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Thinking About Esl Course


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Hello people,

Although i have a job already, the free time is more than i can handle and im looking for another way of time pass

One of my expat friends suggested me to take an ESL course since i like teaching English although i am not a native speaker. This would give me an option to teach English Thai kids a few hours a day/week which i find a nice way to fill up the free time that i got.

Im wondering if someone can suggest me out of their own experience a good school where i can follow the course and get the (intl. recognized) certificate :)

Thx in advance

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You need to do a background check on what it is you really want. IELTS is for university entrance in the UK and Australia. TOEFL is required for USA universities and some Korean unis

All of them are for English learners.

For native speakers who wish to teach English, you can go with the TEFL, or Celta or Delta. This is also available for non native speakers, who are very good with English.

Edited by Somtamnication
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My OP doesnt really show alot of knowlegde, i admit :P

TEFL is what i meant yes,... since u got some knowlegde, perhaps you can explain the difference with ESL? ;-) So, basically i am planning to check it out and perhaps start such a course... any advice on this regarding the institute?

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What you want to do is called a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course, not TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language). The subtle distinction is that the latter means teaching English to students in a country where the native language is English; home vs abroad really.<_<

The Cambridge CELTA is the only internationally recognised TEFL course, to my knowledge. There are many unaccredited TEFL courses in Thailand, such as SEE TEFL (ISO:9001 certified) or Text & Talk, which may suit your purposes better, but are worthless outside of LOS.B)

Make sure that you choose a course with at least 120 hours classroom theory & 6 hours observed teaching practice, or it will not be recognised by the majority of schools.:blink:

Good luck.:jap:

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Many of the young teachers (backpacker types) I have spoken to did the course in Ban Phe (beach/fishing town - not far from Bangkok/Pattaya) It goes for 1 month and is a bit expensive for what it is, but it is well recognised around Thailand. Most "graduates" go on to do full time teaching, or enough hours to sustain a year in Thailand. Just google TESOL or TEFL Course Ban Phe Thailand.

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Many of the young teachers (backpacker types) I have spoken to did the course in Ban Phe (beach/fishing town - not far from Bangkok/Pattaya) It goes for 1 month and is a bit expensive for what it is, but it is well recognised around Thailand. Most "graduates" go on to do full time teaching, or enough hours to sustain a year in Thailand. Just google TESOL or TEFL Course Ban Phe Thailand.

It sounds interesting but i am "stuck" in Phuket as i have a job here....... i got plenty of free time, but it has to happen over here

I found some locations for the course, Phuket Town has, Patong has and im planning to visit the institute for some detailed info. This website link by Blue, it looks quite decent although im unable to find an address.....

Thx for the input ppl, very helpfull :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's no need to go to Ban Phe since the same certification (from TEFL International) can be gained here in Phuket. The link BlueEasySleep provided you is for a great course in Phuket Town that comes highly recommend, is accredited and recognized internationally. I took the course seven years ago and loved it. I also know about 20 people here on Phuket who took it and are working here now as a result.

ELCata's advice isn't entirely accurate. ECC's CELTA course is not the only accredited course on Phuket. TEFL Int'l and others also accredited. And while Text and Talk have registered on operation here, they don't list any course dates for Phuket on their website. T&T also claim to be "the only TEFL course accepted for a work permit by the MoE" but anyone in the industry knows this is absolutely, categorically false information. The MoE doesn't even require TEFL certificates in order to obtain a teachers license, much less a work permit.

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yes, the average salary is around 30K but this depends on personal qualifications and school policy.

to be perfectly frank, it's much, much harder to find good employment without a degree--like it or not, that's the case now. the days of khao san roads are (rightfully) disappearing.

finally, finding work in a thai school, grinding out lessons and dealing with thai admin is anything but a break from reality. try doing it without any semblance of training and you're really in for a treat.

Edited by SamKong
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to be perfectly frank, it's much, much harder to find good employment without a degree--like it or not, that's the case now. the days of khao san roads are (rightfully) disappearing.

Thanks for your answer.

I thought having a degree was now a legal requirement for getting a WP.

Didn't this rule come in a year, or, two back?

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the degree has been a requirement for the TL (not the WP) for some time now. however, those without degrees can still teach in language schools and for private businesses. the language schools are a bit of a gray area and it depends on the school but hotels and other businesses simply employ the teacher as a "consultant" and therefore have no need to obtain a TL as they're not governed by the MoE.

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the reality I was speaking of is the realization that one is wasting their time in Thailand in pursuit of some below minimum wage job whilst their peers in their home countries are gaining degrees and moving ahead in life. The reality of having to return home one day only to find themselves unemployable. The reality of wasting what should be their prime working years. That sort of reality.wink.gif

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^ oh that reality.

how many recent college grads are out of work or "under-employed" as it's called these days? i believe it's the highest rate ever in the USA. have you any idea how many people from the west have been laid-off or made redundant and are looking to ESL as a means to make ends meet until they can get back on their feet? these people are looking to escape reality alright...and i don't blame them one bit.

if approached with serious intentions and with due effort put forth, there's absolutely no reason to consider ESL teaching to be a waste of time nor a dead end.

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Lot of info.....usefull.......

I am living in Asia for a decade now, worked in big multinational companies, govt organisations and for govt projects on management positions while having only a high school diploma. (including some certs from private IT institutes and references which i had) Lots of luck and a big mouth can take one pretty far. Currently i am making a living by doing some online business which is more than enough to survive and meanwhile finishing my long distance study Bachelor degree which i started as i felt that luck as what i have experienced till now could run out one day.

Exams are due in 2012/13 and till then i wouldnt mind to obtain a WP the easy way,......and if the TEFL cert could help me with a WP, some extra $$ and new experiences then why not when i have free time to spare? If the TEFL cert would make it possible for me to get a WP and stay in Thailand for an X number of years without a headache (as staying on my current ED visa eventually ends) then why not.

If all fails i can go back where i came from and apply to a similar job which i have done earlier so it aint an escape of reality at all....just loving the place (and my TG) alot so why not trying whatever makes the stay easier? Who knows i discover a new path in my life, never know :P Fact is that in my case doing TEFL and exploring new/additional oppertunities is a gain and just cannot be a loss

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You MAY be able to get work on the side teaching English .... but I hate to be the one to break it to you. You DO need an IELTS course. You need better grammar structure etc.

That being said, your accent will be a determining factor as will your skin tone when seeking to teach English in Thailand. It is what it is .....

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You MAY be able to get work on the side teaching English .... but I hate to be the one to break it to you. You DO need an IELTS course. You need better grammar structure etc.

That being said, your accent will be a determining factor as will your skin tone when seeking to teach English in Thailand. It is what it is .....

sounds challenging......... :P

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You MAY be able to get work on the side teaching English .... but I hate to be the one to break it to you. You DO need an IELTS course. You need better grammar structure etc.

That being said, your accent will be a determining factor as will your skin tone when seeking to teach English in Thailand. It is what it is .....

sounds challenging......... :P

I honestly mean no offense! You need work on verb tenses based upon your previous post and the Thai education system values "farang" even when they do not warrant the value placed in them!

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No offence taken. I am not writing an official letter here, just typing text on some forum :) It usually leads to multitasking and it has its flaws.

Thx for the IELTS comment though, something new to consider (if necessary of course ...)

I have a bias ... one of my company's offerings is an IELTS prep course ;) Honestly though ... past perfect continuous and present perfect continuous etc verb tenses are an issue for non-native speakers.

Before working here I had no idea about the IELTS though I did have a thorough understanding of TOEFL. If you have clear enough speaking AND a TOEFL of 650 or an IELTS Academic of 7.0 you should be good to go!

Note---- I am NOT a grammarian nor a teacher .... if I screwed something up blame the clock and beer ---- almost 0200 and 3 Heinekens!

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