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Taking Cash Out Of Thailand

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could anyone please tell me how custom officers at the airport handle the fact when you carry out more than 10000,- US $ or the equivalent in Euros. I sold land in thailand but never brought in the cash through the official chanels. Now that I sold the land I would like to take the cash out in portions. Is it dangerous to do that without declaring it? What would happen if they found amounts on me larger than the officially allowed 10.000 US $

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Hi Clinique,

thank you for responding to my question. Bur as far as I know, any easy cash convertible means, such as cash, traveller cheques even gold coins are just added up by customs. What I was wandering, does anyone know if they are actually really searching for cash at the airports and if so if you are just a little above the limit do they only confiscate the amount over the limit, or do they actually confiscate the entire amount? Is there any additional punishement such as fine or even arrest to be expected? Is anyone on this forum who actually had some kind of life experience on that level?

Regards Khunh

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Well it didn't use to be a problem as cash doesn't set off detectors so it was random but now I'd be very weary and yes they can and will confiscate it as it could be used for nefarious purposes in their eyes reasonably so.. Personally I'd hate to be paying for some customs agents new car..

But if you're talking about several trips carrying under the legal amount then there should be no problem, though several trips over a short period will likely raise some red flags on their computers..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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It is not illegal to take out more than 10,000 US$. It is illegal to enter America and NOT DECLARE it. I'm sure you have some sort of proof that you sold your land. Take your cash back to America. Declare it on the customs form. As long as you can prove that it isn't drug money it isn't an issue.

Try google and search your question. You will probably get better answers than you will here on TV.

Here is one link. http://www.ehow.com/about_5445167_laws-bringing-cash-america.html

Edited by ThaiRich
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You are allowed to carry out from Thailand up to $20,000 USD in foreign currency, and up to 50,000 baht in Thai currency, unless you are travelling to a country that has a border with Thailand (Cambodia, Laos, Burma or Malaysia), in which case you are allowed to take 500,000 baht in Thai currency.

So the Thai authorities wouldn't bat an eyelash at you for carrying $10K USD. Technically, over $20K, you need permission from the Ministry of Finance. However, I've carried $50K USD in cash before to go buy equipment from Germany, and nobody said a word. I doubt you would be stopped.

This may even have been legally increased to $50K now. I know they used to require a form when you transferred in more than $20K, and now that has been raised to $50K. They may have raised the limit on the way out at the same time. Again, the part the Thai authorities want to control, is the movement of Thai baht currency. They really couldn't care less about foreign money.

And you can always buy a couple of 1kg gold bars and walk out with those in your carry on. There are lots of ways to get money out of the country if you're getting on a plane. Sending it out via wire transfer is much more difficult.

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Set up a bank account. With the ATM card you can withdraw all the money from outside of Thailand on a daily basis.

Hi Olsen,

I thought of doing that. In the end it's probably the safest way. I made a test and took out 50 $ at a us bank. The amount that was then withdrawn from my bankaccount in thailand was 8% more then the amount that I got.

Pretty heavy commision. Especially when it concerns a larger amount. But I guess that's the choice. Eather safe and expensive or.......

Best regards,


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You are allowed to carry out from Thailand up to $20,000 USD in foreign currency, and up to 50,000 baht in Thai currency, unless you are travelling to a country that has a border with Thailand (Cambodia, Laos, Burma or Malaysia), in which case you are allowed to take 500,000 baht in Thai currency.

So the Thai authorities wouldn't bat an eyelash at you for carrying $10K USD. Technically, over $20K, you need permission from the Ministry of Finance. However, I've carried $50K USD in cash before to go buy equipment from Germany, and nobody said a word. I doubt you would be stopped.

This may even have been legally increased to $50K now. I know they used to require a form when you transferred in more than $20K, and now that has been raised to $50K. They may have raised the limit on the way out at the same time. Again, the part the Thai authorities want to control, is the movement of Thai baht currency. They really couldn't care less about foreign money.

And you can always buy a couple of 1kg gold bars and walk out with those in your carry on. There are lots of ways to get money out of the country if you're getting on a plane. Sending it out via wire transfer is much more difficult.

Hi Gregb,

thanks for answeringto my thread.

I looked into what you wrote. But the legal limit to take out cash, is definately 10 K US. per person. What I was wandering, and what so far no one seems to know is if let's say you take out 12 K which is 2 K over the legal limit. Would they, catching you with it, confiscate the 2 K (exceeding the legal limit) or the entire 12 K ?? And would they on top of that confront you with additional fines or even arrest?

About what you say about taking gold along:

First of all bying and selling it is two times commission. Quite expensive. And besides larger amounts of metals, even gold, do set of their detectors.

I've already experienced that they found a few gold coins on me (not even much). So that is no real solution. Larger amounts of gold would definitaly be detected and would raise many questions.

Best regards,


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