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I have put down a deposit on a house for my tgf and I. I expect to make the final payment and move in around august this year. This house is about 5 kms west of Nakhon Sawan. When would we expect to see the blue book, roughly? I am guessing that, from what I read, that only Thais go on the blue book, so that will be tgf and I will have to apply for a yellow book locally am I correct so far? So where do I go locally and take with me blue book with tgf, passport/visa/chanoot? Anything else?

The yellow book will be proof of address, do I get any other benefits?

How should I set up a 30 year rental agreement? Can I do it and get it witnessed or a legal paper, I cant read thai so could be signing any thing?

I have concern about other people being put on the blue book. If anything happened to my tgf maybe the named could try and evict me, if the worst happened and she was the only person on the blue book, who would then own it and could I continue to live there indefinetely?

This is a complex subject as usual I would be grateful for any thoughts and advice.


Title to house or Chanote is obtained when final payment is made and this should be done in person by your gf at the local land office. Her new blue house book can know be obtained at the local Amphur ID office. At this office is where you will apply for your yellow house book. You need to ask them what their requirement are as NO two amphurs in Thailand have the same requirement for the yellow house book.


Thanks for the input, a bit further down the route now. I know I cannot own land here and maybe that is why condos are so popular. We will get one chanoot for the house, a bit cheeky this but would it be possible to call the upstairs a condo, which I could lease for 30 years and get a blue book instead of a yellow one? Possible? Advantages of a blue book over a yellow one for me?

I have put down a deposit on a house for my tgf and I. I expect to make the final payment and move in around august this year........How should I set up a 30 year rental agreement? Can I do it and get it witnessed or a legal paper, I cant read thai so could be signing any thing?

You register a 30 year land lease and superficies for the house at the local land office. This will be recorded on the back of the title deed (chanote) at the land office .


Thanks for the input, a bit further down the route now. I know I cannot own land here and maybe that is why condos are so popular. We will get one chanoot for the house, a bit cheeky this but would it be possible to call the upstairs a condo, which I could lease for 30 years and get a blue book instead of a yellow one? Possible? Advantages of a blue book over a yellow one for me?

Claiming the house as a condo would not work because it would fail the stipulation that a significant majority of Thais must be in the condo building

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