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Women Dating For Money


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It seems like lately I have seen so many comments by male posters that imply or explicitly state that women (not just Thai women) only want want a man with money, that the reason women all over the world get married is for money and to improve their financial standing, that women and sex "cost" a lot even if you are dating/married, or some other variation of the same. It's unfortunate that men have had bad experiences and feel this way, but I have to strongly disagree with the statements that "all" women (including western women) are primarily looking for financial security in a man.

I'm curious about other ladies' honest opinions and experiences when it comes to money. Personally, I have always been the breadwinner in my relationships, and men have cost me a lot of money. And I am certainly not rich - just average. The men I've dated have made slightly less than me, or they've been downright poor. I didn't "choose" to date guys without money, just like I wouldn't "choose" to only date guys who have a lot of money. It just happened to be that the men I've liked didn't have money. But that didn't matter to me, because they had so many other qualities that I loved. An asshol_e with money is always going to be an asshol_e, so I'd choose the nice, honest, loyal, caring poor guy anytime. Some girls may be attracted to power and money, but I'm not. Sure, dating guys with very little money can cause challenges, and I'll admit that it can be frustrating at times when my partner can't afford to do fun things or travel. I'll also admit that if I could engineer the "perfect" man, of course he would be at least financially stable to support himself because it makes life easier. But I wouldn't reject a man solely because of his finances, and I wouldn't intentionally seek out a man with a lot of money.

I do realize that there are many women around the world who, because of their lack of opportunities for education/careers or the customs of their culture, are forced to consider a potential suitor's finances in order to improve their quality of life. If I was living in poverty in a place where there were no opportunities to support myself or improve my life without a man, of course I would want to marry a man who could help me have a better life. But that doesn't mean that ALL women in the world do the same. I think that some men believe that it's an innate characteristic of women to look for men for financial reasons!

What do you say ladies? Is money something you consider when choosing a mate? Would you reject a man who is poor? Do you usually date men who are above, below, or at your same financial standing?

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Don't take it to heart tonitan, the ones who meet women like that meet them for a reason. If a person continues to attract the same kind of person over and over again, they need to take a look at themselves and why they keep choosing the wrong people.

As for the security issue regarding men and marriage, well I also think its more than just down to poverty. Culturally, many girls are taught that their only asset is their looks and their only way out is via a man rather than their own strength and intelligence.

I don't particularly care about money one way or the other and neither do my sisters. I don't associate with women who do, so, while I am sure they are out there, I don't know any.

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In NZ my husband and I earned and gave childcare in equal measure. Both of us had worked from childhood due to family hardship. So, I could never respect an irresponsible lazy man with no money - though could understand it if they were disadvantaged badly or had some awful tragedy. Being responsible we had savings which is a dumb thing to have in NZ as you end up keeping going without yourself in order to maintain the lazy and extravagant for doing nothing...the government can't wait to hand out money to many undeserving there: e.g. chap on welfare for 102 identities and drew millions$$ so became a millionaire! Another young chap travelled the world on unemployment benefits for 2.5 yrs, reported this week.

I'm shocked by the number (35 - 80), from many parts of the world, who've had many opportunities/good jobs who haven't any assets and expect to be kept for the rest of their lives. I hear from some of them that they're interested in coming to Thailand...that figures with talk of 50+ retirees overburdening this country's hospitals.

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As for the security issue regarding men and marriage, well I also think its more than just down to poverty. Culturally, many girls are taught that their only asset is their looks and their only way out is via a man rather than their own strength and intelligence.

I definitely agree. That's what I was getting at (or trying to, lol) when I mentioned cultural issues. It seems that in some cultures, the women feel like their "job" is to look good, and they don't even know that they have the option do anything else other than being a housewife. I feel feel fortunate that my friends and I have the choice to have a career, be a stay-at-home wife/mother, or even do both!

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I wish I had a 100 baht for every time a farang man here told me 'his wife took him for everything' back in their home countries. They're bitter and like the way they 'think' they can call the shots here with impoverished locals.

I've never liked wealthy men in my home country, they're usually controlling <deleted> and I can take care of myself, thanks.

So both here and there, tend to be drawn to the non-materialistic types.

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I just want to say it does happen okay lets not deny that.

I don't believe I ever said that it doesn't happen. I don't think anyone would deny that it does. My post was in response to an over-generalization about ALL women. I can't figure out why your other post isn't showing up here. I got an email notification, but the post doesn't show up. That happened with someone else's post as well. In any case, in that first post you mentioned women wanting guys' money & a free ticket to the west. Just FYI...that's not what this thread was supposed to be about at all. This forum is largely directed to foreign women, so I was asking about their beliefs on money....not making any statement about the frequency in which it happens with Thai women.

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I wish I had a 100 baht for every time a farang man here told me 'his wife took him for everything' back in their home countries. They're bitter and like the way they 'think' they can call the shots here with impoverished locals.

Not to worry. That type ends up seriously "taken for everything" by local ladies more often than not :D

Like sbk said, some men gravitate towards that type of woman, and they'll do it in a foreign country just as at home.

What I always tell men who complain along the "women only want money" lines, is to look for a successful professional woman already financially secure in her own right. She may not want anything to do with him either, but at least he'll know it wasn't about the $$$! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I wish I had a 100 baht for every time a farang man here told me 'his wife took him for everything' back in their home countries. They're bitter and like the way they 'think' they can call the shots here with impoverished locals.

Not to worry. That type ends up seriously "taken for everything" by local ladies more often than not :D

Like sbk said, some men gravitate towards that type of woman, and they'll do it in a foreign country just as at home.

What I always tell men who complain along the "women only want money" lines, is to look for a successful professional woman already financially secure in her own right. She may not want anything to do with him either, but at least he'll know it wasn't about the $$$! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dont mean to take it off topic, but i totally agree. Most of the guys that have a huge chip on their shoulders about western women, end up with huge chips on their shoulders about Thai women. Of course its all us women that are the problem (touch facetious..sorry :P), and not about their (poor)choices in women...or what they contributed to create such a difficult situation. Bad breakups/situations can happen to anyone, but seeing the situation for what it really is, and moving on, is much more healthy than being embittered and blaming an entire race of women.

As for women only wanting a man for money, well ive been in several situations where i could have been with men with a LOT of money. But, Ive always chosen a man for how he makes me feel..not about what he can offer me financially. You just cant put a price on that.

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"Dont mean to take it off topic, but i totally agree. Most of the guys that have a huge chip on their shoulders about western women, end up with huge chips on their shoulders about Thai women. "

I agree, they have huge chips about Thai people in general, not just the women! At last a chance to feel superior instead of bottom of the heap in their own countries.

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I wish I had a 100 baht for every time a farang man here told me 'his wife took him for everything' back in their home countries. They're bitter and like the way they 'think' they can call the shots here with impoverished locals.

Not to worry. That type ends up seriously "taken for everything" by local ladies more often than not :D

Like sbk said, some men gravitate towards that type of woman, and they'll do it in a foreign country just as at home.

What I always tell men who complain along the "women only want money" lines, is to look for a successful professional woman already financially secure in her own right. She may not want anything to do with him either, but at least he'll know it wasn't about the $! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dont mean to take it off topic, but i totally agree. Most of the guys that have a huge chip on their shoulders about western women, end up with huge chips on their shoulders about Thai women. Of course its all us women that are the problem (touch facetious..sorry :P), and not about their (poor)choices in women...or what they contributed to create such a difficult situation. Bad breakups/situations can happen to anyone, but seeing the situation for what it really is, and moving on, is much more healthy than being embittered and blaming an entire race of women.

As for women only wanting a man for money, well ive been in several situations where i could have been with men with a LOT of money. But, Ive always chosen a man for how he makes me feel..not about what he can offer me financially. You just cant put a price on that.

I was taken for everything in my home country!

Well my 4 children, which I considered everything at the time.

How come the woman gets to accuse the man of child abuse in order to get sole custody, because with sole custody she gets a much bigger payout.

Yep, I have a chip on my shoulder about the western justice system, it cost me 4 children.

(accusations of child abuse in the USA from women seeking divorce is now becoming the norm)

Now I choose a woman for what the legal system will let me keep, after she decides to leave (In Thailand's case at least 50% custody of my children).

Edited by pjclark1
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I know I'm asking for a flaming here, but here goes anyway. It's interesting how so many people always assume that wealthy people must be bad people. Throughout the ages all cultures considered the ability to well protect and support a wife and family to be the most important factor to consider in choosing a husband ... and many still do. Actually, judging from the rest of the Animal Kindom (not a typo) I'd say this is an inherent instinct programmed into our genes, albeit scantly realized today in western culture. I'm not saying it should be the only consideration today, but financial standing should, in my opinion, be an important factor, among others, to consider. I wouldn't want my daughter to marry an as_hole with money, but ideally I'd like for her to marry a nice guy who loves and respects her ... and has money. What's wrong with that?

I'm fully aware that my Thai girlfriend of 6 years was originally attracted to me predominately by my money and the lifestyle that comes with it. And that's OK, because my initial attraction to her was her beauty and femininity. But that was only the initial attraction. Our relationship evolved from there into one of mutual respect for what's inside our minds and hearts. And, no, I'm not some old fool who is blind to a gold-digging temptress. You can fake love and respect for awhile, but not for years. My girlfriend is the sweetest part of my life.

I'm speaking generally here and I'm well aware there are many exceptions but ..... After living in Thailand for a while I realized what I was really missing in Western European and American women was femininity ... which is dwindling away in American culture. I've been accused by some of my non-Thai friends of preferring Thai women because they are subservient. And I answer: They are far from subservient, but they are masters of using their beauty and femininity to their best advantage. And, actually, I seldom find this a problem ... in fact, I rather like it.

Edited by HerbalEd
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ah yes, the old, feminine argument again. ho hum.

OP, I think we all know what the type of men claiming all women are after a man with money are about. Women after money are the only ones they can attract & are, by default the only women they are looking to attract but....they need something to denigrate all women over so use their own experiences as a bench mark for all

It's good to have a partner who can afford their own lifestyle, I wouldn't be with someone who refused to work or contribute but a high income earner has never been a pre requisite in a potential mate & isn't for any western woman I know. Sure money is nice, who couldn't do with more but I for one couldn't maintain a relationship based on it.

I know a lot women who stay at home to look after their kids & home, an agreement between both man & woman. Does that mean the women is a gold digger or isn't entitled to a claim on the martial income if the relationship breaks down? Not in my book but one of the major whines from alot of men posting here is how their ex-wives in the west took them for half they had, as if they were the only one contributing when they invariably are overlooking the fact that their wives either worked too or requested their wives stay home & raise the kids, have their dinner on the table & spend her formative earnng years taking care of the families needs. I rarely see many men take that risk but if they did, I'm pretty sure that they would be demanding their 50% in any divorce proceedings.

Nothing to do with being a gold digger & all about fair payment for years of service.

As for meeting a women & automatically payrolling her as is very common here in Thailand..... well as the old saying goes, buyer beware. If you set the precedent then don't complain when she turn out to be after nothing more that the salary.

Plenty of thai women around who don't expect a salary for being a gf are to be had but they probably take a bit more effort than some are willing to put in.

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Whilst I do agree with the idea that money does not necessarily make a man more attractive to me, after coming out of a 3 year relationship with someone who was significantly poorer than me, I am now loathe to ever go back into a relationship where finances are so inequal. He was not a money grabber in anyway, but did have real difficulties understanding wealth and money. I was considered rich, because I own a house in the UK, because my family have new cars and can afford to travel, and of course I was compared to him. But my family is not rich and it was very hard having to translate this.

Also I have been raised in the west and I enjoy the good things in life. I can live very simply, and have done so for a good few years...and enjoyed it. But there are times that I want to go out for a nice meal, drink a nice bottle of wine, and perhaps even be treated to something by my boyfriend. I did receive lovely gifts from my ex, but it was at great expense to him and for that reason I didn't really enjoy it.

I have since started dating a Thai man who is of a very similar financial level to me (in Thai terms). I am so enjoying the freedom it is giving us as a couple. We pay half for everything (apart from our first date natch..) and we both enjoy doing similar things. Neither of us are flashy but I no longer have the burden of either not doing something, or having to pay double for the pleasure. Now I do know of plenty of relationships here that work even with these inequalities, and they were not in fact the reason that I broke up with my ex. But, knowing what I know now, I am pretty sure I would never choose to go back into a relationship with such dramatic financial inequality.

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I know a lot women who stay at home to look after their kids & home, an agreement between both man & woman. Does that mean the women is a gold digger or isn't entitled to a claim on the martial income if the relationship breaks down? Not in my book but one of the major whines from alot of men posting here is how their ex-wives in the west took them for half they had, as if they were the only one contributing when they invariably are overlooking the fact that their wives either worked too or requested their wives stay home & raise the kids, have their dinner on the table & spend her formative earnng years taking care of the families needs. I rarely see many men take that risk but if they did, I'm pretty sure that they would be demanding their 50% in any divorce proceedings.

Nothing to do with being a gold digger & all about fair payment for years of service.

Definitely! I get really annoyed when I hear that type of bullshit argument from men, whether it's in the West or in Thailand. I'm not saying there's not lazy women, because there are - just like there are lazy men. But when a woman stays home to take care of the house and raise the kids (either out of financial necessity, or because the couple decides that is best for the kids, etc.), it's ridiculous that when the relationship goes sour, the man starts saying "Well, she never contributed anything to this marriage....she's not getting a cent of my money!" Um, yeah she did contribute....she cooked for you, cleaned for you, did your laundry, raised your kids, ran your errands, took care of the house, and all the other many things that stay-at-home moms and dads do. Should she be left with absolutely nothing just because she gave up a career to take care of the family? Hell no. What's worst is when men don't want their wives to work, or even "forbid" it because they don't want to do any housework themselves, or they just want to be able to have more control over their wife because of the wife's financial dependence on the husband. Then when they get divorced and label the wife as "lazy" for not working, they just look like giant douchebags.

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So they might not be surprised to learn that researchers reckon a housewife's work is worth £30,000 a year.

They broke down the costs according to the average wages paid to professionals for tasks such as getting children dressed and ready for school, feeding them, helping with homework and getting them ready for bed.

A nanny working the same hours would earn £36.40, based on an average hourly wage of £8.

And adding up the value of tasks that would be carried out by chambermaids, accountants, chefs and mystery shoppers, the study came up with a total of £29,771.56 - several thousand above the national average wage.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-515571/Housewives-paid-30-000-doing-cooking-laundry-childcare.html#ixzz1EeW3oNRJ

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Might also be worth noting that a house-husband/house-wife, that chooses to give up their career to bring up children, will, after a break-up, have less opportunity money-earning/career-wise. Granted, it was their choice (well a mutually agreed choice). But still, the bread-winner can carry on moving in the same path, whereas house-husbands/wives will have a lot less earning opportunities because they havent been working their way up a career ladder. There needs to be balance and understanding.

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I know a lot women who stay at home to look after their kids & home, an agreement between both man & woman. Does that mean the women is a gold digger or isn't entitled to a claim on the martial income if the relationship breaks down? Not in my book but one of the major whines from alot of men posting here is how their ex-wives in the west took them for half they had, as if they were the only one contributing when they invariably are overlooking the fact that their wives either worked too or requested their wives stay home & raise the kids, have their dinner on the table & spend her formative earnng years taking care of the families needs. I rarely see many men take that risk but if they did, I'm pretty sure that they would be demanding their 50% in any divorce proceedings.

Most men dream of getting "their 50% in any divorce proceedings"

My former, couldn't wait to give up work (schoolteacher) after marriage, she hated the job.

Come the divorce, same old sob story, "he made me sacrifice my career for him"

OK, so she was welcome to have 50% of everything, as far as I was concerned

but wait

she has children!

So give her ALL the house before dividing 50/50

but wait

she has to stay at home to look after the children

So give her 30% of his future wages (even though he wanted to look after the children with no ongoing payments from her)

but wait

he is stalking her (even though everyone else views it as visiting his children)


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So they might not be surprised to learn that researchers reckon a housewife's work is worth £30,000 a year.

They broke down the costs according to the average wages paid to professionals for tasks such as getting children dressed and ready for school, feeding them, helping with homework and getting them ready for bed.

A nanny working the same hours would earn £36.40, based on an average hourly wage of £8.

And adding up the value of tasks that would be carried out by chambermaids, accountants, chefs and mystery shoppers, the study came up with a total of £29,771.56 - several thousand above the national average wage.

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1EeW3oNRJ

Which is totally insane as even a mentally retarded woman can make a good mother and housewife, while not having the ability to ever earn a penny in the real world. I actually know some mentally retarded men who can keep a house running very well if provided with money and the shopping delivered.

But the feminist agenda, wants housework to look like brain surgery and be valued equally.

Well ladies nobody believes your research to be valid in any way!

With western women it's not they want in a man at the start that is the problem, but what the legal system gives them the ability to take from a man when they are bored with him (or want revenge for some imagined slight).

Just wish to reiterate that personally i was referring to both men and women who choose to be house-husbands/wives.

I think also the figure sbk gave was worked out regardless of the persons mental capacity..but i could be wrong. Im sure there are some highly intelligent individuals who give up careers but still have to accept that their intelligence capacity is not reflected in the figure worked out for their domestic capabilities. Im not saying the figure is fair or not, im saying that im sure some thought went into working it out and wasnt pulled out of thin air(..and thats not to say the figure was even worked out by women, so i dont know where the "Well ladies nobody believes your research to be valid in any way!" comment was derived from). ..and i dont see how this is a feminist (or western tbh) concept.

It might be worth mentioning too that my ex actually ripped me off. I didnt want to get married, but i trusted him. We had been together for nearly 8 years and i had invested my money into the deposit of our house. As we (I) didnt stipulate that our mortgage contract, he took half of it. Aghast he did it. Will always be. But thats how it is. I dont blame all western men for is action in that...and im not embittered at men because of it. It was one man and the legal system, and thats life.

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I know a lot women who stay at home to look after their kids & home, an agreement between both man & woman. Does that mean the women is a gold digger or isn't entitled to a claim on the martial income if the relationship breaks down? Not in my book but one of the major whines from alot of men posting here is how their ex-wives in the west took them for half they had, as if they were the only one contributing when they invariably are overlooking the fact that their wives either worked too or requested their wives stay home & raise the kids, have their dinner on the table & spend her formative earnng years taking care of the families needs. I rarely see many men take that risk but if they did, I'm pretty sure that they would be demanding their 50% in any divorce proceedings.

Most men dream of getting "their 50% in any divorce proceedings"

My former, couldn't wait to give up work (schoolteacher) after marriage, she hated the job.

Come the divorce, same old sob story, "he made me sacrifice my career for him"

OK, so she was welcome to have 50% of everything, as far as I was concerned

but wait

she has children!

So give her ALL the house before dividing 50/50

but wait

she has to stay at home to look after the children

So give her 30% of his future wages (even though he wanted to look after the children with no ongoing payments from her)

but wait

he is stalking her (even though everyone else views it as visiting his children)


Two things i see in play here:

- The legal system (for better or worse, this is what facilitates this happening)

- The partnership after a break-up. (Some people can handle it in a logical way, in fairness to both parties).

If the break up of a partnership isnt embittered, most things can be handled in a way that is fair to both parties.

So..a sour partnership and a legal system which facilitates one partner gaining more than the other = SOME men feeling embittered towards ALL western women. Hmm... :ermm: Are you one of them pjclark1? :(

Edited by eek
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So they might not be surprised to learn that researchers reckon a housewife's work is worth £30,000 a year.

They broke down the costs according to the average wages paid to professionals for tasks such as getting children dressed and ready for school, feeding them, helping with homework and getting them ready for bed.

A nanny working the same hours would earn £36.40, based on an average hourly wage of £8.

And adding up the value of tasks that would be carried out by chambermaids, accountants, chefs and mystery shoppers, the study came up with a total of £29,771.56 - several thousand above the national average wage.

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1EeW3oNRJ

I agree in our home countries, being a housewife is way undervalued. Here in Asia for households with 1-3 nannies/maids i think being a stay at home wife is way overvalued for those large groups of expat housewives who let the nannies and maids take care of the house and kids and then spend their time on endless coffee mornings, long lunches, afternoon shopping trips/salons/spas. (And yes im bitter because id love to live an indolent life of doing whatever i fancied for a year or two like some of these expat wives!!)

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I agree in our home countries, being a housewife is way undervalued. Here in Asia for households with 1-3 nannies/maids i think being a stay at home wife is way overvalued for those large groups of expat housewives who let the nannies and maids take care of the house and kids and then spend their time on endless coffee mornings, long lunches, afternoon shopping trips/salons/spas. (And yes im bitter because id love to live an indolent life of doing whatever i fancied for a year or two like some of these expat wives!!)

Yeah, good point. I think that the families most of us are talking about aren't the well-to-do expat families with multiple staff to help that out. That's different. I would never argue that the stay-at-home mom who has nannies & maids is doing as much work as a "regular" stay-at-home mom. In my posts, I was mostly referring to families living and working in the West, where most people don't have hired help.

I would love to live that like for a couple years myself. :D I should point out, though, that the situation isn't limited to just expat wives. I work with plenty of women who have full-time jobs in Thailand and have brought along their expat husbands (or boyfriends). They may not do shopping & spa trips, but a lot of them spend their days going to bars, watching sports, sleeping off hangovers, and hanging with buddies. Some of the expat dads who have young children at home even have nannies so that they don't have to stay home with the kids and can hang out all day instead. I think that expat couples in which only 1 partner works is a totally different phenomenon.

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I agree in our home countries, being a housewife is way undervalued. Here in Asia for households with 1-3 nannies/maids i think being a stay at home wife is way overvalued for those large groups of expat housewives who let the nannies and maids take care of the house and kids and then spend their time on endless coffee mornings, long lunches, afternoon shopping trips/salons/spas. (And yes im bitter because id love to live an indolent life of doing whatever i fancied for a year or two like some of these expat wives!!)

Yeah, good point. I think that the families most of us are talking about aren't the well-to-do expat families with multiple staff to help that out. That's different. I would never argue that the stay-at-home mom who has nannies & maids is doing as much work as a "regular" stay-at-home mom. In my posts, I was mostly referring to families living and working in the West, where most people don't have hired help.

I would love to live that like for a couple years myself. :D I should point out, though, that the situation isn't limited to just expat wives. I work with plenty of women who have full-time jobs in Thailand and have brought along their expat husbands (or boyfriends). They may not do shopping & spa trips, but a lot of them spend their days going to bars, watching sports, sleeping off hangovers, and hanging with buddies. Some of the expat dads who have young children at home even have nannies so that they don't have to stay home with the kids and can hang out all day instead. I think that expat couples in which only 1 partner works is a totally different phenomenon.

Yes, true! I also know expat working moms with stay at home dads - lazy buggers :)

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As my fellow male Herbal Ed correctly pointed out, women are biologically programmed to seek men who can "take care" of them, which, practically speaking, means financially. It is only a very recent phenomenon in human evolution - and primarily in certain western countries - that women have advanced to the point of being financially self sufficient and therefore able to choose a man based on non-financial criteria. Nonetheless, millions of years of evolution are difficult to overcome. For that reason, most women will still instinctively seek out men with more rather than less money. (Just as men are programmed to seek out women with more rather than less beauty.)

The only exception to this rule seems to be among western women who have settled in Thailand. They alone seem to have evolved into that ideal woman that I sought in my naive youth: A woman who judges a man by his character. Where were you ladies when I was young, poor and idealistic? I'll tell you where you were: Off chasing the mindless jerk who drove the expensive sports car.

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The only exception to this rule seems to be among western women who have settled in Thailand. They alone seem to have evolved into that ideal woman that I sought in my naive youth: A woman who judges a man by his character. Where were you ladies when I was young, poor and idealistic? I'll tell you where you were: Off chasing the mindless jerk who drove the expensive sports car.

Married to a decent guy who treated me with respect??

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travelling the world, making loads of my own money, having fun with my friends & then finding my own ideal of manhood, which didn't need to include a bulging wallet although the other other bulge in his pants was of interest. ;)

Tough luck that you couldn't find a woman like that in your youth but I'm sure you are much happier with a partner after you only for money.... as long as she meets the right criteria.

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I've never liked wealthy men in my home country, they're usually controlling <deleted> and I can take care of myself, thanks.

You fall into the same 'sweeping generalisation' trap that men are accused of on this thread?

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