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Bar Girls Applying For Uk Visa?

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How likely is a Thai bargirl to get a visitor visa to the uk if she is honest and gives her employment as being in a bar, and I don't mean as a waitress or cashier? Does illegal work (prostitution) count against her application, or don't the embassy care as long is there is a good reason they will return home after the visit.

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No at snow flake in hells chance, selling your mutton in Thailand is illegal so to admit you earn a living flouting the law would not be looked upon by the nit wits in the embassy in a kindly light.

Really, I know quite a few living and breathing examples that indicates the contrary.

There is a very large difference between admitting that you worked in a bar and standing on a street corner holding a sign saying 'get it here'

It's the girls who are not honest and try to fabricate a different working history that get rejected out of hand once discovered.

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Current employment is only one part of the application, the applicant will also have to convince the ECO that the proposed trip is genuine, reasonable and affordable.

I don't think that generalising and saying that somebody who works in a bar wouldn't be granted a visa, but a lot do and comply with the visa conditions, and whilst agree that honesty is the best policy declaring that sort of employment would not gain any bonus points.

Edited by theoldgit
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As I understand it ECO's should not make moral judgments.

Therefore the rules are just the same and the proof regarding reason for visit, proof of financial support and reason to return are just the same.

The fact that a lady worked in a bar is no proof that she provided extra services, I would say there are many girls who work in bars and do not go with customers, there are many bars that are not there to provide sexual services so unless the applicant was to state she made extra money for sexual services or produced payslips showing bar fine commissions, etc. what proof is there that the applicant has ever sold her body?

I think the issue is the genuine reason for the visit, I presume the ECO have a duty to prevent sex trafficking whereby the applicant is traveling to the UK knowingly or more impotent unknowingly to work in the sex industry so the sponsors relationship is a critical factor in such applications.

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As I understand it ECO's should not make moral judgments.

Quite, it says so in their guidelines.

The two main reasons given on a refusal notice in my experience are 'no reason to return' and 'I do not believe that you have been completely candid in your application'

The second being the easiest one to avoid.

Just because you work in a library it would be wrong to assume that you have ever read a book.

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I also think to some degree it would depend on how long the visa was for. The longer the time period will require some form of explanation as to where the girl will be staying, does she have enough funds for the trip, how did you meet, how long have you known each other .... etc

Good luck

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Lets Be honest , just lie like a lot of other people have, including some visa agents.

May work but if caught out it is a ten year ban.

I totally agree but We all know it goes on, being a visa agent is only away of staying in Thailand, they do not care about the welfare of any one just making money. So the get native and go Money number one. cynical I know but true.

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Lets Be honest , just lie like a lot of other people have, including some visa agents.

May work but if caught out it is a ten year ban.

I totally agree but We all know it goes on, being a visa agent is only away of staying in Thailand, they do not care about the welfare of any one just making money. So the get native and go Money number one. cynical I know but true.

At the risk of taking this thread where it shouldn't go, what gives you the right to make allegations like that ? How about substantiating your comment ? Also, I am a visa agent, and it is not the only way I can stay in Thailand. I am here on a marriage extension.

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Lets Be honest , just lie like a lot of other people have, including some visa agents.

May work but if caught out it is a ten year ban.

I totally agree but We all know it goes on, being a visa agent is only away of staying in Thailand, they do not care about the welfare of any one just making money. So the get native and go Money number one. cynical I know but true.

At the risk of taking this thread where it shouldn't go, what gives you the right to make allegations like that ? How about substantiating your comment ? Also, I am a visa agent, and it is not the only way I can stay in Thailand. I am here on a marriage extension.

thongkorn, maybe you first post was correct when you said "some" and I do agree there are some unrepeatable Visa Agents and many are Thai as well, but I would also point out there are repeatable ones too and taring them all with same brush is not a nice thing to do.

My advice if a Visa Agent advises, just walk away, my comment was for those doing a DIY visa application, I did not like the way this thread was going as it seemed to give the message that lying was acceptable which it is not and any person encouraging their GF to lie can not think that much of her for her to risk a ten year ban.

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I am at a bit of a loss to understand why it is necessary to lie on the application. The key stumbling point is not likely to be whether someone works in a bar, lots of Thai's do.

The key issue is going to be reasons to return. Does the applicant have a secure job waiting to return to? Does the applicant have assets such as property that make it likely that an applicant is going to return. Family especially children are a reason to return but may not be considered enough on its own.

Don't lie, no need, just make sure the application 'ticks' the right boxes! If you lie and are found out a ten year ban is likely.

At the top of the visa and migration to other countries main page is a list of suggested documents etc to provide.

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The honesty of visa agents or otherwise is not the subject of this topic.

I will say, though, that there are many honest visa agents in Thailand and none of them would lie on a client's behalf nor advise their client to do so.

Using deception in an application, if discovered as it often is due to the inconsistencies it causes, is grounds for refusal. If the visa is issued but when questioned at a port of entry it is discovered that deception was used, it is grounds for refusal of entry. If discovered after entering the UK it is grounds for removal.

In all cases the offender could be banned from applying in most categories for 10 years, or even banned from applying in any category for life.

That the applicant is working as a prostitute is not, in itself, grounds for refusal. However, as with all visitors, the ECO will need to be satisfied that the applicant is a genuine visitor who will leave the UK when or before the visa expires and will comply with the conditions of the visa, including not working in any capacity. I expect that in these circumstances the ECO will look very closely at the application as s/he will suspect that the applicant's real intention is, once in the UK, to continue with her profession. She will need to convince them otherwise.

Of course, many ex bar girls who are now in a stable relationship with a British or UK resident partner have successfully obtained both visit and settlement visas; but the key word is "ex."

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Humorous comments aside, 'reason to return' is the cause of most refusals. Children are not considered a valid reason, but house ownership is, and / or a letter from her employer stating that she has a (proper) job to return to. Bank statements showing income, including sponsorship, for at least the last 6 months will also help.

Fake them at your own risk. UK immigration are smart. It's not like buying an MA / phD from the Kao San Road & f*cking up the education of children.<_<

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Lets Be honest , just lie like a lot of other people have, including some visa agents.

May work but if caught out it is a ten year ban.

I totally agree but We all know it goes on, being a visa agent is only away of staying in Thailand, they do not care about the welfare of any one just making money. So the get native and go Money number one. cynical I know but true.

And this is coming from someone who has readily taken free advice from agents. How on earth do you know for example an agent only does his/her job to stay in Thailand ?

I certainly care about my clients & any bad consultants will receive bad feedback via the internet etc.

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The honesty of visa agents or otherwise is not the subject of this topic.

I will say, though, that there are many honest visa agents in Thailand and none of them would lie on a client's behalf nor advise their client to do so.

Using deception in an application, if discovered as it often is due to the inconsistencies it causes, is grounds for refusal. If the visa is issued but when questioned at a port of entry it is discovered that deception was used, it is grounds for refusal of entry. If discovered after entering the UK it is grounds for removal.

In all cases the offender could be banned from applying in most categories for 10 years, or even banned from applying in any category for life.

That the applicant is working as a prostitute is not, in itself, grounds for refusal. However, as with all visitors, the ECO will need to be satisfied that the applicant is a genuine visitor who will leave the UK when or before the visa expires and will comply with the conditions of the visa, including not working in any capacity. I expect that in these circumstances the ECO will look very closely at the application as s/he will suspect that the applicant's real intention is, once in the UK, to continue with her profession. She will need to convince them otherwise.

Of course, many ex bar girls who are now in a stable relationship with a British or UK resident partner have successfully obtained both visit and settlement visas; but the key word is "ex."

Lets not forget bars employ cashiers/waitresses etc.

The top and bottom of it is on the balance of probabilities will they return to Thailand ?

  • Employment
  • Immigration Travel history
  • Assets & Ties which may encourage their presence
  • Family ties

All these factors play at part in a tourist visa application.

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Lets not forget bars employ cashiers/waitresses etc.

True, but sms747 does say in his OP

her employment as being in a bar, and I don't mean as a waitress or cashier? Does illegal work (prostitution) count against her application
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Lets not forget bars employ cashiers/waitresses etc.

True, but sms747 does say in his OP

her employment as being in a bar, and I don't mean as a waitress or cashier? Does illegal work (prostitution) count against her application

its more to do with other factors as others have metioned,how long have u know each other?? photos together at her,ur house in Thailand,bank statments,etc,etc.and of course reason to return,most important i think,my gf came over to uk for 3 months.no need for agents,visa application 3000 baht,400 to fill forms in correctly,all done at V.F.S 4 days later collected visa,no problems.

I will point out we have been together 9 years,she has her own business,be honest and its easy,just include every bit of paper u can find,and DON'T USE AGENTS,there is no need.

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Humorous comments aside, 'reason to return' is the cause of most refusals. Children are not considered a valid reason, but house ownership is, and / or a letter from her employer stating that she has a (proper) job to return to. Bank statements showing income, including sponsorship, for at least the last 6 months will also help.

Fake them at your own risk. UK immigration are smart. It's not like buying an MA / phD from the Kao San Road & f*cking up the education of children.<_<

Yea teach, I know what you mean. But you can do that just as effectively with a pucker degree and a bad attitude, I know a couple.wink.gif

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its more to do with other factors as others have metioned,how long have u know each other?? photos together at her,ur house in Thailand,bank statments,etc,etc.and of course reason to return,most important i think,my gf came over to uk for 3 months.no need for agents,visa application 3000 baht,400 to fill forms in correctly,all done at V.F.S 4 days later collected visa,no problems.

I will point out we have been together 9 years,she has her own business,be honest and its easy,just include every bit of paper u can find,and DON'T USE AGENTS,there is no need.

Whilst I would agree that the majority of TV members are fully capable of helping their partners complete most visa applications I don't think you can make the blanket statement "don't use agents" and there's certainly no need to shout.

Agents certainly have their place in the visa application process with the majority being well trained and experienced, they can provide guidance and advice regarding the, ever changing, regulations. Some will offer initial advice, sometimes free and sometimes for a small fee, very often they will advise applicants that they are on track and they can complete the process without professional support, but they are in business to make a profit.

For the avoidance of doubt, I am not an agent and neither am I connected to one.

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its more to do with other factors as others have metioned,how long have u know each other?? photos together at her,ur house in Thailand,bank statments,etc,etc.and of course reason to return,most important i think,my gf came over to uk for 3 months.no need for agents,visa application 3000 baht,400 to fill forms in correctly,all done at V.F.S 4 days later collected visa,no problems.

I will point out we have been together 9 years,she has her own business,be honest and its easy,just include every bit of paper u can find,and DON'T USE AGENTS,there is no need.

Whilst I would agree that the majority of TV members are fully capable of helping their partners complete most visa applications I don't think you can make the blanket statement "don't use agents" and there's certainly no need to shout.

Agents certainly have their place in the visa application process with the majority being well trained and experienced, they can provide guidance and advice regarding the, ever changing, regulations. Some will offer initial advice, sometimes free and sometimes for a small fee, very often they will advise applicants that they are on track and they can complete the process without professional support, but they are in business to make a profit.

For the avoidance of doubt, I am not an agent and neither am I connected to one.

I do agree some need or will use them,we can talk about that another day,the OP asked about a bargirl getting one.one other thing the "small fee" thing,well if 20000 baht up without the added extras is small then,well nevermind
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Lets Be honest , just lie like a lot of other people have, including some visa agents.

May work but if caught out it is a ten year ban.

It would be better to omit all details than lie IMO. Presumably the OP is sponsoring the girl and paying all expenses. Why mention the bar?In my personal experience the Embassy staff were more interested in how long I had known my gf than where I had met her. Of course I had to show that I had funds to support her. Its not clear whether the OP has any kind of long term relationship (or long term intentions) with the girl but if not it will be a lot harder to get a visa

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Have you ever noticed that rich people never have problems with visas, money is what counts most in any visa application, stress the money, bank accounts, properties or businesses, dress rich, act rich. :lol:

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I have three friends who applied to take their partners to Europe, two to the UK amd one to Holland. The two to the UK used an agent who helped to complete the forms and train the "partners" one female and one male who worked in bars and gave their occupation as such, on questions that might be asked such as date of birth of European, his family details with addresses and DOB's etc. No lies just the truth, they had to prove the relationship with email copies, letters etc. Both were accepted as they also had guarantees of funding and a place to live. The third did not use an agent and also lied about her occupation and was refused a visa to Holland. Tell the truth about the occupation but do not go into details other than serve drinks and talk to customers, anything extra is private and personal and of no concern to anyone else including the Embassy.

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