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if i had a baht for every thai i have seen having a piss at the side of the road, or in the central reservation below the skytrain on Sukhumvit I would have quite a lot of extra Baht now.

You'd never see a Thai pissing on the nice BTS walkway.... oh god I sound like a Thai apologist :blink:

Why would you never see a Thai pissing on a BTS walkway? Please explain as it sounds rather ridicuous. :huh:

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if i had a baht for every thai i have seen having a piss at the side of the road, or in the central reservation below the skytrain on Sukhumvit I would have quite a lot of extra Baht now.

You'd never see a Thai pissing on the nice BTS walkway.... oh god I sound like a Thai apologist :blink:

No need to explain yourself, LaughingMan. "random" is the classic "falang apologist zealot."


In 2002, I went into a phone booth in Chaweang Samui and peed all over it.

In my defense, there was no better alternative, its either someone's front door or showing the whole world my jewels.

I am no Irishman and it was 3 am. And the place had fumes of Urea before I got there.


Read what the OP has written, these are his or her words, as you point out I have quoted them though perhaps I should have put quotation marks for pedantic people who cant scroll back a bit, as for the rest of your criticism get over it, if you put the whole thing in context you just might understand, then again given your efforts so far I dont think so.

"Well guess this is a cut on Irishmen, but in 7 years here I've never seen a falang piss on the BTS walkway.... until tonight, and he was Irish. My buddy and I came up on this guy who was using his Thai girlfriend to block one side of himself while he peed on the wall, I was flabbergasted, it wasn't some alleyway or side of the road but the nice clean brightly lit BTS walkway. I got 5 meters before I just had to stop, I felt a strong curiousity, no.... a NEED to know what race of human would do something so utterly retarded (considering there is a public toilet in the Tesco directly in front of him). So as he passed me giving me the eye I just blurted out "what country are you from, I must know". He yelled "IRISH" and then went to shake my hand, I recoiled slightly "ah that's ok buddy, you can keep that shake..." knowing he'd just pissed all over his hands not seconds earlier, probably still wet. He then proceeded to sing at the top of his lungs some random Irish ditty while looking back at me, he was obviously very drunk. His girlfriend/wife gave me the dirtiest look like it was somehow my fault her man was a complete horses ass. She was really upset with me! Unfortunately we were walking in the same direction for a while which just encouraged him to sing louder and louder completely out of tune... not that it mattered how good or bad he was.

I dont hang out in drunken falang sex tourist areas so its not often I see displays like this but I just couldn't help thinking... "way to keep the stereotype alive asshol_e, thanks". Anybody who comes on here and defends this guy is hereby labeled a falang apologist zealot and will be ridiculed mercilessly. "

Here are the OP's words, copied and pasted for all to see that the OP did NOT say what you allege he did. According to the string of posts, it's only you who decided that ALL foreign men who come to Thailand are scum.


In 2002, I went into a phone booth in Chaweang Samui and peed all over it.

In my defense, there was no better alternative, its either someone's front door or showing the whole world my jewels.

I am no Irishman and it was 3 am. And the place had fumes of Urea before I got there.

That reminds me....when I lived in High Wycombe all the town centre post boxes were boarded over at the weekends.

I always suspected a high immigrant Irish population but given the necessary logistics its no surprise the bloody leprachauns are always grinning. :o:D


He sounds a lot more interesting than you do.

Hehe because I dont drink and fornicate with whores eh? I don't mind the class of man that comes to this country, what I do mind is them convincing themselves they are anything other than scumbags. At the least be a man and embrace your nature without self deceit. :lol:

dur! wave floater

take a look at this


He sounds a lot more interesting than you do.

Hehe because I dont drink and fornicate with whores eh? I don't mind the class of man that comes to this country, what I do mind is them convincing themselves they are anything other than scumbags. At the least be a man and embrace your nature without self deceit. :lol:

The geezer was just having a piss, we've all done silly things when we were pissed ! I drove off the same bridge.............twice !!


Forgot to add, but when I lived in London I would regularly piss on the platforms of the tube if I could and there weren't too many people about and if I was drunk enough on the way home I might have even smoked a fag or some skunk on the train as well. Wouldn't do that now though but it just goes to show how some people are.


I'd be more concerned about some guy trying to talk to me while I'm having a piss.

There's a lot of weirdo's out there. Talk about keeping the stereotype alive.


Where is the closest public toilet?

A short trip down the stairs into the tesco so glaringly right in front of him.

maybe he was on holiday or from out of town , and he doesn't have an inbuilt knowledge of BKK toilets, or maybe he was just pissed and didn't give a fuc_k.


Forgot to add, but when I lived in London I would regularly piss on the platforms of the tube if I could and there weren't too many people about and if I was drunk enough on the way home I might have even smoked a fag or some skunk on the train as well. Wouldn't do that now though but it just goes to show how some people are.

"Goes to show how some people are".

The people that piss on the platforms and smoke on the train, or the people that do not approve of it?



Forgot to add, but when I lived in London I would regularly piss on the platforms of the tube if I could and there weren't too many people about and if I was drunk enough on the way home I might have even smoked a fag or some skunk on the train as well. Wouldn't do that now though but it just goes to show how some people are.

"Goes to show how some people are".

The people that piss on the platforms and smoke on the train, or the people that do not approve of it?


yeah well, no ones perfect and I did say that I wouldn't do that now but we all make mistakes, especially when we were younger. There are many other things I've done on trains that you probably wouldn't approve of either.

How old was this guy anyway ? was he old enough to know better ?


I was at a stag party in Dublin a few years ago and you can't help but notice that urinating in the streets seems to be an acceptable practice there.

streets of Wales is pretty much the same ..think you could probably had most of the streets in the UK to the list while you at it


I'd be more concerned about some guy trying to talk to me while I'm having a piss.

There's a lot of weirdo's out there. Talk about keeping the stereotype alive.

First time when i came to Thailand and we went to one of them Thais discos..after a few beers decided i needed a piss .

As i was just approaching the toilets a group of Thai men who sat down on a sofa right out side the toilet, Immediately got up and followed me in to the toilet

Now as son as i started pissing 2 - 3 of them started to approach me when i was having a piss.

Then all of a sudden i was having a massage while i was having a piss . Now that's weird rolleyes.gif

I Now try to keep away from them places as 1 beer = 2 times to the toilet in my case and its expensive night..with the (Thai toilet Mafia) expecting a tip each timerolleyes.gif


Why is everyone pissing on the OP?

I live on a soi where Europeans often take a pee and in a few hours it reeks.

How would you like it I came over and took a leak on your doorstep or in your soi? What's next? Voiding one's bowels? Is it ok, if I come a take a dump on your frontwalk? Sorry, but some of you are being unduly harsh to the OP. How <deleted> hard is it for an adult not to pee in a public area?

Sadly from the bulk of the replies it seems totally acceptable which tells you a lot about some people visiting Thailand.


I'd be more concerned about some guy trying to talk to me while I'm having a piss.

There's a lot of weirdo's out there. Talk about keeping the stereotype alive.

No I waited for him down the walkway a la stalker style just to ask him his country so I could add to the list of countries full of ass hats in my head and remember to forever ridicule and look down upon that entire nation. Unfortunately this guys blood line is the same as mine so its not as fun as I'd hoped.

This guy was about 30 maybe 35.


In 2002, I went into a phone booth in Chaweang Samui and peed all over it.

In my defense, there was no better alternative, its either someone's front door or showing the whole world my jewels.

I am no Irishman and it was 3 am. And the place had fumes of Urea before I got there.

Oh right thats ok then isnt it :whistling:


Why is everyone pissing on the OP?

I live on a soi where Europeans often take a pee and in a few hours it reeks.

How would you like it I came over and took a leak on your doorstep or in your soi? What's next? Voiding one's bowels? Is it ok, if I come a take a dump on your frontwalk? Sorry, but some of you are being unduly harsh to the OP. How <deleted> hard is it for an adult not to pee in a public area?

Sadly from the bulk of the replies it seems totally acceptable which tells you a lot about some people visiting Thailand.

This was actually EXACTLY what I expected and Im happily not dissapointed in the number of people making excuses for drunk <deleted> behaving badly in public. They alarmingly outnumber us significantly!


He sounds a lot more interesting than you do.

Hehe because I dont drink and fornicate with whores eh? I don't mind the class of man that comes to this country, what I do mind is them convincing themselves they are anything other than scumbags. At the least be a man and embrace your nature without self deceit. :lol:

The geezer was just having a piss, we've all done silly things when we were pissed ! I drove off the same bridge.............twice !!

No, actually some of us have never got pissed in the first place so we know exactly what we are doing its called "being responsible" but you'd probably have hard time believeing that as for many people it seems to be the daily norm.


Amazing so many farangs stood up for a pissing irishman. :bah: ....what would be the reaction if it was a thai...

Now dont get me started on that lot..they will piss any where any time some of them are even to lazyyyyyyyyy to get up and will just piss in there beds


Now try to keep away from them places as 1 beer = 2 times to the toilet in my case and its expensive night..with the (Thai toilet Mafia) expecting a tip each timerolleyes.gif

Only the TIP? Why not let them have the WHOLE package? :lol:

I used to get a laugh at the ladies sitting doing their nails right beside the men at the urinals. I used to see lot of that when I frequented Pattaya. Thailand is a country full of odd people. You come to expect it. Nothing here surprises me.


It does not master which county he is from. it just happened to be an Irishman. What is suppose to distinguish man from an Animal is common sense but obviously there must have been something missing some where. Drink is an excuse for a lot of things.


He sounds a lot more interesting than you do.

Hehe because I dont drink and fornicate with whores eh? I don't mind the class of man that comes to this country, what I do mind is them convincing themselves they are anything other than scumbags. At the least be a man and embrace your nature without self deceit. :lol:

The geezer was just having a piss, we've all done silly things when we were pissed ! I drove off the same bridge.............twice !!

No, actually some of us have never got pissed in the first place so we know exactly what we are doing its called "being responsible" but you'd probably have hard time believeing that as for many people it seems to be the daily norm.


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