But I hear what you are saying and sure it does happen. I got attacked by four guys at an after hours gaming establishment. They weren't trying to kick me out they were trying to rob me.

In the US they don't punch people at closing, the waitress removes the drinks from the table.

But again I hear what you are saying and this is one of the reasons they don't let Thai people in most go go's. It almost always creates problems.

PS I got offered one job running a place in East St Louis called Hot Nuts. The owner told I would have my own personal bouncer to protect me. I still didn't take the job. Even the tough guys from the South Side of Chicago don't go to East St Louis.

Most "bars" don't need a bouncer because they have VERY loyal customers. Clubs on the other hand are a different story or establishments that don't have a steady group of regulars.

Let also not pretend the way they close bars here is to punch people in the face and as well let us not pretend that MANY a customers get roughed up in the US for refusing to leave at closing time.

The reason most Thai's don't go to Go Go Bars is because they are not made for them and if they are not banned from going (w/o farang friends) they are discouraged. Not to mention it is much more of a western thing to pick up working girls this way and the Asians are more into the massage scene.

Point is that this would be a non story in the west and here it is considered a news worthy story even though nobody was seriously injured or was anybody well known. And of course it brings out all the people who want to condemn Thai society as a whole but yet for some reason these same people are here and not back in their home country where things and people are so much greater.


Most "bars" don't need a bouncer because they have VERY loyal customers. Clubs on the other hand are a different story or establishments that don't have a steady group of regulars.

Let also not pretend the way they close bars here is to punch people in the face and as well let us not pretend that MANY a customers get roughed up in the US for refusing to leave at closing time.

The reason most Thai's don't go to Go Go Bars is because they are not made for them and if they are not banned from going (w/o farang friends) they are discouraged. Not to mention it is much more of a western thing to pick up working girls this way and the Asians are more into the massage scene.

Point is that this would be a non story in the west and here it is considered a news worthy story even though nobody was seriously injured or was anybody well known. And of course it brings out all the people who want to condemn Thai society as a whole but yet for some reason these same people are here and not back in their home country where things and people are so much greater.

No, many people don't get roughed up in US bars at closing time. They take away the drinks and turn up the lights and stop the music. I don't know what else to tell you but that is how it works. It is simply too much of a hassle to manhandle people out the door.

Thais are into karaoke with p4p ladies if you didn't know it. There are 10 Thai karaoke bars in Pattaya for every go go. There are 10 karaoke bars with p4p ladies for every happy ending massage place in almost every Thai town. In Thai clubs the coyote dancers are just as available as go go dancers.

Thais don't go into go go's in Pattaya without Falang because the doormen won't let them in. One big reason is the BF/husband's of the dancers get drunk and want to see what GF is really doing. There are many Thai only go go's where the ladies are a lot younger and prettier but they are not in Pattaya and are frequented by almost all Thais. Rayong is a good example or any other industrial or military town.

Thai men tell women that they only go to massage places because this is somehow perceived as less immoral than a karaoke p4p bar. The Thai man who wanted to marry my daughter told me he only went to massage places. I checked, he was lying.

If one relies on Thai people to tell you about the Thai P4P scene you will never get accurate information. Boots on the ground is the only accurate way to see what is going on.


Can someone give me one or 2 good stories about Pattaya that will erase the millions of negatives. They will have to be bloody tho. Almost everyday Pattaya throws up another negative never anything nice to be heard of this place.

The fact that you don't live there, reason #1. The fact that you don't visit, #2. Would be a bloody good enough reason for a lot of people.

I have visited there and some dirty old farang pedophille started hitting on my 13 yrs old daughter in the hotel and no it was not in the red light district it was in the 5% area which is not. So strike number 2 off. And strike number 1 off because I would not put her through that again and live there. Now my Question was can you give me 2 good stories comming out of Pattaya to erase the millions of negatives.


Lol ye the fact that it was 20 people reacting so badly when they work in an environment that probably produces some pretty rude drunks means someone said something pretty rude on the elite/Canadian side I'd guess.

Maybe when people visit brothels, strip clubs or go go bars they should abide by the laws of the jungle?


Can someone give me one or 2 good stories about Pattaya that will erase the millions of negatives. They will have to be bloody tho. Almost everyday Pattaya throws up another negative never anything nice to be heard of this place.

The fact that you don't live there, reason #1. The fact that you don't visit, #2. Would be a bloody good enough reason for a lot of people.

I have visited there and some dirty old farang pedophille started hitting on my 13 yrs old daughter in the hotel and no it was not in the red light district it was in the 5% area which is not. So strike number 2 off. And strike number 1 off because I would not put her through that again and live there. Now my Question was can you give me 2 good stories comming out of Pattaya to erase the millions of negatives.

Never been there - but you not being there does kinda sound like a plus :)


Can someone give me one or 2 good stories about Pattaya that will erase the millions of negatives. They will have to be bloody tho. Almost everyday Pattaya throws up another negative never anything nice to be heard of this place.

The fact that you don't live there, reason #1. The fact that you don't visit, #2. Would be a bloody good enough reason for a lot of people.

I have visited there and some dirty old farang pedophille started hitting on my 13 yrs old daughter in the hotel and no it was not in the red light district it was in the 5% area which is not. So strike number 2 off. And strike number 1 off because I would not put her through that again and live there. Now my Question was can you give me 2 good stories comming out of Pattaya to erase the millions of negatives.

I didn't know that George. Yes that would upset me too. I don't think Pattaya is a place for kids. Yet I have taught children who lived in Pattaya who seem relatively well adjusted. I guess it all depends on your mindset. Kids have fun at the mall and going to shows there without much trouble.

I have also watched teachers in a small Thai town arrange things that I thought were very wrong.

I have watched shows on stage and at grade schools that also freaked me out in small towns.

It is easier for me being single and my children raised to turn a blind eye to many things in Thailand.

But it is not just Pattaya. Maybe Pattaya is even safer because every one can recognize the bad guys. Small town evil lurks in sheep's clothing.


Can someone give me one or 2 good stories about Pattaya that will erase the millions of negatives. They will have to be bloody tho. Almost everyday Pattaya throws up another negative never anything nice to be heard of this place.

The fact that you don't live there, reason #1. The fact that you don't visit, #2. Would be a bloody good enough reason for a lot of people.

I have visited there and some dirty old farang pedophille started hitting on my 13 yrs old daughter in the hotel and no it was not in the red light district it was in the 5% area which is not. So strike number 2 off. And strike number 1 off because I would not put her through that again and live there. Now my Question was can you give me 2 good stories comming out of Pattaya to erase the millions of negatives.

I didn't know that George. Yes that would upset me too. I don't think Pattaya is a place for kids. Yet I have taught children who lived in Pattaya who seem relatively well adjusted. I guess it all depends on your mindset. Kids have fun at the mall and going to shows there without much trouble.

I have also watched teachers in a small Thai town arrange things that I thought were very wrong.

I have watched shows on stage and at grade schools that also freaked me out in small towns.

It is easier for me being single and my children raised to turn a blind eye to many things in Thailand.

But it is not just Pattaya. Maybe Pattaya is even safer because every one can recognize the bad guys. Small town evil lurks in sheep's clothing.

That's OK Mark no problem and yes it did upset me and almost cost me 100,000 baht after I decked the yank. Got away with 5,000 to BIB thanks to my thai wife talking them down. Still money well spent. Always had a sour point for the place after my one and only visit. Besides you still never here of good stories comming out of the place. And you must admitt it is well known around the world for one group of things.


Its all about choices...There are much better places than the bars in pattaya, nana, patpong etc etc etc...If you chose to go in to sleasy places then you are taking a risk...

This is a lawless country plain and simple. And even if you are or in the right, you may end up DEAD right. If you cannot tell what kind of place you are walking into, then walk the other way.

Anyway you slice it, you are a foreginer and at a tremendous disadvantage. I once had a laptop stolen right on the street in Thaland, right out of my hand. I had a good descripton of the

Thai person who grabbed it out of my hand...I immediately proceeded to file a police report, and proceeded to ask them what they were going to do about it. Their answer: "Nothing, this

is Thailand."


After giving this some thought, I have come to the staggering conclusion that these bars are so hooked up with the police ,that they do not fear them in the slightest. Therefore they can do whatever they want. Now I can understand cracking bottles over the heads of farangs who have a bill dispute, this has been going on for years. But even I am amazed at them kicking ass on hiso Thai women... Has some fundamental change occured ??

... fundamental change? ... perhaps we've reached the tipping point ... Thais now realise that they are perfectly safe to target foreign visitors to Thailand, without fear of legal repercusions.

... is there now developing an "open season" on foreigners in Thailand? ... (think Jamaica ... once a beautiful tourist destination ... now a dump)

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