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Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Cases On The Rise In Thailand

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What is not mentioned in this news release is that the problem is not an internal Thai problem. The rise in STD's has risen step-in-step with the rise in tourism -- you only need compare the tourism figures from TIT, to the rise in STD infections, to prove this theorem.

The increase in sex tourism, particularly form African nations and India, where STD's are near epidemic, further exacerbates the problem.

I repeat -- this is not a problem which has arisen from teenage and other promiscuity within Thailand. It is purely a problem which has been created by farang and other tourists.

It is time that Thai Immigration did something about this escalating problem. Very soon they must implement a policy of STD medicals to qualify for all visas -- no medical proof that you are clean, then no entry into the Kingdom.

They can quickly create booming businesses at Ventianne and all other locations where visas are issued . Of course, some of the tests require a few weeks to receive the results, but I imagine that the local hotels will enjoy the extra income.

I can just see it now at the airports -- " you have a visa sir, but you have no STD certificate. Please go to Inspection Room D and wait for the Immigartion Medical Officer"

Agree on the origin of sex tourists and increased risk. But, according to the old woman the rise in HIV is most alarming in the 12-18 age group.

Blaming it on 'farang' is ridiculous. How about this country stops putting out? How about not being a 'hub' for the one thing it most certainly is a hub for?

I think Tiger Monkey is on drugslaugh.gif Talking of drugs, if Patong stopped ripping farang of with the 'Professional fees' and over priced medicines, more people may go for treatment and stay the course. It will also help if they got a diagnosis right now and again. Double standards Patong Hospital, stop trying to be Phuket International Hospital, or Bangkok Hospital Phuket , you charge similar prices for an inferior service.

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Bar girls will often charge more to have sex without a condom. But i am not stupid, i agree to the "no condom" extra cash deal and then just pay the original.........clever hey ! :blink:


"The Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception, that is, of every marital act intentionally rendered unfruitful. This teaching is to be held as definitive and irreformable. Contraception is gravely opposed to marital chastity; it is contrary to the good of the transmission of life (the procreative aspect of matrimony) and to the reciprocal self-giving of the spouses (the unitive aspect of matrimony); it harms true love and denies the sovereign role of God in the transmission of life (n. 24)."

Pope John Paul II

Absolute load of crap.

Religion should be banned on all counts based on

1. Retarding education by ignoring progress in science

2. Inflicting numerous and almost continuous wars on the globe resulting in the death of millions of people

3. Propagating a warped set of ideals based on the utterings of a couple of humans who lived some 2,000 years ago, at least one of which would have been incarcerated for life as a repeat pedophile today.

4. Perpetuating itself by lies, false promises.and idiotic threats of eternal damnation (whatever that means)

5. Preying on the young, gullible and weak with even more lies

6. Fostering and protecting the "sinners" within, for example, those their hands up the choir boys frocks

etc etc.


"The Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception, that is, of every marital act intentionally rendered unfruitful. This teaching is to be held as definitive and irreformable. Contraception is gravely opposed to marital chastity; it is contrary to the good of the transmission of life (the procreative aspect of matrimony) and to the reciprocal self-giving of the spouses (the unitive aspect of matrimony); it harms true love and denies the sovereign role of God in the transmission of life (n. 24)."

Pope John Paul II

Absolute load of crap.

Religion should be banned on all counts based on

1. Retarding education by ignoring progress in science

2. Inflicting numerous and almost continuous wars on the globe resulting in the death of millions of people

3. Propagating a warped set of ideals based on the utterings of a couple of humans who lived some 2,000 years ago, at least one of which would have been incarcerated for life as a repeat pedophile today.

4. Perpetuating itself by lies, false promises.and idiotic threats of eternal damnation (whatever that means)

5. Preying on the young, gullible and weak with even more lies

6. Fostering and protecting the "sinners" within, for example, those their hands up the choir boys frocks

etc etc.

Your not far off the mark there, Berkshire will definatly get a fast check in at the pearly gates


Oh not so good then!

One plausible explanation is that there has simply been increased awareness about diseases and a better health service that reaches more people. If there is more testing and more people coming coming forward, then of course cases will increase, it does not necessarily mean there is more of an epidemic (assuming there is one in the first place).

As far as I'm aware the facts are about standard stds: clap, syph, NSU, which are wholly treatable.


Umm, 'scuse me, but what's the "pseudogonorrhoea"mentioned in the story?

I think it means clap from ladyboys.:rolleyes: who are pseudowomen.

But alternative explanations might be NSU (non specific bacterial infections) or Chlamydia.


"The Church has always taught the intrinsic evil of contraception, that is, of every marital act intentionally rendered unfruitful. This teaching is to be held as definitive and irreformable. Contraception is gravely opposed to marital chastity; it is contrary to the good of the transmission of life (the procreative aspect of matrimony) and to the reciprocal self-giving of the spouses (the unitive aspect of matrimony); it harms true love and denies the sovereign role of God in the transmission of life (n. 24)."

Pope John Paul II

I cannot help but feel that some have not fully understood what the Pope was saying above. It is clear to me that he was referring to the use of contraceptives WITHIN marriage. Apparently the official RC view is that to limit the world population numbers sexual desire for married couples should be put on the back burner i.e. dashing across the prairie should only take place when the intention is to procreate. My take is that his medication is not working and he should stick to wearing pretty frocks and riding around in a bullet proof golf cart.

I understand that the RC Church is also totally against sex outside of marriage. How this squares with the entreaty by JC that we should love one another escapes me. If the mantra that only married peeps should have sexual union and then only to knockout another kid would, if acted upon, keep the shrinks busy and cause the sexual offenders register to explode. It might turnPattaya back into a fishing village too.


Oh not so good then!

One plausible explanation is that there has simply been increased awareness about diseases and a better health service that reaches more people. If there is more testing and more people coming coming forward, then of course cases will increase, it does not necessarily mean there is more of an epidemic (assuming there is one in the first place).

As far as I'm aware the facts are about standard stds: clap, syph, NSU, which are wholly treatable.

Living here in Issan I do know some bar girls that work in Pattaya and we talk on an honest level about stuff. Their attitude towards HIV is now one of indifference since 'the government give you free pills to keep you alive, so no promplam anymore, nobody scare'.


Didn't I just read about taking condom machines out of schools? Now they say that STD's are on the rise because of people not using condoms. What's going on?:whistling:

thinning of the heard??????????

Oh not so good then!

One plausible explanation is that there has simply been increased awareness about diseases and a better health service that reaches more people. If there is more testing and more people coming coming forward, then of course cases will increase, it does not necessarily mean there is more of an epidemic (assuming there is one in the first place).

As far as I'm aware the facts are about standard stds: clap, syph, NSU, which are wholly treatable.

NO. How can males be aware they are infected with something as mundane as T. vaginitis if approx. 50% of infected males show no symtoms? Better health service reaching more people? Obviously you have never been in the rural areas. Testing facilities are inadequate. When you take a swab, there is a fixed time to get it to the lab becore the swab is useless. Same goes for a pee sample. You know how hot it gets in Thailand? Now consider trying to drive the samples a couple hours to a lab facility. The specimens get cooked. Do you think a farm worker that makes 200 baht a day can afford to take a day off from work and catch the bus to a major urban center hospital in hopes of dealing with the burning penis syndrome? Where do teenagers in the rural areas or that come from poor backgrounds go for medical assistance? Have you ever seen what its like in the provincial hospitals? It's not hard to see why teenagers do not seek treatment until the situation is unbearable. You are living in fantasy land if you believe that the district medical officers have the resources to deal with the problem. Outside of major urban areas, people are screwed. That's why there's a problem. There's a reservoir of infected people out there that keep infecting the rest of the population.

I wish people would stop using the outdated term STD. It is STI, a sexually transmitted infection. An STD is the situation when there are symptoms. A great many infected people show no symptoms. There are more STIs than there are STDs.


Oh not so good then!

One plausible explanation is that there has simply been increased awareness about diseases and a better health service that reaches more people. If there is more testing and more people coming coming forward, then of course cases will increase, it does not necessarily mean there is more of an epidemic (assuming there is one in the first place).

As far as I'm aware the facts are about standard stds: clap, syph, NSU, which are wholly treatable.

I wish people would stop using the outdated term STD. It is STI, a sexually transmitted infection. An STD is the situation when there are symptoms. A great many infected people show no symptoms. There are more STIs than there are STDs.

I prefer the term "Cupid's disease"


did we not get a post yesterday that parents in schools made sure condom vending machines were banned... doh...

why not just end prostitution in hellholes like pattaya / phuket and bangkok ??? it is illegal, is it not ?

but i guess it greases a lot of wheels and hands

Friends have gotten STD's from 'good' girls with stable boyfriends but never from girls in the trade. Perhaps because when with the latter one is careful in being protected, but with the former people are more...sloppy.


Oh not so good then!

One plausible explanation is that there has simply been increased awareness about diseases and a better health service that reaches more people. If there is more testing and more people coming coming forward, then of course cases will increase, it does not necessarily mean there is more of an epidemic (assuming there is one in the first place).

As far as I'm aware the facts are about standard stds: clap, syph, NSU, which are wholly treatable.

I wish people would stop using the outdated term STD. It is STI, a sexually transmitted infection. An STD is the situation when there are symptoms. A great many infected people show no symptoms. There are more STIs than there are STDs.

I prefer the term "Cupid's disease"

I still call it VD - not very PC. :D

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