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2011-02-11 23:35:01 GMT+7 (ICT)

CAIRO (BNO NEWS) -- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigned on Friday amid massive anti-government protests, the country's vice president said, an announcement hailed by millions around the country.

Celebrations broke out in Cairo, Alexandria, and other cities across the nation. The White House said President Obama would deliver remarks on the announcement at 1.30 p.m. Eastern.

(More to come.)


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-02-11

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The road to democracy can be a long and arduous one. The military will most likely let the process run its course as long as religion does not become an issue. The generals realize that they will be vulnerable if there are no real reforms.

Improbable as it may sound, there might already be dissension in the ranks. No one wants to be on the losing side in a mutiny.

Edited by Hawaiian
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Mubarak resigns after 18 days of protest

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigned on Friday and handed his power to a junta of senior military commanders.

Mubarak's vice president, Omar Suleiman, made the announcement on national TV, prompting an abrupt celebration by joyful protesters in the streets of Cairo who had been in their 18th day of rally for an end to his 30-year rule.

"Taking into consideration the difficult circumstances the country is going through, President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak has decided to leave the post of president of the republic and has tasked the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to manage the state's affairs," said a grim-faced and ashen Suleiman.

Earlier in the day, the 82-year-old strongman and his family had flown out of the Egyptian capital to his holiday retreat at Sharm el-Sheikh on the Red Sea.


-- The Nation 2011-02-12

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Western leaders welcome Mubarak's resignation

Western leaders have welcomed the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak although US President Barack Obama warns it is only the beginning of a political transition in Egypt.

"This is not the end of Egypt's transition. It's a beginning. I'm sure there will be difficult days ahead, and many questions remain unanswered," the US president said in his first public response to Mubarak's resignation on Friday following 18 days of massive protests.

"The people of Egypt have spoken. Their voices have been heard and Egypt will never be the same," Obama said.

Earlier, shortly after the news broke, US Vice President Joe Biden commented: "It is a historic day for the people of Egypt."

Other Western leaders also responded positively to the Egyptian leader's resignation after his 30-year rule.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced delight at Mubarak's resignation. "We are all witnesses to an historic moment of change," she told reporters at her Berlin office.

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt described Mubarak's stepping down as "a victory not only for the people of Egypt and the protesters at Tahrir Square [in Cairo], but also for all who believe in and fight for democratic values".

The European Union's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said in a statement that Mubarak's resignation showed that he had "listened to the voices of the Egyptian people."

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the "voice of the Egyptian people has been heard" and praised Mubarak for a "difficult decision, taken in the wider interests of the Egyptian people."

French President Nicolas Sarkozy saluted Mubarak's "courageous and necessary" decision to step down. He also said, "France calls on all Egyptians to continue their march towards liberty."

British Prime Minister David Cameron said that with Mubarak's departure, Egypt now had a "really precious moment of opportunity to have a government that can bring the country together". He added that, "Those who now run Egypt have a duty to reflect the wishes of the Egyptian people".

Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman announced on Friday that Mubarak had stepped down and handed power to the military, sparking widespread celebrations on the streets of Cairo and other countries.


-- The Nation 2011-02-12

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Good news to see an old facist puppet of external powers removed by the people. The future of Egypt is bright as long as the military cant meddle too much and as they are in competition for pieces of pie at senior level and have junior officers and conscripts on the side of demcoracy that is liklely to be minimal

The best news is that the torturing VP wasnt named acting leader although with the people as against him as Mubarak it was unlikley to happen

Egypt is as historically important as East Germany. Maybe more so considering the powers that supported their dictator.

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as long as the military cant meddle too much and as they are in competition for pieces of pie at senior level and have junior officers and conscripts on the side of demcoracy that is liklely to be minimal.

Agree. That is what I meant about "dissension in the ranks."

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I liked what I heard from Biden today encouraging the people of IRAN to copy the people of Egypt!

Likewise - I would also encourage the people of Thailand 'to copy the people of Egypt' and rise up (again) in another attempt to topple the corrupt and very dictatorial regime that exists here. (I'm talking about the army here. The ones who really control the country.)

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There is a certain western country who can't be named who once considered themselves a world power (Self Titled) and Israel will now be very scared. Israel has lost thier last friend in the East and that little country from the west has now just been dealt a massive blow for world dominance. The world and the hopr for peace has taken a turn for the better.

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The military is still in power in Egypt and that is very unlikely to change as is the peace agreement with Israel.

Egypt does not want to get badly trounced once again and the military are well aware that they would lose any war with tiny Israel. They also want to keep radical Islam in check. ;)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There is a certain western country who can't be named who once considered themselves a world power (Self Titled) and Israel will now be very scared. Israel has lost thier last friend in the East and that little country from the west has now just been dealt a massive blow for world dominance. The world and the hopr for peace has taken a turn for the better.

They (Israel) certainly have. I would also imagine that there's an uneasy and anxious mood in Riyadh today.

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The military is still in power in Egypt and that is very unlikely to change as is the peace agreement with Israel.

Egypt does not want to get badly trounced once again and the military are well aware that they would lose any war with tiny Israel. They also want to keep radical Islam in check. ;)

That's right. But you can't deny the fact that it's a great victory for "people power". Kind of reminds me of the Philippines in 1986.

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The military is still in power in Egypt and that is very unlikely to change as is the peace agreement with Israel.

Egypt does not want to get badly trounced once again and the military are well aware that they would lose any war with tiny Israel. They also want to keep radical Islam in check. ;)

That's right. But you can't deny the fact that it's a great victory for "people power". Kind of reminds me of the Philippines in 1986.

Maybe but when every other country in the East is Islamic backed by Iran with thier nuclear capability Israel would be wiped off the map in 10 minutes and thier little western friend will just go home to the family and a nice home cooked meal. Lets face reality Isreal is doomed and so is thier western friend in the EAST. I hate war but the outcome can only be for the better of man and world peace. Isn't that we all want apart from 1.

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If there is wide war because of this, you can bet that the number of Arab dead will be 500 to 1000 times the Israeli dead. Acceptable odds I'm sure to the anti-semites lurking about.

QUOTE:"As the largest, most popular, and most effective opposition group in Egypt, The Muslim Brotherhood will undoubtedly seek a role in creating a new government…and this frightens both Israel and its prostitute patsy, America.

Mubarak has been an ongoing ally of the Israeli occupation. The joint siege of Gaza is proof of that. The Egyptian people never supported Mubarak’s collusion with Israel in their dual blockade of the helpless Palestinians in Gaza.

Neither did the Egyptian people assent to the peace agreement with Israel in which the Zionists committed themselves to “respect the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people” but never kept their word. Instead, the Egyptians got the scenes of illegal phosphorous bombs rained upon Gaza in Israel’s Operation Cast Lead."

My sentiments exactly.

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If there is wide war because of this, you can bet that the number of Arab dead will be 500 to 1000 times the Israeli dead. Acceptable odds I'm sure to the anti-semites lurking about.

QUOTE:"As the largest, most popular, and most effective opposition group in Egypt, The Muslim Brotherhood will undoubtedly seek a role in creating a new government…and this frightens both Israel and its prostitute patsy, America.

Mubarak has been an ongoing ally of the Israeli occupation. The joint siege of Gaza is proof of that. The Egyptian people never supported Mubarak's collusion with Israel in their dual blockade of the helpless Palestinians in Gaza.

Neither did the Egyptian people assent to the peace agreement with Israel in which the Zionists committed themselves to "respect the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people" but never kept their word. Instead, the Egyptians got the scenes of illegal phosphorous bombs rained upon Gaza in Israel's Operation Cast Lead."

My sentiments exactly.

So do the Egyptians side with Hamas in Gaza or Fatah in the West Bank?

btw - where does that quote of yours come from?

Edited by koheesti
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If there is wide war because of this, you can bet that the number of Arab dead will be 500 to 1000 times the Israeli dead. Acceptable odds I'm sure to the anti-semites lurking about.

Well lets hope there is not wide spread war most of us are against it. War achieves nothing but Isreal are the biggest losers out of this and I do not think they would stand a chance for 5 minutes. Israel now have to take a step back put down thier arms and crawl and try to make peace before it is to late for the innocent isrealies. They have to bite the bullet so to speak and say ok we have been wrong. Oh my parents are jewish by the way.

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If there is wide war because of this, you can bet that the number of Arab dead will be 500 to 1000 times the Israeli dead. Acceptable odds I'm sure to the anti-semites lurking about.

Well lets hope there is not wide spread war most of us are against it. War achieves nothing but Isreal are the biggest losers out of this and I do not think they would stand a chance for 5 minutes. Israel now have to take a step back put down thier arms and crawl and try to make peace before it is to late for the innocent isrealies. They have to bite the bullet so to speak and say ok we have been wrong. Oh my parents are jewish by the way.

You parents are Jewish? What does that make you? Adopted?

Isreal will last a lot longer than 5 minutes. It's the Arabs that are going to suffer incredible casualties at the hands of a better trained, better armed military.

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Let's get the straight. You are promoting a nuclear war for "peace"? This is consistent with most of your posts. :wacko:

I don't know if you are refering to me or not? If you maybe doings so please show where I promote nuclear war or any way as a matter of fact. I don't think you are refering to me so don't take offence. I am ex service man and never like the thought of war.

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If there is wide war because of this, you can bet that the number of Arab dead will be 500 to 1000 times the Israeli dead. Acceptable odds I'm sure to the anti-semites lurking about.

QUOTE:"As the largest, most popular, and most effective opposition group in Egypt, The Muslim Brotherhood will undoubtedly seek a role in creating a new government…and this frightens both Israel and its prostitute patsy, America.

Mubarak has been an ongoing ally of the Israeli occupation. The joint siege of Gaza is proof of that. The Egyptian people never supported Mubarak's collusion with Israel in their dual blockade of the helpless Palestinians in Gaza.

Neither did the Egyptian people assent to the peace agreement with Israel in which the Zionists committed themselves to "respect the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people" but never kept their word. Instead, the Egyptians got the scenes of illegal phosphorous bombs rained upon Gaza in Israel's Operation Cast Lead."

My sentiments exactly.

So do the Egyptians side with Hamas in Gaza or Fatah in the West Bank?

btw - where does that quote of yours come from?

QUOTE:"Al Jazeera reported in mid-December of last year that Suleiman had sharply criticized the leaders of Hamas, accusing them of violating all of the agreements that had been reached and humiliating Egypt. He said that Egypt had not been hired to work for Hamas."

Incidentally - this Egyptian conflict may be a shot heard around the world to start WW3. The US desperately needs war.

Edited by bulmercke
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If there is wide war because of this, you can bet that the number of Arab dead will be 500 to 1000 times the Israeli dead. Acceptable odds I'm sure to the anti-semites lurking about.

Well lets hope there is not wide spread war most of us are against it. War achieves nothing but Isreal are the biggest losers out of this and I do not think they would stand a chance for 5 minutes. Israel now have to take a step back put down thier arms and crawl and try to make peace before it is to late for the innocent isrealies. They have to bite the bullet so to speak and say ok we have been wrong. Oh my parents are jewish by the way.

You parents are Jewish? What does that make you? Adopted?

Isreal will last a lot longer than 5 minutes. It's the Arabs that are going to suffer incredible casualties at the hands of a better trained, better armed military.

No athiest

Because I was born to jewish parents that does not make me jewish. My sister transfered to the catholic religion to get married. You don't become jewish, catholic muslim or whatever just by birth. We choose our own path in life. Myself personally think the world would be a far better place without religion as it is the root cause of wars and the evil done.

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Myself personally think the world would be a far better place without religion as it is the root cause of wars and the evil done.

Actually hate-mongers are the root of evil and they are not always religious. ;)

I don't hate religious people and never have. I don't hate muslims, jews, catholics. protestants or anyone. You missed my point by a 1000 kms. All the wars are relgion against religion. Jews don't like muslims and muslims and jews don't like christians. They are not fighting thier own kind. Let me make my personal port very clear..... I do not hate and religion race or creed. I do not always agree with everthing they say all do but I do not HATE. So you can remove the hate-monger remark.

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