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Suvarnabhumi Named Fifth Best Airport

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No your wrong, the poster has stated many of the bad experiences, encountered an Swampy. He knows about them, and like me he is not knocking Thai as Nisa said, telling him to go home if he doesn't like it here-get real.

If you are going to be blatantly dishonest about my postings why should anybody take you seriously?

Talking about Thai Society, Thai Culture, Thai Police, Thai Politics, Thai Corruption, Thai Crimes, BKK Airport and so on in a negative light as this poster has done TODAY on this and other threads is expressing negativeness towards Thai regardless if you want to debate about it being true or not.

As for telling him to go home .. you are just blatantly being untruthful.

Edit: as for 'many" I think he recounted 3 or 4 and I believe 2 of them were back in 2008 during the Yellow take over but my numbers could be off a little I didn't go back and look. And I think one of the others had to do with illegal taxi drivers that you find in most all big/tourist destination airports.

Nisa ...I dont tell lies nisa..........#116 last paragragh. you said ---you were telling him to go home....True or not... now am I being untruthful.

You are being either incredibly ignorant or not telling the truth and if you cannot see this there really is no sense in going on about this. Try to at least man up in this one instance to say you made a mistake instead of trying to perpetuate ignorance or dishonesty.

What I said was: "Every post I have seen by you has been negative towards Thailand and/or its people as a whole or specific groups or things within Thailand but you continue to remain here instead of going back to your home country or even another country. I am just perplexed by this."

This is not telling somebody to go home it clearly is telling somebody that I don't understand why they remain here and I explained myself in other posts to make it clear I was not suggesting he leave.

So, yes you are being dishonest ... and also have come to see you are another one that seems to use ThaiVisa as a place to push your negative comments about Thailand and I personally have yet to see one positive thing you posted as it pertains to Thailand. So, again I am a bit perplexed as to why somebody would remain here (if you are are) given the comments I regularly read from you about Thailand and its people.

Sorry if ive upset somone for being honest about the country I live in, and love, but being honest about the wrongs-IS BAD ??--so its back on topic for me

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Having gone through Atlanta, Chicago, LAX, Dallas and Denver numerous times I can say that comparably BKK is a breeze and the people are great. I can see why no US airports made the top 5. However, having also been through Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong numerous times I can see why Asian airports top the list. I would have a hard time saying which one of the Asian airports I found the best or worst but am not surprised at all about this report.

BKK is clearly the cheapest in general terms of goods and food sold in the airport but then again the same is true of Thailand as a whole. It also seems to have the most convenient options of for transportation our of the airport to your destination as well as easy pick-up and drop off of passengers by personal vehicles. I also like they have a number of computer terminals as well as TVs in the departure areas where there is always adequate seating. A negative is that international flights don't de-board at a gate but rather on the tarmac .. at least all the ones I have been on.

The bathrooms at Narita are the best as there is usually one toilet that has a seat warmer along with an automatic water Jet with disinfectant. Getting in and out and through immigration has got to go to Singapore but am sure that has more to do with arrival/departure times as I have also experienced times of no wait at BKK. As for the rest they all seem about equal here in Asia. I've never had the urge to hangout or go shopping at an airport and simply see them as a means to help getting from point A to point B and every large international airport for the most part has the same facilities available with some having an extra 1 or 2. However if I am early or delayed then it is nice to be able to have options available and I don't see any of them overtly lacking in this dept.


I was trying to find some info re: on-time departures figures for the big international airports but ran across this other survey done by a different group which rates BKK as being the 10th best airport in the world but I didn;t see what the criteria was based on. See: http://www.worldairp...Airport2010.htm

Also found a link with customer reviews with an overall rating of 7 out of 10 and the big complaint appearing to be immigration wait times. See: http://www.airlinequ...rum/bkk-suv.htm

What I couldn't find was any ratings for on-time departures that mentioned BKK but I did find a list of top and worst 5 for 2008. The best were all Asian except for Australia. The worst were all European except for China which ranked the worst


My personal experience tells me that as a frequent flier, I have never experienced a queue at Immigration Departures at any other major airport. Changi, PVG, HKG, etc etc. I may be just lucky, but that is my comparison.

At Golden Swamp, I always get stuck in a queue flying out in economy class. I expect this at Manila, or Calcutta, or other "lesser" airports, but not if the airport claims to be amongst the best in Asia or the best in the world.

At the depressing Heathrow, they do not even have immigration checks for departures, only spot checks.

Nevertheless, this wonderful survey has inspired me to invent an excuse to fly through DFW sometime, just so I can experience the superior customer service.......


My personal experience tells me that as a frequent flier, I have never experienced a queue at Immigration Departures at any other major airport. Changi, PVG, HKG, etc etc. I may be just lucky, but that is my comparison.

At Golden Swamp, I always get stuck in a queue flying out in economy class. I expect this at Manila, or Calcutta, or other "lesser" airports, but not if the airport claims to be amongst the best in Asia or the best in the world.

At the depressing Heathrow, they do not even have immigration checks for departures, only spot checks.

Nevertheless, this wonderful survey has inspired me to invent an excuse to fly through DFW sometime, just so I can experience the superior customer service.......

We have just had a very long post again that is not near the mark, but not your FAIR post bangon. the last poster before yours just repeats the same old thing and will never knock what is staring you in the face. I dont agree with the vote on the survey -it has never in my view been honest about the comforts facilities of the traveller. So to agree with this poster, we have to say. The food is first class not expensive,with so many choices, over and above seating for all, no immigration problems hardly, taxi ranks in line so arrivers form a queue and take the next one available, at a realistic fare, without paying a person at a desk 50 baht. security that prevents always hasslers and touts, Dutyfree that is really duty free and never above high street prices, short walks from arrivals and departures to and from gates. airport hotel at a super discount price. no confusion at arrivals meeting point , hotel rates counter sales in arrivals that are not double the reception rate at the said reception at the hotel, O.K. if my comments here are true as some believe. I rest my case. This airport is far from the worst-it could have a lot more going for it if these issues were addressed, the survey is over rated. and couldn,t have taken my true -and others experiences passing through here into consideration. Dont forget the survey is competing with the best in the world. I know I will get the same old comments like-not true--why do you live here if you dont like it here, you are always posting bad things about Thailand. So if you live here it is totally wrong to say anything about the system, and every true comment is not allowed.


On the Suvarnabhumi Airport Forum in TV, there are a number of posters who would beg to differ. Long queues at immigration, longer queues going out etc. etc.

Swampy is a beautiful airport no doubt about it, well done to the management staff for fixing and staying on top of all the original problems... does everyone know you can take your re-entry visa at a desk in immigration, just before check-out.... and Oh.... about those toilets..


My personal experience tells me that as a frequent flier, I have never experienced a queue at Immigration Departures at any other major airport. Changi, PVG, HKG, etc etc. I may be just lucky, but that is my comparison.

At Golden Swamp, I always get stuck in a queue flying out in economy class. I expect this at Manila, or Calcutta, or other "lesser" airports, but not if the airport claims to be amongst the best in Asia or the best in the world.

At the depressing Heathrow, they do not even have immigration checks for departures, only spot checks.

Nevertheless, this wonderful survey has inspired me to invent an excuse to fly through DFW sometime, just so I can experience the superior customer service.......

We have just had a very long post again that is not near the mark, but not your FAIR post bangon. the last poster before yours just repeats the same old thing and will never knock what is staring you in the face. I dont agree with the vote on the survey -it has never in my view been honest about the comforts facilities of the traveller. So to agree with this poster, we have to say. The food is first class not expensive,with so many choices, over and above seating for all, no immigration problems hardly, taxi ranks in line so arrivers form a queue and take the next one available, at a realistic fare, without paying a person at a desk 50 baht. security that prevents always hasslers and touts, Dutyfree that is really duty free and never above high street prices, short walks from arrivals and departures to and from gates. airport hotel at a super discount price. no confusion at arrivals meeting point , hotel rates counter sales in arrivals that are not double the reception rate at the said reception at the hotel, O.K. if my comments here are true as some believe. I rest my case. This airport is far from the worst-it could have a lot more going for it if these issues were addressed, the survey is over rated. and couldn,t have taken my true -and others experiences passing through here into consideration. Dont forget the survey is competing with the best in the world. I know I will get the same old comments like-not true--why do you live here if you dont like it here, you are always posting bad things about Thailand. So if you live here it is totally wrong to say anything about the system, and every true comment is not allowed.

Actually in the OP survey BKK is competing against the busiest airports (over 40 mill passengers a year) and not the best. Its ranking of 5 out of 13 is by no means "impressive" in my mind especially when you have to consider some of the other busiest airports in the world are Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver and JFK. Having to travel through busy airports in the US doesn't compare to traveling through most busy Asian airports. In my mind it makes perfect sense that the Asian airlines dominate the ratings (including the fact the airlines themselves rate the best) and again certainly not impressive that Bangkok is at the bottom end of busiest Asian airports and appears to have lost out to China where I believe 50% or more of the flights arrive and take off late.

Although I believe the OP survey is probably fairly on the mark one would have to wonder things such as what those being surveyed were comparing in terms of airport experience. In the US were only 30 something percent of people have a passport it would seem the majority of travelers would be rating these airports in consideration of other airports in the US. But this is an assumption because Airports Council International (ACI) doesn't appear to explain how the survey was conducted or what the questions were.


I fly a lot. And I see many, many airports. And Suvarnarbhumi is not amongst my favorites. For an airport, I want quick immigration lines, ease of getting to my gate, decent food choices, and good lounges. Only in lounges does Survarnarbhumi do well.

Flying in the morning to the Western Hemisphere isn't so bad, but flying to Europe/Africa/Middle East and night is horrendous. Only in Delhi have I seen it take so long to get through departure immigration. There is no excuse for that, as far as I am concerned. Luckily, I have gotten the FastTrack passes lately, but before that, on a recent trip to Austria, it took me almost two hours to get through immigration.

The European airports do the best at incoming immigration (Vienna being #1), with the US, Korea, Japan, and Singapore being close behind. For outgoing, the US doesn't even have any. It is done at the airline counter.

Even for large airports such a Atlanta, Chicago, Frankfurt, Inchon, Singapore, Los Angeles, it is fairly easy and quick to get to your gate. For Suvarnarbhumi, the distance can be huge.

For food, the US airports have all of the rest beat. The prices at most airports are the same as out in town, and the variety good. Dubai is pretty good, too, though, as is Hong Kong.

Another poster derided Manila. OK, it is pretty run-down looking. But immigration is faster, it is easy to get to the gate, and for Thai airways, at least, the lounge offers much better food. The huge downside to Manila is that it has three terminals quite far apart, and the so-called shuttles to get between the three are very few and far between. Disreputable taxi drivers know this and charge an arm-and-a-leg to take passengers between the terminals.

For me, the best laid-out large airport is Los Angeles. It doesn't look as good as Suvarnarbhumi, but what would you rather have, iconic looks or ease of travel?

Lagos, Delhi, and almost all of the Russian airports are far worse than Suvarnarbhumi, in my opinion, but at best, Suvarnarbhumi is middle-of-the-pack amongst the world's airports.


For outgoing, the US doesn't even have any. It is done at the airline counter.

Is this true for all nationalities? I know as a US Citizen they don't stamp my passport when I leave the country but assumed foreign visitors needed some kind of official look-over by immigration given the heightened security there in terms of keeping track of foreigners ... especially given the fact they finger print and take photos of every visitor and assuming the airlines don't have access to this database to ensure the person leaving is the person who arrived.


This means that Swampy is the 5th best airport in the world that handles over 40 million passnegers, correct? Christ on a bike, those from 6th place and below must be pretty awful. I'm sure the reason it reached over 40 million in 2010 was all the people who wanted to leave once the riots began.

One word - restaurants. After you've passed through immigration where are they? I spend half of my life at that place because of work and the immigration cues must be up amongst the top 5 worst in the world. Not to mention the smiley, happy, welcoming faces of the Immigration clerks at the arrivals desks. Behind the USA they have to be the most miserable and least welcoming!

Who votes for these things??

Hahaha - winkin blinkin and nod! Even clouds the colour of tar have a silver lining somewhere! Let's hear it for some bright kid's interpretation of this year's TAT statistics! :clap2: (It's a far better job than they can manage to do!)



For outgoing, the US doesn't even have any. It is done at the airline counter.

Is this true for all nationalities? I know as a US Citizen they don't stamp my passport when I leave the country but assumed foreign visitors needed some kind of official look-over by immigration given the heightened security there in terms of keeping track of foreigners ... especially given the fact they finger print and take photos of every visitor and assuming the airlines don't have access to this database to ensure the person leaving is the person who arrived.

Yes, even for foreign nationals.


My personal experience tells me that as a frequent flier, I have never experienced a queue at Immigration Departures at any other major airport. Changi, PVG, HKG, etc etc. I may be just lucky, but that is my comparison.

At Golden Swamp, I always get stuck in a queue flying out in economy class. I expect this at Manila, or Calcutta, or other "lesser" airports, but not if the airport claims to be amongst the best in Asia or the best in the world.

At the depressing Heathrow, they do not even have immigration checks for departures, only spot checks.

Nevertheless, this wonderful survey has inspired me to invent an excuse to fly through DFW sometime, just so I can experience the superior customer service.......

We have just had a very long post again that is not near the mark, but not your FAIR post bangon. the last poster before yours just repeats the same old thing and will never knock what is staring you in the face. I dont agree with the vote on the survey -it has never in my view been honest about the comforts facilities of the traveller. So to agree with this poster, we have to say. The food is first class not expensive,with so many choices, over and above seating for all, no immigration problems hardly, taxi ranks in line so arrivers form a queue and take the next one available, at a realistic fare, without paying a person at a desk 50 baht. security that prevents always hasslers and touts, Dutyfree that is really duty free and never above high street prices, short walks from arrivals and departures to and from gates. airport hotel at a super discount price. no confusion at arrivals meeting point , hotel rates counter sales in arrivals that are not double the reception rate at the said reception at the hotel, O.K. if my comments here are true as some believe. I rest my case. This airport is far from the worst-it could have a lot more going for it if these issues were addressed, the survey is over rated. and couldn,t have taken my true -and others experiences passing through here into consideration. Dont forget the survey is competing with the best in the world. I know I will get the same old comments like-not true--why do you live here if you dont like it here, you are always posting bad things about Thailand. So if you live here it is totally wrong to say anything about the system, and every true comment is not allowed.

Actually in the OP survey BKK is competing against the busiest airports (over 40 mill passengers a year) and not the best. Its ranking of 5 out of 13 is by no means "impressive" in my mind especially when you have to consider some of the other busiest airports in the world are Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver and JFK. Having to travel through busy airports in the US doesn't compare to traveling through most busy Asian airports. In my mind it makes perfect sense that the Asian airlines dominate the ratings (including the fact the airlines themselves rate the best) and again certainly not impressive that Bangkok is at the bottom end of busiest Asian airports and appears to have lost out to China where I believe 50% or more of the flights arrive and take off late.

Although I believe the OP survey is probably fairly on the mark one would have to wonder things such as what those being surveyed were comparing in terms of airport experience. In the US were only 30 something percent of people have a passport it would seem the majority of travelers would be rating these airports in consideration of other airports in the US. But this is an assumption because Airports Council International (ACI) doesn't appear to explain how the survey was conducted or what the questions were.

The 2 main things that aggrivate the posters, are what you put in your last paragraph summed that up-1-AIRPORT EXPERIENCE 2 -what were the questions put to the travellers ?----I dont know why some people dont get the problems I mentioned, I am looking at it in a way that if I was AOT I would address these issues. They are there. I could also add not very often at all it is Swamps fault for arrivals and departures being late, so I would not put the blame on the airport--more often than not its the late arrival of aircraft, that in turn makes its next departure late. Air Asia on my experience have a turn around time of 40 mins for medium sized aircraft-that does vary though.


Another great observation. Some forget that this forum is about expressing all views. Some of us really love living in Thailand, and really appreciate the people, for all of their seemingly odd ways of looking at life. Is that not part of what makes this place so charming?

I love living in Thailand, does that mean I am not allowed to rightly criticise this disgrace of an airport? Or are you saying anyone that criticises the airport doesn't love Thailand?

"Odd ways." What nonsense. Just another apology for corruption, poor service, criminality, racism and lazyness. Mai bpen rai is why Thailand will never advance beyond what it is now. Thailand's mentality is very much rooted in the Third World.

It can't be all that bad from a passenger view considering it is claimed in this survey to be doing better than most airports of its size.

I take any survey with a large pinch of salt.

I prefer to gauge based on my personal experience and the experiences of other more qualified travellers such as frequent travellers and expats.

It's no coincidence there are so many negative responses when the subject of Suvarnabhumi Airport comes up.

It's indicative.

There is nothing wrong with criticism, and we all have a right to it. My point was simply, that when that is all you have to offer, when your life becomes consumer with hating the place you live, and the people, then maybe it is time to move on. Many spend their entire existence criticizing this place. You are of course entitled to your opinion. But, this is a foreign culture, and we will never completely understand it. There is laziness everywhere. I too hate the corruption here. I too hate the ineffectiveness of the government. All I was saying is that there are positives here too.


Another great observation. Some forget that this forum is about expressing all views. Some of us really love living in Thailand, and really appreciate the people, for all of their seemingly odd ways of looking at life. Is that not part of what makes this place so charming?

I love living in Thailand, does that mean I am not allowed to rightly criticise this disgrace of an airport? Or are you saying anyone that criticises the airport doesn't love Thailand?

"Odd ways." What nonsense. Just another apology for corruption, poor service, criminality, racism and lazyness. Mai bpen rai is why Thailand will never advance beyond what it is now. Thailand's mentality is very much rooted in the Third World.

It can't be all that bad from a passenger view considering it is claimed in this survey to be doing better than most airports of its size.

I take any survey with a large pinch of salt.

I prefer to gauge based on my personal experience and the experiences of other more qualified travellers such as frequent travellers and expats.

It's no coincidence there are so many negative responses when the subject of Suvarnabhumi Airport comes up.

It's indicative.

Here are the other airports that typically rate as having more than 40 million passengers. Please let us know what horrible experiences you find at BKK that you don't find at the others.






Los Angeles


Dallas-Fort Worth





Hong Kong


JFK New York


Tangerang, Indonesia

Every post I have seen by you has been negative towards Thailand and/or its people as a whole or specific groups or things within Thailand but you continue to remain here instead of going back to your home country or even another country. I am just perplexed by this.

Me too. I am perplexed by anyone who is this constipated, and refuses to clean out his colon. Get a good laxative, for God's sake.


Here are the other airports that typically rate as having more than 40 million passengers. Please let us know what horrible experiences you find at BKK that you don't find at the others.

Happy to answer from personal experience.

I haven't been stuck in Cambodia for several days away from my business and family because a militant political group shut down any of those other airports. Nor have I had to return to those airports while they were being controlled by an armed paramilitary group to retrieve my car from the car park under threatening and unacceptable circumstances.

I haven't been approached by unlicensed taxi drivers at any of the others.

I haven't been a victim of an attempted scam by men in uniform posing as Police trying to extort money from me for excess Duty Free which I did not have at any of the others.

Indeed, I haven't been treated as badly at any other airport, regardless of size or modernity.

The shut down of the airport was a number of years ago and has nothing to do with the way the airport is run. (This report covered 2010 -- not 2008)

Theft and scams are at every airport and like at other airports of this size they reach a point when something is finally done to address these problems as has been done at BKK.

I have been to many of the airports on this list and you obviously haven't been to any of the ones in the US if you want to talk about being treated badly by staff.

Do a search for just about any airport I listed above and you will find scams happen at them all as for unlicensed taxis ... get a grip they are in every country and airport.

I too can talk about incidents at all the other airports of mentally challenged passengers getting tasered by police, mafia running luggage theft rings, flight attendants having a break down swearing at passengers before opening emergency exists, passengers being refused boarding for spending too much time in a lounge, airlines putting children flying alone on wrong flights, children getting kidnapped or molested and so on and so fourth but the point I was trying to make is you really may want to look inward in terms of your need to complain about everything Thai but remaining here.

Bottom line is BKK is easy to get in and out of. Flights are usually on time. Taxis are easy to catch and the airport takes accountability of taxi safety. There are numerous ways to get to BKK airport as well as getting transportation to your final destination (buses, train, taxi, limo, rental cars...). Luggage always seem to come off the plane quicker than any airport of its size I have been to. The airport is laid out in a very nice fashion with numerous shops and eateries. It has smoking rooms. It is clean. The staff are always courteous and helpful, it is new and modern, you don't need to take a tram to get to any place within the airport, things are organized in terms of handling the passengers, i never see people getting singled out randomly for "advanced screening" and over all the security process is not intrusive ... just to to name a few things.

The immigration lines are sometimes long when numerous international flight arrive/depart at similar times but if you look it is rarely ever because they have built a lack of immigration check point stands but the fact that immigration is not staffed properly (not sure the airport has much say in that) but where are immigrations lines short at a hugely popular international tourist final destination? .I have read about scams at BKK such as involving some or one of the shops at the airports accusing people of shoplifting but these reports also seem to be a think of the past.

Exactly, when is the last time you have dealt with the TSA? They are buttheads, with attitude. No respect. No dignity. Just power, and the expression of power. It is a nearly useless organization, searching for the next Richard Reed. He is not out there. There are other methods what may be used. The entire experience in the US now is pretty sour. Americans are trying to come to terms with their diminishing presence in the world, and having a very hard time with it.


Here are the other airports that typically rate as having more than 40 million passengers. Please let us know what horrible experiences you find at BKK that you don't find at the others.

Happy to answer from personal experience.

I haven't been stuck in Cambodia for several days away from my business and family because a militant political group shut down any of those other airports. Nor have I had to return to those airports while they were being controlled by an armed paramilitary group to retrieve my car from the car park under threatening and unacceptable circumstances.

I haven't been approached by unlicensed taxi drivers at any of the others.

I haven't been a victim of an attempted scam by men in uniform posing as Police trying to extort money from me for excess Duty Free which I did not have at any of the others.

Indeed, I haven't been treated as badly at any other airport, regardless of size or modernity.

The shut down of the airport was a number of years ago and has nothing to do with the way the airport is run. (This report covered 2010 -- not 2008)

Theft and scams are at every airport and like at other airports of this size they reach a point when something is finally done to address these problems as has been done at BKK.

I have been to many of the airports on this list and you obviously haven't been to any of the ones in the US if you want to talk about being treated badly by staff.

Do a search for just about any airport I listed above and you will find scams happen at them all as for unlicensed taxis ... get a grip they are in every country and airport.

I too can talk about incidents at all the other airports of mentally challenged passengers getting tasered by police, mafia running luggage theft rings, flight attendants having a break down swearing at passengers before opening emergency exists, passengers being refused boarding for spending too much time in a lounge, airlines putting children flying alone on wrong flights, children getting kidnapped or molested and so on and so fourth but the point I was trying to make is you really may want to look inward in terms of your need to complain about everything Thai but remaining here.

Bottom line is BKK is easy to get in and out of. Flights are usually on time. Taxis are easy to catch and the airport takes accountability of taxi safety. There are numerous ways to get to BKK airport as well as getting transportation to your final destination (buses, train, taxi, limo, rental cars...). Luggage always seem to come off the plane quicker than any airport of its size I have been to. The airport is laid out in a very nice fashion with numerous shops and eateries. It has smoking rooms. It is clean. The staff are always courteous and helpful, it is new and modern, you don't need to take a tram to get to any place within the airport, things are organized in terms of handling the passengers, i never see people getting singled out randomly for "advanced screening" and over all the security process is not intrusive ... just to to name a few things.

The immigration lines are sometimes long when numerous international flight arrive/depart at similar times but if you look it is rarely ever because they have built a lack of immigration check point stands but the fact that immigration is not staffed properly (not sure the airport has much say in that) but where are immigrations lines short at a hugely popular international tourist final destination? .I have read about scams at BKK such as involving some or one of the shops at the airports accusing people of shoplifting but these reports also seem to be a think of the past.

Exactly, when is the last time you have dealt with the TSA? They are buttheads, with attitude. No respect. No dignity. Just power, and the expression of power. It is a nearly useless organization, searching for the next Richard Reed. He is not out there. There are other methods what may be used. The entire experience in the US now is pretty sour. Americans are trying to come to terms with their diminishing presence in the world, and having a very hard time with it.

Considering the nationwide revolt that took place last year regarding airport security in the US it is not much of a surprise these airports didn't make the top of the list.


Here are the other airports that typically rate as having more than 40 million passengers. Please let us know what horrible experiences you find at BKK that you don't find at the others.






Los Angeles


Dallas-Fort Worth





Hong Kong


JFK New York


Tangerang, Indonesia

Every post I have seen by you has been negative towards Thailand and/or its people as a whole or specific groups or things within Thailand but you continue to remain here instead of going back to your home country or even another country. I am just perplexed by this.

I know that this wasn't addressed to me, but having flown into and out of all of these except for two, Suvarnabhumi is the absolute worst as far as immigration, especially the outgoing. And even if you write that this is a government issue, not an airport issue, it still affects the passenger experience.

Most of the above also have better food and at better prices, and it is easier to get around in most of them.

Suvarnabhumi was much worse, actually, before they moved the security to after check-in or immigration from where they used to be at the gates. People who didn't know better would rush to find their gates, and having already gone through security, would have to sit on plastic chairs with nothing to do until boarding.

Despite my lack of affection for Suvarnabhumi, that is no reflection on my feelings for Thailand, and my comments are not anti-Thai. There are some very nice airports in the world which service areas where I would not choose to live. I wish Suvarnabhumi was a better airport, but I am not going to leave Thailand based on that opinion.


Worst airports in the world that I have been to.

Heathrow ( I prefer Gatwick)

CDG, how can Paris France have such a disaster of an airport? I mean come on, its Paris, Eiffel tower, Louis Vuitton, CDG airport?

The airports in India, no need to comment if anyone has been there.

Moscow, Ouch.

LAX (Bradley international terminal) my hometown airport, the infrastructure is there, its just not designed for passenger comfort. Just efficient get in and get out that's it. Duty free there is a ripoff. Better to just buy from Costco or Wallmart and pay the sales tax.

Hanoi, Vietnam Its more like a bus station than an airport.


Here are the other airports that typically rate as having more than 40 million passengers. Please let us know what horrible experiences you find at BKK that you don't find at the others.






Los Angeles


Dallas-Fort Worth





Hong Kong


JFK New York


Tangerang, Indonesia

Every post I have seen by you has been negative towards Thailand and/or its people as a whole or specific groups or things within Thailand but you continue to remain here instead of going back to your home country or even another country. I am just perplexed by this.

I know that this wasn't addressed to me, but having flown into and out of all of these except for two, Suvarnabhumi is the absolute worst as far as immigration, especially the outgoing. And even if you write that this is a government issue, not an airport issue, it still affects the passenger experience.

Most of the above also have better food and at better prices, and it is easier to get around in most of them.

I have been to the majority of these too and think you need to reconsider prices for food being better at most other places ... as for quality/taste that is largely a personal opinion and respect yours.

The times I have been stuck in immigration lines at BKK compared to other places there is no doubt BKK has issues in this area and without a doubt can make the entire airport experience feel negative. But as I mentioned earlier, I doubt immigration lines had much of an impact on those surveyed since they make up a minority of travelers at airports.

I originally also questioned if this was a government issue as opposed to the airport but if the survey is considering overall experience that I do believe it is applicable to international travelers just as TSA in the US had to relate to overall experience as well as flight delays. But again, we don't have a clue what questions were asked on this survey but I would bet the vast majority of those questioned at BKK didn't have to go through the immigration lines as the vast majority of Thai Visa members have.


Here are the other airports that typically rate as having more than 40 million passengers. Please let us know what horrible experiences you find at BKK that you don't find at the others.






Los Angeles


Dallas-Fort Worth





Hong Kong


JFK New York


Tangerang, Indonesia

Every post I have seen by you has been negative towards Thailand and/or its people as a whole or specific groups or things within Thailand but you continue to remain here instead of going back to your home country or even another country. I am just perplexed by this.

I know that this wasn't addressed to me, but having flown into and out of all of these except for two, Suvarnabhumi is the absolute worst as far as immigration, especially the outgoing. And even if you write that this is a government issue, not an airport issue, it still affects the passenger experience.

Most of the above also have better food and at better prices, and it is easier to get around in most of them.

I have been to the majority of these too and think you need to reconsider prices for food being better at most other places ... as for quality/taste that is largely a personal opinion and respect yours.

The times I have been stuck in immigration lines at BKK compared to other places there is no doubt BKK has issues in this area and without a doubt can make the entire airport experience feel negative. But as I mentioned earlier, I doubt immigration lines had much of an impact on those surveyed since they make up a minority of travelers at airports.

I originally also questioned if this was a government issue as opposed to the airport but if the survey is considering overall experience that I do believe it is applicable to international travelers just as TSA in the US had to relate to overall experience as well as flight delays. But again, we don't have a clue what questions were asked on this survey but I would bet the vast majority of those questioned at BKK didn't have to go through the immigration lines as the vast majority of Thai Visa members have.

Thai visa members/readers or not-if the survey were arrivees, apart from domestic-To my mind and I cannot believe different ALL persons on International flights (not a few in transit) will HAVE to go through the Immigration security.


In 2010 BKK had about 30M international passengers and 10M domestic passengers indicating to me that about 75% of the passengers go through immigration.


As I said before (not sure why deleted) .. thanks for the correction on my incorrect assumption.

Given the size and economy of Thailand this actually does make sense.


The airports in India, no need to comment if anyone has been there.

Moscow, Ouch.

You hit the nail on the head on those, for sure.


Here are the other airports that typically rate as having more than 40 million passengers. Please let us know what horrible experiences you find at BKK that you don't find at the others.






Los Angeles


Dallas-Fort Worth





Hong Kong


JFK New York


Tangerang, Indonesia

Every post I have seen by you has been negative towards Thailand and/or its people as a whole or specific groups or things within Thailand but you continue to remain here instead of going back to your home country or even another country. I am just perplexed by this.

I know that this wasn't addressed to me, but having flown into and out of all of these except for two, Suvarnabhumi is the absolute worst as far as immigration, especially the outgoing. And even if you write that this is a government issue, not an airport issue, it still affects the passenger experience.

Most of the above also have better food and at better prices, and it is easier to get around in most of them.

I have been to the majority of these too and think you need to reconsider prices for food being better at most other places ... as for quality/taste that is largely a personal opinion and respect yours.

The times I have been stuck in immigration lines at BKK compared to other places there is no doubt BKK has issues in this area and without a doubt can make the entire airport experience feel negative. But as I mentioned earlier, I doubt immigration lines had much of an impact on those surveyed since they make up a minority of travelers at airports.

I originally also questioned if this was a government issue as opposed to the airport but if the survey is considering overall experience that I do believe it is applicable to international travelers just as TSA in the US had to relate to overall experience as well as flight delays. But again, we don't have a clue what questions were asked on this survey but I would bet the vast majority of those questioned at BKK didn't have to go through the immigration lines as the vast majority of Thai Visa members have.

Except for JFK, all the US airports listed here offer food at reasonable prices and with a far greater variety. I think the price is due to agreements with the municipalities making sure there is no price-gouging. JFK is high, unless you count McDonalds. But take Chicago, for example. You can get a great Chicago dog for $2.75, the same price as at the local restaurants. Frankfurt's choice is a little limited for me, but the prices aren't too bad. Hong Kong's prices are OK. I didn't order anything in London, so I don't know. Same for Paris.

Suvarnabhumi's food choices are limited and the prices high. If nothing else, check the prices for a Whopper at Burger King, or the breakfast meals at the little cafes in the middle of teh aisles.

TSA in the US does a much better job of managing the security flow than the security lines in Bangkok. And US immigration is much faster, and has been noted, is only upon incoming. Only customs can be a hassle as they check their quota of incoming passengers while at Suvarnabhumi, they check only a handful of passengers by running their bags through the x-ray.


Sort out immigration lines and the experience will get 10 times better. Whether it is AOT or government I don't give a stuff. I can handle the uncomfortable seats, I can handle the King Power rip off, and all the other petty stuff, but standing around like that on a business trip or with the family is a pain.

I wonder, do they still have the A4 paper, office printed signs saying "No entry" sellotaped to the glass doors on the booths at immigration coming in.

I always thought that was a very nice touch as a first impression of landing in Thailand.


Sort out immigration lines and the experience will get 10 times better.

Not sure you will get any argument from anybody on this.


Sort out immigration lines and the experience will get 10 times better.

Not sure you will get any argument from anybody on this.

Well, I hope someone is listening.

Business travelers in the region have only a couple of hours either way, and the whole bottle neck in the travelling experience is immigration. I have nearly missed flights on business catching early to mid morning flights within the region.

However, as a tourist, I have never managed to get through immigration with my kids (leaving Thailand for Europe on late evening flights) in less than an hour. If I was on my "once in a lifetime" holiday trip from Europe with family in tow, the LAST thing I want to do is stand around with young kids waiting for a simple stamp.

I can just see it now.

"How was your holiday?"

"Oh fantastic, but the airport was terrible, the kids were fine until we got stuck in the queue at Bangkok immigration, the place was packed, but half the desks were empty, it was hot, it took forever, why can't they make it quicker". bla bla bla


Except for JFK, all the US airports listed here offer food at reasonable prices and with a far greater variety. I think the price is due to agreements with the municipalities making sure there is no price-gouging. JFK is high, unless you count McDonalds. But take Chicago, for example. You can get a great Chicago dog for $2.75, the same price as at the local restaurants. Frankfurt's choice is a little limited for me, but the prices aren't too bad. Hong Kong's prices are OK. I didn't order anything in London, so I don't know. Same for Paris.

Suvarnabhumi's food choices are limited and the prices high. If nothing else, check the prices for a Whopper at Burger King, or the breakfast meals at the little cafes in the middle of teh aisles.

TSA in the US does a much better job of managing the security flow than the security lines in Bangkok. And US immigration is much faster, and has been noted, is only upon incoming. Only customs can be a hassle as they check their quota of incoming passengers while at Suvarnabhumi, they check only a handful of passengers by running their bags through the x-ray.

I would still only disagree about prices ... which by the way I was not originally comparing the airport price to local prices but airport to airport prices where I still believe BKK is going to be the overall lowest compared to the others on this list. As for US prices, not going to get into the cost of a hot dog in Chicago, but it is very well understood you will pay considerably more for goods and services in an airport than outside one in the US. I don't make a habit of comparing food prices this way as I just accept prices are higher but having spend many a day stuck at LAX I can tell you that the prices there are often 50% to twice as much as outside and I am not talking in general terms for a burger but in terms of chains operating inside the airport such as McDonalds. I've eaten at ORD a number of times (love Chi Pizza) and never noticed the prices not being what is considered typical inflated airport prices and would be surprised if they were the same as outside the airport given the costs associated with having a shop in an airport of this size ... but again never have thoughtfully compared and just accept I will pay more at the airports over the local prices.

In my personal experience I find BKK considerably much more friendly, easier to get around (no trams, 1 building), and easier to get into and out of than the US airports handling similar passenger numbers. Immigration lines are LONG but less intrusive than going through TSA which also can take a long time. As for other similar Asian Airports it rates on the bottom in my opinion.

Bottom line is we still have no idea what questions were asked to those polled at the airport or who did the polling and if they were even allowed past immigration.


All those that don't like BKK get on a flight to Manila, when you return you will kiss the ground.

Can't hold a candle to Zia International Airport; Dhaka, Bangladesh :cheesy:

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